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INTERNATIONAL ISO STANDARD 10628 Fest edition 1997-04-15 Flow diagrams for process plants — General rules ‘Schémas de procédé pour les unités de fabrication/de production — Fagles générales, Reference number Iso 10628:1887(E) ‘formation Handing Services, Mon Mar 10.09:47:51 2008 ISO 10628:1997(E) Contents Page 1 Scope... 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Definitions se ee 2 4 Classification, information content and prese diagrams, 2 BDraughting res annem on . 6 Annexes ‘A. Equivalent terms in other languages ..... . 9 Examples of flow diagrams for process plants mses 10 © Selection of graphical symbols 7 > Cods letters 58 © 150 1997 les etnenise speci, no gu of hs bean my be ial inten ‘inten Swtzotond Ivermation Handling Services, Mon Mar 10 08:41:51 2008, Iso Iso 10628:1997(E) Foreword 'SO (the Internatioral Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide fed- eration of netional standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in @ subject for Which @ technical committee has been established has the right to be Fepresented on tha: committee. International organizations, governmental land non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, algo take part in the work. [SO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission GEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. Draft Intemational Standards adopted by the technical committees are Girculated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 76 % of the member bodies casting avote. International Standerd 1SO 10628 was prepared by Technical Committee 'SO/TC 10, Technical drawings, product definition and related documentation. ‘Annexes A to D of this International Standard are for information only. Information Handing Services, Mon Mar 10 08:41:51 2008, ISO 10628:1997(E) 6180 Introduction UE aloes CE ee tts alee ated development of petroleum, pharmaceutical, food and beverages, and enwvirenmer industries, They can also be used in other industries, for example the mining and ‘metallurgical industries, where they are used to describe production processes and auxiliary systems. Depending on the amount of information to be furnished @ distinction should be made between a block diagram, a process flow diagram and a piping and instrument diagrarn (P & implify the preparation and under- 3. Standardization of diagrams wil standing of such diagrams by speci Information Handling Services, Mon tar 10 09:41:51 2008 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD © ISO ISO 10628:1997(E) Flow diagrams for process plants — General rules ‘Standard establishes general rules for the preparation of flow diagrams for process resent the configuration and function of process plants and gral parts of the corny documentation necessary for planning, mechanical engineering, erecting, managing, commissiori ‘maintaining and decommissioning of a plant. Flow diagrams help to simplify the exchange of information between the parties involved in the development, mechanical ‘engineering, erection, operation and maintenance of such process plants, ‘This Intornational Standard does not apply to electrotechnicel dagrems. 2 Normative references ISO 128:1962, Technical drawings — General principles of rresentation, 'SO 1000:1992, S/ units and recommendations for the use of their multiples and of certain other units. 180 3096-1:1974, Technical drawings — Lettering — Part 1: Currently used characters. 'S0 3461-2:1987, General principles for the creation of graphical symbols — Part 2: Graphical symbols tor use in technical product documentation. Iso 35 1977, Process measurement control functions and instrumentation — Symbolic representation ~ Part’ requiremants. 