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Aakash Institute Jabalpur

Chapters : PT Std 11 : Chemistry Date : 27/06/23

Total Marks :60 Unit Test FR01 Time : 0.5 HOUR
Section A
• Write the answer of the following questions. [Each carries 4 Marks] [60]

1. Which of the following elements has the highest ionisation energy

(A) [Ne]3s2 3p1 (B) [Ne]3s2 3p2 (C) [Ne]3s2 3p3 (D) [Ar]3d10 4s24p2
2. A sudden large jump between the value of second and third ionisation energies of elements would
be associated with which of the following electronic configurations ?
(A) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1 (B) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3p1 (C) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1 3p2 (D) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2
3. The first ionization potential (eV ) of Be and B respectively are.....
(A) 8.29, 9.32 (B) 9.32, 8.29 (C) 9.32, 9.32 (D) 8.29, 8.29
4. Which of the following order for ionization energy is correct ?
(A) Be > B > C > N > O (B) B < Be < C < O < N
(C) B < Be < C < N < O (D) B < Be < N < C < O
5. The increasing order of first ionization enthalpies of the elements B, P, S and F (lowest first) is .........
(A) P < S < B < F (B) F < S < P < B (C) B < S < P < F (D) B < P < S < F
6. Which one of the following represents the correct order of increasing first ionization enthalpy of Ca,
Ba, S, Se and Ar ?
(A) Ca < S < Ba < Se < Ar (B) S < Se < Ca < Ba < Ar
(C) Ba < Ca < Se < S < Ar (D) Ca < Ba < S < Se < Ar
7. Which of the following atoms has the highest first ionization energy ?
(A) Sc (B) Rb (C) Na (D) K
8. The elements of group - 16 and group - 17 are called as ........ and ........ respectively.
(A) Halogens, Chalcogens (B) Chalcogens, Alkali
(C) Chalcogens, Halogens (D) Halogens, Alkaline
9. Which of the following reactions require largest amount of energy ?
(A) Ga2+(g) ® Ga3+(g) + e –
(B) Ga(g) ® Ga+(g) + e –
(C) Ga+(g) ® Ga2+(g) + e –
(D) All the reactions require same amount of energy.
10. Which graph of Moseley suggests that properties of elements depend upon atomic number ?
(A) v2 ® Z (B) v ®Z (C) v2 ® A (D) v®A
11. Choose the correct option : T stands for True; F stands for False
(A) d-block elements are known as transition metals.
(B) Ionization enthalpy of Be > B.
(C) Elements of Group-I exhibit only +1 oxidation state.
(D) Group 17 contains only gaseous elements
12. In modern periodic table, if an element has electronic configuration 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p4; then what
will be the atomic number of element, which is just below the element in its group ?
(A) 18 (B) 34 (C) 45 (D) 24
13. The elements with highest ionization enthalpy in a period are ......... .
(A) Halogens (B) Noble gases
(C) Lanthanides (D) Alkaline earth metals
The elements with highest ionization enthalpy in a period are ......... .
(A) Halogens (B) Noble gases
(C) Lanthanides (D) Alkaline earth metals
14. What is correct order of ionisation enthalpy of Li, Be, B, C of first period and Na, Mg, Al, Si of second
period ?
(A) Li < B < Be < C and Na < Al < Mg < Si (B) Li < Be < B < C and Na < Mg < Al < Si
(C) C < Be < B < Li and Si < Mg < Al < Na (D) None of these
15. Which element shows less ionisation enthalpy ?
(A) Noble gases (B) Alkali elements (C) Alkaline earth (D) Halogen elements
Aakash Institute Jabalpur
Chapters : PT Std 11 : Chemistry Date : 27/06/23
Total Marks :60 Unit Test FR01 Time : 0.5 HOUR

Section [ A ] : 4 Marks Questions

No Ans Chap Sec Que Universal_QueId

1. C Chap 3 (22-23) S8 1 QP22P11B1112_P1C3S8Q1
2. D Chap 3 (22-23) S8 3 QP22P11B1112_P1C3S8Q3
3. B Chap 3 (22-23) S8 5 QP22P11B1112_P1C3S8Q5
4. B Chap 3 (22-23) S8 6 QP22P11B1112_P1C3S8Q6
5. C Chap 3 (22-23) S8 22 QP22P11B1112_P1C3S8Q22
6. C Chap 3 (22-23) S8 28 QP22P11B1112_P1C3S8Q28
7. A Chap 3 (22-23) S8 33 QP22P11B1112_P1C3S8Q33
8. C Chap 3 (22-23) S7 24 QP22P11B1112_P1C3S7Q24
9. A Chap 3 (22-23) S7 30 QP22P11B1112_P1C3S7Q30
10. B Chap 3 (22-23) S7 33 QP22P11B1112_P1C3S7Q33
11. B Chap 3 (22-23) S7 36 QP22P11B1112_P1C3S7Q36
12. B Chap 3 (22-23) S7 39 QP22P11B1112_P1C3S7Q39
13. B Chap 3 (22-23) S7 40 QP22P11B1112_P1C3S7Q40
14. A Chap 3 (22-23) S5 9 QP22P11B1112_P1C3S5Q9
15. B Chap 3 (22-23) S5 25 QP22P11B1112_P1C3S5Q25

Welcome To Future - Quantum Paper

Aakash Institute Jabalpur
Chapters : PT Std 11 : Chemistry Date : 27/06/23
Total Marks :60 Unit Test FR01 Time : 0.5 HOUR
Section A
• Write the answer of the following questions. [Each carries 4 Marks] [60]







Welcome To Future - Quantum Paper





Welcome To Future - Quantum Paper






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