Writer's Effect 2

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The overall effect of the language used in paragraph 18 describes Vivian as an immature individual,

with limited experiences of being uncomfortable. Firstly, the writer uses the phrase "plucked out of
her comfort zone” to convey the idea of Vivian being pulled out of her comfort zone and finally
having to experience an uncomfortable and annoying situation. It implies that Vivian had been living
in a protected environment from her childhood and wasn’t tough enough to experience real life
situation . Additionally, the writer emphasises the idea of her being ‘plucked out of her comfort zone’
using the hyperbole “thrust into an alternate universe” to provide an antithesis of the magnitude of
change in her surroundings. It implies that just like an extra-terrestrial being , being unaware of the
conditions and happenings of another universe, Vivian was utterly baffled and annoyed by her new
experiences. Lastly the writer uses the phrase “Vivian’s ailing confidence”, to refer to Vivian’s
dwindling belief in herself and her abilities. It implies that her experiences deeply affected and
questioned her , about the idea of continuing her trip.

The overall effect of the language used in paragraph 24 creates a visual image of the unchanging
surroundings and describes the boredom ,the 2 of them experienced. Firstly, the writer makes use of
the words “unrelenting, unbending...” to describe the straightness of the highway. The word
“unrelenting” here, personifies the road and creates a sense of boredom and impatience that was being
experienced by the 2 partners. Moreover, the writer uses the hyperbole “mind-numbingly boring” to
put emphasis on how monotonous and exceedingly not scenic the ride had become as to making their
mind go numb. Lastly, the writer uses the phrase “significant achievement” to convey the importance
of a change in scenery was for them and describes it as an achievement, to further stress on its

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