Adverb Full Improved

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Adjective qualifies (give extra information about noun and pronoun replaces
noun so adjective qualifies noun and pronoun.
Adverb qualifies verb, adjective, preposition, conjunction, interjection, another
adverb means ADVERB qualifies all parts of speech except Noun or Pronoun.
Definition :-
Adverb is a word which qualifies, verb, adjective, another adverb or a
complete sentence.
Find parts of speech in sentences:-
1. Ram is an intelligent student.
2. She sang beautifully.
3. Jiya ran fast.
4. Please bring some water.
5. Sure you can go.
6. He is not writing a letter.
7. Sachin is really very healthy.
8. He is totally confused person.
1. Ram (noun) is (HV) intelligent (adjective) student (noun).
2. She (pronoun) sang (verb) beautifully (adverb) (she sang how) qualify verb.
3. Jiya (noun) ran (verb) fast (adverb). (Jiya ran how).

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4. Please (adverb) bring (verb) some (adjective) water (noun).

अगर ह bring some water order ह ग
please ग ह request ह ग please र sentence order request द रह ह
adverb ह
5. Sure (adverb) you (pronoun) can (HV) go (verb). Sure ह र sentence
emphasis sure adverb ह
6. He (noun) is (adverb) not writing (writing) a letter (noun).
Not use ह रह ह he ह , letter use ह ह
र verb writing qualify र रह ह adverb ह
7. Sachin (noun) is (HV) really very (Adverb) healthy (Adjective predicative).
Very is qualifying heathy and really is qualifying very so very is adverb and
really is also adverb.
8. He (pronoun) is totally (adverb) confused (Adjective) person (noun).
Noun ह V3 Adjective ह ह और Adjective qualify र Adverb
ह ह

Concept:- noun ह noun ह Adjective ह adjective ह

adjective ह adverb ह और adverb ह adverb ह और adverb
ह adverb ह

Adverb > Adverb > Adjective > noun

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Kind of adverb:
1. Adverb of time when?

Today, tomorrow, soon, later.

Kunal yesterday called Neeru.
Time word ह अ ह
Kunal called Neeru Yesterday.
Tomorrow will be my birthday.
द र it use र ह
It will be my birthday tomorrow.

2. Adverb of Place > where?

Here, there, up, down, in, out….. Why in is used as adverb?

We read till now as preposition.
Preposition = relating word.
अ relation अ ह ह द र

Preposition द अ ग अ ग word position relate र ह
Example- Come in (Verb) (Come where)
Where answer द in so adverb ह
He came in the Room.
Came relate ग ह room in as a preposition use ह ह
Concept:- अगर द अ ग अ ग द in preposition अगर
अ adverb.
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He came in the room

He came where (in the room)
ज र phrase where ans. द ह adverb phrase ह ह
Phrase: Group of word without complete meaning.
Jatin (noun) ran (verb) (towards the bus).
Tomorrow never comes.
It never comes tomorrow (Sense totally confused)
Tomorrow will be my birthday.
It will be my birthday tomorrow.
Meaning not changed.
Rani (noun) will (HV) host (main verb) the party (Noun) next week

3. Adverb of manner > How?

Will, fast, beautifully, slowly………

1. Riya beautifully celebrated her birthday yesterday in the mall.
2. Last week Mukul saw me quickly in the market.
3. They nicely delivered the speeches on 20 January in the office.
4. Sarika happily helped Tarun yesterday in the evening in Delhi in her
5. She slowly went last night how at 7:00 in Saket to her home.

Answer and concept:-

Riya celebrated her birthday (basic sentence)
Beautifully (Manner)
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Yesterday (Time)
In the mall – Where (Adverbial phrase)
Manner + Place + Time (MPT)
1. Rekha celebrated her birthday beautifully (manner) in the mall (place)
yesterday (time).
2. Last week (time) quickly (manner) in the market (place).
Mukul saw me quickly in the market last week.
3. They delivered the speeches nicely (manner)/ in the office (place) on 20 jan
4. Happily (manner) in the evening (time) yesterday (time)
Similar category ह र
5. __________ verb of movement (place/manner) ह ज ह

go, come, approach, commute, reach, travel, amble, plod (walk slowly)
Verb of Movement + Place + Time (PMT)
She went home (place) in Saket, slowly, at 7, last night.

