BLS Dictionary

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-A- aklash music (noun) SV

âdhn- leave, abandon (v) RE akul chest, torso (noun) LOS

âdhûn alone (adj) RE akr- drink (verb) LOS

aan sun (noun) LOS (<Quenya anar) akrum drink (noun, as in an alcoholic drink) LOS

aanash dawn (verb) RE akrûrz drunk (adj) LOS

aanud South RE akûl ice, glacier (noun) SV

aanug morning RE alai animal SV

aaps meat (noun) LOS (<Quenya apsa) amal where (relative) EL [where the shadows . .
aar early (adv) LOS (<Quenya arinya)
amat why (relative) LOS [explain why you did
aarsh day (noun) LOS that]

aaraarsh morning (= dawn) LOS âmbal pretty (adj) SV

aarshlût yesterday (n) LOS amol how (relative) LOS [he told me how to do
aarshu tomorrow (n) LOS
amirz who (relative) LOS [the person who . . . ]
aarûrz soon (adj) LOS
amub more than RE
aath dog LOS
amubnar 'as soon as' (coll expr) RE ( 'not more than'
af- throw, cast (verb) LOS
amukh when (relative) LOS [when we were . . .]
agh and TK
âmul calm (adj) SV
agon twilight, dusk (noun) SV
amut which (relative) LOS [the knife, which I
ak- cut or stab (verb) LOS (<Quenya ecet, broke . . .]
“short stabbing sword”)
ana edge (edge of an object) SV
akash half LOS
aandar mystery (noun) < SV
akashuga hobbit, "halfling" (noun) LOS (< ak + ash
+ uga, = one who was cut in half)
aandartûrz mysterious (adj) < SV
akashuga-hai hobbit-people LOS
ânghâsh anvil (noun) RE
akh, akh- 1. yes 2. agree (verb) LOS
ângh- forge (verb) RE
akhoth "Yes, Sir!" (said to a superior officer in the
orc army) aanghum forge (noun) LOS (<RE)

akhum agreement (noun) LOS aquu- bribe (verb) LOS

aquum bribe (noun) LOS

ar nut (noun) SV ba- lock (verb) SV

arkû ever LOS baab pipe (noun) RE

arth artisan SV baabghûd pipeweed (noun) RE

ash one TK baal- breed (verb) LOS

ash- start, begin (v) RE baalum breed (noun) LOS

ashbazg rather SV baalak half-breed (n) LOS

ashdurbûk despotism SV baak shame, embarrassment (n) MB

ashpar rugged (adj) SV bârzuga finished (past part) SV

ashrokil breakfast SV baduzg- reveal, show (verb) LOS

asht skeleton, bone SV badz an opening (noun) RE

ashûk alone (adj) SV badz- open (verb) RE

âshûrz first (ordinal) < SV badzûrz open (adj) RE

asr knot (noun) SV bag excrement or dung (noun) TK

atâr fact SV baga poison (n) SV

atîg over there (loc.) < SV bagronk 1. dung-pit (noun) TK 2. cess-pool,

(noun) TK (DBS)
atish container (noun) SV
bagûrz poisonous (adj) < SV
atish- keep (verb) SV
bai danger (noun) MB
ats- catch (verb) LOS (< Quenya, atsa)
baiark clan (coll noun) SV
aurok mortar (n) SV
baiûrz dangerous (adj) (used to describe a
auru few (adj) LOS situation, not person ) LOS

âvul steam, fumes SV bak shock (noun) SV

az- kill (verb) (LOS) bak- shock (verb) SV

Azog PN an orc-leader of Moria (LOTR III p441; balt marsh (n) SV

TH (not 1st edition))
(therefore, Azog means “Man-killer,” Azat banôs farm (n) SV
+ ogh, man)
bar grass (noun) SV
barash- crush (verb) SV
ba lock (noun) SV
barkh curve; arch (n) SV
bartaas roar, yell (noun) SV bloz soot (n) SV

bartaas- roar, yell (verb) SV blûg grain, seed, corn (n) SV

barz throat (n) MB blûg- grind (verb) SV

bash regular (n) SV bo, -bo off (prep) RE

bashkaum alliance (coll noun) SV bok wine jar (n) SV

bashkuga allied (past part) SV bolb catastrophe, disaster (n) SV

batar shower, squall SV Bolg PN an orc-leader (son of Azog), slain by

Beorn (TH p293) ("Bloodthirsty") SV
baug fork (n) SV
bolk- need (v) RE
baush tail (noun) SV
bolkum need (n) RE (= lack of)
bauz- shoot (verb) SV
bos cult (cooo noun) SV
bazg- reach (verb) SV
boshok highlands (n) SV
bhadûr a change (noun) RE, to change (verb) RE
bot world, clay SV
bhoghad all right, very well, okay RE
brish sheep (n) < SV
bhraf smoke (noun) (< MB bhrev)
brishzel would (subj. verb) < SV
bhraf- smoke (verb) MB
brî horn (n) SV
bhûl- accept (verb) LOS
brîz horny (adj) LOS < SV
bidroi revenge (noun) LOS 7N
brodh 1. pine, 2. needle (n) SV
bîshûk heath, moor SV
brogb- like, fancy, favor (v) RE
blagh boring (adj) SV
brogbûrzum favorite (n) RE
blâghor fold (n) RE
brogud nibble, small bite (noun) SV
blâghorsha complex (n) RE
brogud- take a small bite, gnaw (verb) SV
blâghorsh- complicate (v) RE
brosh hey (greeting, interjection) SV
blâghorshûrz complex (adj) RE
broshan welcome (noun) SV
blâghorshuga complicated (past part) RE
broshn- welcome (verb) SV
blaaghr- fold (v) RE
broz belt, zone SV
blord- weep (verb) LOS
bruk collar, cowl SV
blotaz birch (n) SV
brumug grumble, complaint (noun) RE bûf loss, defeat MB

brumg- grumble (v) RE bûkasî agriculture SV

brun group of people, committee (collective burûrz heavy (note difference btw bûrz, dark)
noun) MB LOS

