DC Quiz

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In RMI, the objects are passed by ______________

a. Value
b. Reference
c. Value and Reference
d. object
2. RPC (Remote Procedure call) is initiated by the ____________
a. Server
b. Client
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b
3. In distributed systems, a logical clock is associated with ______________
a) each instruction b) each process c) each register d) none of the mentioned
4. Which one is true in terms of Mutual exclusion:
a) if one process is in critical region others are excluded b) prevents deadlock c)
requires semaphores to implement d) is found only in the Windows NT operating
5. What are not the characteristics of a DFS?
a) login transparency and access transparency b) Files need not contain information
about their physical location c) No Multiplicity of users d) No Multiplicity if
6. What are characteristic of a DFS?
a) Fault tolerance b) Scalability c) Heterogeneity of the system d) Upgradation
7. A transaction that has not been completed successfully is called as _______
(A) Aborted transaction (B) Active transaction (C) Partially committed transaction
(D) None of above
8. What are the ACID Properties of transaction?
(A) Atomicity, Consistency, Inconsistent, Durability
(B) Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability
(C) Atomicity, Consistency, Inconsistent, Database
(D) Automatically, Consistency, Inconsistent, Durability
9. The “all-or-none” property is commonly known as
(A) Isolation (B) Durability (C) Atomicity (D) None of above
10. In which type of transaction structure where the transactions not allowed to be nested?
(A) Flat transaction
(B) Nested transaction
(C) Both flat and nested transactions
(D) None of the above
11. Which programming paradigm is commonly used for message passing in
distributed computing?
a) Procedural programming
b) Object-oriented programming
c) Functional programming
d) Event-driven programming
12. Which protocol is commonly used for message passing in distributed computing
over TCP/IP networks?
b) UDP
d) MPI
13. What is a key characteristic of a distributed file system compared to a traditional
file system?
a) Centralized storage
b) Limited scalability
c) Fault tolerance
d) Low network bandwidth
14. Which component of a distributed file system is responsible for storing and
retrieving files?
a) File server
b) Network switch
c) Router
d) Client node
15. Which algorithm is commonly used for clock synchronization in distributed
a) Bellman-Ford algorithm
b) Dijkstra's algorithm
c) Lamport's logical clock algorithm
d) Cristian's algorithm
16. Which election algorithm ensures that the node with the highest priority is elected
as the leader?
a) Ring algorithm
b) Bully algorithm
c) Flooding algorithm
d) Token Ring algorithm
17. What does the two-phase commit protocol ensure in distributed transactions?
a) Atomicity
b) Consistency
c) Isolation
d) Durability
18. Which concurrency control technique uses timestamps to order transactions and
resolve conflicts?
a) Two-phase locking
b) Timestamp ordering
c) Optimistic concurrency control
d) Serializable schedule
19. What is a limitation of nested transactions in distributed systems?
a) High network latency
b) Increased complexity in transaction management
c) Limited support for distributed databases
d) Inability to handle concurrent access to shared resources
20. What is a limitation of centralized locking in distributed computing?
a) High network latency
b) Increased risk of deadlocks
c) Single point of failure
d) Inability to handle concurrent access to shared resources

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