Adverb of Frequency

How often? ( र)

Always, never, usually, seldom…………

Always she calls her friends.
Adverb of Frequency always used before verb.
He usually plays cricket in the evening.

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She always calls her friends.

5. Adverb of affirmation:- Yes

Of course, sure, why not, yes, ya (yes)

6. Adverb of negation: No, not, nay.

Day 28
7. Adverb of Quantity: How much?
Very, quite, too, enough

8. Adverb of comparison: more, less, as, so

Sachin is more intelligent than Kabir is.

She is as smart as Meenu is.

Sachin (subject) is more (adverb) intelligent (adjective) than (conjunction)

Kabir is.

She is as (adverb) smart (adjective) as (conjunction) Meenu is.

Work UCN duration of task I

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Work: repair (UCN)

Works: Literary writing

Money:– Wealth (UCN)

Monies: – Property

9. Adverb of Interrogation:- When, where, how often, how much.

All question words are adverb of interrogation.
When is your Birthday.
My birthday is on 22 November (Adverbial phrase of time)
Correct Usage
1. He gave only money. (He could give anything else than money but he gave
money only.) nothing else
2. He only gave money.(He did not ask whether I needed money or not.) did not
3. Only he gave money. (So many persons are there but only He gave money.)
nobody else

Only: It qualifies the meaning of the word with which it is used.

It conveys a parallel possible meaning. Means tell other meaning which is not

This is functional grammar in first sentence only is used as an adjective as it is

used before noun.
II. Adverb because it is used before verb.
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III. It is used as an adjective before pronoun.

Only his son – No body else
His only son – only one son.

 He only eats when he is hungry. ह

He eats only when he is hungry
 He only knew the answer therefore all appreciated him
हर appreciate र रह ह उ Answers / ज ह
ग ह
 Only he knew the ……………..

Only adverb or adjective द रह र ह function र depend र ह

Tense Based
Very ह -Present

Much ह - Past

He is Very honest.
He was Much honest.

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1. He is _________ exhausted today.
2. The movie was __________ interesting.
3. The _______ awaited resulted has been declared.
4. The class was __________ boaring.
5. She became _________ board.

Concepts / Answers
It does not talk about Tense it talks about Participles – are adjective made up of
VI + ing > Present Participle.
V3 > Past Participle.
1. Exhausted V3 Adjective so much is used.
2. Interest + ing V1 + ing
Qualifying movie – Very
3. Awaited (much) adjective – past participle.
4. The class was very boring.
5. Much board.

1. She seems _________ tall.
2. She seems _________ taller than I am.
3. Naina was ______ more talented than he.
4. Siya became ________ more active than Jiya.
5. Sachin is _____most reputed cricketer in the BCCI.

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Very is with positive degree.
Much is with comparative degree/ superlative degree
1. Very +ve degree.
2. Much comparative.
3. Much comparative talented adjective more adverb.
Adverb is used before adverb
4. Much
5. ___ if superlative degree is written we will write much the


1. The statue is ________ unique.
2. She was ____________ excited for the movie.
3. My friends are _____ happier than I am.
4. She is _______ ill today.
5. You are __________ right in your approach.

Quite – Completely no need to tell other is non-gradable
Very (PD) / Much (CD/SD) / Quite (non -gradable)
1. Quite Unique is non gradable.

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2. Much excited.
3. Much CD
4. Quite ill is non gradable.
5. Quite right (non gradable)

To, too, two are pronounced To

Too > more than required (Negative sense too + adjective)

As much as required
Positive sense
Adjective +enough.
1. This tea is too hot.
This tea is hot enough

1. Negative meaning ग ह
2. ग ह ह
+ve sense
I am too hot wrong ह

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1. Naman is too weak to carry something.
2. She is too poor to afford everything.
3. Nitin was too tired to walk somehow.
4. He is too angary to speak to nobody.
5. The attendant is too lazy to do something.

