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Bahasa Inggris

untuk Kelas 4 SD/MI

Semester Ganjil
Table of Contents
Table of Contents..................................................................................................... 1
Chapter 1 What Are You Doing?.......................................................................... 2
Final Assesment Chapter 1................................................................... 7

Chapter 2 There Are 67 English Books............................................................... 13

Final Assesment Chapter 2................................................................... 17

Chapter 3 My Living Room Is Beside Kitchen................................................... 21

Final Assesment Chapter 3................................................................... 25

Mid Semester Test.................................................................................................... 30

Chapter 4 Where Is My Pencil?........................................................................... 33

Final Assesment Chapter 4................................................................... 38

Chapter 5 The Stove Is in the Kitchen................................................................ 42

Final Assesment Chapter 5................................................................... 46

Chapter 6 I Can Make Fried Egg in the Kitchen................................................. 51

Final Assesment Chapter 6................................................................... 55

Final Semester Test.................................................................................................. 60

Bibliography.............................................................................................................. 63

What Are You
Capaian Pembelajaran 2. membuat berbagai kalimat terkait dengan kegiatan yang
sedang berlangsung menggunakan present continuous tense;
Pada akhir Fase B, peserta didik menggunakan bahasa Inggris 3. mengidentifikasi kalimat terkait dengna aktivitas atau kegiatan
untuk berinteraksi dalam lingkup situasi sosial dan kelas yang yang sedang berlangsung menggunakan present continuous
makin luas, namun masih dapat diprediksi (rutin) menggunakan tense.
kalimat dengan pola yang sesuai dengan konteks yang dibicarakan.
Mereka mengubah/mengganti sebagian elemen kalimat untuk
dapat berpartisipasi dalam rutinitas kelas dan aktivitas belajar,
seperti menyampaikan perasaan, menyampaikan kebutuhan, dan
meminta pertolongan. Mereka memahami ide pokok dari informasi
Is, are, am, doing
yang disampaikan secara lisan dengan bantuan visual, serta
menggunakan kosakata sederhana. Mereka mengikuti rangkaian
instruksi sederhana yang berkaitan dengan prosedur kelas dan
aktivitas belajar dengan bantuan visual. Profil Pelajar Pancasila
Pada akhir fase B, peserta didik memahami kata-kata yang sering Beriman dan bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dan
digunakan sehari-hari dengan bantuan gambar/ilustrasi. Mereka berakhlak mulia. Memiliki iman yang kuat dan akhlak yang terpuji,
membaca dan memberikan respon terhadap teks pendek sederhana memiliki sopan santun ketika mempelajari materi pada bab 1 ini
dan familiar dalam bentuk tulisan atau digital, termasuk teks visual, terkait dengan present continuous tense.
multimodal atau interaktif.
Pada akhir fase B, peserta didik mengomunikasikan ide dan Concept Map
pengalamannya melalui gambar dan salinan tulisan. Dengan
bantuan guru, mereka menghasilkan teks deskripsi dan prosedur
sederhana menggunakan kata/frasa sederhana dan gambar. Listen and Write
Mereka menulis kosakata sederhana yang berkaitan dengan
lingkungan kelas dan rumah dalam bahasa Inggris menggunakan What Are You Doing? Read Aloud
ejaan yang diciptakan sendiri oleh anak.
Look and Write
Learning Objectives
Setelah mempelajari materi berikut diharapkan peserta didik
1. menyatakan ungkapan terkait dengan aktivitas atau kegiatan
yang sedang berlangsung saat ini;

Hi, everybody, how are you today? What are you doing
now? Are you studying now? What are you studying now?
Well, I guess you are doing a homework in the bedroom.
Or you are watching television in the living room. Here,
you can use present continuous tense to express this
activity. There are many kinds of ongoing activities. Here,
in this chapter we are going to learn about ongoing activity
Picture of children study at home.
and present continuous tense together. Source: Publisher document.

2 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1

Material Deepening

Trigger Questions
1. Do you know how to say kinds of activities that you are doing now?
2. Do you know how to write kinds of activities that you are doing now?
3. Do you understand the formula of present continuous tense?
4. Have you ever heard present continuous tense?

Present Continuous Tense

The present continuous tense indicates that an
Additional Knowledge
action or condition is happening now, frequently,
and may continue into the future. Guna menambah pengetahuanmu
mengenai materi tentang Present
The formula of present continuous tense is: to be Continuous Tense, kunjungilah laman
[am, is, are] + verb [present participle]. berikut.

1. He is taking a bath in the bathroom.
2. Mr. Waluyo is feeding his cows in the barnyard.
3. Teguh and his friends are playing hide and seek.
Scan QR Code:
Listen and Write
Listen and look at the pictures. Continuous-Tense
Write what they are doing.
(Dengarkan dan perhatikan gambar! Tulis aktivitas yang dilakukan!)

Susi and Ratna are ... the floor in the

Students are ... at the school yard.

He is ... in the living room. Mr. Teguh Saputra is ... in the living room.

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1 3

Read Aloud
Read the following text aloud.
(Bacalah teks berikut dengan lantang!)
Yuliana and her sister are in the bookstore now.
Yuliana is reading an English book.
Her sister is looking for a Math Book.
Gilang, her classmate, is also in the bookstore.
He is looking for a computer book.
They are having fun in the bookstore.

Look and Write

Write what your friends are doing based on the pictures.
(Tulislah aktivitas yang sedang dilakukan temanmu berdasarkan gambar!)

1. 2.

3. 4.

Individual Activity

Read the dialog and answer the questions.

(Bacalah dialog berikut dan jawab pertanyaannya!)
Alya : What are you doing, Dewi?
Yuni : I am studying now.
Alya : Is your brother studying, too?
Yuni : No, he is not. He is playing game on computer.
Alya : How about your mother? What is she doing?
Yuni : She is cooking in the kitchen.

4 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1

Alya : What is she cooking now?
Yuni : She is cooking fried rice.
Alya : Is your father helping her?
Yuni : No, he is not. My father is picking the fruits in the garden.
Alya : Oh, I see.
1. What is Dewi doing?
2. Where does the dialog take place?
3. What is Dewi’s brother doing?
4. Who is cooking in the kitchen?
5. Where is Dewi’s father?

Group Activity

Work in pairs. Make a dialog about what you and your friend are doing at school now.

Higher Order Thinking Skills

Budi is in the living room now. While Sandi is in the dining room. What do you think
Budi and Sandi are doing in those rooms? Write kinds of activities that they are
possibly doing now in those rooms.

Let’s Play

Down (Menurun)
1. My mother is … a rice in the kitchen.

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1 5

2. My little sister is … in the bedroom.
3. My parents are … in the dining room.
Across (Mendatar)
4. Ayu Amelia is … English in the bedroom.
5. Putri Rianawati is … a song in the living room.

Minimun Competency Assessment

Read the following dialog and answer the questions for numbers 1 and 2.
(Bacalah dialog berikut dan jawab pertanyaannya!)
Today is Sunday. Intan is in Kayla’s home.
Intan : Hello Kayla?
Kayla : Hi, Intan.
Intan : What are you doing?
Kayla : I am reading a short story.
Intan : Wow, it is interesting. Where is your mother?
Kayla : She is in the kitchen. She is cooking a rice and boiling water.
Intan : How about your father?
Kayla : He is in the garden. He is picking the papayas and mangoes fruits.
Intan : Oh, I see.
1. Pay attention to the following statements.
(1) Kayla is reading a short story.
(2) Intan is cooking a rice.
(3) The dialog takes place on Sunday.
(4) The dialog takes place at school.
The correct statements based on the dialog are shown by number ....
a. (1) and (2)
b. (1) and (3)
c. (2) and (3)
d. (2) and (3)
2. Choose the correct statements based on the dialog above by giving check mark (√).
Statements True (T) False (F)
Intan is Kayla’s sister.
Kayla is listening to the music.
Kayla’s father is picking the fruits in the garden.
Kayla’s mother is cooking and boiling in the kitchen.

6 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1

Final Assesment Chapter 1

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing ( x ) a, b, c or d.

(Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf a, b, c, atau d di depan jawaban yang paling tepat!)
1. Ali : What is Lintang doing? 4. Amelia, Putri, and Melisa ... at the
Bono : He is .... school playground.

a. listening to the music a. are reading

b. reading a book b. are playing
c. watching television c. are waiting
d. playing a video game d. are eating
2. Budi : What are they doing? 5. The students ... in the classroom.
Citra : They are ....

a. is studying c. is playing
a. listening to the radio b. are studying d. are playing
b. watching television 6. Budi : What is aunt doing in the
c. playing games kitchen?
d. cleaning the living room Citra : She is ....
3. Edo and Heru ... in the school canteen.

a. frying omelette
a. are playing
b. boiling a noodle
b. are eating
c. washing the dishes
c. are reading
d. washing the clothes
d. are borrowing

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1 7

7. Fani : Is your mother ironing the
Agus : No she is not, she is ....

a. listening to the music

b. studying English
c. watching television
d. playing a game on the computer
a. washing the clothes
b. taking a bath 11. Gilang : Look at those kids!
c. drying clothes Putra : What are they doing?
d. mopping the floor Gilang : They are ....
8. Sandi : Is Fajar doing his homework?
Edi : No, he is not.
Sandi : What is he doing?
Edi : He is ....

a. playing soccer
b. playing kites
c. playing marbles
d. playing a video game
12. Putri, Dyah, and Toni ....
a. drawing a picture
b. reading a novel
c. writing a short story
d. playing a game on computer
9. Lia : What is Ayu doing now?
Dea : She is ... in her study room.
a. are riding their bicycles
b are riding skateboards
c are playing rollerskate
d are jogging and running
13. Maya, Ayu, Putri ....

a. sleeping c. studying
b. waiting d. cooking
10. Mr. Dwi: What are you doing, Surya?
Surya : I am ..., Dad.

