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Agroforestry Systems 26: 237-248, 1994.

9 1994 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

Growth performance of some multipurpose trees and

shrubs in the semi-arid areas of Southern Ethiopia

Department of Plant Production and Dryland Farming, Awassa College of Agriculture,
P.O. Box 5, Awassa, Ethiopia

Key words: agroforestry, growth rates, multipurpose trees and shrubs semi-arid areas, Southern

Abstract. Growth performances of some multipurpose trees and shrubs have been studied for
five years at two locations in the semi-arid areas of Southern Ethiopia. The best performance
in terms of rates of survival and growth rates (height and diameter growth) has been attained
by Acacia nilotica, A. Cyanophylla, A. seyal, Cassia siamea and Prosopis juliflora. Given the
ecological limitations of semi-arid areas, growth rates of these species is promising and this
indicates that sustainable production system can be realized using proper agroforestry
technologies in the semi-arid areas of Southern Ethiopia and similar area types elsewhere.


Arid and semi-arid lands occupy more than 40% of the total area of Ethiopia
[EMA, 1988]. Increasing human population and its demand for more forest
products and agricultural land has resulted in the destruction of the natural
vegetation and overgrazing and hence accelerating the process of desertifi-
Agroforestry has the potential to sustain productivity of such lands [King,
1987], while making sustained availability of food, fodder and fuelwood. In
semi-arid areas Multipurpose Trees and Shrubs (MPTS) offer drought resis-
tant, low labour supplement or alternative to agricultural crops for fodder, fuel
and wood. Trees can also reduce salinization [Schofield, 1992], and this
improves productivity of agriculture.
Species selection is part of the initial stages in the evaluation of MPTS
for sustainability to agroforestry technologies in an eco-zone [IFS, 1989]. In
evaluating MPTs, their adaptability to soils and climate and their rates of
growth are important characteristics that need to be considered [Huxley, 1984].
Farmers in the semi-arid areas of Ethiopia, like in similar ECO-zones
elsewhere in Africa, protect and maintain MPTS for their products and services
[Miehe, 1986; Poschen, 1986; Von Maydell, 1987]. These traditional agro-
forestry practices could be intensified by using fast growing MPTS to satisfy
demands of the growing population.
The primary objective of this study was to select fast growing MPTS that
are suitable for agroforestry technologies in the semi-arid areas of Southern
Ethiopia and areas of similar agro-climatic condition in the country.

Materials and methods

Seeds of the species included in the trial were collected from local and external
sources (Table 1 lists the species included in the trial). Seed-lots were raised
in plastic pots at the Awassa College campus. Seedlings attaining heights of
3 0 - 4 0 cm were then planted during the main rainy season of 1986 (July-
August) at the experimental sites namely Alagie and Zewai (Figs. 1 and 2
show the locations and climatic conditions of the sites, respectively while
Table 2 shows biophysical characteristics of the sites). Pits of 40 x 40 x 40
cm were used for planting. Seedlings from each seed-lot were planted at a
spacing of 2 x 2 m with plots of 5 x 5 trees and four replications, in a
Randomized Complete Block Design. Weeding was carried out 2-3 times a
year in the form of slashing using machete, or mowing. Watering was carried
out only during the dry periods for six months after planting.
Data on population, height and breast height diameter (dbh) were collected
every three months. Height and diameter were measured for 32 sample trees
from each species. Height was measured using height measuring poles and
hypsometers while diameter caliper were used to measure diameter. For
multi-stemmed trees and shrubs the following formula from Briscoe [1992],
and Stewart and Salazar [1992] was used to calculate diameter.

d = "~d2 + d 2 + . . . + d~

Table 1. List of MPTS included in the trial, their provenances and plant families.

Botanical name Provenance (Family; subfamily)

Acacia albida Del. Syn.