Answer and Concept

1. Naman is too weak is Negative and with Negative some is not used we use
any so to carry anything.
Naman is so weak that he cannot carry anything.

2. She is too poor is negative due to use of Too so anything will be used
everything ???
Too +adjective +V1………. Some (X) every(X) no (X) only ANY will be
She is so poor cannot afford anything.
too adverb +weak (Adjective) any negative So all parts of speech Are connected.
अगर sentence inability cannot past could not

1. Rahul is so weak that he can’t walk.
2. She is so poor can’t afford anything.
3. Anyhow IPO somehow
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Nitin was so tired that he could not walk anyhow.

4. Anybody IPO nobody
He is so angry that he does not speak to anybody.
He has the ability to speak but he does not speak due to anger. His
behaviour changed due to anger and where it is sign of changing of
behaviour we always use do/ does in place of can and in past we use did +
5. The attendant is too lazy to do anything .
The attendant is so lazy that he does not do anything. (Due to Behaviour)
1. Raman was too late to reach on time.
2. She is too weak to run fast.
3. Prachi is too innocent to trust everyone.
4. They are too good to do this work.

1. Raman was so late that he could not reach on time.
2. She is so weak that she cannot run fast.
3. Prachi is innocent enough to trust everyone.
Prachi is so innocent that she trust everyone.
(Can we say) he cracked a serious joke.
Can we say He cracked a serious Joke?
Can we say A watery desert?
Can we say I saw a beautiful ugly lady?
All words are opposite
Oxymoron : Placement of contradictory words.
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Grammar does not allow us to put two opposite meaning together.

Only literature allow us.
Too is used with negative word only.
Too angry / too lazy / too weak
Too +unpleasant adjective/ unfavorable adjective.
Pleasant adjective / favorable adjective
Innocent is pleasant word having the quality of innocence is good one so we
will use enough. Too not to be used.
4. They are good enough to do this work.
They are so good that they can do this work.

Very (PD) much (CD) quite (+ve) too (PD).

Present participle past participle non-gradable unpleasant
Enough positive degree, pleasant category.
1. Sachin is fairly too happy.
2. She is fairly too rude with her husband.
3. Sunita was comparatively very expert enough.
4. She seems quite very perfect enough for this job.


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Very, quite, too, enough, fairly all are intensifier and using more than one
intensifier at the same time is superfluous.

All intensifiers are used with positive degree.

1. Sachin is fairly happy today.
2. She is too rude with her husband.
3. Expert is a positive word so we can use any positive degree intensifier. if we
use comparetively than we have to remove Very and enough. If we use Very
than comparetively and enough will be removed.
So answers can be
Sunita was comparetively expert.
Sunita was very expert.
Sunita was expert enough.
4. Perfect non-gradable adjective Very / enough will not be used only quite will
be used.

1. She is very tall.
2. She is fairly tall A. Therefore she did not marry him.
3. She is tall enough. B. Therefore she married him.
4. She is too tall.

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She is very tall. Very is beyond the limit.
She is fairly tall Something that is average.
She is tall enough. As much as required
She is too tall Not tall

This dress is very good. Went to buy a shirt but he showed shirt which is costly you
will say this is very good but out of my purchasing limit.
This is fairly good . it is an average 200 wali shirt.
Good Enough as much as required.

3 and B will be matched

Sometime shopkeeper shows us the shirt and we say that this is good but not as
good as I needed. Means mixture of pleasant and unpleasant.
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When mixture of both pleasant and unpleasent showed we can use rather
Rather can be used with PD, CD, pleasant, unpleasent, mixture
She is rather tall .

उ ह ह ह ज ह .

Day 88
1. Sachin seems too tired to walk any distance.
2. Kiran was too benevolent to help everyone.
3. She is fairly too smarter here.
4. Shabad was too intelligent that he could solve every question.

