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(A01) _Salzgitter Mannesmann Stainless Tubes France SAS eee MANNESMANN ane saeeaaea pa ‘re pW oes Pavoe }.0000295561-000001 (801) (B02) (804) Product Description / Produkt Beschreibung / Description du Produit ‘Seamless Stainless Steel Ho Finished Pipes Solution Annealed Pickled / Passivated Pain Ends Square Cut Deburted RRohve warmgeferigtnaliosrostfeer Stan lsungegeglun gebeizt/ passhver glatte Enden rechianklg gest ertgatet “Tubes Sans soudue Acker inoxydable Fina chaud Remis en souton Decapes / Passives Extremes lsses coupes equerre ‘Specifications | Spezfkationen / Spéciications ASME SA 790M23:ASTM A790M 23:EN 10216-5 04 2021 TC2OGP -569 MDS NO 1D141/10141S Rev. 01 MESC SPE 74/014 Feb, 2021 NORSOK MDS D4 REV OS TS MDS 101-32 Rev. 9; ANSUNACE MRDIO3ISO 17845 2016, ANSUNACE MROT7SSO 16156-3 2015 Salzgiter Mannesmann Stainless Tubes France Qualty Manual (Last edtion) (a 23008 rev 02 Grado /Workstoft Nuance 1.4462.UNS $31803:UNS $32205X2 CrNiMON 22.5-3,0MV 22.5 Tolorances/Toleranzon /Tolérances |A7@0M/ AD98:SA 700M 1 ADD (603) Supplomontary Requirements Zusatzanforderungon / Exigances Supplémentais None Keine / Aucune (606 -D01) Marking ofthe Product Kennzoichnung des Produkts/ Marquage du Prodult Technical marking MANNESMANN MST-F -EN 10216-5 TC2 ASTM A790/ ASME SA 750. DMV 225 1.4462/ UNS '$91803// UNS 32205 /X2 CRNIMON 22 5 3 NPS 3 x SCH 405-88 90 MM x 5.49 WM = SML HFD - HEAT SHEAT_NBRS - SQUAL_LOT_NBRS - FRANCE - SORDER IDS-UT-LRGA Local Stamping w Vibro Etching MANNESMANN MST- DMV 22 - NPS 3x SCH 40S - 8690 MM x 5.49 MM HED - HEAT SHEAT_NBRS 8316085320051 4462 -LROA- PIPE NO. SINDN. NORE Country of Origin ofthe tubes /Herstotngsiand der Rohre Pays dorigne des tubes France| Frankreich /Frence Quantry Monge / Quant Dimensions / Abmessung Dimensions er) ‘vai Lot (08) es) ere) er Vea Quatiyot a srtem Meee Wem tong 00) 1rd Lengen scimelze _Quasos ‘Stock Gena ange oo wr ‘Autragsiange ‘Couee Pres Paws Longueur Longue commence 187600kg ——176.135m 890MM 549mm 500mm 7000 mm s7a72——atsores7r+ 000001 2 43563¢ibs S777 —NPS3_ SCH4OS tea 297A 435e4ibs 77873500" 0216" sea DBT 28 1976.00k9 178.138 2% 43s6.34is S787 Salzgittor Mennesmann Stainloss Tubes France SAS 1509001 - LRA N’ 0027896 (a0 Salzgitter Mannesmann Stainless Tubes France SAS. MANNESMANN 05 1 10-F 21601 Monta Cedex FRANCE PANES MANN mar - —_ INSPECTION CERTIFICATE onanreprotcugni| aa 0 en 1204 208 TP 31 (403) No.7 Ne TNS Bpe00ezerev0t Pag DIT Heat Analysis /Schmelzanalyse / Analyse de Coulée must «CS MnP Sch vn 0000 ogo 000 0000 00000 220 500300 os ax 00% 100 200 0000 001 230 680 380020 om Hestorgn aang (gon Smeg, _ Hee eit, “Sime cam % % % * % # & & & mate onpmecela“opar fee” iis oan ear 10D arart——tay—CONTINUO 0018 048-170-0028 00014 ze40 523328 NB 3 casTING aquest cu PREN tn om 360 Max os ow C70 Heatoinin ean epg _ Poets eft, “SSase” eeaemu| kw cimeze ongnecele get Gruss” prose otatoten cA A00 ara tay— CONTINU az i casing Salzgittor Mannesmann Stainless Tubos France SAS 1S08001 - LRQA N’ 0027896 GS) See hance ae Fret if met