V2.0 BSBTEC301 - Training and Assessment Strategy Exemplar

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Participant Name: Student example


Name of RTO / Pinnacle Safety and Training

Training Provider

Delivery Period (How Classroom Delivery – 18 weeks - 3 days per week 9.30 – 2.30 4.5 hours per day
long does the training Mon-Wed
run for?) 24 hours per unit of competency – five 1/2 days training and assessing.
Student Note –
answer this question
in relation to the one
unit of competency
you are using for your

Code and Title of BSB Business Services Training Package

Qualification or BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills Student Note – include the Release
Name of program number
(Include training BSBTEC301 Design and produce business documents (Release 1) Student Note
package name) – include the Release number

Purpose of Program The training program is aimed at learners who are currently unemployed and
looking to develop the skills and knowledge to confidently apply for work in a range
(Why are you
of clerical or administrative roles.
delivering this
training? Will it be “This qualification reflects the role of individuals in a variety of entry-level Business
contextualised? If so, Services job roles.
how?) This qualification also reflects the role of individuals who have not yet entered the
Student Note: include workforce and are developing the necessary skills in preparation for work.
a detailed response These individuals carry out a range of basic procedural, clerical, administrative or
using sentences operational tasks that require self-management and technology skills. They
perform a range of mainly routine tasks using limited practical skills and
fundamental operational knowledge in a defined context. Individuals in these roles
generally work under direct supervision.” Training.gov.au, Qualification
Description, BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills (Release 2), viewed 3
September 2021, https://training.gov.au/Training/Details/BSB20120

Units of Competency
Student Note:
Break down the qualification and list all core and electives, pre-reqs. Then identify the one unit you will use
to develop the remainder of your Major Portfolio. We suggest you choose a lower level unit e.g. AQF 2 or 3,
as you are still learning to design and develop training and assessment programs

FSK10119 Certificate I in Access to Vocational Pathways Training and Assessment Strategy – V1.1 Page 1
Participant Name: Student example

Code Title Core/Elective

BSBTEC301 Design and produce business documents Elective from the Certificate III in
(Release 1) Business

BSBCMM211 Apply communication skills Core

BSBOPS201 Work effectively in business environments Core

BSBPEF202 Plan and apply time management Core

BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices Core

BSBWHS211 Contribute to the health and safety of self and Core


BSBPEF201 Support personal wellbeing in the workplace Elective Group A

Self Management

BSBTEC101 Operate digital devices Elective Group B


BSBOPS202 Engage with customers

Elective Group C
Working with others

BSBOPS203 Deliver a service to customers Elective Group C

Working with others

Pre-requisites (if any) Code Title

There are no prerequisites.

Client Target Audience Typical learners for this program include:

and Number of
learners ● Early school leavers
● Primarily female aged 16+
(Describe them.
Age, Gender, ● New migrants with English as a second language.
Literacy, Language ● Aged mid-twenties to early sixties.
& Numeracy ● A range of cultures including Asian, Persian,
characteristics, Indian, Western.
previous study or
● Younger migrants tend to have good computer

FSK10119 Certificate I in Access to Vocational Pathways Training and Assessment Strategy – V1.1 Page 2
Participant Name: Student example

experience, skills, they require skills in applying for work in

motivation to learn, Australia, improve Vocational English.
etc.) ● Some older migrants have limited IT skills.
Student Note: ● Learners are usually highly motivated to learn and
Ensure you cover, often require some LLN support.
in detail, all the
points in the ● Cohort size - usually a group of between 10 to 15
brackets above learners

Individual needs are identified through self-identification

Learner’s special
during the enrolment process using the application for
enrolment form and/or during the enrolment interview. LLN
(Description of testing is also used to identify individual needs.
needs and how you
Where individual needs are not disclosed during the
will management
enrolment process, trainer staff should identify individual
these needs,
needs throughout the training program.
include any
reasonable Some of the learners have low English reading and writing
adjustments) skills and the following adjustments will be used
● More demonstrations by the trainer, and repeated
as required
● Verbalise all written information, for example
information in wall charts, spelling lists,
brainstorming activities
● Provide the student with written copies of any
overhead and exercises with step-by-step
instructions using screen shots.
● Ensure sufficient emphasis is given to the
development of vocabulary through explicit
explanations and keeping a vocational vocabulary
● Teach the academic vocabulary required for each
task to support language development for ESL
● Teach skills in various contexts to assist students
to generalise their knowledge
● Encourage students to apply knowledge to areas of
familiarity before transferring to new contexts
● Personal learning journals with SMART goal