Faidherbia albida Del. A. Chev. Wonji, Ethiopia Leguminosae; Mimosaceae
Acacia cyanophylla Lindl Syn.
A. saligna (Labill.) F. Wendl. Proche Orient, Australia Leguminosae, Mimosaceae
Acacia nilotica (L.) Willd. ex
Del. subsp, nilotica Adama, Ethiopia Leguminosae, Mimosaceae
Acacia Senegal (L.) Willd. Langano, Ehtiopia Leguminosae, Mimosaceae
Acacia seyal Del. Langano, Ethiopia Leguminosae, Mimosaceae
Cassia siamea Lam. Moyale, Kenya Leguminosae, Cesalpiniaceae
Casuarina cunninghamiana Miq. Seko, Ethiopia Casuarinaceae
Casuarina equisetifolia J.R. &
G. Forst. Awassa, Ethiopia Casuarinaceae
Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. OlgasNT, Aus~alia Myrtaceae
Grevillea robusta A. Cunn. ex
R. Br. Awassa, Ethiopia Proteaceae
Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.)
De Wit K8 Machakos, Kenya Leguminosae, Mimosaceae
Parkinsonia aculeata L. Adama, Ethiopia Leguminosae; Cesalpiniaceae
Prosopis juliflora (SW.) DC Metehara, Ethiopia Leguminosae, Mimosaceae


T e r r i t o r y of
Afar 63 Issa

oAddis Ababa

Alagie~ zewai

~ m


Fig. 1. Map of Ethiopia showing locations of the experimental sites.

where d = calculated mean diameter and, d~, d 2, . . . , d n = diameters of the

different stems. A maximum of four of the largest stems were used in the
computation of the mean diameter.
A preliminary approximation of bole volume of the species was calculated
from the equation of Spurr [1952] by which volume is represented as

Vp= gr2h (0.5)

where, r = bole radius at breast height and h = tree height. The volume
obtained from this computation was multiplied by the number of trees per
hectare, in this case 2500 plants.

i I
38~ 39~00,E

• • X X X ,~
X X N x N •
• X 3r X N ~ ,
-='"% .tit / ", 8~
X X X X Koshe ',~]ZEW,,'d f/~" ( ,~, AsELA

) i!

~ ~,t,
/ Lal~e Shala,

l_J",__L.2 11

N~ ~ x ~ ;
x x x ~
X x •
X x
X X X X x

X X x ~

X • X
g X • X X ?'00'N


,~.cocllmatic Zones.
] Humid Io dry subhumid lands under coffee or other intensive agricultural use, but
formerly forest or montane grassland

{~ Dry subhumid or semi-arid lands eharaeterlzed by evergreen shrubs, combretum or

allied vegetation, usually of good potential for agriculture

--] Seml-arid or arid lands wl)ere, despite relatlvely tow or enalle rainfall, a
combination of altitude ~nd latitude or local site eondilions confer some potential
for agrieullure


Fig. 2. Climatic map of the research sites (adapted from Makin etal, [1975]).

Table 2. Bio-physical characteristics of the experimental sites.

Characteristics Site

Alagie Zewai

Latitude 07~ ' 08~ '

Longitude 38~ " 38~ '
Altitude (meters) 1580 1650
Average annual temperature (~
- maximum 28.30 27.31
- minimum 13.80 13.35
- mean 21.34 20.30
Mean annual rainfall (ram) 625 690
Potential evapotranspiration (mm) 1100-1250 1100-1250
- classification (FAO) Solonetz Fluvisol
- texture and associated Poorly drained s a n d y Well-drainedsandy loam
characteristics clay loam and silt loam
- pH 8.8 7.6
- organic matter content
(0-30 cm depth) 0.82 1.54
Natural woody vegetation Tree savanna dominated Tree savanna dominated
Acacia spp. by Acacia spp.

Mean annual increment in height, diameter and volume were computed by

dividing total heights, diameters and bole volumes over the respective age of
the species.