ntuaacteae pone MANNESMANN _ www mannesmann-stainiess-tubes, 7 - coors cate es Spaced Prd hae Protas ashore counts me papa Gini £4 6 ® Lot Quaiite io ‘Salzgitter Mannesmann Stainless Tubes ince SAS 1S08001- LRGA N° 0027898 ‘oy Stor aneam snes Ten MANNESMANN ‘Abnahmepratzeugnis Certticat de Reception (02) EN 10204: 2004 TYPE 3.1 (A03) No. Nr 7NE 3:24.00226-rev.01 Pag. 4/12, Tensile Test at Room Temperature / Zugversuch bei Raumtemperatur / Essai de traction a température ambiante ASTMA 370 (€02) Direction: LONGITUDINAL Location / Location: 8 Coupon Type rt der Probe / Type au Coupon Test Plat Type Specimen ey em «Cm CH CD yso2% UTS. cs a Wah mm — RpO2% Rm z ‘0mm Request Min 450 680 250 250 Max 80 uaity Lot (C00) Quaitatslos Sample MPa pa % % Lot Quaite usovee771 3912208 «12810583 766 3 2 ASTM A370 (€02) Direction: LONGITUDINAL Location / Location: T Coupon Type Art der robe / Type du Coupon Test: Plat Type Specimen cy em) yso2% urs. a a Wah mm — Rpaz% Rm z 0mm Request Min 450 80 250 250 Max 20 Quaity Lot (C00) Qualtatsios Sample Mea pa % % Lot Quaite arsoise771 30122008 12502886 758 at 3 Sampling done oes in manfactsng length Bepicburg teat an Rotven in Hersalange / Ecnanilonage reste pa ngueur de abcaton “Test done t btn es lubes Tet an been Encen der Rvchen durch /Tet eect &chanueouéite Salzgittor Mannesmann Stainless Tubos France SAS 1509001 - LRA N’ 0027896 (At) Salzgittor Mannesmann Stainless Tube INSPECTION CERTIFICATE. ‘Abnahmeprifzeugnis. Conticat de Réception (90a) EN 10204: 2004 TYPE 31 (03) No./ Nr NE (C10) Tensile Test at elevated Temperature / Warmzugversuch / Ess: ASTM E21 (C02) Direction: LONGITUDINAL (C03) Temperature! Temperatur Température: 250°C ‘Coupon Type Art der Probe / Type du Coupon Test Plat Type Specimen ey em eye, yso2% UTS. aL Wisthmm — RpO2% Rm z Request Min 205 520 00 Max Gualty Lot_—_(CO0) Gualtaisios Sample MPa pa % Lot Quaité axsoies771 39122008 12404 400 ors 2 ASTM A 370;,ASTME 18, (€35) Number of Quackant/ Nombre de quadrant: 4 (€36) Number of mpressions by Quadrant: 3 ‘Location / Location: M (€38)_ Mean Hardness number Max: 28.0 HRC at ot vata tot (O22) ey eg Quaste - cues tae = «2020 cust ae 2S sorzztoe Quit tide = 20 Ques ale = 20h ctsorsarr vod atte = 20 Ques Midde = 2020 serzat09 Owsit tide = 10 cud wade = te 20 (A905) BP.10-F 21501 Monibard Cedex FRANCE France SAS @ MANNESMANN T N BE 3-24.00226-rev.01 Pag 5/12 i de traction & température élevée (13) aL 50mm 00 Semplng donee es In mantaruing lang epicburg efagte an Ratan in Hertellange / Echanilonage reais pa ngueur de abicston Ring Hardness Test / Ring Hartepriifung / Essai de dureté sur bague cn (2 2 200 “mr m0 Sampling done on ube In manutacnglerath/ Beptebung eit an Rater in Hetaange / Ehantilonsge reaisé par lngueur se fabreaton ‘Salzgittor Mannesmann Stainless Tubes France SAS 1SOS001-LRGA N* 0027896 (A01) _Salagitter Mannesmann Stainless Tubes France SAS MANNESMANN (405) P-10- F 21601 Montbard Cedex. FRANCE \ STAINL INSPECTION CERTIFICATE ‘Abeahmepettonugnie erie Ge Reception (00m EN 10204; 2004 TYPES (A03) No. / Nr. /N° +3-24-00226-rev.01 Pag. 