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Unknown Speaker 0:03

That's not why we're here. Of course,

Unknown Speaker 0:05

of course. Although I'm not sure anyone believed it was so urgent, you'd come all
this way to visit a refugee camp. You must have much more pressing demands on your

Unknown Speaker 0:14


Unknown Speaker 0:17


Unknown Speaker 0:18

I've notified the base commander of our arrival, she's sending an escort. She'll be
here any minute, an escort. I thought Dora co was one of our sites,

Unknown Speaker 0:26

though it is.

Unknown Speaker 0:28

But there's a lot of it and our hosts are keen for there to be no distractions
during our visit.

Unknown Speaker 0:34

You mean they don't want us looking around?

Unknown Speaker 0:38

One thing, Susan, the commander of this base may not enjoy your, shall we say
unique perspective on the war as much as I do, really? They're very sensitive to
the nature of the work here. It's important. Mm hmm. And there are aspects of it
that we don't necessarily want exposed. We Yes, we don't, but ticularly want what
happens here to become common knowledge?

Unknown Speaker 1:04

You know, as well as anyone how easy it is for spies to slip through the net.
There's too much at stake to be careless,

Unknown Speaker 1:10

which is why we're here and not someone else.

Unknown Speaker 1:18

Remember, Susan, your family connection won't do you any favors here. There are
plenty of Time Lords who believe he should be in the fight, and most of them are

Unknown Speaker 1:29

That's why he was so insistent I came Is it because I'm the next best thing. And
because I proved myself loyal and Florida.

Unknown Speaker 1:37

You're here because we need your expertise, not your history. But you'll see soon

Unknown Speaker 1:45

Why do I already have the feeling I'm not going to like it.

Unknown Speaker 2:43

Cardinal Rasmus, sir, welcome, huh? Yes,

Unknown Speaker 2:50

just Susan will be fine.

Unknown Speaker 2:52

Yes, ma'am. of the fifth gallifreyan infantry. Lord fireboxes attached a commander
Aparna asked me to take you straight to the council chamber she apologizes for not
coming to welcome you personally.

Unknown Speaker 3:02

Now is she I'm sorry, Amanda, Aparna we knew

Unknown Speaker 3:06

each other at the Academy. She's fine, or, as well as can be expected. She's been
held up in a security meeting, but she hopes to be able to join you after the
assessment. If you'll follow me

Unknown Speaker 3:18

as well as can be expected, she was wounded in the last assault on an enemy

Unknown Speaker 3:25

I don't think we need to go into too much detail directly. Much better to keep
ourselves focused on the task at hand.

Unknown Speaker 3:32

Of course, after you, right.

Unknown Speaker 3:39

seems very busy. I wasn't expecting to see so many troops

Unknown Speaker 3:45

or so many refugees.

Unknown Speaker 3:49

I thought this was a development site. That's why we're here is to sign off on the
new weapon.

Unknown Speaker 3:55


Unknown Speaker 3:57

So is it a refugee camp or Weapons silent. Both,

Unknown Speaker 4:03

amongst other things,

Unknown Speaker 4:06

or a C is location makes it very useful. It's close enough to many of our allies to
be a rallying point for their troops and our refugees,

Unknown Speaker 4:14

but still far enough away from Gallifrey you're going to say something about
deniability under

Unknown Speaker 4:20

plausible deniability can't have that if it's on the doorstep.
Unknown Speaker 4:26
And besides, it doesn't do to have these things too close to home. Just in case of
any missteps.

Unknown Speaker 4:33

What exactly is this weapon we're here to see. This

Unknown Speaker 4:40

this is

Unknown Speaker 4:50

which is why it is

Unknown Speaker 4:52

imperative that we get these creatures operational an atom the field

Unknown Speaker 4:59

is thank you rhenish That'll be all

Unknown Speaker 5:01

God no

Unknown Speaker 5:02

Rasmus buybacks. please do join us. Come on to veck Lynn and Susan, we're delighted
you're able to give us the benefit of your expertise.

Unknown Speaker 5:15

I wouldn't be too delighted yet.

Unknown Speaker 5:16

The current Pac represents

Unknown Speaker 5:20

you is that your vibe? Some people think he's a visionary. It's my say without his
work, and I pretty much already have fallen. Using that parent. I think I don't
know enough about him racial, which means he's gone to a lot of trouble to keep it
that way. If I'm going to be able to do my job, I need to know who I'm dealing
with. Some of our best weapons have come from buybacks is designed the start of the
war, the CIA set him up with a lab in the capital. Very secret. No one ever knew
what he was doing. And then suddenly he was seconded here. Never. Runners don't
always are on gallifreyan Logan, always Don't you to be reassuring,

Unknown Speaker 6:01

moving on

Unknown Speaker 6:02

load buybacks? Forgive me, I missed the start of your lecture.

Unknown Speaker 6:06

Could you recap? Your wish is my command? After all, everything we've been working
on here, it all comes down to your seaso, doesn't it?

Unknown Speaker 6:17

I don't think that's true.

Unknown Speaker 6:18

And I suppose we should be grateful to you for joining us. How does the saying go?
Better late than never?
Unknown Speaker 6:26
If you have a point, Lord, why backs might I suggest you get on with it?

Unknown Speaker 6:31

My point, you mistake me I was simply reminding the council that some of us have
given our lives to seeking no ensuring gallifreyan victory in this war, while
others simply run away. I see. Well,

Unknown Speaker 6:47

now that's out of the way perhaps you could go over the specifications of this

Unknown Speaker 6:52

I hardly think specifications is the right word.

Unknown Speaker 6:55

every weapon has specifications, even the living ones, just ask him Like

Unknown Speaker 7:00

you want specifications as you wish. Once this order of x pack since its prey, it
will stay with it. Their ability to track time energy is unparalleled. With the
correct encouragement, these creatures will never give up. They know no fear. They
cannot be bribed or coerced.

Unknown Speaker 7:23

You sound like a teacher I once had.

Unknown Speaker 7:26

Unlike any of our other weapons, they are completely self sufficient on the
battlefield. And after six generations of selective breeding, their adult teeth and
claws are strong enough to puncture even diphtheria and plate steel and Darla
karma. We're hopeful. The test so far have been encouraging, but inconclusive.
Clearly, without proper testing in the field, we can't possibly hope to confirm it.

Unknown Speaker 7:52

You're asking me to assess their suitability for deployment against Dalek armor and
weaponry without field test results. In all my time studying Dalek weapons, I've
never heard anything like it,

Unknown Speaker 8:05

Susan, I think you should hear him out. My dear lady Susan, you appear to have
misunderstood your mission brief. Either that or cargo. Rasmus hasn't been entirely

Unknown Speaker 8:15

open with you, then please enlighten me.