8 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1

a. are waiting for the bus 15. Gandi : Is Mrs. Sukma ... now?
b are riding bicycles Teguh : Yes, she is.
c walking on the street
d are stopping the bus
14. Doni : Is Mr. Prawiro ... now?
Rio : Yes, he is.

a. cleaning the dishes

b. sweeping the floor
a. listening to the radio c. boiling the water
b. watching television d. washing the clothes
c. reading a newspaper
d. writing a letter

B. Complete the following text with the correct answer.

(Lengkapi teks berikut dengan jawaban yang tepat!)

Now Mrs. Amelia is in her house. She is (1) ... on a wooden chair. She is (2)
... a coat. She is (3) ... it. Mr. Budiman is Mrs. Amelia’s husband. He is sitting in front
of her. He is fixing clothes too. Miss Elyana is sitting near them. She is Mrs. Amelia’s
sister. Right now she is (4) ... Mr. Budiman and Mrs. Amelia. They are (5) ... together.

a. helping b. holding c. fixing d. sitting e. working

C. Read the following dialog and answer the questions.

(Bacalah dialog berikut dan jawab pertanyaannya!)
Kaka and Rama are calling by phone now.
Kaka : Hello, can I speak to Rama?
Rama : This is Rama. Who is speaking?
Kaka : Hi, this is Kaka.
Rama : Hi, Kaka. What are you doing?
Kaka : I’m doing my homework. Are you busy?
Rama : No, l’m just watching TV.
Kaka : Can you help me, Rama? I am doing my mathematics homework, but I
don’t understand.
Rama : Okay. But, I can’t go to your home now. I am waiting for my mom.
Kaka : Oh, I see. If you don’t mind, I will go to your home this afternoon.
Rama : Okay. See you this afternoon.
1. Who are involved in the dialog above?

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1 9

2. Are they classmates?
3. What is Kaka doing?
4. What is Rama doing
5. Why can’t Rama go to Kaka’s home?

D. Match the following pictures with the correct activities at the moment.
(Jodohkan gambar dengan aktivitasnya!)
a. Mr. Gandi is washing a motorcycle.

b. Rasya is watering the flowers.

c. My grandfather is having breakfast.

d. Mrs. Wulandari is cooking fried rice.

e. Ragil is taking a nap.

E. Give checklist based on the statements below.

(Centanglah kolom True jika benar dan False jika salah!)
Number Statement True False
1. Mr. Handoko is watching television in the living room.
2. Mrs. Diana is cooking a rice in the bedroom.
3. Ayu and her sister are playing dolls in the bathroom.

10 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1

4. Panji is taking a bath in the bathroom.
5. My grandmother is sleeping in the bedroom.


Read the following dialog and answer the questions.

(Bacalah dialog berikut dan jawab pertanyaannya!)
Tama is at home on Sunday morning. Now, he is sweeping and mopping the floor.
His classmate Rendy is calling him.
Rendy : Hi, Tama. What are you doing now?
Tama : Hello, Rendy. I am sweeping and mopping the floor at the moment. Why?
Rendy : Really? Sarif, Sugeng, and Adi are in the park right now. We are having
a picnic. Do you want to join with us?
Tama : Wow, I’d love to. I almost finish mopping. Wait for me there! See you.
Rendy : OK. See you.
1. When is Rendy calling Tama?
2. What is Tama doing when Rendy calls him?
3. Who is Rendy?
4. Who are having picnic?
5. Where are they having picnic?


Make ten activities you are going to do now or at present. Write it in your task book.

Problem Solving

1. Mrs. Intan Wulandari is in the kitchen now. His son, Putra is in the bedroom.
While his daughter, Kayla is in the garden. Best on the situation. What activities
are they doing.
a. Mrs. Intan Wulandari is cooking. Putra is playing badminton. While Kayla
is watching television.
b. Mrs. Intan Wulandari is boiling water. Putra is wathing television. While
Kayla is drinking a glasss of milk.
c. Mrs. Intan Wulandari is boiling water. Putra is sleeping. While Kayla is
watering the plants.
d. Both Mrs. Intan Wulandari and Kayla are cooking while Putra is Putra

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1 11


Manfaat hasil belajar hari ini. Tuliskan kesan yang kamu rasakan tentang
pembelajaran pada bab 1 dengan mencoret jawaban yang tidak sesuai pada kolom
deskripsi singkat!
Aspek Yang Diamati Deskripsi
Kesan selama proses pembelajaran Senang Bosan
Tingkat kesulitan Mudah Sulit
Sikapmu Kooperatif Kurang kooperatif

12 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1

2 There Are 67
English Books
Capaian Pembelajaran 2. mengetahui nama-nama angka dalam bahasa Inggris dari 50
hingga 100;
Menyimak-Berbicara 3. memahami penjumlahan dan pengurangan dalam bahasa
Pada akhir Fase B, peserta didik menggunakan bahasa Inggris Inggris; serta
untuk berinteraksi dalam lingkup situasi sosial dan kelas yang 4. menghitung angka-angka dari 50 hingga 100 dengan tepat.
makin luas, namun masih dapat diprediksi (rutin) menggunakan
kalimat dengan pola yang sesuai dengan konteks yang dibicarakan.
Mereka mengubah/mengganti sebagian elemen kalimat untuk
dapat berpartisipasi dalam rutinitas kelas dan aktivitas belajar,
seperti menyampaikan perasaan, menyampaikan kebutuhan, dan
Number, count, plus, minus
meminta pertolongan. Mereka memahami ide pokok dari informasi
yang disampaikan secara lisan dengan bantuan visual, serta
menggunakan kosakata sederhana. Mereka mengikuti rangkaian
instruksi sederhana yang berkaitan dengan prosedur kelas dan Profil Pelajar Pancasila
aktivitas belajar dengan bantuan visual.
Membaca-Memirsa Bernalar kritis dan kreatif: Memperoleh dan memproses informasi
Pada akhir fase B, peserta didik memahami kata-kata yang sering dengan baik terkait dengan mempelajari penomoran matematika
digunakan sehari-hari dengan bantuan gambar/ilustrasi. Mereka sederhana dengan tepat guna.
membaca dan memberikan respon terhadap teks pendek sederhana
dan familiar dalam bentuk tulisan atau digital, termasuk teks visual,
multimodal atau interaktif.
Menulis-Mempresentasikan Concept Map
Pada akhir fase B, peserta didik mengomunikasikan ide dan
pengalamannya melalui gambar dan salinan tulisan. Dengan
bantuan guru, mereka menghasilkan teks deskripsi dan prosedur Look and Say
sederhana menggunakan kata/frasa sederhana dan gambar. There Are 67
Mereka menulis kosakata sederhana yang berkaitan dengan English Books
lingkungan kelas dan rumah dalam bahasa Inggris menggunakan Look and Write
ejaan yang diciptakan sendiri oleh anak.

Learning Objectives
Setelah mempelajari materi berikut diharapkan peserta didik
1. mengucapkan angka-angka dalam bahasa Inggris dengan

What do you know about number? How many numbers
you can count easily? Do you like to count number? Well,

in this chapter you will learn about number. It starts from
number 50 to number 100. Can you count it well? If you
usually count number in your daily life, it can be easy to
you to count it well. Let’s learn and practice counting
Picture of number.
Source: Publisher document.

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1 13

Material Deepening

Trigger Questions
1. Do you know about numbers?
2. Can you count the numbers from fifty to a hundred?
3. Can you spell the numbers from fifty to a hundred fluently?
4. Do you understand about addition and substraction?

A number is a mathematical object used to count, measure, and label. Here, in
this chapter, you are going to learn number from 50 to 100. Look at the table below.
Numbers Number Names Numbers Number Names
50 Fifty 61 Sixty one
51 Fifty one 63 Sixty three
52 Fifty two 65 Sixty five
53 Fifty three 69 Sixty nine
54 Fifty four 70 Seventy
55 Fifty five 75 Seventy five
56 Fifty six 80 Eighty
57 Fifty seven 85 Eighty five
58 Fifty eight 90 Ninety
59 Fifty nine 95 Ninety five
60 Sixty 100 A hundred

Look and Say Additional Knowledge

Guna menambah pengetahuanmu
Look at the pictures and say. mengenai materi tentang Numbers,
(Perhatikan gambar dan ucapkan!) kunjungilah laman berikut.

50 60 70
Fifty Sixty Seventy

80 90 100 Scan QR Code:
Eighty Ninety A hundred Count-Added-Substraction

14 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1

Look and Write
Look at the pictures and write the number names.
(Perhatikan gambar dan tuliskan nomornya!)

55 59 66 68 75 88
... ... ... ... ... ...

Individual Activity

Write the answer.

(Tulislah jawabannya!)
1. What is sixty plus seventeen?
2. What is eleven plus eighty one?
3. What is seventy nine minus nineteen?
4. What is eighty eight minus twelve?
5. What is ninety three minus fifteen?

Group Activity

With your partner, write the numbers from 50 to 100 in English. Write it in your task book.

Higher Order Thinking Skills

His name is Lintang. It is his birthday party. His grandfather gives him ten pencils.
His father gives him twelve pens. His mother gives him thirteen rulers. While his
brother gives him eight notebooks. Then, his sister gives him nine exercise books.
How many are there?

Let’s Play

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1 15

Down (Menurun)
1. A hundred minus twenty.
2. The ten number before eighty.
Across (Mendatar)
3. The number between eighty and ninety.
4. Fifty five plus thirty five.
5. The number after fifty nine.

Minimun Competency Assessment

Read the following dialog and answer the questions for numbers 1 and 2.
(Bacalah dialog berikut dan jawab pertanyaan 1 dan 2)
Fandi : Good morning Heru.
Heru : Good morning Fandi.
Fandi : What is your number?
Heru : My number is seventy three. How about you?
Fandi : Well, my number is fifty nine.
Heru : What is the number between fifty nine and sixty one?
Fandi : It must be sixty, right?
Heru : You’re right. What is sixty seven plus nineteen?
Fandi : It is eighty six.
Heru : What is the number before a hundred?
Fandi : It is ninety nine.
Heru : What is ninety two minus seventeen?
Fandi : It is seventy five.
Heru : OK. Thanks.
1. Pay attention to the following statements.
(1) The dialog takes place in the morning.
(2) Fandi’s number is seventy three.
(3) The number eighty six minus nineteen is sixty seven.
(4) Fifty nine is the number between sixty and sixty one.
The correct statements based on the dialog are shown by number ....
a. (1) and (2) c. (2) and (3)
b. (1) and (3) d. (2) and (3)
2. Choose the correct statements based on the text above by giving check mark (√).
Statements True (T) False (F)
Heru’s number is fifty nine.

