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5. BINOMIAL THEOREM REVIEW OF Facts ssion containing two terms, is oo al expression. yo ele + bix,x+llya-yete, wi ressions. bi jon of (+ a)’ is called binomial a pression containing three terms is ie xample x + Y +z and in general a containing more than two terms is ulti jal. peat of Binomial ‘Theorem : fay = nc, x + no, x"! a+ ne, x nea [where » € N] one, are binomial @ ft ow (y ne, » MO Mr coefficients. nt n,=——, (nr)! 6) Ifnc,=nc, Then eitherx=yorxty=n. (@) There are (n + 1) terms in the expansion of(x+ ay’. (@) The sum of powers of a and x ineach term of expansion is 7. (0) The first and last term being 2" and a” respectively. () Coefficients of Equidistant terms.from beginning and End : The binomial coefficients in the expansion of + a) equidistant from the beginning Ls 1 the end are equal. a : The th term from the end in the expansion wh 2) Z} isequal to ® wo.2(5) (b) 10,2 (€) -195?"* Sol: 7th term from the end = 15th term from” g T,=10, #3] a T= w0,2(5| ¥ Hence (a) is the correct option. (ii) Greatest Binomial Coefficient : + Ifnis even r=~ 2 ie, "ey takes maximum value n-1 ntl « Ifnis odd r=—— of >— 2 2 et and take maximum value. Ex.2: The greatest coefficient in the expansion of (1 +x)" is @ 13 ={t 1)» (b) 2", (©) 2%, (a) None of these Sol: The greatest coefficient = The coefficient of the middle term = c al (Qn) 2" Hence (a) is the correct option. ii) General Term of Expansion : oT . is . {2 4) term independent of x #0 x a is () 32:12 @ 32:1 32 (b) 1:32 , (a) 12) expansion is Sol: General term in the 156, (x7) 2] ie, 15¢, por coefficient of x'? is 150,2* . (= 5) coefficient of constant term is 15c,,. (r=10) Ratio is 1:32 (15c,= 15¢,,) Hence (b) is the correct option (iv) Middle term of the expansion : 210 (a) Ifnis even Taj is the middle term. So, the middle term Te) = Men Hd 5 T, (b) Hfmis odd “fs! and T= ate Middle terms So, the middle terms are tay me / et) oy “Hag mage x. 4: If the middle term in the expansion of iy . [ we +] is 9246 Then n is equal to (a2) 10) 12 © 14 (4) None of th ese Sol: Since, n is even therefore ( ny i} ‘ 2 term j middle term. ae Ay wA( 1) Hence ney (x*) ‘(4 =924y6 > x4 ae = n=12 Hence (b) is the correct Ption To Determine a particular to, Expansion ing In the expansion of (» +5 vifye T,,,, Then ris given by nar (e+ B)=m Oceyy, na—m a+ Thus; in above expansion if constant tem. the term which is independent of x occu Sr= T,,, then r is determined by na—r(at B)=0 she ts a+pB Ex. 5: The term independent of x in te 5 4 3) expansion of (gx -2] 5 3 a} 8 @) 5h —&) oho) Th =O Sol: Comparing (te — 3) with |? 