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Name: _____________________ Date: ________________

Class: _____________________
Worksheet Code: Eng08/24-25/G/01

Q1. Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions:

We know that someone is going to speak to us today (a) ______ nobody knows his

identity (b)______why he has been invited to the school. My guess is that it must be

something to do with the environmental pollution (c ) _______the whole of Delhi NCR is

struggling with very severe air quality. My friend Arun disagrees with me and feels (d)

_____he is a well known social activist who will talk to us about equal rights. We went to

our teacher to find out more about him. She told us he is (e) _______ an environmentalist

(f)______a social activist, (g) _______ a historian and he will talk about the impact of

war on people. Both of us were right in our guess (h) _______ so wrong.

Q2. Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions:

Many species of wildlife are becoming extinct (a)__________ the rainforests are being

destroyed.(b) __________ logging provides jobs and profits, the government is reluctant

to control it. Hemp can be used to make paper, (c)__________ it could reduce the need

for logging. Hemp was grown throughout history for its versatility (d)________ it can be

used to make many different things. Hemp is related to the marijuana plant

(e)__________ it is illegal in many countries. Hemp cannot be used to produce marijuana

(f)__________ its low THC content. Marijuana is less toxic than alcohol or tobacco.

(g)__________, some people believe it should be legalized. (h)__________ Canada has

legalized hemp farming, we can expect to see pulp and paper produced from hemp very


Q3. Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions:

As we trudged along with the steep mountain path (a) ____________ reached a clearing,

the landscape evolved into a picturesque panorama. The tall pines stood erect in attention

(b) ____________ in a military drill. A solitary wildflower caught my attention (c)

____________it swayed merrily in the breeze. It seemed oblivious to my presence (d)

____________ appeared to be in some sort of private celebration, its bright yellow colour

eloquently reflecting its vibrant mood. It appeared assertive of its uniqueness (e)

____________ blending harmoniously into the orchestra of colours (f) ____________

surrounded it.

Q4. Fill in the blanks with the most suitable correlative conjunctions (either/or,
neither/nor, both/and, whether/or, not only/but also) to complete the passage.

The ancient city was a marvel of engineering. __________(1) its grand palaces and

bustling marketplaces thrived, __________ (2) the intricate system of canals and

aqueducts ensured a steady flow of water. Visitors were impressed __________ (3) by

the beauty of the architecture __________ (4) by the ingenuity of the infrastructure. The

city's success depended __________ (5) on its strong leadership __________(6) on the

hard work of its citizens. Archaeologists are still uncovering secrets, __________ (7)

about the daily lives of the people __________ (8) about the methods used for


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