16 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1

Ninety nine is a number before a hundred.
Fandi’s number is fifty nine.
Sixty nine plus seventeen is ninety three.

Final Assesment Chapter 2

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing ( x ) a, b, c or d.

(Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf a, b, c, atau d di depan jawaban yang paling tepat!)
1. Leo : Is this number ...? a. seventy six
Adi : Yes, it is b. seventy eight
c. eighty seven

a. fifty five
d. eighty eight
5. That is number ....

b. fifty seven
c. seventy seven
d. seventy five
a. eighty one c. ninety one
2. This is number .... b. eighty two d. ninety two
6. Sixty two plus nineteen is ....

a. sixty six
a. seventy nine
b. eighty one
c. eighty three
b. sixty nine d. eighty four
c. ninety six 7. Ninety eight minus twenty seven is ....
d. ninety nine a. ninety nine
3. Ana : Is that number fifty eight? b. seventy one
Lia : No, it is not. c. seventy three
Ana : What number is that? d. eighty one
Lia : That is number .... 8. Ana : Is that number sixty six?
Lia : No, it is not.

a. fifty five c. eighty five
Ana : What number is that?
Lia : That is number ....

b. fifty eight
4. It is number ....
d. eighty eight
a. sixty nine c. ninety eight
b. ninety six d. ninety nine

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1 17

9. Fifty nine plus nine is .... a. fifty four
a. sixty five b. sixty three
b. sixty eight c. sixty four
c. seventy one d. sixty six
d. seventy two 13. Dion : What number is it?
10. Eighty seven minus thirty nine is .... Agus : It is number ….
a. forty six
b. forty eight
c. fifty five
d. fifty seven
a. seventy seven
11. Afgan : What is my number? It is b. eighty three
between 60 and 70. c. thirty eight
Vino : I think it is .... d. seventy three
14. Dhani : What number is it?

56 Indra : It is number ….

a. fifty six
b. sixty five
c. sixty six
a. eighty nine c. nineteen
d. sixty seven b. ninety one d. ninety eight
12. Dhika : Can you help me to calculate 15. My phone number is zero eight five
numbers? seven four two one two nine three six
Rizki : Yes, sure. eight. The correct number is ....
Dhika : Can you count forty one plus a. 085768125421
twenty three? b. 085736814212
Rizki : It is .... c. 087542162938
d. 085742129368

B. Complete the boxes based on the numbers.

(Lengkapi bagian yang rumpang berdasarkan angkanya!)

77 ....
97 ....

C. Answer the following questions.

(Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut!)
1. What is fifty three plus seventeen?
2. What is sixty one plus thirty eight?
3. What is ninety three minus fourteen?
4. What is eighty two minus twenty six?
5. What numbers are after seventy three and before seventy nine?

18 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1

D. Match with the correct answer.
(Jodohkan dengan jawaban yang tepat!)
66 a. Ninety two

79 b. Eighty eight

57 c. Sixty six

92 d. Seventy nine

88 e. Fifty seven

E. Give checklist based on the statements below.

(Centanglah kolom True jika benar dan False jika salah!)
Number Statement True False
1. The number after fifty nine is sixty.
2. The number before ninety is ninety one.
3. The number between seventy and seventy two is seventy
4. Sixty three plus eleven is seventy four.
5. Eighty nine minus twenty four is sixty five.


Answer the questions correctly.

(Jawablah dengan benar!)

74 95
1. 3.

What number is it? What number is that?


What number is this?

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1 19


Write the number from 51 to 100 in English. Write it in your exercise book.

Problem Solving

1. 61,68, ..., 82, ..., 96. The correct answer is ...

a. seventy four, ninety one
b. seventy seven, eighty eight
c. seventy five, eighty nine
d. seventy six, ninety


Manfaat hasil belajar hari ini. Tuliskan kesan yang kamu rasakan tentang
pembelajaran pada bab 2 dengan mencoret jawaban yang tidak sesuai pada kolom
deskripsi singkat!
Aspek Yang Diamati Deskripsi
Kesan selama proses pembelajaran Senang Bosan
Tingkat kesulitan Mudah Sulit
Sikapmu Kooperatif Kurang kooperatif

20 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1

3 My Living Room is
Beside Kitchen
Capaian Pembelajaran 3. membuat kalimat tentang macam-macam bagian rumah
dengan benar;
Menyimak-Berbicara 4. menyebutkan kalimat kegiatan sehari-hari dengan tepat; serta
Pada akhir Fase B, peserta didik menggunakan bahasa Inggris 5. menulis kalimat tentang kegiatan sehari-hari dengan benar.
untuk berinteraksi dalam lingkup situasi sosial dan kelas yang makin
luas, namun masih dapat diprediksi (rutin) menggunakan kalimat
dengan 156 pola yang sesuai dengan konteks yang dibicarakan.
Mereka mengubah/mengganti sebagian elemen kalimat untuk
dapat berpartisipasi dalam rutinitas kelas dan aktivitas belajar,
Room, kitchen, house, beside.
seperti menyampaikan perasaan, menyampaikan kebutuhan, dan
meminta pertolongan. Mereka memahami ide pokok dari informasi
yang disampaikan secara lisan dengan bantuan visual, serta
menggunakan kosakata sederhana. Mereka mengikuti rangkaian Profil Pelajar Pancasila
instruksi sederhana yang berkaitan dengan prosedur kelas dan
aktivitas belajar dengan bantuan visual. Berkebinekaan global: Dapat menerima perbedaan dan
Membaca-Memirsa menghargai perbedaan di lingkungan sekolah dan masyarakat.
Pada akhir fase B, peserta didik memahami kata-kata yang sering
digunakan sehari-hari dengan bantuan gambar/ilustrasi. Mereka
membaca dan memberikan respon terhadap teks pendek sederhana Concept Map
dan familiar dalam bentuk tulisan atau digital, termasuk teks visual,
multimodal atau interaktif.
Menulis-Mempresentasikan Look and Write
Pada akhir fase B, peserta didik mengomunikasikan ide dan
pengalamannya melalui gambar dan salinan tulisan. Dengan My Living Room is
bantuan guru, mereka menghasilkan teks deskripsi dan prosedur Beside Kitchen
sederhana menggunakan kata/frasa sederhana dan gambar. Read Aloud
Mereka menulis kosakata sederhana yang berkaitan dengan
lingkungan kelas dan rumah dalam bahasa Inggris menggunakan
ejaan yang diciptakan sendiri oleh anak.

Learning Objectives
Setelah mempelajari materi berikut diharapkan peserta didik
1. mengetahui macam-macam bagian rumah dengan tepat;
2. menyebutkan macam-macam bagian rumah dengan tepat;

What do you know about the house? Can you mention
parts of the house? Well, house is an important thing for
people. It protects all of you from rain and the heat of the
sun, hot and cold weather. Do you know that there are
many parts of the house like veranda, living room,
bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, and many others? You do
different activities at those parts of the house. Here, in
Picture of house.
this chapter you are going to learn about parts of the Source: Publisher document.
house and the activities in it. Besides, we are going to
learn about daily activities together.

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1 21

Material Deepening

Trigger Questions
1. Do you know parts of the house?
2. Can you mention kinds of parts of the house correctly?
3. What do you know about daily activity?
4. What daily activities you can do at home?

A. Parts of the House

A house is a building where people usually one
family live. Not all houses have the same amount Additional Knowledge
of rooms and others parts. Here are the most Guna menambah pengetahuanmu
common parts of the house. mengenai materi tentang Parts of the
House, kunjungilah laman berikut.
Part of the house
House yard
Living room
Dining room
Kitchen Scan QR Code:
Bathroom document/568460694/Parts-of-the-
Garage House

B. Simple Present Tense for Daily Routine Activities

We can use simple present tense to express people or animal activity or actions
or daily routines. The form of simple present tense are as follows.
1. Affirmative form
Subject (singular) Verb I (-s/es) Subject (plural) Verb I
He/she/it/Rina drinks /-s/ I/you/we/they drink
2. Negative form
Subject Does not/ Verb I Subject Do not / Verb I
(singular) Doesn’t (plural) Don’t
He/she/it/Rina does not/ I/you/we/ do not/
drink they drink
doesn’t don’t

22 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1

3. Interrogative form
Does Subject (singular) Verb I Do Subject (plural) Verb I
Does He/she/it/Rina drink Do I/you/we/they drink

Look and Write

Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.
(Perhatikan gambar dan lengkapi kalimatnya!)

This is a .... This is a ....

This is a .... These are ....

Read Aloud
Read the following text aloud.
(Bacalah teks berikut dengan lantang!)
It’s Sunday morning. Pandhu does not go to school, because it is holiday. On
Sunday morning, Pandhu usually goes to the garden with his father, Mr. Santoso.
The garden is not far from their house. There are a lot of plants in the garden.
The plants are coconut trees, durian trees, mango trees, starfruit trees, rambutan
trees, guava trees, and banana trees.
Pandhu and his father picks the fruits there. They get so many ripe fruits on
Sunday morning. They feel so happy at the end.

Individual Activity

Arrange the following words into meaningful sentences.

(Susunlah kata-kata berikut menjadi kalimat!)
1. we – the – dining room – are – in
2. garage – big – is – so – the
3. father – living room – in – the – my – is
4. house yard – the – are – you – in
5. in – the garden – are – you
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1 23
Group Activity

Work in pairs. Make a dialog about daily activities at home.

Higher Order Thinking Skills

What do you know about living room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom? What kind
of activities, you usually do there? Mention them appropriately.

Let’s Play

Down (Menurun)
1. What is the name of the picture. 4. What is the name of the picture.

3. What is the name of the picture. 5. What is the name of the picture.

Across (Mendatar)
2. What is the name of the picture.

