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Principal attributes:

 Admin Console:
 Add, remove, and update programming lessons with the date, time, title, and description
 Add, remove, and update student information to manage student profiles.
 Make, delete, and add pertinent information to tutor profiles.
 Lessons can be readily added, updated, and removed from student profiles.

 Panel of Students:
 student registration procedure that is easy to use.
 Examine and include lessons in programming in their profiles.
 Simple option to update personal information and unsubscribe from newly added lessons.

 Extra Features to Improve the User Experience:

 Interactive Display:
Students and administrators each have a unique dashboard with easy access to pertinent
 visually appealing components to add interest to the UI.

 Alerts:

Notifications sent automatically on updates to lessons, enrollment confirmations, and significant


Chat Function:

A messaging feature within the app to let students and administrators communicate.
 The process of gamification

To encourage consistent attendance, consider implementing a point system or badges for kids who
attend numerous lessons.

 Online Education:
Integration of online lessons with virtual meeting technologies.

 System of Feedback:
Permit students to comment on their experiences and lessons learned thus far.

 Teamwork in a Group:
 Provide collaborative tools so that team members can focus on various application features.
 For smooth contribution integration, make use of version control systems.

 The Stack for Development:

 Select a tech stack that is both flexible and easy to use, such as React for the front end,
Node.js for the back end, and MongoDB for the database.

 Design Points to Remember:

 Choose a simple, user-friendly design that prioritizes functionality above style.
 To speed development, make use of UI libraries that are widely available.

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