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Little Dick Game


12 Tweets • 2022-09-29 •  See on Twitter 

Always make her qualify to you.

Don’t ask her if she has a boyfriend.

You’re leading the conversation to a dead end.

If she says yes, she just disqualified you.

Instead, accuse her of being married.

She’ll say “no I’m not married, I have a boyfriend”

She’s qualifying now.

Follow up by saying that married women are your
type. (Playfully disqualifying her)

She’ll most probably laugh and ask “why ?”

Her asking “why?” means that you’ve been able to

create some intrigue.

Now it’s left to you to turn that intrigue into attraction,

or fuck it up.

I know you motherfuckers thought I’ll tell you how to


Well, you thought wrong.

That’s what the coaching is for.

It’s multiple directions you can take that conversation

and multiple possible outcomes, and I can’t put all that
into a thread.
But I’ll give you a real life example of how I
implemented this.

4 years ago, I was at the club with 3 of my friends, and

we went with 2 girls.

Horrible ratio.

About an hour in, I spotted some girl I knew, and she

was with 2 girls.

So I invited them over to our section.

One of her friends was hot.

Her sex appeal was through the roof.

So I asked “who’s your friend in the blue dress ?”

And she laughed and said “don’t go there, she has a


This was when I still used to mess with people’s


I’m a changed man now.

So how did I open, knowing she had a boyfriend ?

First of all, if a girl who has a boyfriend is at some

dude’s table in the club, her guards will be down.

She can’t be as strong-willed as she would have been

if she was approached some where else.

But I digress.
So most guys, even after knowing she’s in a
relationship would open conventionally, hoping she
finds them attractive enough to entertain their

Basically just hoping she’s a cheater.

And then when she tells them she has a boyfriend, it’s
usually game over.

Or they say some dumb shit like “he doesn’t let you
have friends ?”

Or “take my number, just incase”

That’s qualifying to her.


Here’s what I did:

I walked up to her and said “Your friend told me you’re

married. Why did you take off your ring in the club ?”
She laughs and responded “Oh no I’m not married, I’m
just in relationship”


Psychologically, she’s the one qualifying to me to now

and simultaneously downplaying the seriousness of
her relationship.

And that’s the sweet spot you always want to put a

woman in.

You didn’t downplay her relationship, she did.

That puts her in a whole different headspace.

If being single is level 0.

And being in relationship is level 1.

And being married is level 2.

If you assume she’s single (level 0), and she’s in a
relationship (level 1).

It makes level 1 look like a serious relationship.

But if you assume she’s married (level 2), and she has
to say she’s in a relationship (level 1)

It downplays the seriousness of the relationship.

That’s the formula.

Long story short, she ended up cheating on her


So there’s that.

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