Results and discussion

Data on rate of survival, mean height and mean diameter are presented on
Tables 3 and 4 for Alagie and Zewai sites, respectively. The species are listed
according to their rank in volume. It can be observed from the table that, in
general, there exists strong correlation between diameter and volume than
between height and volume. At Alagie, the maximum rate of growth in terms
of height and diameter was attained by A. nilotica with mean annual height
and diameter increments of 1.1 m and 2.30 cm, respectively. The other species
following it, and the respective values for mean annual height and diameter
increments were, C. siamea (1.37 m; 2.02 cm), A. cyanophylla (1.14 m; 2.10
cm). A. seyal (1.41 rn; 1.81 cm) and P. juliflora (1.01 m; 2.00 cm).
At Zewai, the species with the highest rates of growth and the respective
values for mean annual height and diameter increments were, E. camaldu-
lensis (1.87 m; 2.55 cm), A. cyanophyll a (133 m; 2.84 cm), A. nilotica (1.52
m; 2.56 cm), A. seyal (1.40 m; 2.36 cm) and P. juliflora (1.32 m; 2.23 cm).
The experimental sites, Alagie and Zewai are agro-climatically classified
as semi-arid zones [Makin et al., 1975; Gamachu, 1974; EMA, 1988].

Table 3. Rate of survival, volume, mean height and mean breast-height diameter (dbh) of 5 year
old MPTS at Alagie.

Species Survival rate Volume Mean height Mean dbh

(%) (m3/ha/yr) (m) (cm)

Acacia nilotica 57 14.30 5.53 + 1.34 11.48 + 2.74

Cassia siamea 94 13.78 6.87 + 0.52 10.11 + 0.94
Acacia cyanophylla 33 12.38 5.72 + 1.25 10.50 + 2.35
Acacia seyal 95 11.27 7.04 + 0.91 9.03 + 1.32
Prosopis juliflora 72 9.87 5.03 + 0.68 10.00 + 1.78
Eucalyptus camaldulensis 36 8.80 7.62 + 1.63 7.67 + 2.12
Casuarina cunninghamiana 95 6.63 6.37 + 1.12 7.28 + 1.94
Acacia senegal 85 5.41 5.00 + 0.98 7.43 + 1.53
Casuarina equisetifolia 42 2.86 5.90 + 0.78 4.97 + 0.96
Parkinsonia aculeata 74 1.70 3.41 + 0.81 4.95 + 1.05
Grevillea robusta 47 1.47 4.13 + 0.97 4.29 + 1.39
Faidherbia albida 62 1.05 3.31 + 0.84 4.02 + 1.14
Leucaena leucocephala 47 0.81 3.49 + 0.54 3.44 + 0.62

+ Represents standard deviation of the mean.

Table 4. Rate of survival, volume, mean height and mean dbh of 5 year old MPTS at Zewai.

Species Survival rate Volume Mean height Mean dbh

(%) (m3/ha/yr) (m) (cm)

Eucalyptus camaldulensis 28 29.88 9.35 + 2.43 12.76 + 4.18

Acacia cyanophylla 77 26.32 6.66 + 1.19 14.19 + 3.23
Acacia nilotica 95 24.40 7.60 + 1.18 12.79 + 2.21
Acacia seyal 98 19.12 7.01 + 0.74 11.79 + 2.16
Prosopisjuliflora 98 16.05 6.58 + 0.69 11.15 + 2.08
Casuarina cunninghamiana 51 10.81 6.98 + 0.82 8.88 + 1.71
Acacia senegal 96 5.86 5.02 + 0.66 7.71 + 1.24
Leucaena leucocephala 78 4.88 4.42 + 0.78 7.50 + 1.57
Grevillea robusta 51 4.01 5.30 + 1.06 6.21 + 1.73
Casuarina equisetifolia 21 3.96 6.02 + 1.12 5.79 + 1.85
Parkinsonia aculeata 84 3.22 3.71 + 0.77 6.65 + 1.22
Faidherbia albida 46 1.88 3.56 + 0.82 5.18 + 1.54

+ Represents standard deviation of the mean.