brus- have (verb) LOS bûrgulu shadows (noun, plural) EL

brûf insect, ant MB (< MB brûv) bûrz dark (adj) TK, 2. night (noun) AA

bug opposite, opponent MB burzash balance (n) SV

bugd- call (verb) LL bûrzum darkness (noun) TK

bugduga named (past part) RE bûsh chair, seat (noun) LOS

bugh root, origin MB bûshn- mix, muddle up (vrb) MB

bughnrakh potato SV bûshnûrz mixed up (adj) LOS

bugab contradiction (n) SV bûshum mixture (noun) LOS

bugb- contradict (v) SV bûsn scattered (past part., adj) SV

bugnakh fracture SV bûth chance, opportunity LOS

bugud name (noun) RE bûzog mess (n) RE

bukoi civil (adj) RE < bukot + goi buthagh- annoy (pester, bother) (v) SV

bukol thin (adj) SV buz streak, stripe SV

bukot peace (n) SV -D-

bukra clan, gang, "lot" (n) SV dâg child < SV

bulmos spice SV dâgal childhood SV

bum drumbeat, loud sound MB dâgalûr demon SV

bumbullaum thunder (n) SV dâl 1. still (conj) RE; 2. plane (flat area) LOS
(< MB dal)
bun angle, corner (n) MB
daalt table LOS (= large table for eating)
bungo dent (n) SV
dâr house, hut SV
bur weight (also, measure of weight) MB
daash still LOS
bûb pig (noun) (DBS) TK
dabg- deport (v) SV
bûbhosh 1. pig-guts TK, 2. great TK
dafr- party, carouse (verb) SV
dafrim sport (noun) SV dhak ceremony (noun) LOS (positive, e.g.,
coronation or promotion)
dafrum party (noun) < SV
dhaub agony SV
dardt standard (noun) SV
dhaub- agonize (verb) SV
dagam bûrz fat (adj) < SV
dhît fraction SV
dagrî goat SV
-dhog near, next to (prep) LOS
dagronk door SV
dhognûrz far (adj) < RE
dahâmab tusk, incisor SV
dhurz because (conj) LOS
dakg- disembowel (verb) SV
dhûl- sleep (verb) LOS
dalg- rid, clear out, remove (verb) LOS
dhûrum secret (noun) LOS
dalgum garbage, trash (noun) LOS
dhûr- confess (verb) RE
dalug-hai rabble, gang (coll noun) RE
dhûrz secret (adj) LOS
dangh- punish (verb) SV
dhûzud just (conj) RE
danghum punishment (n) < SV
diis- attack (verb) LOS
darg blunt (adj) LOS
diisum attack (noun) LOS
darg- send (verb) SV
dik- capture (verb) LOS
dargum ambassador, emissary SV
dob field (n) SV
darug sent (past part.) SV
dolpan fox (n) SV
darûk ingratiating fool, hypocrite, Wormtongue
SV dolpan bull (n) SV

darûkûrz silly, weak (adj) SV doraz gate (n) SV

dath conservative (adj) SV dorozg- capitulate, surrender (verb) SV

daul drum (noun) SV dorût cattle, livestock SV

dauman winter SV dot sea, ocean SV

daur cage (noun) LOS drau- shine, gleam (verb) SV

dhaar rank, grade, status (e.g., Army rank) (noun) draug coin (noun) LOS
dursh bridge (noun) LOS
dhaaryonk promotion (noun) LOS
draagh hammer (noun) RE
draagh- 1. build, construct; 2. demolish, knock dushak oak SV
down (verb) RE
dushatâr wizard, magician, sorcerer SV
drît straight, honest, absolute (adj) SV
Dushgoi PN Minas Morgul (SD) TK
dromdas nervous (adj) SV
Dushgoizagh Morgul Pass (PN) AA
drû timber, wood (not forest) SV
dushtala storm SV
drûsh- drown (bv) SV
dushum spell (noun) LOS
drûth bush (n) SV
dushûrz magical (adjective) LOS
du- charge (verb) (army maneuvre) LOS
duughord produce (n) RE
duf knife (noun) LOS
duughord- produce (v) RE
dulg- point (verb) LOS <RE
dûnud stretch (n) RE
dulug 1. point (noun) 2. weapon (noun) RE
dûndr- stretch (v) RE
dum charge, responsibility, duty (noun) LOS
dûndrogh- extend (v) RE
dumûl quick (adj) RE
dûndroghuga extended (past part) RE
dumûlarz quickly (adv) < RE dumûl
duurfit- have luck (v) RE (duurun + fitg)
dûl wax (n) SV
dûth- polish, clean (verb) MB
dûmp- doom (verb) EL
duz- sit (v) RE
dur large, big (adj) LOS
durb- rule (verb) TK
faal beach, shore (noun) LOS (<Quenya falas)
durb-artha masterpiece SV
faash accident (noun) LOS
durbûrz strong, mighty (adj) LOS
faasharz accidentally (adverb) LOS
durubârz 'as a rule', 'per rules' (idiomatic expr) RE
fakhthal butcher (noun) < SV
durgaz size (n) RE
fal- charm (verb) SV
durub ruler (noun) EL
chance falgashud ( = bone toss) ( = probability)
durlob female ruler (noun) LOS RE

durt certain, sure (adj) LOS faltor temple SV

dush (probably means sorcery) (noun) TK, AA falum charm (noun) SV

dush- to make magic, to cast a spell on someone farghat jump SV

(verb) LOS
farkh left (adj) < SV flogr- sleep(v) RE <SV

farmak lizard SV flok hair (n) SV

fatoft depressing, dismal (adj) SV flokolgûl- 'give the creeps to' (verb) RE (hair + walk
+ ghoul)
fauldush ivory, marble SV
flûst celebrate (verb)(as in, evil deed or victory)
faus manor (n) SV LOS

fauth- 1. lie hidden, hide (verb) EL, 2. wait RE fogl- dig, excavate (verb) (< MB fegl)