Unknown Speaker 8:19

You're here to tell us if the Olympics will do as they're told. We want you to look
into their heads. Leave the technical side to the experts. If I could draw the
council's attention to their data pads, you will note the comparative increase in

Unknown Speaker 8:36

the size across the generations.

Unknown Speaker 8:47

Susan, you don't understand the situation.

Unknown Speaker 8:50

Oh, I think I understand it perfectly. You and your crony here have taken a monster
and made it worse. And now you're looking From my support in turning it loose on
the universe, support which time war or No Time War, you can be absolutely sure you
aren't going to get

Unknown Speaker 9:12

I won't you this naive view of the universe that you insist

Unknown Speaker 9:15


Unknown Speaker 9:16

yes, naive that you insist on inflicting on us.

Unknown Speaker 9:20

I didn't realize I was that much of a burden to Cardinal.

Unknown Speaker 9:24

Surely you can see that Gallifrey has changed, that it has been forced to change in
order to survive, including the way we

Unknown Speaker 9:31

fight. That's what you're going to say, isn't it? That the Time Lords will do
whatever it takes whether or not it's right,

Unknown Speaker 9:38

morality is very much in the eye of the beholder. naivety to

Unknown Speaker 9:43

just be more naive to forget that arvixe hunt by following time energy, who's to
say that they wouldn't prefer to hunt timelords we certainly have more of it than
any of our enemies. Whatever you think they're planning, there's no

Unknown Speaker 9:58

question of the orange Attacking timelords

Unknown Speaker 10:01

fees are living things wild creatures dragged out to the heart of the time vortex
and bred in cages there's no guarantee of what they will or won't do didn't drag
them out we again if you're ready Susan the council would like you to examine the
objects now the cache is on his way. I think they're hoping that a break will clear

Unknown Speaker 10:26

the air and clear the air of what

Unknown Speaker 10:29

everything that particularly lewd via backs and his data pad.

Unknown Speaker 10:44

Cardinal Rasmus

Unknown Speaker 10:46

will continue this discussion, you'll excuse me, I need a moment with buybacks

Unknown Speaker 10:51

commander Aparna said I should take you over to the Orvis holding pens. You need to
examine them Apparently so.

Unknown Speaker 10:56

I should come with you. It's alright Vaseline, I'm sure runners will take good care
of me You stay and fill me in on anything I've missed when I get back of course

Unknown Speaker 11:06

perhaps when you've had the chance to see the or of Excel close you'll understand
their potential

Unknown Speaker 11:12

that remains to be seen

Unknown Speaker 11:14

just imagine what they could do. I already am you don't

Unknown Speaker 11:25

like him much the Lord five bucks I mean,

Unknown Speaker 11:30

I'm afraid not. And I suspect the feeling's mutual.

Unknown Speaker 11:36

Can you tell me about the power of x?

Unknown Speaker 11:39

Same as anyone really? They come from the time vortex originally used to be hunted
for sport by the Time Lords almost killed off to wealth. They can track time
energy. It's how they navigate supposedly. They have claws that can tear metal

Unknown Speaker 11:55

I did rather mean these are effects.

Unknown Speaker 11:58

Oh, these ones

Unknown Speaker 12:01

Well, you'll see here let me get back

Unknown Speaker 12:06

to you. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 12:08

Your necklace. I haven't seen one of those in a long time. I had one just like it
when I was a child. You did? It's a time pendant, isn't it? We used to play a game
with them. Now what was it called? tip of my tongue

Unknown Speaker 12:24

or don't think it's the same thing? Not quite. Anyway. It's a time pendant. You're
right there but it's not a toy. standard issue shock trooper okay. gives us the
chance to skip ahead of the enemy

Unknown Speaker 12:36

have an edge and you used it plenty of times.

Unknown Speaker 12:41

When you mentioned the fifth infantry, I had no idea that meant shock troopers. How
funny that a little toy like that could be so useful.

Unknown Speaker 12:49

all due respect, Mom, I don't think they're the same.

Unknown Speaker 12:54

No, I suppose not. If you're here, where's the rest of your unit? You're looking at

Unknown Speaker 13:02

I'm all that's left. Sorry. Sorry. You get used to it, you know? But they said I
should have some time away from the front after that. Try to give me a medal. Me
and send me home.

Unknown Speaker 13:15

You didn't want to go

Unknown Speaker 13:17

now. There's not much to go back for anyway. I'm not from the capital like EULA.
Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude.

Unknown Speaker 13:25

But you are from Gallifrey

Unknown Speaker 13:26


Unknown Speaker 13:29

That's pretty much what everyone says, oh, it can't be from there. Nobody comes
from there. Well, I am. So he's my family and plenty of others. That's not nobody.

Unknown Speaker 13:42

You must miss home. I know what it's like being away and alone.

Unknown Speaker 13:47

There's not much to go home to because my brother got sick. I mean, between taking
care of him and the forum, that's all there was. There wasn't much good at being a
farmer and wasn't much help but the other stuff is They're

Unknown Speaker 14:01

To be honest, joining up with a way out of it all, you know, sort of be good to be
useful to make a difference.

Unknown Speaker 14:09

You don't sound so sure about it now, what happened?

Unknown Speaker 14:13

The war being in it. That's enough to change anyone's mind.

Unknown Speaker 14:19

Here we are

Unknown Speaker 14:21

through here

Unknown Speaker 14:32

sorry dog. How many of them are in there?

Unknown Speaker 14:37

Do I don't and a folder of setups split between the two cages with Don't let the
pups for you. There might be smaller but their next generation just as bad as the
parents, eight

Unknown Speaker 14:47

arvixe and all of them bred to kill.
Unknown Speaker 14:52
If we could get closer to them, I find it easier to read them. No,

Unknown Speaker 14:56

I've only been authorized to take you as far as the outer pan. The inner lock is on
a time delay bio coded for security.

Unknown Speaker 15:05

So much noise, their minds or

Unknown Speaker 15:08

their minds. I thought you were some kind of weapons expert

Unknown Speaker 15:12

among other things.

Unknown Speaker 15:15

Fusion fear, pain.

Unknown Speaker 15:21

A been experimented on even the pups so much anger more than anger. rage. Hate.
firebox has been busy, hasn't he?

Unknown Speaker 15:34

What are you doing?

Unknown Speaker 15:37

Feeling their minds feeling what they're feeling? Oh,

Unknown Speaker 15:44

right. You can do

Unknown Speaker 15:48

something else. There's something different trust the pack. trust someone

Unknown Speaker 16:04

We need you back in the chamber. No, I need more time here. Credit Score.

Unknown Speaker 16:11

Sorry, orders.

Unknown Speaker 16:13

almost had it. Follow me.