'SO 9611-2:1984, Process measurement control functions and instrumentation — Symbolic representation — Part 2; Extension of basic requirements, 1SO 3511-4:1985, | Industrial process measurement contro! functions and instrumentation Symboli¢ representation — Part 4: Basic symbols for process computer, interface, and shared displayeontrol functions. “0 4196:1984, Graphical symbols ~ Use of arrows, Infomation Handing Services, Mon Mar 10 08:41:51 2008, 180 10628:1997(E) e180 (0 5487:1980, Technical drawings — Sizes and layout of drawing sheets. 1S0 7200:1984, Technical drawings — Title blocks, 19 t0 tachnical drawings. 1992, Technical product docum. general and types of drawings. — Vocabulary — Part 1: Terms rel 3 Definitions nS given in ISO 10208-1 and the following definitions, For the purposes of this Intemational Standard, the def apply. However, only the terms given in the ;nguages can be considered as ISO terms, 3.1. process: Sequence of chemical, physical or biological operations for the conversion, transport or storage of ‘material or energy. 3.2. process step: Part of a process which is predominantly self-sufficient and consists of one or several unit operations, 3.3. unit operation: Simplest operation in a process according to the theory of process technology. 3.4 works: System of industrial complexes end the associated infrastructure in one location, 5 Industrial complex: Number of discrete or interconnected process plants, together with the associated sildinas. 3.6. process plant: Facilities and structures necessary for performing @ process. NOTE — Different processes or process steps can be carried out in the same process plant of plant section (see 3.7) at equipment (except lagram consists of several sheets, itis recommended that lines representing incoming and outgoing flows and bbe drawn in such a manner that the lines continso at the same level when the individual sheets are ntally aligned 5.3.4 Connections Connections between flow lines or pipelines shall be drawn as shown in figures 2 end 3. toot Figures 4 and 6 show two ways of representing flow lines or pipelines, which are not connected. The style of figure 6 is preferred. Figure 4 Figure 5 5.3.5 Connections of auxiliary system lines Fy system lines (0.9. energy cart flow and reference (o the type of energy c 128) shall be shown by dashed lines with indicetion of the direction of ier and, if possible, the drawing number (see figures B.6 and 8.6) Irformaton Handling Services, Man Mar 10 09:41:51 2003 ISO 10628:1997(E) 180 4. Inscriptions 5.4.1 Type of lettering ‘Type B vertical lettering, in accordance with ISO 3098-1:1974, is recommended, 5.4.2 Height of lettering The height of letters shall be: 2) 8 mm for reference designations of major equipment; b) 2,8 mm for other inscriptions 5.63 Arrangement of inscriptions a} Equipment Reference designations for equipment should be located close to the relevant graphical symbol, but not inside it Further details (0.9. designation, nominal ca reference designations or shown in separate tabi ity, pressure, materiall may either be placed under the b) Flow lines or piping Reference designation of valves and fittings shall be written next to the graphical symbol and parallel to the direction of flow. ) Process measurement and control functions The representation shall be in accordance with 1SO 35 10 3511-2 and ISO 3611-4, shall be placed shown in tabular form, serial numbers corresp. #1 SI units in accordance with ISO 1000 shall be used. e1so This annex gives the equivalent terms in the French, Russian, Germa