4 3 2x, ‘ We get,a=2,b=1,n=9 + pe 9(2) Yonsei ee ee ee, (6 + 1) = 7th term is independe oft ence, (c) is the correct option. ptmeoren ie Binomial Theore fo 31 ya isa negative integer oy functio T any Index ; rien the Xpansi ‘On of a binomial is possi Fa psiist term is 1 and possible only o! term is numerically less than 1. Is @ fs we €N and [<1 then its States (4x) =, a oUt ~2) , teat oo a r ) General Term: _ n(n—1)(n-2) aaa (n—r +1) Wed rl Bs (i) Some Important Expansions : Ifhi<1 and n€ Q but eN, then @ (tay atm) ) 24. tpt telnet 3 .. )) (y (i-2)'=1- my Dy 2 _n(n—- =e 2) _ pt =e r+ (94 @ yt atte MD Day alot No? neta ve {rmr ty moa) 2 alo tN?) oe nine Pe ato rt yr) 4.. (@ (l+x)" =1-m+— By Putting n= 1, + pesos reste ori et (naples Lear t at tal tn AE Foe General Term : Tee (tapte pig tei tne tN te General Term : T =( Names oF sae Waste pg aed ae tae ae OTD General Term : Tas@t yy 142 my 32 wget 40% ga: (+4) =lt5t 3 4) te, ta 1-2 any ‘ x : put asis very large term theres, Nyt and term other terms can be ign, ® General Ter™* the red, , see DY We + Hence (b) is correct option, (aya iter ee romper of ems in th Expansion @tyty (rt 042) rt ie a ¥ ig + y + 2)" cam be expanded as General Term = qtyt y= Gt Dae at yy tne typ, IC 2 emer) y 7 (i +a)" (r++?) Cay t ee ri! General Term : (r+) (r+2) =n OF red Ex.7: If is very large number and n is anegative integer or a proper function, then an approximate value of (-x) is equal to z 2 @ ) 1+ () 144 @ ofi+} 1. Ith expansion of [+ 2y for positive n has aterm ae independent of x, then nis (b) 18 (c) 16 ‘@0 '-, Total number of terms _ (et yy tn tree = (a+ 1) terms +n terms + (y_, terms + ..... +1 term ) =(QtDtnt(m=NF.s _ (n+1)(n+2) 7 2 Some Important Results : () If the co efficient of the rth, (r + 1)* aud (r+ 2)* terms in the expansion of (1 +3) are in HP, then n + (n — 2r)' = (i) If coefficient of rth, (r + 1)" and (r +2! terms in the expansion of (1 + x)' arein AP, then n? - n (4r + 1) + 47 -2=0 2. Th 2 oy eS © value of 2C, + = C+ 5645 7 2 Cet C,, is ui @* pel i (b) il 1p} 2 ir-l oT On ow jent of x? i td je neisrnon 28+) na . 0 coefficient of x7 in [=] are al, then ab is equal to } om O2 O38 @4 TC ak Chee: ta tat... F 4,3" Then a, + a, + a, +a, is ors @ #45 5,00, + (a+ b) c, + (a + 2b) c, + (a+ nb) c, is equal to (2) Qa+nb) 2" (b) (2a + nb) 2"-! (9 (a+ 26) 2" (@) (na + 25) 2! 6. If coefficient of 2nd 3rd and 4th term in the expansion of (1 + x)" are in AP, then (a) 2+ 9n+7=0 (b) t-9n +7=0 (0) 2t-9n-7=0 @ + 9n-7=0 1. The coefficient of x* in the expansion of (1 +x)" and (1 + x)"-! are in the ratio @12 &.13 @3 @ 2 §. The value of (7.9954 correct to four decimal places is or + (@) 1.9995 (b) 1.9996 * (©) 1.9990 @ 19991 STC), C, uu. C,, are coefficients in the &xpansion of (+ apr + Cet the value of C3 —2C3 + $C}. INCH" @) ) Cyr" ©) 2Gay-tum-1C, @ » the sum of the Sth and-6th terms is ze Then a/b equals. 5 6" Oy @> - Ifm is an odd natural number, TH 4 (—1)' = nC, equals (a) 0 © % © ¥ (@) None of thes? yrveore™ jal Cyt 30 +5C,+1C,+... eg fe sequal bpele (o) 2+ na (d) None of these ! 