Unknown Speaker 16:18


Unknown Speaker 16:21

No, that's something I'm not seeing

Unknown Speaker 16:23

the just animals don't

Unknown Speaker 16:36

want evidence you asked me to examine their minds. I have as much as I can. And my
firm belief is that these animals should not be used as weapons.

Unknown Speaker 16:48

Yes, Spoken like a true bleeding heart pacifist, just like your grant. They're

Unknown Speaker 16:52

unpredictable. They're dangerous. These aren't soldiers. You can't train them.
They're walking by precisely what better

Unknown Speaker 17:01

weapon to send into the middle of a Dalek

Unknown Speaker 17:03


Unknown Speaker 17:04

one you can control because Mark my words, buybacks, you cannot control these
things I've seen inside their minds. They are beyond that. You can barely even
contain them,

Unknown Speaker 17:18

then sign them off so we don't have to. We could turn them loose.

Unknown Speaker 17:24

After everything I've said. You really think I give you free rein to release them?

Unknown Speaker 17:30

I believe Lord vibe x is concerned about the timing, Susan, we have intelligence
corroborated by the branch arion that the Dalits are planning a new temporal attack
targeting a major supply line. We're out of options. The clock is ticking. No,

Unknown Speaker 17:44

you choose to sacrifice timelord lives rather than capitulates.

Unknown Speaker 17:48

timelord lives I'm trying to protect. You don't understand what nor of x pack loose
in the capital could do and you don't

Unknown Speaker 17:55

understand what this intelligence cost. No, of course you don't We are all well
aware of the cost of buybacks Are we all of us? Well then that makes you one of two
things ignorant or traitor. Which is it to be traitor? That's a strong accusation,
isn't it

Unknown Speaker 18:12

when Gallifrey needed me I came you had no right to call me but I came Cardinal

Unknown Speaker 18:22

Quickly come on the alarm

Unknown Speaker 18:25

the orbits their lives. They've got out there loose in the command compound how
there's no time. Come on. You've seen them.

Unknown Speaker 18:32

You're right. If we stay here, where are you see pray.

Unknown Speaker 18:35

We'll discuss the how later when they're back in their pens. If they're free, then
we need to get outside the complex snow that's the lockdown alarm. It's already too
late. There's no way out.
Unknown Speaker 18:45
Where would we be safe?

Unknown Speaker 18:47

I don't know. A Potter's chambers. There's a secure door. It should hold them off
for now.

Unknown Speaker 18:54

But it's not the foreign to the compound

Unknown Speaker 18:56

Aparna will have access to the emergency protocols to be able to track the origins
Can you get us?

Unknown Speaker 19:02

Yes, I can. You'll need to stay with me my communicators gone. If I lose. You

Unknown Speaker 19:07

will stay close. We need to go now.

Unknown Speaker 19:11

This could be an opportunity opportunity.

Unknown Speaker 19:14

Are you mad? They're loose on the base. They could kill someone. Yes,

Unknown Speaker 19:19

they could kill us, Rasmus seek a bigger picture you're setting yourself we need
more field tests and without Susan's approval, we aren't going to get them.

Unknown Speaker 19:28

This is a field test.

Unknown Speaker 19:30

I didn't exactly have it in mind to be one of the subjects

Unknown Speaker 19:33

cardno were right behind you. Enough of this.

Unknown Speaker 19:39

How much bother? Just

Unknown Speaker 19:46

you in the heads if they catch us. Tell us it's what they do. The

Unknown Speaker 19:51

door is open. He shouldn't be open upon

Unknown Speaker 19:58

Close the door. Wait,

Unknown Speaker 20:02

upon is not here.

Unknown Speaker 20:03

I imagine she made it out to the base.

Unknown Speaker 20:05

Whereas Ronis What? He was ahead of us.

Unknown Speaker 20:09

Maybe he went into another room.

Unknown Speaker 20:10

There wasn't anywhere else to go. But I can track both their communications from
the data terminal. His and upon us know, he said he'd lost his that won't help. How
old is this terminal? The system's practically antique.

Unknown Speaker 20:26

I can't pick up a partner's location. I'll run virus scans. Wow, are you if you had
a more up to date system, I might stand a chance.

Unknown Speaker 20:36

Well, I don't know how things are on Gallifrey. But we have to channel our funds
into the places that matter.

Unknown Speaker 20:42

Like securing your weapons perhaps

Unknown Speaker 20:44

I thought you said they were animals not weapons

Unknown Speaker 20:49

upon us out there in the corridor. She didn't make it outside in time. Were there

Unknown Speaker 20:58

this is where we are Look, she's in the next corridor.

Unknown Speaker 21:02

She's coming towards us. Who's with her?

Unknown Speaker 21:05

No one knows aren't registered on the system.

Unknown Speaker 21:09

But those are other biomarkers. It must be a mistake. under emergency protocols.
Everyone should be evacuated.

Unknown Speaker 21:16

Well, we're still here, aren't we? And those markers, there are

Unknown Speaker 21:21

three of them. I'd say an adult and two pups By the way, they're moving one ahead
and the others behind. They're learning

Unknown Speaker 21:28

how to hunt. They're learning how to hunt timelords any sign of redness? You can
run a search, but it might take a while. Where are you going? To get a partner? No.

Unknown Speaker 21:42

What about the intercom? Perhaps you could speak to her.

Unknown Speaker 21:44

Tell her we're here. I'm not leaving her out there.

Unknown Speaker 21:57

Second, use the terminal. Find redness. You'll be able to do it quicker, but I
will. We can't leave it out there, Declan.

Unknown Speaker 22:08

I What are you doing? Get off

Unknown Speaker 22:23

I know you're scared. I

Unknown Speaker 22:26

know you're angry. He says you can't be reasoned with. I can feel I can help.

Unknown Speaker 22:37

Just go

Unknown Speaker 22:42

I can see

Unknown Speaker 22:44

she's on the floor ahead of injured but I think she's alive. Come back. I can get
her. No, I'm near. Find redness. He's somewhere in the compound. You must be God
leave him out here with them. It's just a boy

Unknown Speaker 23:06

while they're destructive fighting among themselves,

Unknown Speaker 23:13


Unknown Speaker 23:17


Unknown Speaker 23:25

dragging her away. No, no mind you, there's more of that coming

Unknown Speaker 23:59

well It was very, huh. That must have been one of the pups. Did you notice the
claws? By the way? In the adults there twice.

Unknown Speaker 24:08

It's still outside nose were trapped in here trout. Do you see any other doors?
What was that? The data terminal?

Unknown Speaker 24:20

It's really nice.

Unknown Speaker 24:22

I didn't understand. I scan for all military personnel only upon a came up. I don't

Unknown Speaker 24:28

know if anyone's receiving this. I'm in the room at the south end of the command
compound. There's a group of arvixe in the corridor outside

Unknown Speaker 24:36

the persistent digital determined. It's impressive buybacks. Very impressive.