fauthûrz hidden (adj) LOS fogl spade (n) < SV< MB

fîg- humiliate(v) SV fol whole (adj) RE

fîgû insult (n) SV folok hoard (noun) LOS 7N

fîgûrz humiliating (adj) SV folk- hoard (verb) LOS 7N

fiil bird (noun) LOS (<Quenya filik) forzunk thorn SV

fiim 1. youth, young age (noun) 2. youngster foshân baby SV

LOS (< Quenya vinya)
fotak fanaticism (n) SV
fiin new (adj) LOS (< Quenya vinya)
fotkûrz fanatical (adj) < SV
fiimûrz young (adj) LOS
foz egg (n) < SV
fiith- hold (verb) LOS
fra foot (n) < SV
fik bad (adj) LOS (< Quenya feg, bad)
fraatûrz tired, weary (adj) < SV
fil 1. cave (noun) LOS (< Quenya felya), 2.
crack (n) RE frangîz syphilis et al SV

fitg- win (v) SV frapog march (v) < SV

fitum winner (n) < SV frau pause (n) < SV

fkha massive (adj) < SV frau- pause (v) < SV

flâgît idiot (n) SV fraut- rest, sit down (v) < SV

flaguz monster (n) SV friib bladder, blister (n) SV

flak chest, box (noun) LOS frîghat swell(v) RE <SV

flakas sling (n) RE <SV frûm mind, spirit (n) SV

flaks- sling (verb) RE <SV frûshkul bullwhip (n) SV

flauth feather (n) SV frûz lazy, irresponsible (adj) LOS

fulg- to dwell (verb) RE gadhálug promising (past part) RE < SV

fulug dwelling RE gadhl- promise(v) RE < SV

fulak damage(n) RE <SV gâdhûp vulture RE < SV

fulaknar safe (adj) RE gadûd- carve (v) SV

fulk- damage (v) LOS < RE gai- chain [as in, chain up] (verb) LOS (<
Quenya Angainur)
furgh front RE <SV fro
gaium chain (noun) LOS
furr oven SV
gakh three EL
furtun storm SV
gakh- care (verb) RE
fukaush dangerous (adj) (meant as compliment) SV
gal ten LOS
fûkî neighbor (n) SV
galin crazy; mad (adj) SV
fûr- lie (as in, tell an untruth) (verb) LOS (<
Quenya, fu'ru) gâmum illness; sickness; disease (n) SV

fûsh slow (adj) LOS gank hook (n) SV

fûth- awaken (verb) LOS (Note: don't use the garmadh ruin (n) SV
preposition "up," as in English)
garmog demand (n) SV
fûthûrz awake (adj) LOS
garmog- demand (v) SV
garn "go on," expression of contempt TK
gaab distance, range (n) MB
garzog- swing (n) SV
gâdhm- be ugly(v); be nasty(v); be foul(v) RE < SV
gat light; simple; easy (adj) SV
gâdhûmûrz foul(adj) RE < SV
gathrok- prepare (v) SV
gaakh let it be that, may it be that (< Quenya `nai')
AN [Gaakh uruk-hai azubulûk! = may the uruk-hai kill gabhîk wine (n) SV
all! LOS]
gaz small, little, short (adj) MB
gaam disease, illness (noun) MB
gazat dwarf, dwarves (noun) EL
gâmzhurm cough (n) SV
gazog wild (adj) SV
gaamûrz sick (adj) MB/LOS
ghaamp earth (noun) LOS
gaat punishment (n) < SV
ghaamul down (adj) RE
gaath leaf of a tree, page, sheet of a scroll MB
ghaampronk mine, cellar (noun) LOS
gadhaal promise(n) RE < SV
ghaansh East RE gîl meal [time] SV

ghaash fire (noun) TK gîmog groan (n) SV

ghaash- burn (verb) LOS gîmog- groan(v) SV

ghaashug flaming, burning (present participle) LOS gîmtog- main(v) SV

Ghaash PN an orc of Kirith Ungol gîrakûn falcon; hawk SV

ghaashum heat (noun) LL gîrdan necklace SV

ghashan word, command (noun) RE gîth verdure; greenery SV

ghashanum dictionary LOS gilrol ordinary (adj) SV

ghashanuz story, tale LOS gimb- find (verb) TK

ghashdurb- swear (verb) (< ghash, to speak + durb, gimbakl- expect (v) RE (gimb + kul)
strong) LOS
gimub Discovery, the thing found (noun) RE
ghashkrum answer (noun) (< ghash + krum, back, n.)
LOS gimbuga found (participle) LOS

ghashkrut- answer (verb) (< ghash + krut, back) LOS glâd measure of distance MB

ghashn- tell, command, say (verb) (pukhl- = speak glat instrument, tool, machine MB
language) RE
glim- wrestle (v) RE < SV
ghashnum speech (noun) (as in Black Speech, not
language) LOS
glob 1. filth (noun) (DBS) TK, 2. fool TK
ghaur- roast (verb) LOS
glob- to fool someone (verb) LOS
ghug likely; presumably (adv) SV
globlob female fool (noun) LOS
ghugsh event SV
globûrz 1. filthy (adj) 2. foolish (adj) LOS
ghûd weed (noun) RE
glok tooth (noun)
ghûk complete; entire (adj) SV
glok- bite (verb)
ghûkarz completely (adv) *SV
glu piss, poison, brackish water (noun) (< MB
ghûlb- help (verb) RE
glu- piss (verb)
ghûlum aid, help (noun) RE
glup nose (noun) MB
ghung if (conj) SV
gogân broad; wide; extensive (adj) SV
ghru 1. stick, club, pole (noun) MB; 2. vulgar
word for erect penis SV
goi (probably means “city” ) TK, AA
ghurn well (noun) SV
gokut flat (adj) RE < SV gratum plan, intention (noun) RE

golb warning; danger; risk (n) SV gratûrz useful (= person) (adj) SV

Golfimbul PN leader of orcs of Mount Gram, slain at graug flock (n) SV

Greenfields (TH)
graur- touch (verb) MB
golm offer (noun) SV
graus toe (n) SV
golm- offer (verb) SV
graz cool; cold (adj) SV
golnauk steel (n) SV
grazadh- decay(v); degenerate, rot (v) SV
Golug elf, elves (noun) TK (Angband Orkish
(without suffix) for "Noldor" pl.) grish blood (noun) LOS