1. Sachin seems so tired that he cannot walk any distance.
2. Kiran was beautiful enough…….
Kiran was so benevolent that she helped everyone.
3. Here no comparison is made so no need to write smarter write only Smart
Fairly is for good sense so use of too is not needed.
4. Shabad was too intelligent that he could solve every question.
Too+ Adjective +to + V1 ( Too weak to walk) So……That
Adjective+ enough +to + V1 (smart enough to win the match)
Means using that with too and so… is not appropriate.
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5. Shabad was too so intelligent that he could solve every question.

Much too / Too much

1. Mohini is _______ beautiful and has __________ money.
2. ______ noise can kill the joy.
3. They were _________ tensed yesterday as there were ________ water
because of rain.
4. She carried __________ books with _________ patience.
5. Sagar notice _______ terrific and __________ red signals.
Concept > TMN , MTA (Tammana ki Mata)
Too + much + UCN
Adverb +Adjective+ UCN
Too is adverb and adverb is used before adjective.
When we use phrase very much. much is an adjective very is an adjective.
Comparative degree is used after Much. Very much greater than.
1. Much too, Too much.
2. Too much
3. Much too, too much

4. Too many / too much

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Too many is used with plural countable noun (PCN)

5. Too much / too many.

Basic level
1. She sang a beautiful song.
2. She sang beautifully.
3. The happy prince donated money.
4. The prince donated money happily.
5. The year was 1947.
6. The yearly income was 2 lakh.

1. She (P) sang (Verb) a beautiful (adj.) song (noun N). What
2. She (P) sung (Verb) beautifully (Adverb) How( she is beautiful or sang
beautifully. Infect sang beautifully so it is qualifying verb sing so adverb is
3. The happy (Adj.) Prince (noun) donated (Verb) money (noun).
4. The Prince (noun) donated (verb) money (noun) (what) happily (Adverb).
Adjective + ly = adverb
Happy + ly = happily
Beautiful + ly = beautifully.
5. The year (noun) was 1947.
6. The yearly (adjective) income (noun) was two lakh.

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Noun + ly = Adjective
Adjective + ly = Adverb

1. He behaved friendly.
2. Mohini earns monthly.
3. Tatya Tope fought manly in the field.

1. He (Pronoun) behaved(verb) friendly(friendly + ly) noun + ly is adjective

Friend +ly +ly = friendlily (Adjective+ ly)

He behaved friendlily or he behaved in friendly manner.( Adjective + noun)
Manner is a noun(I do not like the manner(what) in which he complained.)
Noun + ly = Adjective
Adjective quality Noun or pronour
Not verb
Adjective + ly =Adverb
So friendly + ly = friendlily (Adverb)
Tatya Tope fought in a Mainly manner or manlily.
How ? ___________ Noun + ly + ly
__ in a noun + ly manner.
2. Mohini earns monthly.
Mohini is not a Monthly
Mohini earns every month.
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How often _______ every / per + noun

Each / A/An

What day of week is it?


1. Our soldiers faced the enemies bravely manner,(how) noun + ly = adjective
2. Deeya comes here weekly. Noun + ly + adjective (how often) (per week

The following words are adjective not adverb:-

Friendly, fatherly, monthly, manly, cowardly, scholarly, miserly, weekly, monthly.
Noun + ly = adjective
The police officers behaved (i) womanish (ii) womanly with us.
Womanish= male who is having physical characteristics like woman
Womanly = kindly like woman
Answer Womanly.

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Day 89

1. I liked her (A) behavior but do not like her (B) reaction.
2. She has got (C) face

Childish Foolish Negative sense

Childly innocent positive sense
Childlike appearancelike a child

All there are adjective

A. Childly (innocent)
B. Childish (Foolish)
C. Child like (Appearance)

High V/s Highly

1. Aim ________
2. _________ temperature causes damage.
3. She maintains ________ ideals.
4. The monkey climb on the______ tree.
5. They demand _______ luxurious cars.
6. ______________ intelligent do not nag.

