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piabetes is a disease of metabolism due to defici e ae Aciency of insuli d sugar level is maintained constant at a value of a 2 insaln / 100 mi. Though several hormones are involved an luce ase 2 t in maintenance of diabetes, the most important ones are insulin and glucagon. Diabetes is caused as a result of loss of the balanced effe : 0 es. Usually due to less insuli i start ly due to less insulin production sugar starts the blood and blood sugar level increases and sugar ong with other minerals. level is known as hyperglycaemia and presence as glycosuria. Insulin is secreted by the ‘known ecrhans of pancrcas. Insulin is necessary for ‘tissues with the help of oxygen. ay This diabetes aris es due to lesser secretion of vasopressin (an antidiuritic hormone) "Y posterior pituitary gland. Symptoms of this type of diabetes is that patient passes large quantity of urine mainly ‘essive thirst, This type of diabetes can be cured by injecting pituitrin secreted by posterior Pituitary, Diabetes mellitus This type of diabetes arises by the deficiency of insulin and the blood sugar rises more than normal. This disturbs the metabolism of protein and other factors in body. Diabetes mellitus are of two types. (a) Juvenile (b) Adult type Juvenile diabetes mellitus is hereditary and is treated by giving Adult type occurs in elderly people and is treated by controlling diet and oral antidiabetic drugs should be given. ot sum uninary ce bodies in and urine. e is any history of diabetes in one’s family, then an Id check for diabetes. d by stabilising the body metabolism. It le content should be can be taken in usual of milk every day. A routine as the O ulilise it. diseases like immediately can treat the ic dnigs. They Paper - I 51 Heavy smoking causes constant irritation of the lung tissues chewing pan or tobacco causes continuous irritation in thy mouth which may cause cancer. (2) Ithas been found out that any type of injury continued over 4 long time often initiate cancer. For example, the jagged edge | ‘of a broken tooth rubbing aginst the tongue can cause cancer. (3) lonising radiations, X - rays, ultra violet rays are carcinogenic _ | in nature. Even contact with intense sun light results in cancer of the skin. i aE Allied Chemistry Paper - 11 (d) Wide spread en " = AiDs | aaj was struck by a deadlier and more virulent cost a Ino deficiency Virus (HIV) infection, ‘ne Hi ‘Syndrome (AIDS) is the final stage of 2 pi Oded in BSD in USA, the infection ala enless march from one continent 10 antoher, urs

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