gon- stare (v) SV grish- bleed (verb) LOS

gor work; job (n) SV grishûrz bloody (adj) LOS

gorosh right (side) SV Grishnaakh PN an orc of Mordor, slain by Rohirrim

(LOTR II 437) (“Blood Hand”)
gortag madman (n) SV
gropor valley (n) SV
gorûrz tough (adj) LOS
grosh bean (n) SV
Gorbag PN an orc-leader of Minas Morgul, killed
by Shagrat (LOTR III) (“Tough Shit”) groth grey (adj) SV

gorgulb- use, utilize, employ (= work something/one groll quarry SV

hard) (verb) SV
gru 1. brown; 2. woman (only in SV dialect)
goth 1. lord, master (AO in Gothmog and SV
Morgoth from 1930's in BOLT II p67)
grugulum dress (n) SV
2. enemy (Silmarillion)
grumbull high; elevated; tall; lofty (adj) SV
gothlob Queen (noun), LOS
grûmbull store (n) SV
glothrok! go on! ('garn') < filth + eat RE
grush- hit (v); strike (v); punch (v) SV
Gothmog PN (see `goth') (“Lord-Voice”) TK
gûg chance SV
gothûrz powerful (adj) LOS
gugsh event, occurrence, happening (noun) MB
gotl- forgive (v) SV
gukh down MB
gozad nail (n) SV
gull- soak (verb) SV
grak trap; pitfall (n) SV
gund stone (noun) EL
grat chief(s), leader(s) (noun) LOS
gund- stand (verb) RE
grat- intend (verb) RE
gundat-ir insist (stand on) (v) < RE (gundat-ob) hiisht ash (n) SV

gundul guard (noun) LOS hiist- send (verb) LOS

gundul- guard (verb) LOS hin any MB

gundum stand (noun) RE hlu- sew, stitch, connect with thread or rope
(verb) MB
gûg past, previous MB
hluth flag, banner, ensign (noun) MB
gûk- pour (v); fill (v) SV
hokarul laugh, laughter (noun) RE
gûkh quite, completely (adverb) MB
hokarl- laugh (verb) RE
gûkr- 1. close (verb) MB; 2. block, jam (v) SV
hon- watch, see, look [at] (verb) LOS
gûkrûrz shut, closed (adj) LOS/MB
hont eye (noun) LOS (< Quenya hend, “eye”)
gûl wraith (noun) TK
hontum glance, look (noun) LOS
gur cheese LOS
horm serious (adj) SV
gûr- shake; agitate; tremble; quake; quiver;
vibrate (v) SV horn beast or animal (noun) LOS

gus about, regarding, concerning MB hornfik monster (noun) LOS

gûth almost (adverb) LOS horngaz pet, tame animal LOS

-H- horngoth 1. cowboy, 2. Texas Orkish dialect RE

hag unpleasant man (noun) LOS hosh guts (intestines, viscera) (noun) (DBS) TK

haglob unpleasant female (noun) LOS hru fertile (adj) SV

hanrun spy (noun) LOS RF htol- have sex with (vulgar) (v) SV

harna bonfire (n) SV hul- flow (verb) MB

has- beg, plead (verb) LOS hul flow, drain (noun) MB

hasum plea (noun) LOS hûn heart (noun) LOS (< Quenya hón)

hau beggar (noun) LOS hûr courage, bravery (noun) LOS

haz dependent (adj) SV hûr- dare (verb) LOS

hiil- follow (verb) LOS (< Quenya hilya) hûrûrz brave (adj) LOS

hiis quick, fast (adj) LOS hush doubt, uncertainty, opinion (noun) MB

hiisarz quickly (adverb) LOS -I-

iin- remember (verb ) (< Quenya enyal) kaat lie (verb, as in "lie down) (< Quenya caita)

iist- know (verb) LOS (< Quenya ista) kabor precept (n) RE

iistash- inform (verb) LOS kafaaz cage (n) SV

iistum information (noun) LOS kafsog important (i.e., impt information, news,
event) SV
iis- begin (verb) LOS (< Quenya yesse')
kakok bellows (n) SV
-ik before (prep) LOS
kala castle, fortress, stronghold (n) SV
ikh- force (verb) LOS
kalaum archery (n) SV
ikhûrz forceful (adj) LOS
kalus archer SV
ilz star (noun) LOS (< Quenya elen)
karn red LOS (< Quenya carnë)
ilzkaal starlight (noun) LOS
kau against LOS
-ir on (prep) LOS
kaushar ceremony (n) (i.e., negative, e.g. execution)
irz- run (verb) LOS SV

ish enemy (noun) LOS khak coffee (noun) LOS

isl plant (noun) MB Khamûl PN second in command in the Nazgûl

isl- plant, cultivate (verb) MB
khatûn intelligence (noun) (=smart, not
information) RE
-it behind (prep) LOS
khatûrz intelligent, shrewd (adj) RE
-izg suffix indicating “I”
khl- ask (v) RE
-izish suffix indicating “me” (LOS)
khlaar- hear (verb) LOS (< Quenya hlar)
-izishu suffix indicating “us” (LOS)
khlaarum sound (noun) LOS
-izub suffix indicating “mine” or "my" (LOS)
khlaat ear (noun) LOS
-izubu suffix indicating "our" or “ours” (LOS)
khlark- make noise RE
kaal light (noun) LOS (< Quenya cala)
khûr- rip, tear (verb) LOS (< Quenya kho'r)
kaal- light (verb) LOS
kol carry (verb) LOS (< Quenya col-)
kaam bed (noun) LOS (< Quenya caima)
kolauz cell (n) SV
kaan- trust (verb) RE
koth claw (n) LOS
kaar head (noun) LOS (< Quenya ca'r)
koz- hear (v) RE
kaasak bait (n) SV
krak five LL kul- is (verb) LOS

kraash part MB kumon bell (n) SV

kraat away (adj) LOS kun- bend (verb) LOS (< Quenya cúna)

krai- feel (verb) LOS kunum bend (noun) LOS

kraibag sad (adj) LOS (< krai + bag) kur ball (noun) LOS (< Quenya coro)