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Answer and Concept

Adjective + Noun
Adverb + Verb

Highly – Adverb + Adjective

1. Aim is a verb so qualify adverb aim high.

2. Temperature noun what causes damage? Adjective High Temperature.
3. High ideas. She maintains what?
4. High on the tree. Climb on what?
5. Highly luxurious they demand what cars (Noun). Luxurious is an adjective
6. Highly as intelligent is an adjective

Hard V/s Hardly

1. Charu _______ works.
2. Mohan works _______.
3. ______ work bring success.
4. She does not hardly save money.(improve the sentence)
5. She spends hardly earned money. (improve the sentence)
6. Old values __________ die.
7. Old values dies ________.

Adjective + Noun

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Hard <
Adverb + verb

Hardly – adverb Negative = not

used before verb.

1. Hardly verb
2. Works (Verb) hard.
3. Work used as noun (so work hard)What bring success?
4. She hardly saves money. Hardly is a negative terms so ‘does not’ not to be
5. Money spending is not a negative terms so hard earned money.
6. Old values hardly die (Verb)
7. Old values die hard.

Direct Vs. Directly

1. When you need any help call me ______.
2. The officer responded ______ when he was interrogated.
3. The train reaches Kanpur ______.
4. If it rains, find a shelter________.

Answer and concept

Direct – Adverb – without stoppage

Directly – Adverb instantly र

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1. Directly instantly र
2. Directly instantly र
3. Direct (not without stoppage)
4. Directly ( र ) instantly

1. He (subject) is (verb) a Doctor
Noun/Pronoun linking verb (Subject complement)

A doctor is not an object it is subject complement as studied in Noun. It is

talking about He

He = Doctor

We use linking verb where subject complement is used

He (Subject) is (LV) happy/happily

N/P Sub. Complement adjective

Subject + LV + Sub. Complement(Noun/pronoun) or Adjective

Means after linking verb only noun or pronoun or Adjective is used.

He is a Pronoun. Is is a linking verb giving info about noun or pronoun, the word
gives us information(Qualifying) about noun or pronoun it is adjective so Happy is
used as happily is an adverb
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He saw a teacher

Sub. Action verb object


Object is related to verb not to subject. Action is justified by verb not by subject.

He saw happy/happily

Sub. NP Action verb object

We have to qualify verb and what qualify verb is an adverb so Happily will be used.

Subject -Action –verb- object ( might be noun/pronoun or adverb)

If action verb is given after subject than object can be Noun / Pronoun or an

After Linking Verb = Adjective will be used

After Action Verb = Adverb will be used

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1. Ram became serious/seriously when he spoke serious/seriously.
2. Naina answered quick/quickly as the teacher was quick/quickly.
3. She wrote bad/badly as her mood seemed bad/badly.
4. Modi answered aggressive/aggressively because Chines turned
aggressive/aggressively at LAC
5. The student danced happy/happily and the weather was happy/happily.

1. Ram (Noun) became (linking verb) serious (Adjective) spoke action verb
seriously. Became is LV as it is talking about Ram
2. Answered and AV so Adverb quickly. Was linking verb so adjective quick
3. Wrote action verb adverb badly. Seem is not an action it is a mood means LV
so bad
4. Modi answered action verb so aggressively. Turn LV so adjective aggressive
Will be used
5. Dance action verb so happily. Whether was LV so adjective happy.

Linking verb - be, is, am, are, was, were,become

Feel, touch taste , appear resemble turn, look,

This orange tastes bitter/bitterly

Noun LV adjective
Talking about orange so it is LV

1. It was me/I.
2. It infuriates me/I .
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Answers and concept

After IT if LV is given than Subjective case is used. If Action verb is given than
objective case will be used
1. It was me.
LV Subject. Complement
2. It infuriates me.
Action verb द object.

1. This was he/ him.
2. This insulted he/him.

1. This was he.
2. This insulted him.

AV I have tasted the dish

Taste happily happy/happily
LV the dist taste bad/badly
LV bad adjective.