Budget Pinnacle Safety and Training has a classroom with fifteen computers loaded with
(What is the budget for all software and networked to printers and scanners.
this course? Has the Cost of this room is estimated at $200 per day $10,800
client allocated a set Cost of workbooks @ $50 per learner x 15 learners $750
budget, what are the
costs for venues, Consumables @ $20 per learner x 15 learners $300

FSK10119 Certificate I in Access to Vocational Pathways Training and Assessment Strategy – V1.1 Page 3
Participant Name: Student example

equipment, trainers, Cost of trainer @ $500 per day x 54 days = $27,000

resources? – you may
Administration $2000
choose to present this
information as an
excel document)
Student Note: Detailed
budget required (direct
and indirect costs)

Constraints to Constraints for learners may include limited English reading, writing and oral skills.
training program A vocational vocabulary list will be used.
(Both constraints for Older learners have limited IT skills.
learner, employer and Younger learners may have well established IT skills and require different tasks to
other constraints the keep them engaged in the learning.
training provider might
come across) Attendance may be problematic depending on learners’ location and availability of
public transport.
Student Note: Detailed
response required Some flexibility may be needed for learners who are carers for family members.

Subject Matter To ensure that the RTOs training and assessment practices and resources are
Experts relevant to the needs of industry and informed by industry engagement,
(Who can you use to Pinnacle Training engages with industry in the development, assessment and
help develop your evaluation of all learning and assessment products.
Consultation monthly with employment services agencies for current gaps in the
Student Note: Detailed
response required industry, employment opportunities and skills and knowledge training required.

Industry consultation is recorded through meeting minutes, email

correspondence and/or the completion of an Industry Consultation Form. A
summary of all industry engagement, the outcome of the consultation, and how
consultation affected training and assessment practices, resources and the
vocational competencies of trainers/assessors is documented on the record of

Delivery Mode and A range of delivery strategies are used that are flexible in approach. Innovative,
methods creative and varied delivery modes are employed to reflect the content of the units
(Classroom, and to incorporate the learning styles of participants and the current needs of
workplace, online, etc, industry.
or a combination?) Delivery modes may include:
Student Note: Detailed ● Face to face
response required ● Tutorials
● Role plays/simulations
● Physical demonstrations
● Group work
● On-site learning using the workplace equipment, emergency procedures

FSK10119 Certificate I in Access to Vocational Pathways Training and Assessment Strategy – V1.1 Page 4
Participant Name: Student example

● E-learning using Google Meeting and Moodle

Venue and Computer classroom with computers networked to printer, scanner and internet.
equipment Computers preloaded with Microsoft Office, Adobe, Anti-Virus software
ergonomic tables and chairs, all cords to be tied under tables so as not to be a
(What does your tripping hazard.
training venue
require? Consider Trainer can take over all computers to show students how to perform tasks and
seating plans, monitor progress.
presentation Data Projector and screen linked to trainer’s laptop.
technology etc.)
Kitchen and bathroom facilities.
Student Note: Detailed
response required

Existing Resources Adjusted Exercises and business Resources were created by Pinnacle specifically
(Are there existing for this training program for learners with low LLN..
resources that can be For each UoC the following documents were developed.
used to develop this ● Learner Workbook and exercises
training program? If ● Assessor/Facilitator Guide with copies of all tasks and learner handouts
so, identify these for each UoC.
resources and their ● UoC Assessment – Learner
source) ● Lesson Plans for each UoC.
Student Note: Detailed ● Mapping
response required

Learning resources Resources were created by Pinnacle specifically for this training program.
required For each UoC the following documents are supplied to each learner.
(What learning ● Learner Workbook
resources and ● Copy of all handouts/posters/class activities
materials will the ● Learning journal
learners receive? Are ● Vocational Vocabulary Diary
there any existing ● Aspire learner workbook.
learning resources
Student Note: Detailed
response required

Trainer Resources ● Learner Workbook

● Assessor/Facilitator Guide with copies of all exercises and learner
(What does your
handouts for each UoC.
trainer need to run the
● UoC Assessment – Learner
● Lesson Plans for each UoC.
Student Note: Detailed ● Mapping
response required – ● Butchers Paper
list every resource ● Blu Tac

FSK10119 Certificate I in Access to Vocational Pathways Training and Assessment Strategy – V1.1 Page 5
Participant Name: Student example

● Pencils and pens

● Data Projector
● Computer
● Copies of all PowerPoints and learner handouts
● Computer classroom for 15 students networked to a printer scanner and
WIFI access.