Unknown Speaker 24:41

I can't imagine either of you will be quite so impressed if that thing manages to
get through the door. Oh, if
Unknown Speaker 24:48
it's a juvenile, I doubt it'll manage the claws, you know,

Unknown Speaker 24:51

if an adult happens

Unknown Speaker 24:52

to come along? Well, yes, that might be more of an issue.

Unknown Speaker 24:55

How did the Pio scan miss him other than us and a partner that was Nothing's
showing in the compound except the arvixe. But now look, there's a registered bio
flag in the building right where he says he is.

Unknown Speaker 25:08

I told you since the last assault, our budgets have been quite unacceptable. We
simply can't afford to replace outdated equipment now

Unknown Speaker 25:15

isn't the time.

Unknown Speaker 25:17

All I'm saying is that if we'd had a little more for development, we might not be
in this situation.

Unknown Speaker 25:22

The data files must be corrupted. Can you connect us to him? I'll try

Unknown Speaker 25:31

that we're probably they have to finish.

Unknown Speaker 25:36

Can you hear me?

Unknown Speaker 25:38

Susan? You noise I thought I heard screaming.

Unknown Speaker 25:42

Aparna. We tried to reach her but the arvixe were too fast.

Unknown Speaker 25:46

You're not on your own.

Unknown Speaker 25:48

I'm in a partner's office with ibex. Cardinal Rasmus and Commander bachlin. What's
that sound? That's one of them outside. It's trying to get in Canada. pointer.

Unknown Speaker 26:01

There's more of them there in the corridor. Can you get past them? I don't think

Unknown Speaker 26:09

Upon dead can see regenerate. Don't think

Unknown Speaker 26:12

about Aparna. Can you tell me where they are of x Ana?

Unknown Speaker 26:22

You aren't seriously thinking about trying to get to him with that thing at the
door. If we can find a way to distract it, maybe lower them all into one room and
somehow chuck

Unknown Speaker 26:33

them in the only room that could hold them both the adults and the pups

Unknown Speaker 26:36

is the armory. And why aren't we in the armor? If

Unknown Speaker 26:40

I recall, you seemed more than happy to follow renesis here

Unknown Speaker 26:43

now looking at the schematic is on the far side of the compound. We never made it.
Run is made it possible. When it was lucky. Yes, very.

Unknown Speaker 26:55

Or perhaps not. Perhaps it wasn't luck.

Unknown Speaker 27:05

Susan, are you still there? I know where the park is. I'm here. There's a group of
arvixe just along the hallway. Some of the young ones, three or four of them and
one of the adults. Yeah, sure. I could see them from the door.

Unknown Speaker 27:18

And we know there's at least one of the pups here, maybe two. So that means there's
only one more adult to worry about.

Unknown Speaker 27:25

What do

Unknown Speaker 27:26

you mean worry about? Do you still have your pendant? Is it charged? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 27:32

of course. Why? How long time jump? Does it give you 10 nanoseconds ahead?

Unknown Speaker 27:36

Yes, but I don't see why that cost. That's all you need to stay ahead of the pack
ahead. If you want me to go out there. We

Unknown Speaker 27:45

think they can be contained in the armory. We just have to get them there. If you
can leave them there. I'll meet you use the pendant.

Unknown Speaker 27:54

Does it just

Unknown Speaker 27:56

run. It's always worked for me.

Unknown Speaker 28:03

You can't be serious. You're going out there. Again, the longer

Unknown Speaker 28:07

they are a fixer loose, the greater the risk of them getting out onto the base
locked down or not. And I've read Susan's write with commander Aparna injured it's
only a matter of time before someone tries to mount a rescue and opens the doors.
If even one of the pack gets onto a ship, it's over rellis has to distract them as
plans go.

Unknown Speaker 28:27

It's not exactly detailed.

Unknown Speaker 28:29

If he can get ahead of the pack, the others will follow. I've seen their minds they
want to stay together. Interesting. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 28:37

The last two generations have shown an increasing family bond. They do everything
as a group, almost more of a hive mind than a pack.

Unknown Speaker 28:46

Exactly. So we'll use it to our advantage. I don't like it. Something doesn't feel
right. You were saying? I'll go this time. You should stay here. No It has to be
me. If their minds really are that closely linked, I might be able to nudge them.
But I can't do that from in here.

Unknown Speaker 29:09

See if you can track we'll be good to have at least a little warning before they
find me.

Unknown Speaker 29:18

Susan's ready. We need you to go. The orifice here should join the pack and follow

Unknown Speaker 29:23


Unknown Speaker 29:25

Right. Get to the armory and lead them in. She'll be right behind you. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 29:33

I'm opening the door.

Unknown Speaker 29:42

He's making a move.

Unknown Speaker 29:44

And nice second now.

Unknown Speaker 29:47

It's not going How can you be sure it will leave.

Unknown Speaker 29:55

It's working.

Unknown Speaker 29:56

Susan. I know

Unknown Speaker 30:05


Unknown Speaker 30:07

I hear you. I've located all the or have expired flags. The pack is coming together
around the corner from you. The sound of the doors drawn them in renesis No, wait.
He's moving. He's moving fast. Are they following? Wait? Yes. Yes, bear with him.
Following him to the far end of the compound
Unknown Speaker 30:35
on his buddies here, she's starting to regenerate. She's alive. I don't know.

Unknown Speaker 30:45

Susan. No,

Unknown Speaker 30:52


Unknown Speaker 30:54

I won't hold

Unknown Speaker 30:58

right posture. Get back

Unknown Speaker 31:06


Unknown Speaker 31:09

you sound surprised it's almost reached the armory that Oh, I'm on my way.

Unknown Speaker 31:29


Unknown Speaker 31:30

as soon as he's out close it by back says there's a failsafe it should look
automatically and if it doesn't and we'll

Unknown Speaker 31:41


Unknown Speaker 31:42

what's wrong I'm

Unknown Speaker 31:45

not sure

Unknown Speaker 31:49

the graphics sound different different

Unknown Speaker 31:56

feel different

Unknown Speaker 32:04

This is taking too long. We should call for support immediately. No more locked
down. I think what you're saying the order of acts are far too important out of
control. We have no choice. And if there are questions, what then questions about
oversight about how much you knew before you came here? questions I might not be
able to avoid. You'll have no proof and no future. Maybe. But I won't be the only

Unknown Speaker 32:33

Something's wrong. Susan says the error of its behavior is changing,

Unknown Speaker 32:36

changing. changing how exactly

Unknown Speaker 32:45

That's it. Good. Well done. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 32:54
but they're not attacking. Not stalking. They're treating him like no, that's not

Unknown Speaker 33:05

Treat me like one of the pack.