H o w e v e r , t h e r e e x i s t d i f f e r e n c e s i n s o i l c o n d i t i o n s . T h e s o i l at A l a g i e h a s
a l k a l i n a t u r e . T h e h i g h e r o v e r a l l p e r f o r m a n c e o f all s p e c i e s at Z e w a i w a s ,
t h e r e f o r e , l a r g e l y a t t r i b u t e d to its f a v o u r a b l e s o i l c o n d i t i o n s .
F i g u r e s 3 a n d 4 s h o w m o r t a l i t y r a t e s o f t h e f a s t e s t g r o w i n g s p e c i e s at A l a g i e
a n d Z e w a i s i t e s , r e s p e c t i v e l y . A t A l a g i e , t h e p o p u l a t i o n o f A . cyanophylla a n d
A. nilotica d r a s t i c a l l y r e d u c e d s t a r t i n g f r o m y e a r s 2 a n d 3. D i g g i n g i n t o t h e
rooting zones of the dead trees indicated that there was a calcic horizon of
a b o u t 1 0 - 2 0 c m t h i c k n e s s at a d e p t h o f 6 0 - 8 0 c m o f t h e soil p r o f i l e a n d t h e
roots did not penetrate this layer.




o 30


)( f

0 ~,

1 2 3 4 5


A. cyanophylla -~- A. nilotica A. seyal

-"- R juliflora ~'- C. siamea

Fig. 3. Mortalityof promising MPTS at Alagie across 5 years after establishment.

All the roots were distributed laterally above the layer. This calcic horizon
and probably alkali toxicity [Ahmed, 1991] could be the cause for the high
mortality rates of the species. Breaking up of the calcic layer by using deeper
holes may be essential for successful survival and growth of these species.
Stern borer attack has aggravated mortality rates of A. cyanophylla particu-
larly at Alagie.
At Zewai, mortality of E. camaIdulensis increased after the first year of
its establishment and termite attack has been the major cause for this. The
other species have more or less maintained the population they had in the first
year, indicating their adaptability to the climatic and adaphic conditions of
the sites.
Figures 5 and 6 show the growth curves of the best performing species at
Alagie and Zewai, respectively. For all species, periods of fast growth coin-
cided with rainy seasons. Some of the peculiar growth characteristics of the
best performing MPTS is discussed in the following.
A. cyanophylla, formed wide and dense canopy that has been capable of





2 3 4 5


A. cyanophylla -~- A. nilotica

-~- A. seyal -"- R jufiflora

-x-- E. camaldulensis

Fig. 4. Mortalityof promising MPTS at Zewai Across 5 years after establishment.

supressing weeds indicating its resistance to weed competition as reported

elsewhere [NAS, 1980; Tiedeman and Johnson, 1992]. At Awassa, a site with
sub-humid climate and slightly higher elevation (1700 m), this species showed
a tendency of growing taller, but with long and thinner bole and open canopy
(personal observation).
A. nilotica subsp, nilotica, formed wide and dense canopy. Unlike most of
the acacia species, it developed long and straight boles confirming the reports
by Brenan [1983]. A similar study of this species on Alkali soils in India
showed that growth stagnated after 3-4 years [Ahmed, 1991]. In the present
study mortality increased within the reported time, but height and diameter
growth were increasing at a faster rate. At another site with sub-humid climate
and elevation of 1700 m the species showed similar growth characteristics,
but with smaller diameter growth (personal observation).
A. seyal, had the highest rate of survival at both sites. It formed wide canopy
and supressed weeds. At Zewai, initial growth has been the fastest with a mean
height of 3.26 m and mean diameter of 2.45 cm within a year after planting.

8f- 12.
J [
i !

.-. ]

"I" r~

0 L i I
0 1 I I F ! !

2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5

Age (years) Age (years)

L - - A. c y a n o p h y l l a - - A. nilotica - ~ A. s e y a l

I "~" R j u l i f l o r a -*" C. s i a m e a

Fig. 5. Height and diameter growth curve of some promising MPTS at Alagie.

lo r 16r


E ---10
E v 8
, m171
-r- 6

I 4

oI I I I I I r I

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Age (years) Age (years)

- - A. c y a n o p h y l l a + - A. n i l o t i c a

- ~ A. seyal ~ E. c a m a l d u l e n s i s

--x- R j u l i f l o r a

Fig. 6. Height and diameter growth curve of some promising MPTS at Zewai.