Assessment Assessment resources have been developed for this course. All UoC have specific
Resources assessment resources. Skills in this unit must be demonstrated in a workplace or
simulated environment where the conditions are typical of those in a working
(What resources will
environment in this industry.
you require to conduct
assessment? Does This includes access to:
the UOC have specific
resources, do you ▪ workplace equipment and resources
need to purchase) ▪ relevant software applications
Student Note: ▪ style guide
▪ organisational policies and procedures.” Training.gov.au, assessment
List the full range of conditions, BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills (Release 2),
assessment resources viewed 3 September 2021,
that will be required – https://training.gov.au/Training/Details/BSB20120
remember to include
those relevant to the Trainer/Assessors will be provided with the following.
● Assessor/Facilitator Guide with benchmark answers.
Conditions in the UoC
● UoC Assessment – Learner
● UoC Mapping Matrix

Workplace Students are not currently employed – a range of example workplace resources
Resources will be used, including.
(What resources will
the client/employer Relevant regulatory requirements, codes of practice, etc.
provide to assist in
development and Full range workplace policies and procedures to provide a valid
delivery?) context for assessment:
Student Note: Grievance Policy and Procedure
List the full range of o Emergency Procedures
workplace resources
that will be required o Trainees, Learners, Volunteers and Visitors Policy
o Health and Safety Policy and Procedure
WHS 2012 Legislation
o Standard operating procedures
o Job sheets/instructions/records
o Incident reporting procedures
o Quality standards procedures and policies
o Quality improvement policies and procedures

FSK10119 Certificate I in Access to Vocational Pathways Training and Assessment Strategy – V1.1 Page 6
Participant Name: Student example

o housekeeping procedures
o Safety data sheets (SDS)
o Hazard and Risk Control procedures
o Personal protective equipment procedures
o Manual lifting policies and procedures
o Storage procedures and policies
o Waste management procedures
o Routine and non-routine problems procedures
o Information systems and data collection procedures
o Duty of care policy and procedures
o Communication procedures
o Team work procedures and policies
o Conflict resolution procedures and policies
o Environmental regulations, policies and procedures

Prior to commencement in this qualification, students will undertake a LLN test.

information This is facilitated by Pinnacle to identify the students LLN levels and further
support requirements. This information will allow the trainer to identify how to best
(Will the learners
receive any pre- support the student.
course information to Reasonable adjustment will be provided for participants with a disability or learning
be read/completed difficulty, according to the nature of the disability or difficulty. Reasonable
prior to attending adjustments are made to ensure that the participant is not presented with artificial
training?) barriers to demonstrating achievement in the program of study. Reasonable
Student Note: Detailed adjustments may include the use of educational support, and alternative methods
response required of assessment such as oral assessment.

Work Health and A Risk Control Plan is attached.

Safety Issues

Relevant Policies The RTO workplace policy and procedures.

and Procedures to
● RTO Student Handbook
be adhered to
● WHS Act and Regulation
(When delivering the ● Privacy Act
program, are there set ● Simulated workplace procedures
policies and ● access and equity
procedures you will ● complaints
need to adhere to? ● assessment appeals
E.g Privacy, ● administration and management
Plagiarism, EEO or ● computers and the internet
could be client specific ● courses
● fees and VET Student Loans
● personnel

FSK10119 Certificate I in Access to Vocational Pathways Training and Assessment Strategy – V1.1 Page 7
Participant Name: Student example

e.g. procedures when ● student administration (including assessment, discipline, recognition of

operating machinery) prior learning, selection and enrolment, student records, and workplace
Student Note: Detailed learning)
list of relevant P & P ● wellbeing
and legislation

Design structure – Please refer to the lesson plans which cover the following elements.
What are the
● Select and prepare resources:
learning outcomes?
Select and use technology and software applications to produce
Provide an overview of required business documents
content to be Select layout and style of publication according to information and
addressed, in a organisational requirements
sequence that
Use basic design principles and ensure document design is
supports learning
consistent with organisational requirements
(modules) - refer to
your unit of Discuss and clarify format and style with required stakeholder
competency to guide
your learning topics ● Design documents
and outcomes Identify, open and create files according to task and organisational
Design document and ensure efficient entry of information
Use a range of functions to ensure consistency of design and layout

● Produce documents
Complete document production according to organisational policies,
procedures and requirements
Check document produced to ensure it meets task requirements for
style and layout
Store document appropriately and save document
Use help function to overcome basic difficulties with document design
and production, where required

● Finalise documents
Proofread document for readability, accuracy and consistency of
language, style and layout prior to final output
Modify document according to task requirements
Name and store document in accordance with organisational
requirements and exit application
Present document according to task requirements

Program evaluation Programs will be evaluated at the end of each course by using a student
evaluation form (attached).
(How will you evaluate
the success of your This Training and Assessment Strategy will be reviewed as required by changes to
learning program? the Training Package, organisational resources, and client needs.