24 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1

Minimun Competency Assessment

Read the following text and answer the questions.

(Bacalah teks berikut dan jawab pertanyaannya!)
This is Lintang’s house. The color of the house is green. It has many rooms.
There are five bedrooms, a living room, dining room and kitchen. The other room
is garage. The garage is at the side of the house. There is a door at the front and
at the back of the house. There is garden too in front of the house.
1. Pay attention to the following statements.
(1) There is a kitchen.
(2) There are two living rooms.
(3) The color of the house is green.
(4) There is only one door in front of the house.
The correct statements based on the text are shown by number ....
a. (1) and (2) c. (1) and (3)
b. (2) and (3) d. (1) and (4)
2. Choose the correct statements based on the text above by giving check mark (√).
Statements True (T) False (F)
Lintang’s house is blue.
There are four bedroom in Lintang’s house.
The garage is at the side of the house.
There is garden in front of the house.

Final Assesment Chapter 3

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing ( x ) a, b, c, or d.

(Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf a, b, c, atau d di depan jawaban yang paling tepat)
1. Nusa : What is this? 2. Mila : What is next to the
Budiman : This is a .... garage?
Santoso : That is a ....

a. living room
b. garage
c. bedroom a. garden c. kitchen
d. kitchen b. veranda d. bedroom

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1 25

3. Aryo : What is it? a. bathroom
Doni : It is a .... b. bedroom
c. dining room
d. living room
7. Teguh : Where is your father?
Handoyo : He is reading a newspaper
in the ....

a. garage
b. garden
c. veranda
d. yard
4. There is a ... besides the bathroom.
a. kitchen
b. bedroom
c. veranda
d. living room
8. Eka : Is your mother watering the
a. kitchen plants in the garden?
b. bedroom Mira : No, she is not. She is cooking
c. dining room in the ....
d. living room
5. That is a ... besides the living room.

a. dining room
a. kitchen b. kitchen
b. bathroom c. bathroom
c. bedroom d. living room
d. veranda 9. Rearrange these words into good
6. Rosa : Where is Sania? sentence.
Indah : She is sleeping in the ....
kitchen the to next is dining room small my
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
a. 2-1-8-4-3-6-5-7
b. 2-6-5-7-1-8-4-3
c. 8-7-1-5-4-3-2-6
d. 8-7-1-2-6-5-4-3

26 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1

10. Diyah : What do you and your parents 13. Fajar Aditya ... twice a day in the
do in the dining room? bathroom.
Putra : My family and I ... in the
dining room.

a. cooks fried rice

b. eats meatball
c. takes a bath
d. takes a nap
a. cook a rice 14.My aunt usually ... in the kitchen.
b. have dinner
c. watch television
d. clean the dining table
11. Pandhu : Does your brother play
video game on computer?
Desta : No, he does not. He ....

a. cleans the window

b. mops the floor
c. does the dishes
d. throws the garbage
15. Sari and her mother ... in the kitchen.

a. watches television
b. chats with his friend
c. listens to the music
d. calls his friend with his phone
12. Fani : What does Ayu Rania do in
the bedroom?
a. cook fried rice
Rina : She ....
b. eat the fried rice
c. clean the dishes
d. mop the floor

a. studies her lesson

b. plays with her doll
c. reads a short story
d. writes an assignment

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1 27

B. Complete the following text with the correct answer.

(Lengkapi bagian yang rumpang dengan jawaban yang benar!)

I have a (1) ... for my activities. I (2) ... get up at 4.30 in the morning. I (3) ...
get up late, because I always (4) ... my alarm clock. I frequently take a bath before
breakfast. But, I sometimes have breakfast before I take a bath.

a. take a bath b. routine c. never d. always e. set

C. Read the text below and answer these questions.

(Bacalah teks berikut dan jawab pertanyaannya!)
Hello, my name is Tiara Andini. I have a lovely house. It has a veranda. There
is a yard in front of the house. There is a garden beside the house. The house has
a living room, a dining room, and three bedrooms. The kitchen is next to the dining
room and the bathroom is behind the kitchen. I love my house. It is a comfortable
1. How many bedrooms are there?
2. Where is the garden?
3. Where is the kitchen?
4. Where is the bathroom?
5. How about the house? Is the house comfortable?

D. Match with the correct places.

(Jodohkan dengan bagian rumah yang tepat!)
1. Rosa is watering the flowers. a. Veranda
2. Bagas is taking a bath. b. Garden
3. My grandmother and I are cooking. c. Bathroom
4. They are sitting in front of the house. c. Living room
5. My father is watching television. d. Kitchen

E. Give checklist based on the statements below.

(Centanglah kolom True jika benar dan False jika salah!)
Number Statement True False
1. There are motorcycle and car in the garage.
2. There are television and aquarium in the kitchen.
3. There are soap and towel in the bathroom.
4. Mr. Sari picks the fruits in the garden
5. Dhanu and his brother play badminton in the bedroom.

28 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1


Arrange these jumbled words into meaningful sentence.

(Susunlah kata acak berikut menjadi kalimat!)
1. bedroom–my–in–the–sister–studies
2. twice–sweeps–the–floor–Mrs. Wulan–a day
3. computer–plays–a game–on–brother–my–the
4. morning–early–father–my–work–in–the–goes–to
5. the–grandmother–plants–waters–the–my–in–garden


Make a short paragraph about your schedule or daily activity at home. Write it in
your task book.

Problem Solving

1. I have a new house. I really like it. It is neat and beautiful. Although it is small.
There are a living room, two bedrooms, a dining room, a kitchen and a bathroom.
There is a garage and a house yard, too. Based on the information above. What
kinds of things are can we find in those places.
a. There is a calendar in a living room and a wardrobe in the garage.
b. There is a television in a living room and a soap in the bathroom.
c. There is a stove in the dining room and a motorcycle in the bedroom.
d. There is a car in the garage and a radio in the bathroom.


Manfaat hasil belajar hari ini. Tuliskan kesan yang kamu rasakan tentang
pembelajaran pada bab 3 dengan mencoret jawaban yang tidak sesuai pada kolom
deskripsi singkat!
Aspek Yang Diamati Deskripsi
Kesan selama proses pembelajaran Senang Bosan
Tingkat kesulitan Mudah Sulit
Sikapmu Kooperatif Kurang kooperatif

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1 29

Mid Semester Assessment

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing ( x ) a, b, c or d.

(Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf a, b, c, atau d di depan jawaban yang paling tepat)
1. Amelia’s mother … in the kitchen. 4. My uncle ... in the dining room now.

a. is boiling the water a. is eating a bowl of porridge

b. is frying omelette b. is drinking a cup of tea
c. is cooking a rice c. is making fried noodle
d. is making tomato juice d. is boiling a water
2. Pandhu and Ridwan are ... on the 5. My grandfather … at the barnyard at
river. the moment.

a. is feeding the birds

a. planting b. is feeding the roosters
b. swimming c. is bathing the roosters
c. fishing d. is borrowing the roosters
d. diving 6. My grandmother … now.
3. Citra and Amelia ... in the classroom.

b. are mopping the floors a. is ironing the clothes

b are sweeping the floors b. is washing the clothes
c are cleaning the windows c. is buying many clothes
d are cleaning the blackboard d. is sewing clothes

30 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1

7. Lina : What are they doing? a. kitchen
Maya : They are .... b. bathroom
c. living room
d. veranda
13. Aldo : What is this?
Bagus : This is a ....

a. plating the trees

b. watering the flowers
c. sweeping the house yard
d. cleaning the house yard
8. Yogi : What is the number after a. living room
ninety five? b. garage
Aldi : It is …. c. dining room
a. ninety eight d. bedroom
b. ninety seven 14. Rina always goes to school by ...
c. ninety six everyday.
d. ninety nine
9. 71-20= seventy one minus twenty
equals ....
a. thirty
b. fifty one
c. forty
d. forty one a. walk
10. 53, 59, ... , 71. The correct answer is ... b. bike
a. sixty four c. motorcycle
b. sixty five d. bus
c. sixty six 15. My aunt always ... the clothes every
d. sixty seven morning.
11. 33+41= thirty three plus forty one
equals ....
a. sixty three
b. sixty four
c. seventy three
d. seventy four
12. That is a ....
a. cooks
b. sweeps
c. mops
d. washes

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1 31

B. Complete the following sentences correctly.

(Lengkapi kalimat berikut dengan benar!)

1. I _m d_ing m_ h_m_w_rk.
2. H_ i_ sl_ep_ng i_ th_ b_dro_m.
3. Sh_ is c_ok_ng i_ th_ k_tch_n.
4. S_rya _s t_king a b_th.
5. M_ s_st_r is w_sh_ng th_ dish_s.

C. Read the following text and answer the questions.

(Bacalah teks berikut dan jawab pertanyaannya!)

Toni’s Activities
Toni is a diligent student. He always gets up early. He gets up at five o’clock.
After getting up he always cleans his bed, takes a bath, and gets dress. He has
breakfast at six o’clock. He leaves home for school at seven o’clock. He goes to
school by bicycle every day. He can ride a bike very well. The school is near from
his home. It takes fifteen minutes to get to school. His favorite lesson is English.
He is the smartest student in the classroom. He always helps his friends when
they have difficulty answering the questions from teacher.
1. What is the title of the text above?
2. What time does Toni get up?
3. What time does Toni have breakfast?
4. Is he a diligent student?
5. How does he go to school?