Unknown Speaker 33:09

I don't understand.

Unknown Speaker 33:11

Okay, gee timelord

Unknown Speaker 33:15

in their memories in their minds, there was so much anger, so much rage. And
something else. I felt it

Unknown Speaker 33:26

me. You felt me in their memories. This packs whole life. I'm the only one who's
treated them like actual living creatures not a commodity you they trust me

Unknown Speaker 33:42

because they trust me. They'll do anything I tell him to

Unknown Speaker 33:48

come out. You use the pendant to bypass the time delay on the lock. Cave you just
long enough, didn't it? But now you've got them doing what you want. Aren't you
treating them as a commodity too?

Unknown Speaker 34:02

We've got an understanding

Unknown Speaker 34:14

something about this isn't right. old system or not?

Unknown Speaker 34:18

Yeah, I've got him who rent is the shock trooper?

Unknown Speaker 34:23

Except isn't a shock trooper. There's no record of any of the fifth being assigned

Unknown Speaker 34:30

That's not possible. Show me.

Unknown Speaker 34:32

Look. Here's his personnel record, but it's been corrupted. Someone's trying to
overwrite it with additional data. Hmm. I think that's obvious. You he has a
because he's corrupted the file. The system couldn't match it to the bio flag.
That's why we couldn't find him.

Unknown Speaker 34:49

Oh, this is absurd. All of it. Nobody can. I mean, a security is it has to be all
the weapons data, all the plans. The only people who have access to that I myself
and Aparna and you're attached a

Unknown Speaker 35:04

yes. No to buybacks were specifically to Ben has come from.
Unknown Speaker 35:09
You think he's a spy?

Unknown Speaker 35:10

No. I think he's something worse.

Unknown Speaker 35:13

He was. He arrived on a transport said he'd been transferred that the council that
assigned him to me when he was taken off active duty. He told us they'd been a
mixup with his papers, but that they were all in order.

Unknown Speaker 35:27

And you didn't think that odd

Unknown Speaker 35:29

that there were no orders that we would assign a soldier from one of our best units
to desk duty in the middle of the war. It didn't seem to bother your department
when we contacted you for confirmation. I had other things on my mind. You might
recall if I am implicated in any of these files, if you're suggesting anything
other than district, but I hope you have been

Unknown Speaker 35:51

where Susan, still in the armory,

Unknown Speaker 35:53

warned her now

Unknown Speaker 36:00

Amy is not who He says He is. Do not trust him. I'm on my way to you. Right?

Unknown Speaker 36:08

Come in for you. Sweet. pointless, but sweet. Like a loyal puppy. She can't save

Unknown Speaker 36:19

God. I almost like ci. Only almost, you're still a tiny load.

Unknown Speaker 36:26

Well, that depends on who you ask.

Unknown Speaker 36:29

You don't need to worry. It will be quick

Unknown Speaker 36:32

and thorough. generous.

Unknown Speaker 36:36

was more mercy than the Time Lords have ever shown. Come on as it

Unknown Speaker 36:43

you know what to do? You're

Unknown Speaker 36:45

just going to stand there and watch Are you

Unknown Speaker 36:50

gonna open the doors and let them know all of them
Unknown Speaker 36:56
Franklin I'm almost there. I know. Don't come to me. He's trying to run. Get to the
outdoors in case he tries to force them. You can't let him get out. What about the
avex? Leave them to me. I can't just leave you go.

Unknown Speaker 37:15


Unknown Speaker 37:20

Marie with a lack of arvixe but if I can get to know Don't think like, think like

Unknown Speaker 37:32

get in their heads. Don't just

Unknown Speaker 37:37

make some

Unknown Speaker 37:41

won't hurt you

Unknown Speaker 37:45

don't think you want to I

Unknown Speaker 37:50

don't know what you want.

Unknown Speaker 37:53

I've been given the chance

Unknown Speaker 37:57

Aren't you tired? We've been told what you

Unknown Speaker 38:01

Project, a puppet of weapon. Someone else's property.

Unknown Speaker 38:23

Glen rock behind him. The time pendant will be depleted. It needs to recharge. I
can get him talking.

Unknown Speaker 38:34

Are you all right?

Unknown Speaker 38:37

I'm fine. Not for much longer if I have to keep running.

Unknown Speaker 38:46


Unknown Speaker 38:47

I imagine they're locked. Veterans be working very hard to make sure you stayed
right here.

Unknown Speaker 38:53

Of course she has. A partner would be so proud of her.

Unknown Speaker 38:59

Who knows It almost appears you're less worried about letting your pack out and
more about saving your own skin. It almost seems like you don't care
Unknown Speaker 39:09
what you do. But

Unknown Speaker 39:11

no, I forgot. Always so good at lecturing everyone else on what's right in the
capital, aren't you? On what matters? Never so good at cleaning up your own messes
though. Not quite as keen to fix the misery you've caused. And then you look down
on everyone else from your high towers and wonder why we all hate you hate in a way
for a long time, haven't you? I know all about that. There's a file 1000 years long
on you. They keep it locked away where they think nobody's gonna find it.

Unknown Speaker 39:47

But you did. I

Unknown Speaker 39:48

assume. It's amazing what they'll let you do if you act like you belong.

Unknown Speaker 39:52

And what exactly did you do rendus is or even your

Unknown Speaker 39:55

real name. Doesn't matter what my name is. I'm just a nobody. From the dry lands on
I, that's all a nobody from a nothing family remember, didn't matter to the Time
Lords. Not until we had something they thought they wanted someone naked us

Unknown Speaker 40:13

out in the dry lands. What in Gallifrey his name would be up. Oh, I see.

Unknown Speaker 40:20

Just like the rest of what could possibly be of interest to the timelords all the
way out there. I didn't mean it like that then you lot never do.

Unknown Speaker 40:34

When they came to take my brother for testing, my parents are so proud.

Unknown Speaker 40:41

So maybe he passed. It'd be taken to the Academy, that it'd be the star of a whole
new life for

Unknown Speaker 40:51

he didn't pass.

Unknown Speaker 40:52

I'm sorry.

Unknown Speaker 40:54

Sorry. Sorry. That's what they said when they brought him back to her That they
were sorry but not everyone survives the test. He died. His body didn't only his
mind looking into the untempered schism sucked out everything that was my brother
and left us with something else.

Unknown Speaker 41:17

I'm sorry. I know how it feels to lose someone you love someone you care about how

Unknown Speaker 41:23

you don't know how to care about anything or anyone except themselves. You don't
know how to be sorry.

Unknown Speaker 41:34

Not Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 41:37

But you will

Unknown Speaker 41:39

all of you stop right there. Did you shoot them all? figures? Although I admit I
didn't think it'd be quick enough.

