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Little Dick Game


10 Tweets • 2023-03-06 •  See on 

Be unpredictable.

My ex did something that she knew I wouldn’t approve


She called me and said “babe, I know you’re going to

be mad when I say this”

She told me what she did.

& I said “I’ll pick you up for dinner at 8”

Should could barely eat when we went out.

Women can’t stand it when they can’t get a sneak
peak into your mind anymore.

Your words and your reactions are an expression of

your thoughts.

When you don’t speak or react, they’re clueless about

what you’re thinking.

This is terrifying for a woman.

You know she’s in your frame when your silence is

more effective than your words or reactions.

While we were at dinner she said “baby, aren’t you

going to say anything ?”

I said “let’s enjoy our dinner. I honestly have nothing to

say” with a genuine smile on my face.
Now, I know you may be thinking.

“LDG, doesn’t that mean that you’re tolerating her

bullshit ?”


She already knew what she did was wrong.

There’s nothing I would have said that I hadn’t said


It was time to act.

And that’s why she was terrified.

She didn’t know what my next action was going to be.

That uncertainty is what was eating her up.

I wasn’t going to threaten her with a breakup

Never make threats.

But take notes mentally, and then make your

decisions based on those mental notes.

My ex knew that my silence meant I was getting to my

breaking point.

And that was more terrifying than whatever words I

could have said, that she had already heard a
thousand times.

And it worked like magic.

She never repeated that thing again till we eventually

broke up.
My silence did the trick.

She kept asking “are you sick of me?”

I said “no, I love you, why would I be sick of you ?”

She said “then why aren’t you addressing what I told

you the other day”

I said “because I have nothing to say”

She understood the message.

Now, it’s important to understand that this should only

be done after you’ve previously called her out on that
particular thing multiple times.

If you haven’t, then it’ll come off as tolerance.

You’re like a dude without spine.

You have to first create a pattern of calling her out.

Till it gets to a point where she can call herself out for
you, like my ex did.

She was living under my rules.

That is frame.

And then when you break that pattern and give her a
different reaction to what she’s accustomed to.

It sends a stronger message than words ever will.

Your words mean nothing, if you’re not willing to act.

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