32 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1

4 Where Is My Pencil?

Capaian Pembelajaran 2. menyebutkan macam-macam benda di ruang tamu dengan

Menyimak-Berbicara 3. menyebutkan macam-macam benda di kamar tidur dengan
Pada akhir Fase B, peserta didik menggunakan bahasa Inggris benar; serta
untuk berinteraksi dalam lingkup situasi sosial dan kelas yang 4. membuat kalimat tentang macam-macam benda di ruang tamu
makin luas, namun masih dapat diprediksi (rutin) menggunakan dan kamar tidur dengan tepat.
kalimat dengan pola yang sesuai dengan konteks yang dibicarakan.
Mereka mengubah/mengganti sebagian elemen kalimat untuk
dapat berpartisipasi dalam rutinitas kelas dan aktivitas belajar,
seperti menyampaikan perasaan, menyampaikan kebutuhan, dan
meminta pertolongan. Mereka memahami ide pokok dari informasi
yang disampaikan secara lisan dengan bantuan visual, serta Bedroom, living room, pillow, television
menggunakan kosakata sederhana. Mereka mengikuti rangkaian
instruksi sederhana yang berkaitan dengan prosedur kelas dan
aktivitas belajar dengan bantuan visual. Profil Pelajar Pancasila
Pada akhir fase B, peserta didik memahami kata-kata yang sering Gotong royong: Memiliki jiwa tolong-menolong dan gotong royong
digunakan sehari-hari dengan bantuan gambar/ilustrasi. Mereka dalam lingkungan kelas maupun sekolah.
membaca dan memberikan respon terhadap teks pendek sederhana
dan familiar dalam bentuk tulisan atau digital, termasuk teks visual,
multimodal atau interaktif.
Menulis-Mempresentasikan Concept Map
Pada akhir fase B, peserta didik mengomunikasikan ide dan
pengalamannya melalui gambar dan salinan tulisan. Dengan
bantuan guru, mereka menghasilkan teks deskripsi dan prosedur Look and Say
sederhana menggunakan kata/frasa sederhana dan gambar.
Mereka menulis kosakata sederhana yang berkaitan dengan Where Is My Pencil? Read and Write
lingkungan kelas dan rumah dalam bahasa Inggris menggunakan
ejaan yang diciptakan sendiri oleh anak.
Let’s Write

Learning Objectives
Setelah mempelajari materi berikut diharapkan peserta didik
1. mengucapkan berbagai hal di ruang tamu dan kamar tidur
dengan lancar;

What do you know about the picture? What does the
picture describe? Does the picture describe living room?
Well, the picture is a living room. In this living room, we
can find so many things like couch, table, television, radio,
clock, calendar, and many others. Besides the living room,
we can also learn about bedroom and many kinds of
things there. Let’s learn the lesson together.
Picture of living room.
Source: Publisher document.

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1 33

Material Deepening

Trigger Questions
1. Do you know about living room and bedroom?
2. Do you know kinds of activities in the living room and bedroom?
3. Can you mention kinds of things in the living room?
4. Can you mention kinds of things in the bedroom?

Living Room and Bedroom

1. Living Room
Living room is a room in a house that is used for relaxing and entertaining
the guests. There are many things you can find in this room, as follows.
Number Things
Additional Knowledge
1. Couch Guna menambah pengetahuanmu
2. Table mengenai materi tentang Bedroom
3. Chair Vocabulary, kunjungilah laman berikut.
4. Flower vase
5 Clock
6. Calendar
7. Aquarium
8. Painting
9. Television Scan QR Code:
10. Radio document/568461017/Bedroom-
11. Telephone Vocabulary
12. Newspaper
13. Magazine
14. Curtain
2. Bedroom
Bedroom is a room in a house which functions as a place for sleeping or taking
a rest. There are many things you can find in this room, as follows.
Numbers Things Numbers Things
1. Bed 7. Study desk
2. Bedsheet 8. Bookshelf
3. Blanket 9. Mirror
4. Pillow 11. Comb
5 Bolster 12. Pillowcase
6. Wardrobe 13. Drawer

34 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1

Look and Say
Look at the pictures and say.
(Perhatikan gambar dan ucapkan!)
Things in the Living Room

Couch Table Clock Painting

Things in the Bedroom

Bed Mattress Pillow Bolster

Read and Write

Read names of the things and write the correct places.
(Bacalah nama benda berikut dan tulis tempatnya!)

Television Wardrobe Bed

Let’s Write
Describe the following picture.
(Jelaskan gambar berikut!)

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1 35

Individual Activity

Arrange these words into meaningful sentences.

(Susunlah kata-kata berikut menjadi kalimat!)
1. a television–living room–in–the–there–is
2. the–wall–there–on–are–clocks–two
3. a pillow–and–a bolster–on–the–there–bed–are
4. bedroom–a wardrobe–in–is–there–the
5. beautiful–my–bedroom–love–I

Group Activity

Work in pairs. Make a dialog about things in the bedroom. Then, practice it with
your friend.

Higher Order Thinking Skills

Look kinds of things in your living room and bedroom. Mention them and their
functions carefully. Write five of them. Then, write sentences about them.

Let’s Play

Down (Menurun)
1. What is the name of the picture.

36 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1

2. What is the name of the picture. 4. What is the name of the picture.

Across (Mendatar)
3. What is the name of the picture. 5. What is the name of the picture.

Minimun Competency Assessment

Read the following text and answer the questions.

(Bacalah teks berikut dan jawab pertanyaannya!)
Rio’s bedroom
This is Rio’s bedroom. It is a beautiful and a neat bedroom. There are some
things in his bedroom, like a bed, a wardrobe, a writing desk, and a bookcase. The
bookcase is not big, but it can save many books and stationery sufficiently. He
usually put his books in the bookcase.There are several books that he save there.
Those books are like English book, English dictionary, Indonesian language book,
the assignment book and many others. His bookcase has a small drawer. The
function is to save his school utensils like pencil, ballpoint, eraser, rule, sharpener
and so on. He has a poster, calendar and a watch on the bedroom’s wall.
1. Pay attention to the following statements.
(1) The bedroom is clean but untidy.
(2) The bookcase is strong and big.
(3) The bookcase has a drawer.
(4) There are a wardrobe and writing desk in Rio’s bedroom.
The correct statements based on the text are shown by number ....
a. (1) and (2) c. (2) and (3)
b. (1) and (3) d. (3) and (4)
2. Choose the correct statements based on the text above by giving check mark (√).
Statements True (T) False (F)
The bedroom is neat and beautiful.
There are television and radio in the bedroom.
The drawer is to save the school utensils like pencil,
ballpoint, eraser.
The bookcase can save many books and stationery

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1 37

Final Assesment Chapter 4

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing ( x ) a, b, c, or d.

(Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf a, b, c, atau d di depan jawaban yang paling tepat!)
1. This is a .... 5. Look at the picture.

A : Is it a ... on the wall?

B : Yes, it is.
a. towel c. picture a. clock c. watch
b. curtain d. painting b. carpet d. flower vase
2. Flower vase, curtain, chair, radio are 6. Look at the picture.
in the ....
a. park c. kitchen
b. garage d. living room
3. Look at the picture.

This is a … It is in the living room.

a. curtain c. blanket
b. carpet d. sofa
7. Totok : What is this?
Vina : This is a ....
What is that? It is ....
a. an aquarium c. a television
b. a telephone d. a magazine
4. Look at the picture.

a. mirror c. rug
b. cupboard d. table
8. Adit : Where is my dictionary?
Lintang: Your dictionary is on the ....

There is a ... on the wall.

a. clock c. photo
b. calendar d. newspaper

38 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1

a. wardrobe There is a ... in the bedroom.
b. cupboard a. cupboard
c. couch b. wardrobe
d. bookshelf c. window
9. Those are ... on the bed. d. bookshelf
13. There is a beautiful ... in the living

a. pillows c. rugs
b. blankets d. curtains
10. I usually sleep on .... a. painting c. calendar
b. clock d. flower vase
14. The–is–bookshelf–to–next–there–a
The best sentence is ....
a. Is there a wardrobe big to next
the bookshelf.
a. the bed c. the chair b. Is there a big wardrobe the
b. the floor d. the sofa bookshelf next to.
11. Wardrobe, bolster, fan are in the .... c. There is a big wardrobe next to
a. living room c. dining room the bookshelf.
b. bathroom d. bedroom d. There is a the bookshelf big
12. Look at the picture. wardrobe next to.
15. tidy–and–is–the–bedroom–clean.
The best arrangement is ....
a. Is clean and tidy the bedroom.
b. Tidy the bedroom is clean.
c. The bedroom and tidy is clean.
d. The bedroom is clean and tidy.

B. Complete the following words.

(Lengkapi kata-kata berikut!)

1. T_BL_
2. D_O_
3. W_ND_W
4. C_RT_I_

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1 39

C. Read the following text and answer the questions.
(Bacalah teks berikut dan jawab pertanyaannya!)
This is Tiara’s bedroom.
The bedroom is beautiful.
It is a little room.
The bedroom is comfortable room.
The bedroom has a brown color.
Tiara has a nice clock in the wall.
There are two windows in the bedroom.
The window has blue color.
There is a curtain too.
The curtain has green color.
In the bedroom there is a bed, wardrobe, a lamp, and a study desk.
On the bed there are many dolls like teddy bear, tweety, hello kitty, and the pooh.
Tiara really loves the bedroom.
1. Is Tiara’s bedroom beautiful?
2. How about the bedroom? Is it big?
3. How many window are there?
4. What is the color of the curtain?
5. How many dolls does she have? Mention them!

D. Match and draw a line.

(Jodohkan dan hubungkan dengan garis!)
Majalah ● ● a. Window
Lukisan ● ● b. Fan
Koran ● ● c. Painting
Jendela ● ● d. Magazine
Kipas ● ● e. Newspaper

E. Give checklist based on the statements below.

(Centanglah kolom True jika benar dan False jika salah!)
Number Statement True False
1. There is a couch in the bedroom.
2. There are pillow and bolster in the living room.
3. There are painting and flower vase in the living room.
4. Budi takes a nap in the bedroom.

40 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1

5. Raditya watches television in the living room.


Arrange the following letters into meaning word.

(Susunlah huruf-huruf berikut menjadi kata!)
1. Z–I–N–E–M–A–G–A
2. P–A–P–E–R–N–E–W–S
3. R–I–U–A–Q–U–A–M
4. E–R–F–L–O–W–S–E–V–A
5. V–I–S–I–O–N–T–E–L–E


Write a paragraph about your living room and describe it shortly and clearly.

