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Little Dick Game


15 Tweets • 2023-05-18 •  See on 

Dark Game:

Jokingly ask her to take an IQ test.

Every woman is a smart ass until you ask them to take

an IQ test.

Watch them tremble.

Even the prettiest women get their heads out their

asses once an IQ test is proposed.

Easiest way to humble any woman.

Yet to fail me.

Before I elaborate further, I think it’s important to say
that, this shouldn’t be used on women who are
naturally submissive and are following your lead.

This is for those hard-headed women who are more

focused on competing with you, instead of prioritizing

You shouldn’t deal with those type of women, but I

know some of you will anyway.

Why ?

Because you motherfuckers don’t listen!

But I still care about you guys, so this one is for you
hardheaded sons of bitches who want to “handle”

So here you go.

Now if you know you’re not the sharpest knife in the
kitchen drawer, then use this strategy with caution,
because it may backfire.

But it rarely does.

The confidence you show by proposing one will scare

her and %90 of the time, she won’t take the damn test.

Some may read this & assume I’m saying women are
cognitively challenged.

& I can see why it can come off that way.

But that’s not what I’m implying.

I don’t think women are stupid, but I don’t think they’re

that confident either.

When challenged, they’ll fall to their knees.

It’s not that they can’t get a good score.

It’s that they fear the possibility of getting a bad score,

to the point that they won’t be willing to take the test.

You’re not capitalizing on their assumed stupidity.

You’re capitalizing on their lack of confidence in


It has to be brought up in a playful manner though.

Because some of you dudes are socially inept & lack

social calibration.

& will probably just text her randomly, proposing an IQ


Don’t be silly.

Bring it up in the most non-malicious way that you can.

Quick example:

You: “I’ll let you pick the restaurant we go to for dinner

if you agree to take an IQ test and your score is higher
than mine”

Her: “hahaha you’re crazy”

You: “Don’t worry, if we find out that you’re dumb, I’ll

still love you”

Her: *laughs more*

And then later, randomly keep bringing up jokingly,

and say that she’s avoiding one.

She’ll slowly start getting embarrassed but not upset.

That’s how you know it’s working.

Most women aren’t willing to risk being revealed as

objectively stupid, even if they’re smart.
She’ll imagine the possibility of her test scores being
low, and how she can never challenge your decision-
making ever again.

Because it’s been proven that she’s less intelligent

than you, which makes her monumentally less
equipped than you, when it comes to making

Also, it puts her in a “damned if I do, damned if don’t”


Where, her taking the test is too risky, and her not
taking the test also subtly indicates that she’s not sure
of her intelligence.

But she’ll rather not take it, because it’s the less of two
Like I said earlier, if you’re not confident in your
cognitive abilities, be a lot more tactical with who you
choose to use this strategy on.

Because some women will take you up on it.

And you’ll be the one who’ll chicken out, and show

your ass because you’re not confident.

If that happens, it’ll be clear you got intimidated by her.

That could result in an immediate loss of attraction

and respect for you as a man.

You’ll get more shit tests, and she’ll challenge you

more than she ever did.

But this rarely happens.

It did happen to me once though.

She ended up proving to be more confident than

intelligent, because her test score was sub-average.

She was gorgeous and her pussy was exquisite, so it

didn’t matter.

Besides I was enjoying the new humbled version of

her better.

I don’t use this strategy anymore because I won’t even
bother dealing with hard-headed women.

But I know some of you enjoy taming beasts.

And I know some of you evil dudes will still use this on
an innocent woman, who doesn’t deserve it.

But hey, I can’t control that.


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