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- 解釋:動詞 "scouts" 意思是尋找或搜索,通常指尋找人才或特定資源。

- 例句:

1. The talent agency scouts for new actors every year.

2. She scouts the area for the best locations to take photographs.

2. **aviation-software**

- 解釋:形容詞 "aviation-software" 指與航空業相關的軟體,這類軟體通常


- 例句:

1. The aviation-software helps pilots plan their routes more efficiently.

2. Our company develops aviation-software for commercial airlines.

3. **dozen**

- 解釋:名詞 "dozen" 表示十二個。

- 例句:

1. He bought a dozen eggs from the store.

2. There were a dozen roses in the bouquet.

4. **front-runner**

- 解釋:名詞 "front-runner" 指最有可能成功或獲勝的人或事物。

- 例句:

1. She is the front-runner in the race for the city mayor.

2. This company is the front-runner in the tech industry.

5. **come in cold**

- 解釋:片語 "come in cold" 意思是沒有預先的聯繫或推薦而直接參加某


- 例句:

1. He came in cold for the job interview but still managed to impress the
hiring manager.

2. Many candidates come in cold through the company's online portal.

6. **portal**

- 解釋:名詞 "portal" 指入口網站或門戶,通常指網站或網頁的入口。

- 例句:

1. You can access the company's services through their online portal.

2. The university's student portal provides all necessary academic


7. **swelled**

- 解釋:動詞 "swelled" 是 "swell" 的過去式,意思是增加或膨脹。

- 例句:

1. The crowd swelled as more people joined the protest.

2. Her ankle swelled after she twisted it during the game.

8. **obscurity**

- 解釋:名詞 "obscurity" 意思是默默無聞或不被注意。

- 例句:

1. The artist lived in obscurity for most of his life.

2. Many scientific discoveries remained in obscurity until recent times.

9. **resurgence**

- 解釋:名詞 "resurgence" 指復甦或再度流行。

- 例句:

1. There has been a resurgence of interest in vinyl records.

2. The town experienced a resurgence in tourism after the new museum


10. **slog**

- 解釋:名詞 "slog" 意思是艱苦或困難的工作或過程。

- 例句:

1. The project was a long slog, but we finally completed it.

2. Writing the thesis was a real slog, but she managed to finish it on time.

11. **bogs down**

- 解釋:片語 "bogs down" 意思是使陷入困境或拖延。

- 例句:

1. The heavy workload bogs down the team.

2. The project bogged down due to a lack of resources.

12. **shutting them out**

- 解釋:片語 "shutting them out" 意思是排除在外或不讓進入。

- 例句:

1. The new policy is shutting out many qualified candidates.

2. The team was shut out of the competition due to a technicality.

13. **reverting**

- 解釋:動詞 "reverting" 意思是回到或恢復到以前的狀態或做法。

- 例句:

1. The company is reverting to its original business model.

2. After a brief experiment with online learning, the school reverted to

traditional classroom teaching.

14. **undermine**

- 解釋:動詞 "undermine" 意思是削弱或破壞。

- 例句:

1. His actions were intended to undermine her authority.

2. Constant criticism can undermine a person's confidence.

15. **aided**

- 解釋:動詞 "aided" 是 "aid" 的過去式,意思是幫助或協助。

- 例句:

1. The volunteers aided in the disaster relief efforts.

2. The new software aided in improving the efficiency of the workflow.

16. **democratize**

- 解釋:動詞 "democratize" 意思是使民主化或普及。

- 例句:

1. The internet has democratized access to information.

2. The organization aims to democratize education through free online


17. **overwhelmed**

- 解釋:動詞 "overwhelmed" 是 "overwhelm" 的過去式,意思是壓倒或


- 例句:

1. The small team was overwhelmed by the large number of orders.

2. She felt overwhelmed by the amount of work she had to do.

18. **applicants**

- 解釋:名詞 "applicants" 指申請人。

- 例句:

1. The company received hundreds of applications from qualified


2. All applicants must submit their resumes by the end of the week.

19. **boosting**

- 解釋:動詞 "boosting" 是 "boost" 的現在分詞,意思是促進或提高。

- 例句:

1. The new policy is aimed at boosting employee morale.

2. The advertisement campaign successfully boosted sales.

20. **competition**

- 解釋:名詞 "competition" 指競爭或比賽。

- 例句:

1. There is intense competition for the top spot in the market.

2. She won first place in the piano competition.

21. **in-house**

- 解釋:形容詞 "in-house" 指內部的或公司內部的。

- 例句:

1. The company developed an in-house training program.

2. All the marketing materials were created by the in-house team.

22. **data compiled**

- 解釋:片語 "data compiled" 指匯編或整理的數據。

- 例句:

1. The report is based on data compiled from various sources.

2. The data compiled by the research team was presented at the


23. **odds**

- 解釋:名詞 "odds" 指機率或可能性。

- 例句:
1. The odds of winning the lottery are very low.