Problem Solving

1. There are three bolsters, two pillows, a mirror, a bookshelf, a radio, an aquarium,
a newspaper and a couch. What can we infer about those things.
a. Three bolsters and a mirror are in the bedroom while a radio and a couch
are in the living room.
b. A bookshelf and an aquarium are in the bedroom while two pillows and a
newspaper are in the living room.
c. A mirror and a bookshelf are in the living room while an aquarium and couch
are in the bedroom.
d. Three bolsters and couch are in the living room while a bookshelf and
newspaper are in the bedroom.


Manfaat hasil belajar hari ini. Tuliskan kesan yang kamu rasakan tentang
pembelajaran pada bab 4 dengan mencoret jawaban yang tidak sesuai pada kolom
deskripsi singkat!
Aspek Yang Diamati Deskripsi
Kesan selama proses pembelajaran Senang Bosan
Tingkat kesulitan Mudah Sulit
Sikapmu Kooperatif Kurang kooperatif

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1 41

5 The Stove Is in the
Capaian Pembelajaran 2. menyebutkan macam-macam benda di ruang makan dan
dapur dengan benar;
Menyimak-Berbicara 3. menyebutkan macam-macam benda di kamar mandi dengan
Pada akhir Fase B, peserta didik menggunakan bahasa Inggris benar; serta
untuk berinteraksi dalam lingkup situasi sosial dan kelas yang 4. membuat kalimat tentang macam-macam benda di ruang
makin luas, namun masih dapat diprediksi (rutin) menggunakan makan, dapur, dan kamar mandi.
kalimat dengan pola yang sesuai dengan konteks yang dibicarakan.
Mereka mengubah/mengganti sebagian elemen kalimat untuk
dapat berpartisipasi dalam rutinitas kelas dan aktivitas belajar, Keywords
seperti menyampaikan perasaan, menyampaikan kebutuhan, dan
meminta pertolongan. Mereka memahami ide pokok dari informasi Kitchen, bathroom, dining room
yang disampaikan secara lisan dengan bantuan visual, serta
menggunakan kosakata sederhana. Mereka mengikuti rangkaian
instruksi sederhana yang berkaitan dengan prosedur kelas dan Profil Pelajar Pancasila
aktivitas belajar dengan bantuan visual.
Membaca-Memirsa Mandiri: Mempunyai rasa tanggung jawab terhadap aktivitas
Pada akhir fase B, peserta didik memahami kata-kata yang sering belajarnya dan hasil belajarnya.
digunakan sehari-hari dengan bantuan gambar/ilustrasi. Mereka
membaca dan memberikan respon terhadap teks pendek sederhana
dan familiar dalam bentuk tulisan atau digital, termasuk teks visual,
multimodal atau interaktif.
Concept Map
Pada akhir fase B, peserta didik mengomunikasikan ide dan Look and Say
pengalamannya melalui gambar dan salinan tulisan. Dengan
The Stove Is in the
bantuan guru, mereka menghasilkan teks deskripsi dan prosedur
sederhana menggunakan kata/frasa sederhana dan gambar.
Mereka menulis kosakata sederhana yang berkaitan dengan Read Aloud
lingkungan kelas dan rumah dalam bahasa Inggris menggunakan
ejaan yang diciptakan sendiri oleh anak.

Learning Objectives
Setelah mempelajari materi berikut diharapkan peserta didik
1. mengucapkan berbagai benda di ruang makan, dapur, dan
kamar mandi dengan lancar;

Look at the picture carefully! What does the picture
describe? Does the picture describe kitchen? Well, the
picture is about kitchen. Here, we can find so many things
like pan, frying pan, stove, refrigerator, shelf, late, bowl,
spoon, fork, glass, cup, and many others. Here, in this
chapter you are going to learn about kinds of things in
the kitchen and dining room. Besides, you are also going
Picture of house.
to learn about kinds of things in the bathroom and the Source: Publisher document.
activities in it.

42 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1

Material Deepening

Trigger Questions
1. Do you know about dining room, kitchen and bathroom?
2. Do you know kinds of activities in the dining room, kitchen and bathroom?
3. Can you mention kinds of things in the dining room and kitchen?
4. Can you mention kinds of things in the bathroom?

Things in the Kitchen and Bathroom

1. Things in the Kitchen

Kitchen is a room where food is kept, prepared, and cooked and where the
dishes are washed. There are many things you can find in this room, as follows.
a. Blender i. Knife
b. Calander j. Bowl
c. Cup k. Pan Additional Knowledge
d. Fork l. Stove
Guna menambah pengetahuanmu
e. Glass m. Plate mengenai materi tentang Things in the
f. Kettle n. Microwave Dining room and Kitchen, kunjungilah
g. Shelf o. Refrigerator laman berikut.
h. Spoon p. Frying pan
2. Things in the Bathroom
Bathroom is a room in which a bath, a sink, and
often a toilet. It is used for taking a bath. There are
many things you can find in this room, as follows. Scan QR Code:
a. Towel f. Faucet
b. Soap g. Toothbrush benda-di-dapur-dalam-bahasa-
c. Shampoo h. Toothpaste
d. Shower i. Toilet paper
e. Bathtub j. Towel

Look and Say

Look at the pictures and say.
(Perhatikan gambar dan ucapkan!)
Things in Dining Room and Kitchen

Dining Table Pot Shelf Refrigerator

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1 43

Things in the Bathroom

Bathtub Shower Faucet Toilet

Read Aloud
Read the following text aloud.
(Bacalah teks berikut dengan lantang!)
Hi, my name is Pandhu.
This is my bathroom.
There is a bath, sink, mirror, towel, soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and toothbrush.
I usually take a bath every day.
I take a bath two times a day.
I clean my body with a soap.
I clean my hair with shampo.
I brush my teeth with toothbrush and toothpaste.

Individual Activity

Arrange the jumbed words into meaning sentences.

(Susunlah kata-kata acak berikut menjadi kalimat!)
1. bed–bolsters–on–the–two–there–are
2. the–there–wardrobe–is–a study desk–next–to
3. the–kitchen–in–now–is–cooking–she
4. stoves–in–the–there–kitchen–are–two
5. a cup–on–the–there–is–table

Group Activity

Work in pairs. Make a dialog about things in the dining room and kitchen. Then,
practice with your friend.

Higher Order Thinking Skills

Look kinds of things in your dining room and bathroom. Mention them and their
functions carefully. Write five of them. Then, write sentences about them.

44 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1

Let’s Play

Down (Menurun)
1. What is the name of the picture.

3. What is the name of the picture.

4. What is the name of the picture.

Across (Mendatar)
2. What is the name of the picture.

5. What is the name of the picture.

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1 45

Minimun Competency Assessment

Read the following text and answer the questions.

(Bacalah teks berikut dan jawab pertanyaannya!)
My Kitchen
Hello My name is Maya Aprilia. This is my kitchen. This is small but clean. It is
between the dining room and the bathroom. There are many things in the kitchen.
They are a shelf, two stoves, refrigerator, pans, frying pans, a kettle, glasses,
cups, plates, bowls, spoons, forks, and many others. Now, my mother is cooking
in the kitchen. She is making fried rice and fried noodle. I really like fried noodle.
1. Pay attention to the following statements.
(1) The kitchen is small and dirty.
(2) The kitchen is between the dining room and garage.
(3) There are stoves and kettles in the kitchen.
(4) The writer’s mother is cooking in the kitchen now.
The correct statements based on the text are shown by number ....
a. (1) and (2) c. (2) and (3)
b. (1) and (3) d. (3) and (4)
2. Choose the correct statements based on the text above by giving check mark (√).
Statements True (T) False (F)
The kitchen is small and clean.
The kitchen is between the dining room and the bathroom.
There are soap, shampoo, and frying pan in the kitchen.
The writer really likes the kitchen.

Final Assesment Chapter 5

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing ( x ) a, b, c, or d.

(Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf a, b, c, atau d di depan jawaban yang paling tepat)
1. Galih : Is it ...? a. a stove c. a pan
Bagus : Yes, it is. b. a bowl d. a refrigerator
2. We keep some fruits in the ....

46 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1

a. blender c. refrigerator 7. Amelia : Is it a toothpaste?
b. mixer d. pail Gita : No, it is not. It is ....
3. Look at the picture. That is a ... on
the table.

a. a toothbrush c. a shampoo
b. a sponge d. a towel
8. Retno : What is it?
a. glass c. bowl
b. plate d. spoon Fitria : It is ....
4. Look at the picture.

a. a pail c. a shower
b. a tap d. a dipper
There is a ... in the kitchen.
a. stove 9. The ... and ... are in the bathroom.
b. pan a. mirror–soap
c. refrigerator b. toothbrush–shampoo
d. Frying pan c. tap–table
d wardrobe–towel
5. Look at the picture.
10. Bagas : What is this? A room
containing a bathtub or
shower, and usually a sink
and toilet.
Dino : It is ....

Aditya : Is this a glass?

Belinda: ....
a. Yes, I am c. Yes, it is
b. No, it is not d. No, it is
6. Look at the picture.
a. kitchen c. bathroom
b. bedroom d. veranda
11. Look at the picture.

Alya : I need a ... to put sugar.

Dion : Yes, this is it.
a. fork c. bowl
b. plate d. spoon A bath tub is in the ....

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1 47

a. bathroom c. bedroom The correct arrangement is ....
b. dining room d. kitchen a. My mother cooks in the kitchen
12. Nadia : Is that a toothpaste? a delicious noodle.
Belinda: No, it is not. It is .... b. A delicious noodle my mother
cooks in the kitchen.
c. My mother cooks a delicious
noodle in the kitchen.
d My mother cooks in the kitchen
a delicious noodle.
15. the bathroom–are–there–soaps–
a. a toothbrush c. a shampoo
b. a sponge d. a soap
The correct arrangement is ....
13. Here are the things in the kitchen,
a. There are in the bathroom three
such as ....
a. bolster, stove, sifter, and blender
b. There are three soaps in the
b. rug, pillow, colander, and frying pan
c. stove, pillow, sofa, and mirror
c. In the bathroom three soaps
d. refrigerator, jug, pan, and matches
there are.
14. mother–cooks–noodle–a delicious– d In the bathroom there are three
in–the kitchen–my soaps

B. Complete the following words.

(Lengkapi kata-kata berikut!)