dafined in clause 3. Annex A (informative) 180 10628:1997(E) Equivalent terms in other languages lian and Spanish languages for the terms English French Russian German allan ‘Spanish process procédé Texwonoravecenn | Verfahren proceso proceso npowece stape de proctdé | cranun npouecca | Yertahronsabschnit | fase ‘etapa de proceso ‘opération de base | ecrosvan Grundoperation | oporazione di base | eperacion basica lonepauun sine avo Wark stablimento Tabrica ial compiex | complexe industiel | npowssoncrmen | Anlagenkomplex | complosso ‘complejo kownnex industrial process plant Texionormeckan | verfahrenstechn= planta de proceso yeranonka sche Anlage produzione plant section lex oinenenne | Tallanlage reparto| ‘seccien de plants, Unie equipment ‘oGopynoaaiwe | Anlageteil unite equipo flow diagram | schemas de orn Flesbild schema di iagrama a precede =PCF | Yesionormvecranx immpianto de plantas yeraHowok proceso. block diagram | schéma deprincipe | Gnox-cxema Grinatienbid ‘schema a blecchi | diagrama de bloques process flow | Plan de circulation | vexononneckan | Verfahrenstlietid | schema a ‘iagrama de diagram exe processo proceso proved piping and plan de tuyauiene | ema Sscherna tubazioni Tnstrument 1pyGonpoBon0s, 8 strumenti siagram (P & 1D) wkitn schema P aD) Information Handling Services, Mon Mar 10 08:41:51 2008 Iso 10628:1997(E) ©1s0 Annex B (informative) Examples of flow diagrams for process plants 19 the types of diagram described in this International Standard but their technical The figures in part of this International S:andard. content does To 3 o Liem =a a = lt Figure B.1 — Block diagram with basic information 10 Information Handling Services, Mon Mar 10 08:41:51 2008 ies eey aeeeum knoe are me MeSUIUS U7US789 GT ee eIso ISO 10628:1997(E) Solvent fekg/nt fon 6 000 /year Figure B.2 — Block diagram with hasie and addi Information Handing Services, Mon Mar 10 03:41:51 2008 a vacuum | Lever] w3 Cling water, 20°C Concentrate (1518 kg K4 | ee From cncentatan unit aaa | LJ Lane WA sien sine) <] = voReUosUl 218eq (NYA WEABEIp mols se90014 — £°g OANB I z | E ——_| tenn : R J) UNEAGEP HORE UAWANSU puR Budi x PIAPRER PPB IONS Deve PIAIPHAP3B/PHB ee (a)2661'8z901 OSI osia £002 1s:19'60 01 2071 Yor ‘seoW05 SuIpUEH UoREUNIOR ou 5 PAPHGA P3B/PYDB froncaoes |Site pcre Tourer [eames feateiae bro onay sme fora eto ee eS = xr eee eee ESE EE eee : osia (a)z661:8z901 Ost 180 10628:1997(E) ©1s0 FD) ‘the sant © Vos 80b-s2-E9%21 ga z ae #3 3 on ot eaearaear Tone Voe wor-se-ev eet Ws 3 250m ee aaa acer bt Toe wor oori ea 7 ra | g € F = 5 | ob Loe | He Ht eee = fon Be toras eal i 4 | 2 = Figure B.7 — Piping and instrumentation diagram as utility flow diagram (UFD) 16 mation Handing Services, Mon Mar 10 09:41:51 2008 renee nee eee an mm aosatus uu end aT i e1so ISO 10628:1997(E) Annex C (informative) Selection of graphical symbols int coordination work of ISO/TC 1O/SC 10 symbols. New standards may then be ‘This annex will be reviewed and revised, if necessary, when the genet and IEC/TC 3/SC SA leads to a new universal library of graphical published as collective symbol standards. C.1 Principles In order to harmonize the sizes of graphical symbols ISO 3461-2 shall be apy those of other drawing indications, the rules given in ‘The grid underneath the graphical symbol gives an indication of the proportions of the graphicel symbol end facilitates its positioning and reproduction. 