kramp- do (verb) LOS kruf prostitute (noun) < SV

krampum duty, task, chore (noun) LOS kruf- prostitute oneself (refl. verb) < SV

krampûrz loyal (adj) RE krûf- rub, file, annoy (= 'rub the wrong way')
(verb) (<MB krûv)
krank father (noun) LOS
krûr finger MB
krank- father (verb) LOS
kulûk anything; all things RE
kranklob mother (noun) LOS
kurn around (adj) LOS (<Quenya corna)
kranklûb sister ("fatherdaughter") LOS
kusn while MB
kranklûk brother ("fatherson") LOS
kûtotaz citadel (n) SV
kraur body (noun) MB
kûz- reckon (v) RE
krimp rope (noun) RE
krimp- bind (verb) TK
-la after (preposition) LOS
krimpash monograph RE
laam tongue (body part); language (noun) LOS (<
krimpum tie (noun) RE Quenya lambë)

krith nine EL lak misunderstanding (noun) SV

krûklak crossbow (n) SV lam arena SV

krul two (LOS) lapus lead (= metal) SV

krum back (noun) LOS larg- make (verb) SV

kûhom example (n) RE lârz important (adj) (= person) MB

krumnaakh clumsy (adj) LOS lâz cover (noun) MB

-krut back (preposition) LOS lâz- cover (verb) MB

kû 1. old, 2. long time (LOS) laazg shield (noun) MB

kûf ugly (adj) LOS

-lab suffix indicating your or yours (singular) lûl flower (noun) SV
(<lat + -ob) RE
lûmp- to fall (verb) LOS
lag- to break (verb) LOS
lûnt boat (noun) (<Quenya luntë)
Lagduf PN an orc of Cirith Ungol, killed by
Morgul Orcs (LOTR III 222) (“Knife-breaker”) lûp- ask for, pray (verb) SV

lagl pocket, sag, bag (noun) MB lûr gold (noun) LOS (< Quenya laurie)

lagûrz broken (adj) LOS lûrkh ornament, pattern, decoration MB

lat you AN lûrûrz golden (adj) LOS (< Quenya laurie)

lata- under (prep) EL -lût out (prep) LOS

lataan South RE lûtom- plead (verb) SV

liik candle (noun) LOS (< Quenya, lícuma) -M-

lik barrel, cask (LOS) m- root of interrogative words EL

-lob feminine word ending, refers to any female mal where? (interrog) EL
'mal latum' "what's up"? informal orc greeting RE
lobûrz feminine ("womanly"), also insult
"effeminate" (adj) LOS
mâdr- free; to let go (v) RE
logon bowl, tub (n) SV
mâdûr freedom, liberty (n) RE
loik corpse (noun) LOS (< Quenya loico)
mâdûrz free (adj) RE
lorûz several (adj) RE
maal yellow (adj) LOS (< Quenya, malina)
lorz stupid (adj) LOS
maamar best < SV
lozudurkh at last, finally (adv) RE
maaz better < SV
lug tower (noun) TK
maarubh law (noun) RE
lugbûrzum (noun) the very dark patch of dark around
Barad-dûr AA maarbh- 1. to make a law or a rule, 2. to levy a
ransom, tax, or tribute (verb) RE
Lugbûrz PN Barad-dûr TK
mâsl neck (n) MB
Lugdush PN an orc of Isengard, slain by Rohirrim
(LOTR II) (“Tower Sorcery”) maath sweet (adj) MB

Lughorn PN an orc, >> `Lagduf' (SD p26) (“Tower maatharz sweetly (adv) LOS
maathum honey (n) LOS
lûb daughter (noun) LOS
mat- die (verb) EL
lûk son (noun) LOS (Ashlûk = "One Son")
mat matnar 'like as not' RE (die, not die) mokum hatred (noun) LOS

matuga dying (participle) LOS mokûrz hateful (adj)

matum death (noun) LOS mol how? (interrog) RE

matûrz 1. mortal (adj) EL 2. dead LOS molkû however RE

mazl point, destination, target MB mor black (adj) LOS

mau warrior(s), soldier(s) (noun) LOS morûrz hard (adj) LOS

maubûr orc company of 100 soldiers, led by Morgoth PN (see `goth') (elsewhere treated as
sergeant LOS Sindarin) (“Hard / Black Lord”)

maudhûl camp, bivouac LOS mos center (n) SV

maufulug barracks (noun) LOS motsham antique, ancient (adj) SV

Maugoth General (commands several orc armies) moz wind, fart (noun) (<MB mez)
mudhun worry (n) RE
Mauhûr PN an orc of Isengard, slain by Rohirrim
(LOTR II) (“Brave Warrior”) mudhn- worry, trouble (v) RE

mauk- fight (verb) LOS mûdku sometimes RE

maukum fight (noun) = fistfight, rumble (n) LOS mugsh dough, paste, vomit MB

maukûrz scrappy, prone to fight (adj) LOS mukh when? (Interrog) LOS

maushflokh ink (n) SV mum- mar, mark (verb) RE

Mautor Lieutenant (commands an army of 1000 mupsh some (adj) MB

orcs) LOS
mur 1. room (noun) SV, 2. door RE
mazauk war (noun) LOS (< mau + az-)
murûk bear (noun) LOS (< Quenya, Morok)
mazauk- make or declare war (verb) LOS
mush nearly (adverb) MB
mbursh fit, match (noun) MB
mut which? (interrog)
mi cat (noun) LOS
mûk gentle (adj) RE
mirz who? (interrog) LOS
mûkarz gently (adverb) RE
mirzob whose? (interrog) (<mirz = -ob) LOS
mûl road (noun) LOS (< Quenya malle')
mog voice (AO in `Gothmog' 1930's in LR p406)
mûz bread (noun) LOS (< Quenya masta)
mok- hate (verb) LOS
muzûrz hot (adj) LOS
mokh home (noun) RE
Muzgaash PN an orc of Kirith Ungol, killed by nartul not here, absent (adj) LOS
Morgul Orcs (LOTR III 222) ( “Hot Fire”)
nartum absence (noun) LOS
nau end (noun) LOS
naadar among SV
naur werewolf LOS (< Quenya nauro)
naakh hand (noun) LOS
naz- spin (verb) MB
naakhum greed (noun) RE
nazg ring (noun) TK
naakhûrz greedy (adj) LOS
Nazgûl Ring-wraith (noun) TK (< `nazg + guul')
naal- complain (verb) LOS
nazt- sting (verb) LOS (< Quenya nasta)
naan but, although LOS (< Quenya nan)
nazt sting (noun) LOS
naga other (adj) MB
niin water (noun) LOS (< Quenya ne'n)
nalmâd- slip, lose RE (forget + let go)
nink white LOS (< Queny ninquë)
nalmâdûrz loose (adj) RE
nokh once RE
nanulg 1. alternative (n); 2. otherwise, "or else"
SV nork- take (verb) LOS