6/12 (C52) Drift Expanding Test / Dornaufweitversuch / Essai d'évasement EN1s0 0499 Cuaity Lot Resut Gratisos = C2 Lot Qualité iii Resultat serz2008 ox cuaore477s serz2008 ox Samping done on bes in m sacra lng Bercbing erate an Rote in Hertellange/Echantilonage reali par longue de abicaton (C50) Flattening Test / Faltversuch / Essai d'aplatissement ASTM A 270;ASTM A 898 Location / Location: 8+T vay Lot rest Gtanciecs croc ‘Lot Qualité a Resuliat sors Ok causoreerri soz OK Senping done on bes in manutacusng length Bepteburg eit an Retvn in Hestelange / Ehantilonage reels pa ngueur de abreaton “Test done bah ends ofubes Test an tecen Ensen der Roshan aurngetoht/ Test oe 8 chagve owote ‘Salzgttor Mannesmann Stan 8 Tubos France SAS 150900: [LROA N’ 0027896 = a rniedee ma MANNESMANN INSPECTION CERTIFICATE. ‘Abnehmeprutzougnis Cortiieat de Reception (902) EN 10204: 2004 TYPE 3.1 (A03) No. /Nr7N™ 3-24-00226-rev.01 Pag 7/12 Pitting Corrosion Resistance Test / Priifung LochfraBkorrosion / Essai de résistance la corrosion par piquration ASTM A 25 METHOD Request Max 10.0000 vn ue < re oes (C00) ee ee ptr Loss Weight Pitting eon ‘Lot Qualité Sample ‘maintien Temperature Tenens ert Resultat ausores71———_setza08 2 2% 08160 Nopiting at 20% Saeco ASTM G48 METHOD A requ Mx 05000 nt howe < malo? vat ot Hoténg tine Temperate Pesut Shettaos £2, Tames, Tenpurur boss Weaht Ping ong ‘Lot Qualité - maintien Temperature 6 ~ Resuttat aisoiearr)——_sorz208 2 2 .0a60 —Nopling at 20x Sastecory —asrmo4e METHOD 48017781 ; Request Max 7.0000 aust ot Hokie Temeratze ns vo esut Ghattteos ee, Tomace, —emomtar —tossweoht —Pitng ge Lot Quaite - ‘mainben Temperature ¥ - Resultat cusoreer © sonzzto8 2 ZeGH'C) 00047 Ne prgat20% Satslacon ‘See test report N°COR202401 1001 in Appendix Intergranular Corrosion Test / Priifung der interkristallinen Korrosion / Essai de corrosion intergranulaire [ASTM A 262 PRACTICE E:EN ISO 3651-2 METHOD B Request Max Unit uaity Lot Result (coo) Quaitatsios Ergebnis Lot Quaite ee Resuttat 10184771 39122008 SATISFACTORY ‘Salzgitter Mannesmann Stainless Tubes France SAS 1509001 - LRA N° 0027896 aon) (408) (902) ASTME 562:180 17781 (02) Relatv Accuracy Max: 20 % Request ust sens Ls0184771 30122008 INSPECTION CERTIFICATE ‘Abnanmeprifzougnis Contiieat do Réeoption EN 10204; 2004 TYPE 3.1 (A03) No. /Nr NN" (01) Counting method / DE Counting method / Méthode de comptage: GRID sctamenmam eis MANNESMANN 3-24-00226-rev.01 Pag. 8/12 Micrographic Examination Ferrite / mikroskopische Untersuchung Ferrit / Examen Micrographique Ferrite Fernte Ferrtgenalt Mesure ce a fete par comptage 400-550 Exduaton ord Result Etch Type Flekis OE Evaluaton (c02) Z Relative ca) gebris ‘Aten DE Fields te Pret Resullal Type dallaque Neve de champs. Nore de points AePUACy MR) par grile Murakami’s Transversal 522 Mrokamie 0 MIDWT 6 310 ‘See Test Report N° MET2024010905 in Appendx Salzgitter Mannesmann Stainless Tubes Sampling dae on bes in mantacunng anth Seprebung eogl an even i Hesllane Echartlonage reasé par longueur de farezbon ance SAS 1S08001 - LRQA N’ 0027896 (405) B.P-10-F21501 