1@ connections to a graphical symbol are indicated by —~®. This is not a part of the diagrams are produced by means of @ computer aided design (CAD) system, flow to 2 graphical symbol at grid paints. Preferred locations of flo graphical symbol. When lines can only be connect ©.2 Representation Grephical symbols may be turned or raphical symbols red, if their meaning does not depend on the orientation. The columns, vessels, etc.) can be adjusted to the actual scale with ©.3 Classification The graphical symbols are grouped together in subject groups according to functional and/or design features, They ‘are arranged in basic series, detailed series and examples o' application. bly be used at the preliminary design stage (process flow diagram), whereas the at a more advanced or final stage of the engineering work (piping and instrument is recommended to use graphical symbols of the basic series in piping and instrument diagrams, ten impossible t0 show every special feature of the equipment in a graphical symbol. The special features aro given in the equipment data sheets, C4 Summary of graphical symbols €.4.1 Subject groups distinction is made between the following subject groups: Information Handing Servcas, Mon Mar 10008:41:51 2008, Iso 10628:1997(E) e1so Vessels and tanks jal reactors with internals 2 ns with internals, 3 ng 4 3, steam generators, furnaces, 5 Filters, iquid filters, gas filters 6 7 8 9 veating or cot Sifters, screening devices, screening machines, sorting devices, sorting machines Separators Centrifuges Driers 10 Crushing/arinding mat 11 Agitators/stirers 12 Mixers, kneaders 13. Processing machines, shaping machines 14 Liquid pumps 15 Compressors, vacuum pumps, blowers, fans, 16 Lifting, conveying and transport 17 Scales 18 Proportioners, feeders and distribution fecilties 19 Motors, engines, drives 20 Miscellaneous items of equipment 21 Shutoff valves 22 Check valves, 23° Control valves, “1 Valves and fitings with safety function . Fittings 26 Other graphical symbols €.4.2 Graphical symbols for equipment, machinery and See table C.1 Grephical symbols are shown in the recommended sizes for flow diagrams (module grid M 2,5 mm). C43. Explanatory notes ‘The graphical symbols shown in this annex are primarily used in process flow diagrams. Therefore, details were deliberately not shown and only typical features of the design have been included. If the user considers the clarity of a graphical symbol insufficient, he may @) supplement a general graphical symbol by an explanatory note, or b) supplement a graphical symbol by showing additional design details 18 Mon Mar 10 00:41:51 2008 on 15-1960 O1 Je WoW ‘semIveS Bupuey LoReON 6L Table C.1 7 a Dates cams ‘Subject group 1 Vessels and tanks eH a ge f i I i t a : aoe _ | | asin. panera Tank with Hosting rot sarret Cantanar tor sai, Ui. gas f Gas tree Bey \ L pen vessel ant inaction of| fing Level (@)L661:82901 OSI Ge pend nee acr eed tee oie ee ee mm os) Graph lea bole Detaled series Examples Subject group 2 ‘Vessels with internals (8) Columns with internals (K) Chemical reactors with intornals (C) i ; et a ee $ } b eturn genera Vessel wih trays generat Vessel with ‘esse wim cee bee esse wth lune wih rae, gene fideedsee Catan win faded internals pererat. T T Calum with Pack otunn specified witiwo sme ot packing zones (@)2661:8z901 OSI osie 008 1S:14160 04 Z2¥¥ UoRse9HUeS BuIpUCH wz Basic series Subject group 3 Graphical symbols Detailed series Facilities for heating or cooling Examples < Feciy ter heating or caclng gener ¢ f Le Qg oe ag 4 b t ag oe $ esse with seni-tube ct Vessel wih externa sacketeavessel ard agtotererivenby Slectrie maton (a)z661:8z903. ost £008 L6:19160 01 s071 Uop'Seomieg BupUe}: ogeALO} wz Basie series (Graph. jmbols Detailed series Examples Subject group 4 Heat exchangers (W) Steam generators (D) Furnaces (D) f er t ag) eat exchanger, general ® A U $ “Tube-tunet neat exchanger Tabe-bunce with shal an abe type het exchanger toating nae with tees tbe sheets ®. | fo) @: 4 ech-36 f Double pipe nea! excanger Tobe-bune wth Utabes , a "aS [Eee ©: Heat exchanger wih abe cai Soray cover Floatng-nead nte-bund eat exchanger = ube-bune exchanger with U-tute (azsctezooL Ost ost i e ‘Graphical symbols Basie series Detaled series Examples ‘Subject group ¢ Heat exchangers (W) Steam generators (D) Furnaces (0) o Tener (| SBLISLISUSUEE at eating tower general Fanes-tbe ea exchanger Spral-typeheat exchanger bod Poate-type het exchanger ®: IT any Steamboaer Fine 5 excangee osie (a)z6st'ez901 Ost : 2002 1¢:1y:8001 28" we Graphie. _,mbols nous arma, gnerat Basie ses Detain wes Examples Sioa woot Tot echnger Som genes mews BH 8 ® Pee ae 8 =e A ee j j 4 —— Fengsyen bere Fim evaporate wih eecrinoter Subject group & Filters iF) Liquid fers (F Gas fiters (F) = Pc LJ ht TIT wu Slee Pn r= Pet Fite. generat Fieectad Ret Cariige titer Fite press Fer equlpnent. generat (a)e6618z901 OST osteo rd Basie series Graphical symbols Detailed series Examples Subject group 5 Liquid fitters (F) Gas filters (F) f ui iter general AG) ae $ suction ter ; Rotary eum ft Rotary disk ter t f an excrange te $ etivate cargo titer Bat fhe for His oslo (az6si:ez901 OSI QbESN FALE COR mm te ane anne LT 2 002 18:11460 01 227 Hor ee0.UI5 6 9z Graph Jmbols Basie serles Detailed series ‘Examples. eae oe ple i ] o-— fry oie uo $ $ efter, generat Cartridge ite for cases ft ; f I tb b b é Packec-bed Hiop-eticeney fier forgases ——_subricrnpariults ae fer Pa Bet ter fr paces (@)z661:8z901 OSI osie 2002 18:14380 04 JeW Yow ‘saaqies BapURY UoqeUNO Graphical symbols 3g Base oie : ae ae 8 Bubiect oour 6 Shea Tang dnioa SS aeces Serna sctoes Secningmocines f fi + | | @f 6 ~ 8 8 @: 6 Rakes, generat with two screens b { tine | fo I elt (argegransize) b Serting cevice general (a)661:8z901 OSI 2008 1s-19:0 0 ez Basic series Graphic bois Detaied series | Examples ‘Subject group 7 ‘Separators (F) a “6 $ Separator generat b pod Inact separator rarity separator Settling chanber $ j Separator try separator (a)2661:82901 OSI 002 1S:19°60 01 2 oy eeoq8g SUEY Uo Graphical symbole Basie series | Detaied series Examples ‘Subject group ? Separators (Fl i | Electromagnetic fag t a 8 io) 6 goood Iyeane osie (@)z66L:ez901 Ost g of Graphic. _mbols| Basie series Detailed series Examples: Subject oroup 8 Contigo 8) ®. ®. ®: ieee =e becsl =e Li} 8 Centrtige generat Ceoneifuge with sald she, a i |=38 Disk-type centrifuge Diskstype separator Screwctypecenetege vethpertoraes nat WE Screw-typeceneituge vith std shel. Decanter 8 8 6: Pusher centrifuge @ Centiuge with sti shall and wcrc motor (a)z661:8z901 OSI oslo 002 1s:19'60 01 287 UoH ‘So0.N65 Bu te ‘Graphical symbols Detaled series Examples ‘Subjest group @ Deis ee 6 ee se Be 4 rier generat Drying oven chanber Dak eer Drying oven oving self ier Shatter Turbo rer Ore wth tet and forheating ose (a)z661:ez901 Ost 2 ze Basie series Graph. symbols Detailed series Examples ‘Subject group @ Driers (7) : Bat ener Roller-conveyor type iar / : Spray iar . Rotary i Tunbling rier Spray eee with suooty ‘ad cscharge o het at (alz661:8z901 OSt osie Iso 10628:1997(E) 8180 sopou supe a usr 3TeR @7o0 amano) rrr f ft b é sen er ayer ped usno suuey 7es8u 84S) @ xX t t t b b s b b emus suypewfunsny ® eel [X\ 4 (2{ seuypew Bupuns ‘souryoou Burysmig ‘1 dno soefang soyduiexg ‘seus poyewoa. sjoquuds eonydeus seuss ose, 33 Information Handling Senices, Men Mar 1000041:81 2008 vope04 3 B ve Greph symbols Basie series Detaled series Examples Subject group 10 Crushing machines, grinding machines (2) Or: & b PU generat