nar 1. not LOS, AA 2. expression of contempt nûkhud next RE

nûl pain (noun) LOS (< Quenya, nwalya)
narash nothing LOS
nûl- hurt, injure (verb) LOS
narbai safety MB
nûlum injury (n) LOS
nardur small (adj) LOS
nûm- mean, signify (verb) RE
narfik not bad (adj) LOS
nûrl- learn (verb) RE
narghaash cold (adj) LOS (nar + ghaash, not hot)
nûrz hostile, angry (adj) LOS
nargzab- need, want (verb) SV
nûrzum anger, wrath (noun) LOS
nariin- forget (verb) LOS (< nar + iin, remember,
< Quenya enyal)
nûst beget (verb) (<Quenya, nosta)
narish ally, allies (noun) (nar + ish, enemy)
nût sky (noun) EL
narkramp- refuse (verb) LOS (nar + kramp-, not do)
nur relation, kin to, family MB
narkû never AN
ogh way (noun) RE
narmok- like (verb, < nar + mok, not hate) LOS
oghor Drûadan (noun) TK (AO)
narnûlubat Orkish way of expressing thanks ("I will
not hurt you") oghûk all the way back (colloqu expr) RE
olkûrz body (n) RE ( = 'walker' ) ponii- detest, despise, loathe (verb) SV

olog Mordor light-tolerant troll (noun) TK prakh- lure (verb) LL

oloz usual (adj) RE prakhum inclination, fancy, "crush" (noun) SV

-ord forward (pro-) RE prakûth ambush (n) SV

orsk- steal (verb) LOS praush- exchange (verb) SV

oshadhûr another RE pu mouth (noun) LOS (< Quenya pe = mouth)

ozût, ozt- seem, appear (v) RE pugh arse (noun) MB

-P- pukhal language (n) RE

paak picture, image LOS pukhl- speak (= speak a language; gashn- = "say")
(v) RE
par vessel (noun) LOS
pukhlor report (n) RE
parz unit of measure, volume LOS
pul- copulate (verb) LOS FLE
paash- is able to, can (verb) LOS
pûlp- beat (verb) LOS
paashnar cannot (verb) LOS
pûlpum drum (noun) LOS
paashum ability (noun) LOS
push 1. excrement TK, 2. problem, trouble LOS
piil arrow (noun) LOS (< Quenya pilim)
pushdug 1. stinking (adj. or participle) (DBS) TK
piilak cover, lid, top (n) SV 2. dung-filth TK

pilik axe (noun) LOS ( <Quenya pelecco) pushi having problems, in trouble (kulat push +
ishi = to be in shit)
piz arm (noun) LOS
puzg- stop (verb) LOS (< Quenya pusta)
piz- arm (verb) LOS
puzughl- stop up (v) RE
pizbûr sergeant (commands company of 100
soldiers) LOS -Q-

pizdur Captain in orc army (commands 5 quiin bow (weapon) (noun) LOS (<Quenya
companies) LOS quinga)

pizgal corporal in orc army (commands troop of quiil quiet, still (adj) LOS (< Quenua quildë)
10 soldiers) LOS
piztor army (noun) LOS (< piz + tor, 1000) LOS
raakh cleft (noun) RE
pizumu arms (plural noun: an army's weapons;
dulug refers to a single weapon ) LOS raakh- cleave (verb) RE

pizurk soldier, private in an orc regiment (< piz + raakhuga cloven (past part) RE
rad now, immediately, yet LOS rukul wheel (n) SV

Radbug PN an orc of Minas Morgul, killed by rul- damage (verb) LOS

Shagrat (LOTR III) (“Calls Now”)
rulum damage (noun) LOS
rai kettle, pot MB
rûm- move (verb) LOS (> Quenya rûma)
rak class, race, clan, family (coll noun) SV
rung avalanche (n) SV
rakothûrz uncanny, weird (adj) SV
runk- hang (verb) MB
ran moon, month LOS (< Quenya Rana)
rut six LOS
rar sand (n) SV
rûgh every RE
ras horn (noun) LOS (< Quenya rass?)
rûk horse (noun) LOS (<Quenya rocco)
rat ransom, loot, or booty (noun) LOS
rûk- ride (verb) LOS
rau ale, beer (noun) LOS
rûp leather strap (n) SV
raulik beerbarrel (Noun) LOS
rûz sure (adj) RE
raz odd, strange, weird (adj) MB
-ri between (prep) LOS
saakaf falcon (n) < SV*
riink- shake (verb) (< Quenya, rince')
saar bitter (adj) LOS (<Quenya sara) (= bitter
riip- skin (verb) SV taste)

riip skin (noun) SV sadaauk attack (of disease) SV

riit web, net (n) SV sagrûrz bitter (adj) SV (= bitter person)

rim copper (n) SV sapat axe (n) ?

ro cloud (n) SV Saruman PN the wizard (Mannish word)

rok- seize hold of (v) SV sat- begin (verb) MB

ronk 1. pit 2. pool (TK) sat dust, powder (noun) SV

ronkûrz deep (adj) LOS satum beginning (noun) LOS

roth circle (n) SV sha together with (prep) (DBS) TK, 2.

expression of disgust, TK
roz stable (n) SV
shaataz troublemaker (n) SV
rukh horror (noun) LOS (<Quenya rucin)
shaatii spear (n) SV
ru hall (noun) LOS
shadûrz deaf (adj) < SV
shag- demand, ask (verb) LOS shatogtar nomad (n) SV