Unknown Speaker 41:46

I dealt with the arvixe Luckily, you aren't the only one they listened to long
enough for me to convince them to stay put at least

Unknown Speaker 41:54

Oh of course, you in your mind tricks. And you're going to use MomI,

Unknown Speaker 42:00

you were planning to set them loose on Gallifrey like you did here

Unknown Speaker 42:03

on your home. Nadira home. Gallifrey isn't my home anymore. The Time Lords, you
made sure of that.

Unknown Speaker 42:12

What happened to you and to your family wasn't her fault? No, it wasn't a partner's
fault either. Ah,

Unknown Speaker 42:20

yes. I wondered when she came up. I'm sorry about that. You two were close. When
you back in your Academy days, how

Unknown Speaker 42:29

dare you bachlin.

Unknown Speaker 42:33

Still, not to worry. They didn't finish her off today. I'm sure she'll regenerate
in no time. And if she's not quite the same as she was, well, you'll understand how
it feels then. Are you sorry? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 42:57

Stand down.

Unknown Speaker 43:00

The stays are away. I shall personally see to it that you're executed for this as a
traitor and a liar. That's another

Unknown Speaker 43:07

thing I learned from the Time Lords how to lie.

Unknown Speaker 43:10

That's quite enough of that. I think. Jacqueline restrain this creature

Unknown Speaker 43:15

with pleasure. Oh, I

Unknown Speaker 43:21

don't think so. I'll take that pendant. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 43:26

No, no.

Unknown Speaker 43:28

restrain him.

Unknown Speaker 43:32

What did you get that, huh?

Unknown Speaker 43:34

a shock true pendant isn't exactly easy to pick up on the black market. Even under
the rocks you must have crawled out from how did someone like you get your hands on
it? Huh?

Unknown Speaker 43:45

steal it. Kill for it.

Unknown Speaker 43:49

strip it from a fallen trooper.

Unknown Speaker 43:53

That's it, isn't it? You weren't there. You didn't see you didn't was like, What?
What was like the war? We know what the war

Unknown Speaker 44:04

is like, better than you

Unknown Speaker 44:09

don't know what it's like to be dropped in the middle of a dynamic assault. The
noise, smell

Unknown Speaker 44:16

fear. What do you know about it? Let him speak.

Unknown Speaker 44:21

knowing you're gonna die knowing you have one life and this is our land in the mud
as cannon fodder.

Unknown Speaker 44:35

You know there's a saying about the capital back in the dry land. That Time Lords
have lives to waste. Funny thing is when we were kids growing up, my brother and
me. We didn't realize that man hours.

Unknown Speaker 44:51

Get him out of my sight. We will deal with him back on Gallifrey

Unknown Speaker 44:59

Susan Moments if you would

Unknown Speaker 45:03

walk I mean, of course

Unknown Speaker 45:08

the aura VIX, the VIX are temporarily neutralized, neutralized,

Unknown Speaker 45:16

but you will want to get them back into their pen before they come to their senses.
I imagine they're going to have quite a headache. It doesn't matter how much
genetic tinkering you do. minds don't like to be meddled with. Ah,
Unknown Speaker 45:30
yes. Yes, of course.

Unknown Speaker 45:33

And, and

Unknown Speaker 45:36

your assessment of the pack. Obviously, I wouldn't expect a complete report. Now
you understand? Not after.

Unknown Speaker 45:45

But a sense perhaps.

Unknown Speaker 45:47

Oh, no. I can give you my complete recommendation. Now,

Unknown Speaker 45:51

Susan, I don't think that's absolutely necessary.

Unknown Speaker 45:55

On the contrary, you asked for my recommendation based on my actions expertise in
both weapons and the mind. And I would be delighted to give you my full report
right here. My findings, which I'll be submitting to the Council on Gallifrey are
that your weapons program should be stopped with immediate effect. The oral VIX
should be removed from this facility and transported to somewhere they could be
held securely and cared for that these are living creatures, intelligent ones, with
minds and fears and a will have their own. They must not be weaponized, and most of
the point they should not be.

Unknown Speaker 46:44

Was that enough of a sense? Who would you like me to go into more detail?

Unknown Speaker 46:49

No, you've been quite clear. Wonderful.

Unknown Speaker 46:54

I did warn you by backs. You told me you would handle her. Yes. On the condition.
You handled your program.

Unknown Speaker 47:03

She has an extremely capable mind vital to the war effort, but her influence
perhaps doesn't reach as high as mine,

Unknown Speaker 47:10

or report. I'll see what I can do.

Unknown Speaker 47:14

Your work here shows promise, real promise.

Unknown Speaker 47:19

Send me the rest of the data you have for the order of x. Something tells me we're
going to need every weapon we can get.

Unknown Speaker 47:34

The TARDIS just for me. Well, I'm lucky

Unknown Speaker 47:39

Unknown Speaker 47:44
what happens to him now? He might be a shock trooper but he's still gallifreyan
infantry. I found his original records.

Unknown Speaker 47:50

So caught Marshall,

Unknown Speaker 47:54

then execution. By the time they're done with him, he might even be grateful and
you think that That's right. I think that's justice. He's a traitor. Hmm. Well, I
expect treachery is just another thing in the eye of the beholder. I don't
understand. Doesn't matter. After this, some might call me a traitor to they
already have Remember, you know everything they say about me about my grandfather.
It isn't the same, isn't it? brennus is a murderer. We will all be murderers by the
end of this war. I'm afraid. He's still a girlfriend. That only makes it worse.
He's turned against his own people. Didn't you hear a word? He said, Oh, I can't
listen to this.

Unknown Speaker 48:45

What would you do with him then?

Unknown Speaker 48:47

lets him go to run back to the dry lands with a slap on the wrist. You know as well
as anyone these are dangerous times even there.

Unknown Speaker 48:55

Of course not. Franklin's right after what he's done.

Unknown Speaker 49:00

Tell me this. Who are we fighting for? I'm sorry, this war? Who are we fighting
for? The time loads or Gallifrey?

Unknown Speaker 49:11

Gallifrey naturally.

Unknown Speaker 49:12

Are you sure?

Unknown Speaker 49:15

He tried to kill you?

Unknown Speaker 49:16

He isn't the first.

Unknown Speaker 49:18

I doubt he'll be the last. And your suggestion would be

Unknown Speaker 49:22

exile in space and in time, somewhere a long way from Gallifrey from the dry lands
and the capital and the war. Let him start again.

Unknown Speaker 49:35

And you wonder where there's whispers about you come from?

Unknown Speaker 49:38

That boy shouldn't be the enemy. He isn't a girlfriend life is a girlfriend life.
If that doesn't mean something. What are we fighting for? They won't like it. I'm
sure you'll find a way to sell it.
Unknown Speaker 49:53
After all, doesn't your influence reach higher than mine?