Hanmer mit ee z DE {a7 (@) b $ eter mit ration mit FES? Jet mi wth sis dd gis flaw comection (a)z661:8z901 OSI osie we Graphical symbole Detailed sorias Examples ‘Subject group 11 Agitator, stirers (Ri) f tater general Stier, gen Flat-bade pate agitator °. uy echor agitator es Proplter agitator f bate pate agtator N-- etc aitator ——-8 Ais agate UA Inastle agitator 7 Tuthine agitator osie {a)ze6z:ez901 ost ipucy uoeuuon, somos 2008 15:19:00 oe Basie series Graph. _ymbols| Detailed series Examples ‘Subject group 12 ‘Mixers (R) Kneadets (Ri) ef | ©: Mer, generat Koeater,gonera P- bs Tw oer aren by lectie maton (a)2661:8z901 OSI oslo Basie series ‘Graphical eymbole Detaled series Examples Subject group 13 fr osie (2661-82901 OSI Graphic. .ymbols Basie series Detailed series Examples Subject group 14 Liguie pumps (P) ? ft | ®O © J b = Peet ' ® © Gear pump : ‘Screw pana Heticat rotor f t 6 6 bE b fecproctng pump Dastragn sun uid et pum (a)es61'ez901 Ost BM LSh ATeSNIN EMLTCOK mm osie 6c Basie series Graphical symbols Detailed series Examples Subject group 15, ‘Compreszors (V) 7 Canaressor general acwun pup, generat ‘enstroving eeingates tha retina Flow b Recprecatng compressor Redpreating vacuum pun @ l O é Positive displacement Positive-isplacenent vacuum poe ® Reciprocating iohragn conoressot Diapheagn vacuum ae00 8 O 6 Rotary corgressor Role vane vatuum pune b Turbo conprassor “urbo-racuun uM f @ ® etary corpressor etary piston vacuum ume Lgl ing compressor vieleine motor osia (@vessu:ez901 Ost 9160 01 27 UOH ‘seo Wuag BuIBUEH uoREWLIOL 8 Graphi, _.ymbois Detatodsaies Examples Subject group 15 Sameenar Bioware i Fans (V) ; ; t I I Ejector compressor with 6: 4 c) pers a uty Liguitrng compressor Ejector campressor Liguiring vaceum pup Jt vacuum pun ® Bower generat Radiat blower ‘iat blower Fans genet Fanalower Fanbiower (alzs6i:ezoo1 ost oste 2 Ww Graphical symbols Basie series Detailed series Examples Subject group 16 Lifting, conveying and transport (H) Conveyor. generat Q—0*) Blt conveyer genera @ 6. {han conveyer. genera. b Screw conveyor general Bucket levator Os Vorating conveyor Tubular ieating conveyor pena vibrating conver escharge feed and dictarge oslo (ayesei:8z901 OSI 1 uo seaiieg BupusH woREWOR e002 1s:1¥'9008 ew Graph.. symbols Basie suites Detaiad series Examples ‘Subject group 16 Lifting, conveying and transport (H) Om: Industria ruck, ganar Tanker Tank wagon Sp SOO: ‘Subject group 17 ‘Seales (Al a CEmae) ne Weighing patform Ror scale Weigteriage sett scle (avzesu'ez901 Ost oslo nwo BuypUDH spt g Basic series (Graphiat symbols Detailed series Subject group 18 Proportioners, feeders and distribution facilities 0) f @ Propartioner tor sels. genera ee f _- 6 eb | ©: onary rive tary tte teeaer eb Vessel witrotny Subject group 19 ‘Motors, engines, drives (M, ¥) © vreganerat ®, QO os4 osie B 3 a tances| 8 Graphic... .ymbols snes —— = a, —_ eee Lan Stack, cheney Ge (a)zs6t:ez901 ost osia 19 BuNpueH we ‘002 181980 01 s0M UOH sa9IN Graphicat symbols Basie series Detailed series Examples ‘Subject group 20 ‘Miscellaneous items of equipment (A) fd Hood general osie a 6 3 8 8 g Basie series ‘Subject group 21 ‘Graphics symbols Detailed sarios Shut-off valves Examples f 6 B<]-6 b sooievave gre a bg 8 $ Theeecway valve, generat a ®! e DQ $ Bat vave age ball wave Gate vave utterly vale $ oT b Three-way ba valve eRe (@)2661:8z901 OSI osie 2 aw Basic series Graphisat symbols Detaled series Examples ‘Subject group 22 (Check valve , BPX -e Check vale, gees t wo heq] Ue chece vtve e-N +36 Swing creck valve Subject group 23 Control valves i a ksl-8 b. onto val,

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