Last day

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1. Sunil maintained the car proper/properly.
2. She looks nice/nicely as everyone looks at her nice/nicely.
3. Karan looked at the paining thoughtful/thoughtfully because the painting look
4. She looks good/well when she looked up the fact good/well.
5. I am good/well and can speak good/well.
6. He bought a thorough/thoroughly revised book for thorough/thoroughly

Answer and concept

LV + subject complement / adjective
Action Verb + object/Adverb
1. Maintained is a AV so properly

Look is used in two ways

A. LV + Adjective
(Seems / ( ह ) appear) your look is charming.
B. Action verb + adverb
(Watch) He looked at the boy cheerfully.

2. Look LV Nice Look (AV) nicely

3. Looked AV thoughtfully; looked LV thoughtful
4. Looks LV good Look up (search AV well
LV + Good Adjective
AV + well Adverb
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5. Am LV adjective good
Speak AV well
6. Book (noun) revised (Adjective) so before Adjective Adverb is used
Revision is an Abstract
Noun so adjective through

1. He answered the questions wrong.
2. He answered the wrong question.
3. He answers the question wrongly.

1. Answer given but given answers were wrong.
Answer was D but given C उ र ग
2. 2 जगह 7 र द
3. Answer द र ग
Questions ह र ह द र ग

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Concept of Inversion
Question:- Never he said anything.
Inversion (Reverse the structure)

Adverb + HV + Subject + MV + Object

Convert into close ended question
Answer:- Never did he say anything.

1. Hardly she saves any money.
2. Rarely Karan has done this kind of work.

1. Hardly does she save any money.
Rarely has Karan done this kind of work.

Q. In the office I am.

A. I was C. am I
B. was I D. No improvement
In the office answering the question where (Adverbial phrase of place)
As it is starting with adverb so inversion
In the office am I (C)
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Purpose of inversion is to emphasis

ज रह ह / ज रह ह

1. He liked the movie so I liked.
2. Ram has done the question so Jiya will.
3. She will participate in the party so Kamal has.
4. I am not going to Delhi so Jiya does.
5. Shekhar will not assist by so Neha has
Answer the concept

1. So means upto same extent/degree उ हद

The words telling degree are adverb so Adverb ह

So is qualifying the sentence or it is repeating the whole sentence or power of

repeating the whole sentence.
1. He liked the movie so did I.
2. So has Jiya.
3. So will Kamal.
4. Nor is Jiya so is removed.
5. Nor will Neha

+ve sentence (so) + HV from +ve sentence + sub.

-ve sentence (nor) + HV from + sub.
(Neither) -ve sentence

32 Bajaj Coaching Centre Ph-9466448681, 9813646268

You tube channel: Kamal Hitesh Bajaj Aptitude

1. Kirti has done this so I have.
2. Naresh never wasted his money so Kamal has.

1. So have I .
2. Nor/Neither did Kamal.

1. Ram is strong.
2. Ram is stronger than Shyam is.
3. Ram is the strongest of all the students here.
4. Ram is the strongest.

1. Ram is strong.
Subject LV Adjective
Ram fought strongly
Subject AV Adverb
2. Ram is stronger than Shyam is
Subject LV Adjective Conj. Sub. LV

Ram fought more strongly than Shyam.

Is will not be written in last.

As we are using action verb.
And we will write did.
33 Bajaj Coaching Centre Ph-9466448681, 9813646268
You tube channel: Kamal Hitesh Bajaj Aptitude

3. Ram is the strongest of all the students.

Sub. LV SD Adjective

Ram fought most strongly

AV Adverb

Before Most the will not be used as it is qualifying

Verb not noun and Articles are only used for noun or pronoun.

Adjective _____ er ____ est
_____ ier ___ iest
More the most
Less the least

Adverb ly more__ly most____ly
Less least
The will not be used
4. Ram is the strongest
No other persongive so we need person to comparison so Ram is very strong.

34 Bajaj Coaching Centre Ph-9466448681, 9813646268

You tube channel: Kamal Hitesh Bajaj Aptitude

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