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Little Dick Game


5 Tweets • 2023-05-23 •  See on 

Dudes lie to women about their height, and then when

they meet her in person, she’s disappointed.

I lie too.

The difference is, I reduce my height, and when she

meets me in person, she’s 2x more attracted to me
because she was expecting me to be shorter.

Works like magic.

Now there’s a right way to go about this.

I only do this with women who already have high

interest in me.

They already love my personality from the couple

phone calls we’ve had and the text messages we’ve

Or they find my facial features attractive.

You can’t do this with women who have little interest in


Reducing your height will put a nail in the coffin.

It also depends on your height.

If you’re 6’3, you can still say you’re 6’0 and get away
with it.

But if you’re 5’10 like me, you can’t play like that.
If she has high interest, I tell her I’m 5’7.

When she meets me and I’m 5’10, it feels like I’m 6’0
to her, just because of the shock.

If she’s doesn’t have high interest, I’ll tell her that I’m
5’10, my actual height.

Won’t inflate it like you dudes do and self-sabotage.

You guys raise women’s expectations and then crush

it when the truth is revealed.

You should be looking for ways to lower her

expectations and then exceed them when the truth is

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