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Major Portfolio Document Submission Checklist

Note: When ready to upload your Major Portfolio, Zip your files then upload to Moodle. Instructions for
How to Zip your files can be found on pages 3 and 4 of this document.
Do not save your documents as PDFs, as your Assessor may add feedback comments throughout these.

Tick when
Item ready for Notes

Training and Assessment Strategy

1. Training and Assessment Strategy

Break down a full qualification into core and elective
Base your major portfolio on one unit from the
Note: We recommend that you choose an AQF
Level 2 or 3 unit, which does not have too many
Elements and Performance Criteria

Training documents

2. Learning Program Plan with session plans for the

entire UoC
3. 2 consecutive 40 min training sessions plans,
pulled out of the Learning Program, for Presentation
4. Trainer Resources that you have contextualised for
your learners.
Tick those you are submitting
• Trainer Manual
• PowerPoint Slides
• Other:

5. Learner resource/s
Attach at least two (2) of your learning resources
that you have developed, to meet the specific needs
of your learner cohort.
Only tick those you are submitting:
• Handouts for learners
• Copy of PowerPoint Slides in a handout
• Learner Manual
• Activity work sheets
• Other:

6. Risk Control Plan

7. Program/Training Evaluation form

Major Portfolio Assessment Submission Checklist V1.2 Page 1 of 4

Tick when
Item ready for Notes

Assessment documents

8. Assessment Plan
You must use a minimum of 3 assessment methods
9. Unit Assessment Tool – candidate copy
Assessment Instruments (minimum of 3) which are
usually grouped together into one UAT.
• Ensure detailed instructions for Candidate and
Instructions for Assessor. Include WHS
information e.g. if assessment is carried out
unsafely assessment will cease immediately…
• Include an Assessment Summary
Sheet/Record of Results
• With version control i.e. Version 2.0 should be
attached which has incorporated feedback from
your peer review.
Only tick those you are submitting: or you may have
others not covered below:
• Written Theory Questions Assessment
• Verbal Theory Assessment
• Observation Checklist e.g. for:
o Roleplay scenarios
o Simulated workplace tasks
• Tasks performed in the real workplace
• Logbook
• Third party report
• Portfolio of evidence
• Other:

10. Unit Assessment Tool – Assessor copy

Ensure benchmark answers are included
With version control i.e. Version 2.0 should be
attached which has incorporated feedback from your
peer review.
11. Assessment Mapping Matrix (version controlled and
with V2.0, if required)
12. Peer review of Assessment Tool
(use the template provided within this MP exemplar -
V1.0 TAE40116 - Peer Review Trial of Assessment
13. RPL Assessment Plan
14. RPL Assessment Tool
15. RPL Assessment Tool Mapping Matrix

Major Portfolio Assessment Submission Checklist V1.2 Page 2 of 4

How to zip your Major Portfolio assessment files for upload to Moodle

Using Microsoft
1. Select the files you want to add to a single zip file by holding down the mouse button and dragging
the pointer across the screen. Your mouse will create a blue selection box. All files within this box
are highlighted with a light blue colour.
2. Release the mouse button and right-click on the light blue highlighted files
3. Select Send to on the menu
4. Select Compressed (zipped) folder in the next menu
5. Rename your new Zip file, and press the enter key
6. Upload to the relevant assessment task in Moodle

Major Portfolio Assessment Submission Checklist V1.2 Page 3 of 4

Using a Mac
1. To compress multiple files into one zip file, select all files then right-click and select Compress X
items, with X being the number of highlighted files

2. A single archive file will appear in the folder the originals are in. If you want to rename the default filename, simply right click and select rename.

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