FSK10119 Certificate I in Access to Vocational Pathways Training and Assessment Strategy – V1.1 Page 8
Participant Name: Student example

As part of the A systematic approach will also be used to review the TAS on an annual basis and
TAE40116 program, any recommended changes will be discussed by trainers, assessors, The National
you will also be RTO Quality & Compliance Manager and Management Team. These changes will
provided a Program be implemented when/if approved.
Evaluation Template
to complete – refer to
the online portal)

Pathways BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Release 1)

(List at least one Entry Requirements
qualification this Nil
course could lead to:
include packaging Packaging Rules
rules and two Total number of units = 13
6 core units plus
7 elective units, of which:
Student Note: Detailed
information required ▪ 2 elective units must be selected from Group A
▪ 1 elective unit must be selected from Group B
▪ for the remaining 4 elective units:

▪ up to 4 units may be selected from Groups A – G

▪ if not listed, up to 3 units may be selected from a Certificate II, Certificate
III or Certificate IV from this or any other currently endorsed Training
Package qualification or accredited course.

Elective units must be relevant to the work environment and the qualification,
maintain the integrity of the AQF alignment and contribute to a valid, industry-
supported vocational outcome.” Training.gov.au, Packaging rules, BSB30120
Certificate III in Business (Release 1), viewed 3 September 2021,

Two chosen electives

BSBTEC302 Design and produce spreadsheets
BSBTEC303 Create electronic presentations

FSK10119 Certificate I in Access to Vocational Pathways Training and Assessment Strategy – V1.1 Page 9
Participant Name: Student example

LLN requirements of
the training program 5
(what level is required Level
by the participants to of 4
be able to attend this perfor
training?)’ manc 3 x x
Student Note: You
may need to refer to 2 x x
the ASCF and the
training package 1 x
implementation guide
to determine these Oral
levels Learni Readi Writin Com Nume
ng ng g munic racy

Instructional design
strategies used Microlearning – the information has been broken into easily-digestible, bite-sized
chunks. There is a greater likelihood of knowledge passing from short term
(What two (2) memory to long term memory if only a few, highly targeted topics are focused on.
instructional design
strategies will be used Spaced repetition is the process of repeating lessons at increasing intervals until
to suit the LLN needs knowledge is embedded. This is particularly successful in short lessons where the
of the learner group) learner is taken through a range of activities to repeat the learning in different
Student Note: Detailed
response required The data projector and screen to screen tuition is used to show the learners how
to do the task, prior to attempting the task themselves, workbooks include step by
step instructions with screenshots to step the learners through the tasks.

Learning activities were developed that utilise the data projector for students to
Adapting learning
watch the trainer performing the task and worksheets will be given out with
resources to suit
LLN levels of screenshots and steps to complete the skill.
Learning resources were designed for instruction for students with difficulties
(outline how you will across all foundation skills and includes:
adapt or develop your
learning resources (at ● Learner workbooks contain graphics and examples of completed
least 2) to meet the documents to assist the learners with screen shots of the steps.
LLN needs of the
learner group) ● Resources were developed using authentic workplace tasks, behaviours,
Student Note: Detailed and documents to integrate the delivery and assessment of the identified
response required Foundation skills with the vocational skills. For example, completing
workplace WHS forms (writing), interacting with a client (oral
communication, problem solving), menu planning (estimation skills).

● explicitly teach skills and strategies rather than relying on incidental


FSK10119 Certificate I in Access to Vocational Pathways Training and Assessment Strategy – V1.1 Page 10
Participant Name: Student example

● teach small amounts of material and emphasise key points to address

problems with attention

● teach the academic vocabulary required for each task to support language

● teach skills in various contexts and scaffold the learning to assist students
to generalise their knowledge

Monitoring of To ensure continual compliance and high-quality education Pinnacle Safety and
Learners Progress Training reviews and evaluates all training and assessment services and products
systematically through a variety of different methods listed below.
(How often will you
meet with the learner Feedback Methods
or supervisor to ▪ Learner satisfaction surveys – emailed to students after course completion
evaluate the progress ▪ Employer/Host satisfaction surveys - emailed to relevant personnel after
of the learner?) course completion
Student Note: Detailed ▪ Mentor feedback – gained through an interview
response required ▪ Trainer feedback – gained through regular chats and the CI register
▪ Industry consultation – gained on a regular basis through phone calls and
▪ Validation and moderation activities – conducted as per RTO schedule
▪ Complaints/appeals – see RTO policy and procedures
Sign off Subject Matter Expert
(Your training program
should always be Client (Organisation)
reviewed and signed
off by applicable Learner (if applicable)
parties before
implementation.) Supervisor (if applicable)

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