Shagrat PN an orc of Mordor (LOTR III) (“Demand shator- build (= wall, or with bricks) (v) SV
shatraug hag, witch (n) SV
shakal stairs (n) SV
shatûl post, column, pillar (n) SV
shakatrog- devastate, ruin (v) SV
shatûp- crush, shatter, destroy (v) SV
shakh lord (noun) EL
shau quiet (adj) LOS
shakol- kick (v) SV
shauarz quietly (adverb) LOS
shakop club (weapon) SV
shaûk companion (n) RE
shakrop- stay (v) SV
shaûkûrzum company (coll noun) RE
shakgriig- melt, forge (v) SV
shaut almost (adverb) LOS
shalk group (coll n) SV
Shelob PN the giant spider monster of Cirith Ungol
shapat short sword (n) SV (LOTR III)

shaplag- rinse, wash (v) SV Shelobzagh PN Cirith Ungol (pn) AA

shapog vegeance (n) SV shiik scream (noun) LOS

shapog- avenge (v) SV shiik- scream (verb) LOS

shapogataar avenger (n) SV shiipog- taste (v) SV

shaporrûrz offensive, rude (adj) SV shon symbol, sign, omen (n) SV

shar- keep quiet (v) SV shra person (n) SV

-shar among (prep) RE shrak assembly, gathering (n) SV

shara man (= human man) (noun) EL shrakh- assemble (v) SV

sharlob woman (noun) LOS shuk ball, globe, sphere (n) SV

sharkû old man (noun) TK (Isengard Orkish) shulg- would (v) SV

sharkûlob old woman (noun) LOS shum greatly, very much (adv) SV

sharr saw (n) SV sig- lengthen, stretch (verb) LOS

shatauz lance (n) SV sigûrz long (adj) LOS

shatiig- press (v) SV skaat- come (verb) LOS

shatog track (n) SV skai gah! (exclamation) (DBS) TK

skamm- recite (say a lesson) (v) SV Snaga PN an orc of Isengard, slain by Rohirrim

skazg- injure (v) SV Snaga PN an orc of Kirith Ungol, slain by Sam

skessa very ugly woman < female troll, SV
snaga slave (noun) TK (and used by Uruk-hai as =
skoi 1. fly (noun) 2. any flying non-stinging `orc of smaller breed')
insect (noun) LOS
snak rapid, quick, hasty (adj) SV
skoi- fly (verb) LOS
snork worthless (adj) LOS
skoir wing (n) LOS
snû than (comp adj) MB
skoiug flying (present participle) LOS
sorgh- split, cleave (v) SV
skort basket (n) SV
sorr crow (n) SV
skri eight LOS
spaz point, spike (n) SV
skrithûrz mean, cruel (adj) LOS
srinkh class, kind (noun) RE
skrizg- creep, crawl (v) SV
srinkh- gather (verb) (transitive) LL
skugga run aground (past part) SV
srinkhsha- understand (verb) LOS
skût shield (n) SV
sripsh know-it-all, expert (n) SV, MB
skûtog- defend, parry, fend off (v) SV
sriz expert in, skilled, good at (adj) (< MB,
skûtûrz defensive (adj) SV sripsh)

skûm- smell (verb) LOS sru grain, corn, wheat MB

skûm odor (noun) LOS stargûsh ancestor (n) SV

slai- live (verb) LOS starkok raven (n) SV

slaium life (noun) LOS stauk spark (n) SV

slaiug living (pres part) LOS staun season (n) SV

slaiûrz alive (adj) LOS staaz monster

sloi- accuse (verb) LOS stazg place (n) SV

sloiuga accused (past part) LOS stral flint (n) SV

snaag soft, tender, gentle, weak (adj) SV strok refuge, sanctuary (n) < stroh SV

snaagbûrz dark gray (adj) SV sul famous, well-known (adj) SV

snag- labor, work (verb) LOS sulmog raid (n) SV

sulmûrz aggressive tarshan oats (n) SV

sulum rumor, report tau forest, wood (noun) LOS (< Sindarin taw,
sû- breathe (verb) LOS
Taubûrz Mirkwood (PN)
sûm breath (noun)
taugan frying pan (n) SV
sûr up LOS
taun tub, vat (n) SV
thag drought (n) SV
ta he EL
thag- dry out (v) SV
-ta him EL (always used as suffix)
thagûrz dry (adj) SV
taal floor (noun) LOS (< Quenya, talan)
thaguzg desert (n) SV
taar high (adj) LOS (< Quenya ta'ra)
thak face (noun) LOS
taaraan noon (taar + aan)
tharb acid (n) SV
târpukhlanr- enquire (v) RE ( high speak + not know )
tharbûrz acrid (adj) SV
tab his (< `ta + ob') EL
thauk dagger (n) SV
tabz- own (v) SV
thil often (adv) SV
tail play, exercise, training (noun) (MB, <
Quenya tyalin) thlûk! Enough! (interj) SV

tail- play, train (verb) MB thlûk enough, sufficient SV

takhbork spider (n) < SV thlûn stomach (n) SV

-tala over (prep., suffix) LOS thor- massacre (v) SV

tala above (prep) EL thoror altar (noun) SV

talaan North RE thos sack (n) SV

talum upper side, top (n) SV thraang rage (n) SV

talûn butter (n) SV thrang furthermore, still (conj) SV

talûn-karkû semen (n) SV throquûrz edible (adj) LOS

tarbaam fury, frenzy (n) SV thrug murderer SV

tarbûrz insane (adj) SV thumbog- embroider (v) SV

tark man of Nûmenoorean descent (TK) (< thundar hoof (n) SV

Quenya `tarkil')
thup- whip (v) SV trod castration (n) SV

thrak tribute (noun) RE trog market (n) SV

thrak- bring (verb) TK trosh sudden (adj) SV

thrakum obsequious, submissive (adj) RE trosharz suddenly (adv)*

throqu- devour (verb) LL trov territory (n)

throqum hunger (noun) LOS trû brain (n)

throquûrz hungry (adj) LOS trul floor (n) (=story)