The relative early fast growth of the species at these sites did not agree with
other findings [NAS, 1980].
P. juliflora, grew vigorously with glossy green leaves and wide canopy.
The soil under the canopy has been free from weeds and rich in accumulated
organic matter. Ahmed [1991 ] has reported that P. juliflora was a very suitable
species for planting in alkali soils. Its successful and favourable growth at
the alkali soils of Alagie is in agreement with this. Although the maximum
altitudinal range for this species is reported to be 1500 m above sea level
[NAS, 1980; Von Carlowitz et al., 1991], its luxurious growth at Zewai with
elevation of 1650 m indicated that it has wide ecological adaptation.
C. siamea, is generally considered as lowland species [NAS, 1980], and
its reported maximum altitudinal range is 1384 m [Von Carlowitz et al., 1991].
However the present study indicated that the species can thrive well even
at higher altitudes. This species was planted on observation plots at Zewai
site and the growth performance has been found similar to that of Alagie
indicating its wider adaptability to the different conditions of the semi-arid
E. camaldulensis showed the fastest growth at Zewai. However, rate of
survival has been among the lowest at both sites. Although Eucalyptus spp
are generally considered as fast growing species, the best performance of this
species at Zewai can also be attributed to the high mortality rate and hence
available wider space for luxuriant growth of the remaining trees. Some
provenances of E. camaldulensis do not tolerate calcareous soils [FAO, 1981;
NAS, 1980], and the relatively poor performance of this species at Alagie
could be attributed to the calcareous nature of its soil. Although the growth
performance of this species is generally acceptable, the high mortality rate
could limit its wide scale acceptance. Selection of suitable provenances may
be necessary.
C. cunninghamiana and A. senegal performed satisfactorily at both sites.
Growth performances A. albida, L. leucocephala, G. robusta, P. aculeata and
C. equisetifoIia have not been satisfactory.
A. albida, which is reported to be among the fastest growing acacias in
semi-arid climates [NAS, 1979; Miehe, 1986; Jama et al., 1989], performed
very poorly at both of these sites. Poschen [1986] has noted that this species
has unsatisfactory survival rates and it is generally slow growing, but there
are some fast growing genotypes. It could therefore, be a wrong provenance
choice that resulted in the poor performance of this species.
L. leucocephala, produced too much fruit and its leaves were partly browsed
by bush bucks. L. Leucocephala is primarily a species of lowland humid
tropics [Von Carlowitz et al., 1991; NAS, 1979; NAS, 1980]. However, it grew
very fast under irrigation at the same sites (personal observation). It could,
therefore, be moisture stress that resulted in its poor performance.
Growth performance of G. robusta was affected by weed competition,
particularly runner grass and couch grass at both sites. Moreover, this species
normally grows on acid and neutral soils [Von Carlowitz et al., 1991]. Its poor

performance at these sites could, therefore be the effect of salinity and alka-
linity, and probably inadequate moisture.
P. aculeata is naturally a small tree, but its poor performance here could
also be the effect of high altitude which is above the ecological limit of this
species reported to be 1300 m above sea level [NAS, 1980].
The poor survival and growth performance of C. equisetifolia could be
due to competition from grassy weeds, runner and couch grasses.


The study on the early growth performance of some MPTS in the semi-arid
areas of Southern Ethiopia indicated that A. nilotica, A. cyanophylla, A. seyal,
C. siamea and P. juliflora have great potential for large biomass production
in these areas. The potentials of these species for soil fertility improvement,
and agroforestry management techniques suitable for each species and desired
products should also be studied. It is also necessary to study appropriate
planting techniques aiming at, proper soil preparation, particularly on soils
with calcic horizons, to improve survival rates of species such as A.
cyanophylla, and also efficient rain-water harvesting and utilization system
to improve the growth performance of all species. Selection of leucaena
cultivars that are drought hardy and suitable for high altitudes is also felt
necessary, since it has great potential for fodder production for the large cattle
population in these areas.


The International Foundation for Science (IFS) of Sweden, and the Ethiopian
Ministry of Planning and Economic Development are acknowledged for
financing this research project. I thank Dr Geremew Haile for his support in
the setting up the project and my colleagues Mr Merid Seyoum and Mr Abera
Balcha for their assistance in the follow-up of the research and data collec-
tion. I also thank Dr Mogessie Ashenafi for his valuable help in the prepara-
tion of the manuscript.


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