1. GL_S_
2. ST_V_
3. C_P
4. K_TTL_

C. Translate the following sentences into Indonesian language.

(Terjemahkan kalimat-kalimat berikut ke dalam bahasa Indonesia!)
1. There is a bowl on the table in the dining room.
2. There are stove, frying pan, and kettle in the kitchen.
3. My little brother clean his body with a soap.
4. I usually take a bath twice a day.
5. My mother cooks a delicious fried noodle in the kitchen.

48 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1

D. Match the picture with the correct answer.
(Jodohkan dengan jawaban yang benar!)
1. a. Bowl

2. b. Toothbrush

3. c. Soap

4. d. Refrigerator

5. e. Stove

E. Give checklist based on the statements below.

(Centanglah kolom True jika benar dan False jika salah!)
Number Statement True False
1. There is a towel in the dining room.
2. There are stove and plate in the kitchen.
3. There are soap and shampoo in the bathroom.
4. Ragil takes a bath in the kitchen.
5. Mrs. Wulandari boils a water in the kitchen.


Arrange these words into good sentences.

(Susunlah kata-kata berikut menjadi kalimat!)
1. are–my–two–spoons–these
2. three–bowls–are–there

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1 49

3. the kitchen–in–is–a stove–there
4. my–plates–are–those
5. refrigerator–is–full–of–fruits–my


Write kinds of things in your kitchen. Write them on your task book.

Problem Solving

1. There are a stove, a bowl, a plate, a glass, a spoon, a fork, a refrigerator, a

soap, a towel, a dipper, shower and shampoo. What can we infer about those
a. A stove, a spoon, a dipper are in the dining room while a bowl, a plate and
shampoo are in the bathroom.
b. A glass, a fork, a soap are in the kitchen while shower, a towel and a stove
are in the bathroom.
c. A shower, a towel, a dipper are in the bathroom while a bowl, a plate, a fork
are in the kitchen.
d. A shampoo, a soap, a refrigerator are in the bathroom while a glass, a spoon,
a soap are in the kitchen.


Manfaat hasil belajar hari ini. Tuliskan kesan yang kamu rasakan tentang
pembelajaran pada bab 5 dengan mencoret jawaban yang tidak sesuai pada kolom
deskripsi singkat!
Aspek Yang Diamati Deskripsi
Kesan selama proses pembelajaran Senang Bosan
Tingkat kesulitan Mudah Sulit
Sikapmu Kooperatif Kurang kooperatif

50 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1

6 I Can Make Fried
Egg in the Kitchen
Capaian Pembelajaran Learning Objectives
Menyimak-Berbicara Setelah mempelajari materi berikut diharapkan peserta didik
Pada akhir Fase B, peserta didik menggunakan bahasa Inggris mampu:
untuk berinteraksi dalam lingkup situasi sosial dan kelas yang 1. menyebutkan kemampuan dan ketidakmampuan tentang
makin luas, namun masih dapat diprediksi (rutin) menggunakan kegiatan sehari-hari di rumah;
kalimat dengan pola yang sesuai dengan konteks yang dibicarakan. 2. menyebutkan kemampuan dan ketidakmampuan tentang
Mereka mengubah/mengganti sebagian elemen kalimat untuk
aktivitas sehari-hari di rumah dengan tepat; serta
dapat berpartisipasi dalam rutinitas kelas dan aktivitas belajar,
seperti menyampaikan perasaan, menyampaikan kebutuhan, dan 3. membuat kalimat tentang kemampuan dan ketidakmampuan
meminta pertolongan. Mereka memahami ide pokok dari informasi sesuai dengan kegiatan sehari-hari di rumah.
yang disampaikan secara lisan dengan bantuan visual, serta
menggunakan kosakata sederhana. Mereka mengikuti rangkaian
instruksi sederhana yang berkaitan dengan prosedur kelas dan Keywords
aktivitas belajar dengan bantuan visual.
Membaca-Memirsa Activity, kitchen, bedroom
Pada akhir fase B, peserta didik memahami kata-kata yang sering
digunakan sehari-hari dengan bantuan gambar/ilustrasi. Mereka
membaca dan memberikan respon terhadap teks pendek sederhana Profil Pelajar Pancasila
dan familiar dalam bentuk tulisan atau digital, termasuk teks visual,
multimodal atau interaktif. Mandiri: Mempunyai rasa tanggung jawab terhadap aktivitas
Menulis-Mempresentasikan belajarnya dan hasil belajarnya.
Pada akhir fase B, peserta didik mengomunikasikan ide dan
pengalamannya melalui gambar dan salinan tulisan. Dengan
bantuan guru, mereka menghasilkan teks deskripsi dan prosedur Concept Map
sederhana menggunakan kata/frasa sederhana dan gambar.
Mereka menulis kosakata sederhana yang berkaitan dengan
lingkungan kelas dan rumah dalam bahasa Inggris menggunakan Look and Write
ejaan yang diciptakan sendiri oleh anak. I Can Make Fried Egg
in the Kitchen
Read and Practice

Look at the picture. What does the picture describe?
The picture is about a family who watch television in the
living room. They can watch it in the living room. But, they
cannot watch it in the bathroom. They can also sleep in
the bedroom but they cannot wash the dishes in the living
room. Here, in this chapter you are going to learn about
kinds of activities that we can and cannot do at home.
Picture of house.
Let’s learn it together. Source: Publisher document.

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1 51

Material Deepening

Trigger Questions
1. Do you know ability and inability?
2. Can you mention activities you can do in each part of the house?
3. Can you write kinds of activities you can do and cannot do at home?
4. Can you practice the dialog about kinds of activities you can do and cannot
do at home?

Ability and Inability to Do Activities at Home

Ability is something that we can do and inability Additional Knowledge
is something that we cannot do. There are many Guna menambah pengetahuanmu
activities that we can do and we cannot do at home, mengenai materi tentang Ability and
Inability Activities at Home, kunjungilah
such as as follows.
laman berikut.
1. My grandfather can feed the roosters and hens
in the barnyard.
2. Mrs. Dewi can cook a rice in the kitchen.
3. Ragil can take a nap in the bedroom.
4. Riana cannot wash the dishes in the garage.
5. Teguh ad Rizal cannot play kites in the bathroom. Scan QR Code:
Look and Write Inability-Activities-at-Home

Look at the pictures and write the activities we can do in that places.
(Perhatikan gambar dan tulis aktivitas yang dapat dilakukan!)

Read and Practice

Practice the dialog based on the pictures.
(Praktikkan dialog berdasarkan gambar!)

52 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1

A: What can your father do in the living A: What can your little sister do in the
room? bedroom?
B: He can watch television in the living B: She can sleep well in the bedroom.

Individual Activity

Arrange these words into good sentences.

(Susunlah kata-kata berikut menjadi kalimat!)
1. brother–sleep–little–in–the–bedroom–my–can
2. motorcycles–garage–in–we–can–the–park–our
3. can–cook–sister–kitchen–my–fried chicken–in–the–and–I
4. grandparents–the–garden–the–tree–in–my–can–plants
5. father–can–living room–my–watch–in–television–the

Group Activity

Work in pairs. Make a dialog about activities you can and cannot do at home.

Higher Order Thinking Skills

There is a little family. They are Mr. Teguh, Mrs. Sati, Doni, and Meliana. They are
busy. Mr. Teguh is in the living room, Mrs. Sari is in the kitchen, Doni is in the living
room, and Sari is in the bedroom. Mention kinds of activities they do in each room.

Let’s Play

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1 53

Down (Menurun)
1. You can take a bath in this room.
Across (Mendatar)
2. Your grandfather can pick some fruits here.
3. Mrs. Indah can fry omelette in this room.
4. You can watch television in this room.
5. Your little sister can take a nap in this room.

Minimun Competency Assessment

Read the following text and answer the questions.

(Bacalah teks berikut dan jawab pertanyaannya!)
Our school has a big and clean library. It has so many books on the
bookshelves. We can read the books in the library. We also can borrow the books
if we only show our library card. The librarians can help us to borrow the books
that we want to borrow. The books that we borrow must return on time according
to the date on the book. In the library, we can not buy the book. We can not eat
or drink in the library. We are also prohibited to make noisy or speak loudly.
1. Pay attention to the following statements.
(1) The writer’s school has a little and untidy library.
(2) There are many books on the bookshelves.
(3) The students can only read the books outside the library.
(4) The books that we borrow must return on time according to the date on the
The correct statements based on the text are shown by number ....
a. (1) and (2)
b. (2) and (3)
c. (2) and (4)
d. (3) and (3)
2. Choose the correct statements based on the text above by giving check mark (√).
Statements True (T) False (F)
The students can read the books in the library
The students can eat and drink in the library.
The students are prohibited to make noisy or speak
The students can borrow the books from the library.

54 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1

Final Assesment Chapter 6

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing ( x ) a, b, c, or d.

(Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf a, b, c, atau d di depan jawaban yang paling tepat!)
1. Bagas Nugroho can … in the bathroom. a. listen to the radio
b. read a magazine
c. watch television
d. call on the telephone
5. My sister and her friends can ... in
the living room.
a. wash the dishes
b. take a bath
c. brush his teeth
d. wash the clothes
2. Ayu Meliana can … in the living room.
a. play dolls
b. play video game
c. do their homework
d. sing songs
6. Restu and his brother can … in the
a. dance well living room.
b. listen to the song
c. watch television
d. sing a song
3. Bayu Andhika can ... in the bedroom.

a. play toy
b. play a chess
c. play hide and seek
d. play snake and ladder
a. take a rest 7. Chandra : What can your brother
b. study English do in the bedroom?
c. sleep well
d. play video game Melisa : He can ... in the bedroom.
4. My grandfather can ... in the veranda.

