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Assignment: Catchment Water System Modelling; Module7

(Hydrological Modelling - Groundwater and Surface Water Systems)

Guiding Lecturers: Ilyas Masih and Jochen Wenninger, IHE Delft, Institute for Water Education, Delft
the Netherlands

The participants of module 7 Hydrological Modelling - Groundwater and Surface Water Systems are
introduced to basic concepts of catchment water system modelling. They also learn about applications
of models in hydrology and other disciplines. Theory and examples of model calibration, validation
and uncertainty analysis are introduced. Moreover, they do deeper learning of theory and application
on surface water or groundwater modelling, depending upon the theme chosen in this module.

Main Objectives and Focus

The main objective of this assignment is to select and synthesize scientific articles to relate relevant
arguments within a specific research context.

This assignment focuses on the issues related to model conceptualization and applications. The
participants are advised to select one recent research article published in an ISI-ranked journal during
2020-2024 related to the indicated issue (also discussed below) and write an opinion piece on that
article. The following points could be reflected upon in this opinion piece. The participants may choose
a different issue than presented below. In this case, a discussion with the guiding lecturers is

Suggested issue: Model conceptualization and application. There are different ways of conceptualizing
catchment water system models (e.g. rainfall-runoff models) resulting in several different models
developed by different researchers, consultants and other private/public sector entities or individuals.
There are similarities and differences among these conceptualizations, which also have implications
for their suitability for applications in certain hydro-meteorological, water management and
environmental settings.

The following points could be addressed in the opinion piece. The students may choose to add one or
two more points if necessary.

1. The problem formulation by the authors, with identification of the research gap (from a
scientific and/or practical point of view(s))
2. A brief reflection on the conceptual features of the selected model; an evaluation of the
suitability of the selected model; how the model was developed by the authors (e.g., spatial
and temporal dimension; calibration, validation and uncertainty analysis)
3. A critical and brief reflection on the modelling results, focusing on only one topic that is
presented in the results and discussion section.
4. Evaluation of the contribution of the paper in addressing the research gap outlined by the

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5. Finally, a brief reflection on your position as if you were a modeller; would you have taken a
similar modelling approach as the authors took in the selected study or you will propose a
fully or slightly different approach to address the same research gap.

Deliverable: Opinion Piece on a Selected Journal Article

The length of the opinion piece is a minimum of 2 pages and a maximum 3 pages excluding any
supporting annexes for one or two tables/figures.

Format suggestion: use paper size A4, font ‘Times New Roman’ size 12, single-line spacing, margins
of 2.5 cm, and ensure page numbers are inserted.

This writing assignment needs to be submitted via E-Campus page of the module (due date is 12th
April 2024; 23:59 CEST).

This assignment will constitute 20% of the final mark for the module.

The assessment criteria for the opinion piece will be as follows:

• The clear and concise reflection on the points suggested in the description of the assignment
• Academic writing, with good structure, flow of arguments, and writing style (50%).

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