2. She increased her odds of getting the job by preparing thoroughly for
the interview.

24. **eventual**

- 解釋:形容詞 "eventual" 意思是最終的。

- 例句:

1. The team was pleased with the eventual outcome of the project.

2. After many trials, they achieved their eventual goal.

25. **desperate**

- 解釋:形容詞 "desperate" 指絕望的或渴望的。

- 例句:

1. She made a desperate attempt to save the company.

2. The refugees were in desperate need of food and water.

26. **reliance**

- 解釋:名詞 "reliance" 指依賴或依靠。

- 例句:

1. The country's reliance on imported oil is a major concern.

2. Her reliance on her friends for emotional support was evident.

27. **navigate**

- 解釋:動詞 "navigate" 意思是導航或引導,這裡指應對或處理。

- 例句:

1. He had to navigate through the complex bureaucratic procedures.

2. The sailors used the stars to navigate their way across the ocean.

28. **dominates**

- 解釋:動詞 "dominates" 是 "dominate" 的現在時,意思是主導或佔優


- 例句:

1. The tech industry dominates the current job market.

2. Her performance dominates the competition.

29. **swamped**

- 解釋:動詞 "swamped" 是 "swamp" 的過去式,意思是淹沒或壓倒。

- 例句:

1. The customer service team was swamped with calls after the product

2. He was swamped with work and couldn't take on any more projects.

30. **fire off**

解釋:片語 "fire off" 指迅速發送或射出。

- 例句:

1. She fired off an email to her boss with the latest report.

2. The soldiers were trained to fire off their weapons accurately and

31. **lament**

- 解釋:動詞 "lament" 指哀悼或對...感到悲傷。

- 例句:

1. The old man lamented the loss of his youth.

2. The community lamented the closure of the local library.

32. **eerily**

- 解釋:副詞 "eerily" 指怪異地或令人毛骨悚然地。

- 例句:

1. The abandoned house was eerily quiet.

2. The fog rolled in, eerily obscuring the landscape.

33. **submit**

- 解釋:動詞 "submit" 意思是提交。

- 例句:

1. Please submit your assignments by the end of the week.

2. The candidate submitted her application online.

34. **fume**

- 解釋:動詞 "fume" 指憤怒或發怒。

- 例句:

1. She was fuming after missing her flight due to a delay.

2. He fumed silently as he listened to the unfair criticism.

35. **hear back**

- 解釋:片語 "hear back" 意思是收到回覆。

- 例句:

1. I applied for the job two weeks ago and still haven't heard back.

2. She was anxious to hear back from the university about her application.

36. **copy-manager**

- 解釋:名詞 "copy-manager" 指負責文案管理的經理。

- 例句:

1. The copy-manager reviewed all the advertisements before they were


2. She was promoted to copy-manager after proving her skills in writing

and editing.

37. **catch**

- 解釋:名詞 "catch" 指陷阱或不利的條件。

- 例句:

1. The deal seemed too good to be true, and there was a catch.

2. The free trial offer had a catch: you had to cancel within a week to avoid

38. **staffing agency**

- 解釋:名詞 "staffing agency" 指人力仲介公司。

- 例句:

1. She found her job through a staffing agency.

2. The company uses a staffing agency to hire temporary workers.

39. **vet**

- 解釋:動詞 "vet" 指審查或檢查。

- 例句:

1. The company vets all new employees thoroughly.

2. She vetted the documents before submitting them.

40. **content-management software**

- 解釋:名詞 "content-management software" 指內容管理軟體。

- 例句:

1. They use content-management software to organize their website.

2. The content-management software allows easy updates to the site's


41. **longstanding**

- 解釋:形容詞 "longstanding" 意思是長期存在的。

- 例句:

1. They have a longstanding relationship with their supplier.

2. The company has a longstanding policy of promoting from within.

42. **commitment**
- 解釋:名詞 "commitment" 指承諾或投入。

- 例句:

1. Her commitment to her work is evident in her dedication.

2. The company made a commitment to reduce its carbon footprint.

43. **guaranteed**

- 解釋:形容詞 "guaranteed" 意思是有保證的。

- 例句:

1. The product comes with a guaranteed warranty.

2. She was guaranteed a refund if the service did not meet her

44. **unconventional**

- 解釋:形容詞 "unconventional" 指非傳統的或不同尋常的。

- 例句:

1. Her unconventional approach to problem-solving impressed the team.

2. The artist is known for his unconventional style.

45. **retention**

- 解釋:名詞 "retention" 指保留或保持。

- 例句:

1. Employee retention is a major concern for the company.

2. The new benefits program aims to improve staff retention.

46. **engaged**

- 解釋:形容詞 "engaged" 指參與或投入的。

- 例句:

1. The students were actively engaged in the discussion.

2. She remains engaged with her community through volunteer work.

47. **stay and thrive**

- 解釋:片語 "stay and thrive" 指留下並茁壯成長。

- 例句:

1. The company provides a supportive environment where employees can

stay and thrive.

2. They created a workplace culture that encourages employees to stay

and thrive.

48. **prompts**

- 解釋:動詞 "prompts" 指提示或促使。

- 例句:

1. The system prompts users to enter their passwords.

2. Her curiosity prompted her to ask many questions.

49. **underrepresented**

- 解釋:形容詞 "underrepresented" 指代表不足的。

- 例句:

1. Women are often underrepresented in tech fields.

2. The program aims to support students from underrepresented


50. **insights**

- 解釋:名詞 "insights" 指見解或洞察力。

- 例句:

1. His insights into human behavior were remarkable.

2. The report provided valuable insights into the market trends.

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