100 yolo0c, (x-3)"" nrg r=0 (b) 100€,, (@ 100C,, t term in the expansion of n) 100Cs, i) ) -10 00.5 g the e larges! op®, where x= Mis (b) Si" @ 6 oP y. lf the sum of middle terms is $ in the Gt expansion of (20 eT a Then the value(s) of 5 is/are o (Sl a"(8+a) (b) g a a” (8+a) oBpoe @ See 4. Ifthe coefficient of x? and x’ in the expansion of (3 + kx)? are equal, Then the Value of k is @-97 ) 917 (79 (@ None of these 3 . as Ifthe expansion of {e+3] for positive integer n has 13% term independent of x, nis . (a) 16 @) 18 ©% (@ None of these 37. Ifpi Ifp is nearly equal to q and n> 1 such that Cepette— te (n=) p+(n4q [e} ‘Then the value of xis (a) a 1 Hl o> (c)n+1 (@n 38. If the coefficient of 4% term in the expansion of (: 2] is 20, Then the respective values of o, and n are (a) 2,7 ) 5,8 (©) 3,6 @ 2,6 39. If the r® term in the expanston of 10 [;- 3) contains x* Then r is equal to (a4 3 (c)2 (4) None of these 40. The term independent ofx in the expansion of (Dat (tH) if is @ sf =] ( (ft oz] @ nf 22} 41. The last digit of (2137) is @2 3 @7 @9 42. she remainder when 3 is divided by 80 (a) 78 ® 3 ©2 O% 43. The when 4" is divided by 101i is @s we ou @% wer of 18 contained in 01 , soc,, is ® re a . ‘ , in the 45. te term that is ie of x, 3)" expansion of (5 -=| is @ (}(4) ) wf) xa E(4] @ x} (a 46, The value of yon 2,, | is equal to (a) 300,, (b) 100,,,200,,, (c) 100,,, (d@) None of these 47. The coefficient of x? in the expansion of (14x43)! is (a) 10,, (0) 10, © Ie, (@) None of these 48. The coefficient of x‘ in the expansion of (1 +x- 22) is @-81 0) -91 (© 8 Wo 49. The value of ya ae = is equalto GE © a 1 © GinwTy © None of these 50. The coefficient of Ay: (+ay(+py tye en TPason of OZ! oF) . 2 x () Xr.) @ Ley 51. 52. 53. 55, - One—1). 2 @ None of 56. -(c)n 54, 2003, Thevaneot [2 T) Fw, fractional part, is equal to Bogs () 38 (b) 3 9 9 ©) 38 @ = The total number of different tem expansion of. (x, txt x. wi equal to ota (a) n+mc, (b) Mm (tml, @ mim, Total number of term, that are depenin on the value of x, in the expansio, [2 +244 is equal to (b) 2n @atl The coefficient of a°b‘c in the expansin of (1 +a-b +c)’ is equal to (a) 2n+1 3 9! ®) Ta ©) a5 Eu 9! © a5 @® aa Tevalseof 22 .n, is equal 0 (@) n(n +1).2) ) 2 The value of DYyj . », isequal!? Osi is equal to sum of coefficients in the expansion of (x- ay) Then ot is equal to @o @) | (©) any number (d) None of these . 41. Ifnisaneven integer and a, b, caredistinet numbers, then the number of distinct terms in the expansion of (a + pteytt (@+b-cy is @ (es2f (b) n+2 () “ (® None of these 62. The ran 7 independ? the lent Values of the term of x in the expansion of xsin™ g + cosy ~ }eel-b-Hl is Ge" oe 8 ogee! () [1,2] (@) (1,2) 63. If A=2ng, 2ng + 2g, 2n — Ic, + 2,2 ~ 2, tom Then A is () 2n @)0 () mm @1 L® 2@ 3@ 40 5. (b) 6@ 70 & () 9) 20 1H 2@ bBo 4@ BO 16 @ 1.@ B@ w@ % @ 1.@) 20) 3 © 24. (0) 3) 6@ 70 28. (b) 9.0) 20 @ HO 32. ©) 3.) @ 35. eo 36. (b) 37.) 38 @ »%® 40. (©) a@ 20 43. (@) ‘ © 46. (a) 47: © . ° 0 0 SO 2® 53. (0) 54. (d) 55. (0) 56 (b) 51.0 58. (0) 59 ~@ 0.0 61. @ 2. (a) & (°)

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