thrul- cook (verb) LOS trupp lamp (n) SV

-thu beyond (prep) LOS tû fat, fleshy, flabby (adj) MB

tiil last (adj) LOS (< Quenya tella) tug only (adj) EL

tiimor dread, terror (n) SV tugl- attempt, try (v) SV

tiimûrz dreadful, terrible (adj) SV -tuk through (prep) LOS

tiir right (dir.) LOS (< Quenya téra) tul here (adj) LOS

tith bat (animal) LOS tulk- lift (n) SV

tog bench, seat (n) SV tulum- pump (v) < SV

to her LOS tum belief (n) SV

-tob her, hers LOS (always used as suffix) tur opinion (n) SV

tonphrakh- suppose (v) SV turk value, worth (n) SV

tor pleasant, beautiful, comfortable (adj) SV turk- value (verb) SV

torû dangerous (adj) (used to descr. person) turkûrz valuable, worthy (adj) SV

tra beam (wood) (n) SV turr embankment (n) SV

traf meeting (n) SV tûm oil, grease (noun) LOS

tram rape (n) < SV tûr- cause (verb) LOS (<Quenya tyar)

tram- rape (v) <SV tûrum cause (noun) LOS

tramug rebellion, riot (n) SV turu many (adj) LOS

traum- show (v) SV tûzantar engineer (n)

triin mad, crazy (adj) SV tûzg- admit (verb) LOS

-U- ulb blue (adj) LOS (<Quenya ulban)

-u to (prep.) TK uliima throne (noun) EL

udalg- connect (verb) RE ulkum evil (noun) LOS (based on Quenya word,
udalgum connection RE
ulkûrz evil (adj) LOS
udalgûrz connected (adj) RE
-ul them (pronoun) LOS, TK (always used as
udalug message (n) RE ( = attachment) suffix)

udu seven EL ulmakh alongside, along

uf- frighten (verb) LOS uloga crippled (past part) SV

uf frightening, scary (adj) LOS ulu they (pronoun) LOS

ufum fear (noun) LOS -ulub their, theirs LOS (usually suffix)

ufur- fear (verb) LOS uludhu easy (adj) RE

ufûrz fearful (adj) LOS ulur- howl, bellow (v) < SV

Ufthak PN an orc of Cirith Ungol, caught by ump board (noun) LOS

Shelob (LOTR III) (“Scary Face”)
unur hold (n) RE
ufum fear (noun) LOS
unr- hold (v) RE
ugadhol island (n) SV
unudh- detain (v) RE
ugh each RE
unudhu detention (n) RE
-ugil before (prep) SV
ûgh- suffice (v) RE
ugl- to slay (as in large numbers of people or
creatures) AA ûghûrz sufficient (adj) RE

Uglûk PN an orc-leader of Isengard, slain by ûkil always SV

Eomer (LOTR II) (“Slayer of All”)
ûn new (adj) RE
Ugûrz terrible, ghastly (adj) SV
ûndûrz fresh (adj) LOS
uk all (adj) TK
urauk hedgehog (n) SV
ukh- go (verb) LOS
urauth mole (n) SV
ukhurk- forsake (ukh + urk) (verb) LOS
urbh- pile, mountain (noun) RE
ukmash both SV
urbhrum height (noun) RE
ukû eternal (adj) LOS
urdan decision (noun) SV
urdan- decide (verb) SV -Y-

urgai- place, arrange, put (v) SV Yagûl PN an orc, >> `Gorbag' (SD p13)

urk 1. damn! (exclamation of anger) 2. yonk more LOS

condemn (verb) urk- LOS
yûl less LOS
urrhak- make a mistake (v) RE

urro revulsion, disgust (n) < SV -Z-

urrog- hate with revulsion, feel disgust (v) za this EL

za that (dem. pron.) RE
urrûrz disgusting, repulsive (adj) LOS < SV
zam such LOS
uruk one of a breed of big orcs (noun) TK
zaa- grip (verb) SV
uruk-hai the uruk-people TK
zaabr- descend, climb down (v) SV
urzkû again RE
zaan cup (n) SV
ush brawl, tavern fight (v) < SV
zaanûrz loud-mouthed (adj) SV
ush- brawl, brangle (v) SV
zaarsh today LOS
ushd- to use (= a thing or tool) (verb) RE
zabiis gang (coll. noun) < SV
ushdûn usefulness (of a tool or oject) (n) RE
zaboth pale (adj) SV
ushdûrz useful (= object or tool), (gratûrz =
useful person) < RE zabûrz tonight LOS

ushk- feed (v) SV zabrûz empty, hollow (adj) SV

ûgh each RE zag four LOS

ûn new (adj) RE zagaaf- bury (v) SV

ûsht- argue (verb) LOS zagaafum grave (n) > SV

ûshtum argument (noun) LOS zagh mountain pass (noun) AA

ushum challenge to a fight (noun) <SV zaagiira O.K. (interj.) SV

ûs- think (verb) LOS (<Quenya, osanwe') zaagiir- joke (verb) SV

ûsum thought (noun) LOS zaahof jewel (n) SV

ûtot village (n) SV zakrif- butt [against] (verb) SV

uzg land (noun) EL zamal that (relative) RE [horn zamal throquat

uruk, beast that devoured the orc]
zark fine (adj) SV zim quantity, amount, volume (n) SV

zarza vegetable (n) SV zna form, shape (noun) MB

zash like, same as (adj) SV znûg regret (noun) MB

zaashil while, meantime (adv) SV znûg- regret (verb) MB

zatal so, therefore (conj) RE zogtark bare, naked (adj) SV

zau stew, soup (n) SV zongot engineer (n) SV

zau- cook, boil, stew (v) < SV zorr- disembowel, plunder, pillage (v) SV

zaug debt , fault (n) SV zoshk bronze (n) SV

zaug- must, have to (v) LOS < SV zof- crawl (v) < SV

zer snot (n) SV zooza-marz hangover (n) SV

-zi until (preposition) LOS zrii joy, amusement, sadistic pleasure (noun)
zigl edge, cut from a knife (noun) MB
zriium sadism (n) SV
zgur thunder (noun) MB
zu- suck (verb) MB
zgur- thunder (verb) MB
zûbardh silver (n) SV
zhaf hollow (adj) < SV
zug lip, border (noun) MB
zhol rag (n) < SV
zurm noise, racket (noun) SV
zholuga ragged (past part) SV
zung- pierce (v) <SV
ziim- brew (verb) SV
zûr sly, wise (adj) MB
ziimarum peace (n) SV
zûrz official (adj) SV
ziimarp coward (n) SV
zuzar villain, scoundrel (n) SV
ziimûrz cowardly (adj) < SV

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