Online Interview Etiquette

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LINE INTERVIEW ETIQUETTE CHECKLIST G Set the calendar for your interview date and time. [Ensure you set reminders- 2 hours prior and 1 day prior. With virtual meetings, you also need to confirm the time zone, in case your interviewer/s is/ are from different countries. CALENDAR Whileiwe mayshave defined our workspacesiathome) it takes planning to demarcate. ES SS Find a quiet spot with ample light and ensure that you sit facing the light. Find the perfect spot a day in advance to avoid rushing during or before the interview. Test the microphone of your laptop to check if you are clear and audible. Ensure you have hi speed wifi, sound cancelling headphones and a high definition camera for video conferencing. s Ensure you have downloaded and gotten familiar with the virtual meeting platform you will be interviewing on. Technical ignorance-can distract you during the interview and break the flow. INFRASTRUCTURE ») Your dressing is critical to create an ideal first impression. =] Dress up professionally, as you would if you were going for an in-person interview. | Ensure your hair is neatly combed and your face is visible. DRESSING Bal / € STAYCALM Stay calm and do not fidget. A AT EE RS B Practice your main points before the interview to avoid nervousness and build confidence. Log in 5-10 min before time. Wait if the interviewer hasn't started the virtual meeting. Use this time to gather your thoughts, take deep breaths and do last minute infrastructure checks. . Stay away from your mobile during the interview. Put on silent mode and keep minimum one arm’s distance away to avoid the temptation of checking it out of habit of nervousness. | MOBILE PHONE = EARLY LOGIN, =~ POSTURE Body language is very essential during an interview. (SSS eee {_ Situpright Ensure there's some space above your head on screen and that it's not getting cut off. Facial Expressions. ll Maintain eye contact and remember to smile. SPEECH rengonase How you speak SSE TAT ESE B The impact you could have face-to-face can get compromised online. Focus on creating a stronger impact with your verbal and vocal presence. MB Speak wi energy and enthusiasm when communicating. out 3 a B Be attentive a ee ee i __8e mindfully present as this is your chance to make an impact and shine. 2 a o ae = Q = Follow these mic tips yo ensure effective communication. Count 2 seconds before starting to answer after the interviewer finishes speaking. Allow for the lag in fluctuating internet connection. [Dont interrupt the interviewer when he/she is a i speaking. When you are not speaking, keep your mic on mute and unmute when you need to contribute. This will prevent any background sound from your end or even any unintended interruption. a a lataete a} SIGNING OFF GCG Signing off the right way. Ei a gl Count 2 seconds before starting to answer after the interviewer finishes speaking. fA Wait for them to end the meeting. If they do not do so for over 3 secs, then leave the a meeting.

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