Unknown Speaker 50:14

Yes, this should be fun and now

Unknown Speaker 50:23

He's all yours

Unknown Speaker 50:27

Where are we?

Unknown Speaker 50:29

Yeah, go Hi my belief or maybe not either way far enough from Gallifrey

Unknown Speaker 50:35

far enough for a while

Unknown Speaker 50:37

for me to have persuaded my friends not to have you executed, which for the record
is almost certainly what you deserve. And yeah,

Unknown Speaker 50:46

here we are,

Unknown Speaker 50:47

and yet

Unknown Speaker 50:50

you're not going to give me the speech. Tell me how you've spared me because you
pay me how merciful the Time Lords are

Unknown Speaker 50:57

no I've spent You because despite what you might think, not all time loads are the

Unknown Speaker 51:07

And this is where I say goodbye.

Unknown Speaker 51:11

One more thing though, I would strongly advise against trying to get back together
free. In fact, it might be best if you forgot your revenue at all,

Unknown Speaker 51:21


Unknown Speaker 51:24

Because as I said, not all timelords are the same

Unknown Speaker 52:42

You have been listening to the doctor who Susan's will episode three assets of wall
by Lou Morgan. Susan was played by Carol unfold. Rasmus Damien Lynch Jacqueline
Beth Chalmers. renesis Rowley, both buybacks in Jensen nikoli. All other parts
played by members of the cast script editor Matt Fitton, producer, David Richardson
sound design and music. Howard Carter, director, Liza Bauman executive producers,
Nicholas Briggs and Jason Haig Ellery

Unknown Speaker 53:31

Hello, I am Lou Morgan and I am the writer of citizens war assets
Unknown Speaker 53:37
of all surely you can see that Gallifrey has changed, that it has been forced to
change in order to survive,

Unknown Speaker 53:44

including the way we fight. That's what you're going to say, isn't it? That the
Time Lords will do whatever it takes whether or not it's right,

Unknown Speaker 53:52

morality is very much in the eye of the beholder.

Unknown Speaker 53:56

I came to be involved in Susan's war because had written an episode of Torchwood
and really enjoyed it and really enjoyed working with the team and with

Unknown Speaker 54:08

actors. And I was approached and asked if I would like to have a go seasons war.
And it was just such an exciting idea of having a different view of the time or who
wouldn't want to be looking at a different part of the tug of war. I'm Carolyn
Ford, and I play Susan. I am Beth charmers and I play violin. She's made a fund,
which is such an unusual thing with Susan. She's not standing still, for long
enough in one place to make a friend. She's made a friend. She's very nice. And I
think it would be fantastic for her to go off and explore other places with some
somebody as lively as bachlin is it'd be wonderful. I'm not sure whether vet Kim
will be the most fun on a long haul trip.

Unknown Speaker 54:52

You might have a MOBAs but I'm not sure have any kind of I spy games that she will

Unknown Speaker 54:58

There was quite a lot The research that I wanted to do before I started writing
this, to make sure that it felt like Susan, and it felt like Gallifrey. And it felt
like you were involved in this period in gallifreyan. History. So I did a lot of
time online, I read a lot, I listened to quite a lot. And it felt like there was,
you know, enough out there that I could build a picture of who Susan was and her
relationship with all of these

Unknown Speaker 55:29

people. I quite like the way that Susan is so intuitive and empathetic and
understanding and sensitive. And it means the vaccine as a contrast to that isn't
and I like the fact that she would even say, I'm not very good with the empathy
stuff. And I know she's using that in the plot to get a device so that she can
actually have her own making an excuse, but it's true. So I don't really think
value is going to become too intuitive. I think it's much more fun if she's got a
limit and I There's only so far I think she's gonna go with her interpersonal
skills. I think we, Susan will will guide her, but she'll fulfill that role. And I
think I will just shoot people just gonna try to tell people what to do and when it
doesn't go my way, just like confusion. Sometimes

Unknown Speaker 56:19

she can't save you, thank God.

Unknown Speaker 56:23

I almost like ci.

Unknown Speaker 56:26

Only almost, you're still a timer. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 56:29
well, that depends on who you ask.

Unknown Speaker 56:33

Susan, I suppose, is really the conscience in these stories. She has a much wider
view of the universe than most of the timelords and she is very aware of the fact
that there are people that aren't timelords and that they have a purpose and a
right to exist in the universe to so there is a sense of her arguing for Gallifrey
Rather than just the Time Lords because it is very easy to forget that there are
people that aren't Time Lords there will always tend to focus on the Time Lords.
And I think that was really what I wanted to do. It was it was moved the focus away
slightly from them, and to look at the other people on the world. I'm David
Richardson, I'm the producer of Susan's war

Unknown Speaker 57:20

veteran was introduced. So her first story for us was only the monstrous with the
War Doctor. So she was there working with john hurt from the very first day he came
to work with as a big finish. And in that story, evac limb was a right hand woman
to Cardinal olestra played by Jacqueline Pierce, and for victims are really hard as
nails gallifreyan operative, and it's interesting because as we've done more and
more stories with Caitlin, I guess she has softened she's she's the walls started
to come down a little bit and have been able to put her with Susan who is quite a
Emotionally open person. They do make an interesting pairing and I think Susan
takes her on board as a guardian. I think that will if we do do more of these, I
think there is a journey there where we might see a lot more effectively and
softening and when she's in Susan's presence

Unknown Speaker 58:17

Yeah, I can't remember my life before doctor who now I'm having really good laugh
doing it. And vegans probably actually one of the characters is more like me, you
know, me and my imperious me when I'm dealing with being overcharged for my car
repairs. It's to me when I've had enough vegans been stern and firm and not not not
a great love humanity. But when you're carrying a store, you can't. It feels one
note is Bill stern for a whole whole episode. You want to be able to follow the
story, the narrative, you want to be able to have a character that that has Last,
and isn't just one note so, but you can't lose the voice or the sternness. So it's
been interesting. Any of the script does it for you. But it's interesting and a
challenge to not to lose her imperiousness not to lose power not to lose her
strength. So sometimes I overdo that tonight, I over soften her and she just that
she's just not vegan anymore. So it's it's a tightrope that you kind of have to
walk to make sure that she's interesting and genuinely has

Unknown Speaker 59:36

emotions, feelings. And last, but, but it's still ha, I was given relatively rough
character sketches of the existing characters and I had a lot of support when we
were working through the draft script. I also saw a draft of one of the other
episodes that had already been written. So it was easy to get A sense of how they
relate to each other and to Susan and how they spoke. But it's quite nice being
able to write characters that are developing and kind of changing and on a journey
just like Susan is on a journey and it means that you have reasonable flexibility
for them to grow and for them to surprise you.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:22