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1 55

a. play on computer 11. Anita : Can she pick the fruits
b. do his homework at the house yard?
c. read a magazine Belinda : No, she cannot.
d. listen to the radio Anita : What can she do?
8. Arya : What can your grandfather Belinda : She can ….
do in the barnyard?
Dhani : He can ... in the barnyard.

a. play tug of war c. play swing

a. ride the goat b. play a top d. play slide
b. feed the goat 12. Alya : Can he park the car in the
c. herd the goat veranda?
d. play with the goat
Lia : No, he cannot.
9. Rifan: What can your uncle do at the
Alya : Where can he park the car?
Lia : He can park it in ….
Galih: He can … at the houseyard.

a. mop the houseyard a. the garden

b. sweep the houseyard b. the living room
c. wash the motorcycle c. the garage
d. ride a motorcycle d. the house yard
10. Dion : What can your sister and her 13. Putra Aditya can ... in the living room.
friends do at the house yard?
Budi : They can … at the house yard.

a. listen to the radio

b. watch television
a. play jump rope
c. phone his friend
b. play swing
d. play on computer
c. play slide
d. play hide and seek

56 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1

14. Lisa Febriana can ... in the bedroom. 15. Totok and Gilang can ... in the house

a. dance actively
b. watching television a. play marbles
c. sing a song b. play chess
d. listen to the music c. play soccer
d. play hide and seek

B. Complete the following sentences with the correct answer in the box.

1. My brother can … in the bathroom. 4. A: Can Yulia and Ratih … at the

B: Yes, they can.

2. Mrs. Dewi Wulandari can … in the

dining room.
5. A: Can Mrs. Utami washes the
clothes in the kitchen?
B: No, she can’t. She can ….

3. A: What can Dhika and Radit do in

the livingroom?
B: They can ….
a. wash the dishes
b. play snake and ladder
c. drink a glass of milk
d. play badminton
e. wash the clothes

C. Translate the following sentences into Indonesian language.

(Terjemahkan kalimat-kalimat berikut ke dalam bahasa Indonesia!)
1. My brother and his friend can play badminton at the houseyard.
2. My grandparents can pick some fruits in the garden.

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1 57

3. Nabila can watch television in the living room.
4. Mr. Teguh handoko can park his car in the garage.
5. Bayu can take a bath in the bathroom.

D. Match the activities with the places.

(Jodohkan aktivitas dengan tempatnya!)
1. Aji can pick some mango fruits. a. Dining room
2. Nando and Sandi can play badminton. b. House yard
3. Ridwan and his brother can eat and drink. c. Garden
4. Rani Indriyani can wash the dishes. d. Bathroom
5. Lintang Fajar can take a bath. e. Kitchen

E. Give checklist based on the statements below.

(Centanglah kolom True jika benar dan False jika salah!)
Number Statement True False
1. Mr. Pandhu can park his car in the garage.
2. Miss Dewi can cook fried chicken in the kitchen.
3. Ridho and Yogi can play video game in the bathroom.
4. Rani and Shinta can water the plants in the living room.
5. Mr. Santoso cannot watch television in the dining room.


Arrange these words into good sentences.

(Susunlah kata-kata berikut menjadi kalimat!)
1. the kitchen–a rice–in–Mrs. Ran–can–cook
2. plant–trees–in–the garden–Mr. Pandhu–can–some
3. in–her–sister–can–the living room–beatifully–sing
4. the house–yard–badminton–at–my–brother–can–and–I–play
5. the living room–on–television–in–watch–cartoon–my–nephew–can


Make a short paragraph about activities that you can do and you cannot do at your

58 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1

Problem Solving

1. My family has a big and lovely house. The house consists of many parts of
rooms. There are veranda, living room, bedroom, dining room, kitchen, bathroom,
garage, house yard, garden, and barnyard. Based on the information, so what
kinds of activities can do and can not do?
a. My father can read a newspaper in the living room. While, my sister can
sing a song in the bathroom.
b. My mother can cook a fried rice in the dining room. While, my brother can
play video game in the garden.
c. I can watch television in the living room but I cannot play badminton in the
d. I can pick some fruits in the garden but I cannot wash the dishes in the


Manfaat hasil belajar hari ini. Tuliskan kesan yang kamu rasakan tentang
pembelajaran pada bab 6 dengan mencoret jawaban yang tidak sesuai pada kolom
deskripsi singkat!
Aspek Yang Diamati Deskripsi
Kesan selama proses pembelajaran Senang Bosan
Tingkat kesulitan Mudah Sulit
Sikapmu Kooperatif Kurang kooperatif

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1 59

Final Semester Assessment

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing ( x ) a, b, c, or d.

(Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf a, b, c, atau d di depan jawaban yang paling tepat)
1. Maya : Is your mother cooking? c washing the dishes
Lisa : No, she is not. d washing the clothes
Maya : What is she doing? 4. Ali : What is Mrs. Dira doing?
Lisa : She is .... Bono : She is ....

a. cleaning the window

b. mopping the floor a. reading
c. washing the clothes b. teaching
d. ironing the clothes c. jogging
2. Doni : What is Sheila doing? d. exercising
Lintang : She is .... 5. Aditya : What is your number?
Bayu : My number is ....

a. sixty one
b. sixty three
c. sixty five
a. watering the flowers d. sixty nine
b. plating the tree
6. Indra : What is the number before
c. picking the fruits
d. sweeping the house yard
Evan : It is ….
3. Ali : What is Mrs. Melisa doing?
a. seventy six
Bono : He is .... b. seventy seven
c. seventy nine
d. eighty
7. What is fifty nine plus eighteen?
a. 47
b. 57
a. cooking a rice c. 67
b boiling the water d. 77

60 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1

8. A: Where is the clock?
B: It is on the ....

a. the beach c. the movie

b. the park d. the zoo
a. floor
b. roof 12. Sheila usually has ... every morning.
c. ceiling a. breakfast c. supper
d. wall b. lunch d. dinner
9. Nia : What is your mother doing 13. Look at the picture.
in the ...?
Sindhu : She is cooking now.

My living room has a ....

a. curtain
b. telephone
c. radio
d. painting
a. bedroom 14. Gayung, ember, in English are ....
b. living room a. pail, soap
c. garden b. water, pail
d. kitchen c. dipper, pail
10. My sister is picking the flowers in .... d bowl, pan
15. Miss. Anita Anggraeni can ... in the

a. the garage
b. the garden
c. the living room a. wash the dishes
d. the bathroom b. cook a rice
11. Gilang frequently goes to ... on c. wash her hands
weekend. d. clean the floor

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1 61

B. Complete the following dialog with the correct answer.

(Lengkapi dialog berikut dengan jawaban yang benar!)

Yudi : How are you this morning?
Doni : I’m (1) .... How about you?
Yudi : I’m fine, too. By the way, (2) ... do you get up today?
Doni : I get up at five o’clock.
Yudi : What time do you (3) ... to school today?
Doni : I go to school at a quarter past six.
Yudi : How do you go to (4) ...?
Doni : I go to school (5) ....
Yudi : Oh, I see. Well, it’s 7 o’clock. Let’s go to the classroom.

a. go b. on foot c. fine d. school e. what time

C. Read the following text and answer the questions.

(Bacalah teks berikut dan jawab pertanyaannya!)

My name is Teguh Saputra. I live in a small house with my family. Now, I am
in my living room. There are two magazines, television, radio, and telephone in
the living room. There are many couches here. There is a table and a flower vase
on it. There are two pictures, a calendar, and a clock on the wall. In the corner,
there is an aquarium with many beautiful fishes in it. I really love my living room.

1. Where is Teguh Saputra now?
2. How many magazines, television, and radio are there?
3. Where is the flower vase?
4. What are on the wall?
5. What is in the corner of the living room?

62 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1

Boguchwal, S. Pugni, J. & Ramdeholl, D. 2012. ESL Beginner (English as a
Second Language Series). Research & Education Association.
Chapman, A. Munday, N. & Oliver, A. 2019. My First Wipe Clean ABC : A Fun
Early Learning Book for Kids to Practice Writing Their Letters. New York:
Priddy Books
Dewi, I.K. et al. 2019. Stairway: A Fun and Easy English Book for Grade Five
Elementary School. Surakarta: Tiga Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri.
Echols, J.M. and Shadily, H. 2017. An English-Indonesia Dictionary. Jakarta:
Fauziati, E. 2015.Teaching English as a Foreign Language: Principle and Practice.
Surakarta: Era Pustaka Utama.
Mansfield, A & Iwohn, S. 2018. First Word: English. Lonely Planet Global Limited.
Miller, S. Durst, K & Arrow E. 2018. Find a Book!. North Mankato: Cantata
Putri, A.2017. Simple Grammar for an Elementary School. Yogyakarta: Brilliant
Sulaiman, S.B. 2016. Basic English for Elementary School Year I. Jakarta:

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1 63

Profil Penulis
Nama Lengkap : Irma Agustinalia, S.Pd.
No Telp. Kantor : (0271) 634303
Alamat : Somopuro RT 003 RW 002
Sidokarto, Girimarto, Wonogiri.
Bidang Keahlian : Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
Riwayat Pendidikan Tinggi dan Tahun Belajar:
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan,
Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (Tahun 2010 – 2014).
Riwayat Pekerjaan/Profesi (10 Tahun Terakhir):
Penulis CV. Dharma Aksara (Tahun 2014 – Sekarang)

Editor’s Profile

Nama Lengkap : Dominico Danang Sandi P, S.S

No Telp. Kantor : (0271) 634303
Alamat : Jalan Dahlia No. 27 RT 02 RW 08
Bidang Keahlian : Sastra Indonesia
Riwayat Pendidikan Tinggi dan Tahun Belajar:
- Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Fakultas
Sastra dan Seni Rupa, Jurusan Sastra Indonesia
Riwayat Pekerjaan/Profesi (10 Tahun Terakhir):
Editor di CV. Dharma Aksara

Setter’s Profile

Nama Lengkap : Fana Amnesti

No Telp. Kantor : (0271) 634303
Alamat : Bangunharjo RT 03/09
Bidang Keahlian : Layouter
Riwayat Pendidikan Tinggi dan Tahun Belajar:
- SMK N 6 Surakarta
Riwayat Pekerjaan/Profesi (10 Tahun Terakhir):
Setter di CV. Dharma Aksara

64 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI / 2223-1

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