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Maths Rev 1

1. Write eighty-six thousand and five in numerals

Ans: ________________________

2. Write 53 900 in words


3. Fill in the blanks:

a) 10 000 more than 26 542 is _______________
b) __________________ 4000 less than 80 023
c) 13 901 = 10000 + ________________ +900 + 1

4. Circle the greater number

a) 12 630 or 8263
b) 45 200 or 45 946

5. Circle the smaller number

a) 8563 or 48200
b) 67 186 or 67 245

6. Arrange these numbers in order. Begin with the smallest.

8654 56 207 68 643 56719


7. Complete the number patterns.

a)11 500, 11 000, 10 500, ____________, _____________, __________

b) 27 852, 29 853, _______________, 33855, 35 856

8. Round off each number to the nearest ten

a) 79 = ________

b) 6193 = _________

c) 25 995 = ________

9. Round off to the nearest hundred

a) 846 = ________

b) 9972 = _______

c) 49 825 = ______

10. Round off each number to the nearest thousand

a) 2481 = ______

b) 9703 = _______

c) 52 375 = ______
11. Write > or < in the box provided

a) 6892 8629

b)20 020 20 002

12. Find the missing numbers

a) _____________ + 165 = 865

b) 630 - ___________ = 400

c) ___________ + 400 = 657

d) ___________ - 180 = 600

13. Add the following:

a) 51 364 + 47 012 = _____________

b) 19 388 + 62 653 = _____________

14. Subtract the following:

a) 91 854 – 30 431 = ______________

b) 70 210 – 46 431 = _____________

15. Multiply the following:

a) 75 x 4 = _________

b) 146 x 5 = _________

16. Divide the following

a) 348 divide 3 = __________

b) 589 divide 6 = ________

17. Stall A sold 3675 ketupats Hari Raya Aidil Fitri.

Stall B sold 1249 ketupats fewer than Stall A.

a) How many ketupats did Stall B sell?


b) How many ketupats did both stall sell altogether?

18. Sarah had 3246 stamps.
Her father gave her 1085 stamps more. She gave away 1236 stamps.
How many stamps did Sarah have left?

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