I Matt Fitton and I have script edited Susan's war

Unknown Speaker 1:00:26

commander, Jacqueline, we've met with the War Doctor, and also she appeared in the
eighth doctors series as well. And she's very much a listers, bodyguards, a trusted
agent, someone she can send into on missions, and know that we'll get the job done.
So she's kind of efficient, cool. Very skill for a kind of a Time Lord double Oh,

Unknown Speaker 1:00:52

She's front foot. She's out there. She's, yeah, she doesn't like the subtext too
much. She wants to get on with it as well and all this kind of stuff. to fuse just
slows things down a worm my way and muscle gain confidence is always going to shoot
them. Yeah, I think that's

Unknown Speaker 1:01:08

a way of doing it.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:09

My name is Damien Lynch and I play Rasmus. I shall personally see to it that you're
executed for this as a traitor and Elia.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:16

That's another thing I learned from the Time Lords how to lie.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:20

That's quite enough of that. I think that Lynn restrain this creature

Unknown Speaker 1:01:25

with pleasure.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:28

I think that Rasmus is a man of authority. I think he's used to people listening to
him and he himself getting the job done. He is someone that doesn't like wasting
time. He likes getting things done quickly and get impatient with people that don't
do what he says immediately. I think I'm more informed by the script, I think
because this the I mean, the writing is excellent on all of the stories that I've
done. So you get an idea of the character through that I think, and then also about
what his relationship with Like with the other characters, whether there is a
previous history or not. So I think that's where the work is. I think that's where
I get my ideas from you

Unknown Speaker 1:02:08

the idea of an arms race constantly trying to develop new weapons to stay one step
ahead of your enemy seem to fit really well with the Time War and also, again into
that first world war environment and you can then take it slightly further and look
at the fact that although they're talking about a specific weapon in the form of
the cervix, how well can they control all of their soldiers and and all of their
feelings and how do they feel about being in a war that they don't necessarily
agree with or benefit from

Unknown Speaker 1:02:42

Rasmus you know, initially is concerned with these animals or these creatures who
was going to war and then actually having Susan's character make Rasmus think Hang
on, is this the right thing to do? Because these are, yes, they can be weaponized,
but is weaponized. Being a creature the right thing to do is is it the moral thing
to do? And I think that that does. That is something that preys on resonances mind
I think was, and I think it takes Susan to, to pull him up about that. I don't
think that's something that he would have thought about before. It was a case of,
we're going to war. We need all the capabilities and the weapons we can have to win
this war. They can be weaponized. So I think there's Yeah, is a very interesting
story around the use of creatures, people as fodder effectively, really,

Unknown Speaker 1:03:31

I started trying to think about the gala friends that aren't timelords and it is
really easy to get drawn into all of the backstory, and I thought I can't possibly
carry all the weight of the backstory of all of these previous stories and
episodes, so I tried to put it a little bit to one side while still trying to think
about what it would mean to be a gallery Wasn't a Time Lord and to find your world
pulled into this war that isn't necessarily yours really, and how that would feel.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:09

I'm really both and I'm playing the character of readiness. readiness is a really,
really strong willed and very caring guy from the country from from the rural part
of Gallifrey. But he's been really damaged and led astray by the effect of the war
and the effect that the loss of his brother's well being has had on him and his
family and he's become, I suppose you could almost a radicalized against the
timelords and against the society on Ghana.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:41

Okay, number 37.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:44

You will need to go out there.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:46

We think they can be contained in the armory. We just have to get them there. If
you can lead them there. I'll meet you use the pendant.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:54

That's it. Just

Unknown Speaker 1:04:56

run. It's always worked for me. Haha, that was really good.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:01

I like that.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:03

Also, I just said rather than an episode of Thompson who

Unknown Speaker 1:05:14

says this is actually my first production with big finish, but it's also my first
audio play with my first audio production. I was a little bit nervous coming into
it. I've got some background in writing music and recording music. So I've been in
studios before but coming in and acting just with my voice was terrifying. Luckily,
I did have someone that I could turn to for some help from my my wonderful
grandmother is Carolyn Ford, who plays Susan and has played Susan for my whole
life. It's been a dream of mine to work with her professionally and to do it on a
big finished production and to do it on a doctor who production is just it's
honestly one of the most wonderful things I could possibly ever imagine. Until it
on such a fantastic script and directed by Lisa barman so wonderfully, it's, it's
been a joy.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:07

It's wonderful to see him leaping around being so happy about those. I was
incredibly proud of him. He loved it. There was a great chemistry when you and
really were both acting together as well. I was sitting on the sidelines while you
were doing your scenes, and they were incredibly engaging, which sounds like a
benign word, but I it was I was just, I loved watching them. It was they were they
weren't really well. And I really could repeat this. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 1:06:33

I think renesis is really strong in terms of his determination and his his ability
to you know, come up with a plan and decent really brave Why say brave, stupid,
dangerous things. He manages to earn the trust of the author of x and you know,
becomes a really central figure in that packs life. And that's kind of offset by
the floor at the center of his character. He is certainly That he can only see his
point of view and he, you know, he lumps Susan in with the rest of the timelords.
And he's so bent on vengeance against the timelords that he would sacrifice the
well being of Gallifrey as a planet and, of course, all the innocent lives on
Gallifrey My name is Vincenzo nicklin. I play

Unknown Speaker 1:07:17

by backs, you mistake me I was simply reminding the council that some of us have
given our lives to seeking no ensuring gallifreyan victory in this war, while

Unknown Speaker 1:07:28

others simply run away.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:30

I seem

Unknown Speaker 1:07:32

kind of pedantic and crabby, as it were and likes the sound of his own voice. Not
like a mad scientist, but kind of scientist or an engineer of salsa.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:45

So vi Max is kind of

Unknown Speaker 1:07:47

never wrong.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:48

They know all the facts and all the stats and all the details of whatever Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 1:07:53

it's an enormous privilege being able to see the actors working and see the
directors. work and I love doing it. I've just been asked as well to add a couple
of extra lines of dialogue because we need a little little bit more so that's going
to be an interesting challenge but it's a huge part of what makes this fun

Unknown Speaker 1:08:15

what I like about all these stories is they're so imaginative and they go in places
they couldn't possibly predict and that's the joy to get it and think was so if
anything I could suggest slash predict slash hopeful wouldn't be as creative or
wonderful as the writers come up with but certainly I'm loving this relationship
and i and i hope it continues with avec and I love that can be challenged by Susan
all the time, because Susan doesn't let her just be military personnel from foot so
she's always put out of out of the comfort zone and that's, that's where the fun is
for me. So I'm, I really hope that veteran and Susan just gets a play a lot more
bizarre, huh?

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