Montbard Cedex - FRANCE c INSPECTION CERTIFICATE "Abnahmeprafzougnis Certficat de Réception (402) EN 10204: 2008 TYPE 3.1 (03) No. /Nr. /N® 3:2400226-rev.01 Pag. 9/12, (Ao!) Salagitter Mannesmann Stainless Tubes France SAS MANNESMANN STAI TUBE Micrographic Examination Structure / mikroskopische Untersuchung Gefiige / Examen Micrographique Structure ASTM E A07/ASTW A 923 METHOD A180 1781 ualty Lot suit Games, ergeons tot Guat estat tservatins DE Gbservatons Free om carbides ana prcitates Carbides and prectates Pe Stearate bi tide und Autochextngen Carbutes et precptes, suit Exgebns ok Result Drecton Transversal Observations rains ae DE Observations Free rom ntemetalies and Sigme phase inrmettische Phasen Pe ees Phases itemeaiaues ausoiear7 30122008 a Resut Exgebns ox Result ‘Observations DE Goservators equa femtc austenite structure FR Observations sSeucture suit Getuge Eigebnis ox Sucre Resulat “Type ot etcring Pe aun NaOH 40% EtenantN'220 Type ataqve 150 17781 unity Lot Resut Guatsos 00) cipeonis or Quoie on Result Observations DE Observations Free fom eases and precpates Carhides and precipitates PR Observations si karbide und Ausecheaungen Coroures et preoptes Result Ergebnis ok Resutat Direction Transversal servations aaa DE Observations Fre fom ntemetaties ane Sigma phase Phases nteretatgues in eerete, ausoiedr71 30172008 Result xyes ok Resutat Observations DE Observations Regula fete austenite structure FR Observations Seueture Result ‘Getige Exgeons o« Stuetire Reutat “Type ofering ‘Aner Atsung 10% OXALIC ACID FOLLOWED BY 40% KOH ‘Type aattaque Samping dene on ues in mantacunng ana Beerebung evoate an Rhren in Herseliange Echartonap ease gr ongueu de fabicaton See Test Report N° MET2024010904 in Appendix ‘Salzgittor Mannesmann Stainless Tubes France SAS 1SO8001 - LRGA N* 0027896 oe antec ees MANNESMANN \} es INSPECTION CERTIFICATE. ‘Abnahmeprifzeugnis. Certticat de Reception (902) EEN 10204: 2004 TYPE 3.1 SS TUBES (A03) No. Nr 7NE 3-24.00226-rev.01 Pag 10/12 Other Tests and Declarations / Andere Prifungen und Priiffeststellungen / Autres Tests et Déclarations (001) (051) (082) (zon) ovaoie4771 Heat Treatment /Warmebehandlung /Taitement therrigue : ANNEALED BY DIRECT QUENCHING - Water {Quenching off the extrusion press - Temperature: 1020°C (1868°F) min - 1100°C (2012°F) max ‘csto TTH 2013 and ASTM A790¥4 §6.3.1 Satisfactory \isual and aimensiona inspection (VT) on 100% of tubes according to the ardor Bestanden Besichigung tnd MaBkontole vn 100% dec Robe gemals Autrag Satsfatsant Examen isuel et dmensionel sur 100% des tubes selen la commande (28 tubes manually spot grinded ) Antimixing Check (PM) on 100% of tubes Satisfactory \Verwecnselungsprtung an alien Rotven mites Spektralprofung von 100% der Rohe Beslanden Controle anthméange par PA sur 100% des tubes Hydro Prossure Test on 100% of tubes 15 sec. at 17.00 MPA ASTM A900; (EP_1107) Satisfactory ‘Wasserdruckpriing auf 100% Robren 1 sec. mat 17/00 MPA ASTHA AQ (EP_1107) Bestanden preuve Hydrauique sur 100% des tubes 15 sec. avec 17.00 MPA ASTM AGS9, (EP. 1107) Satistatant LUtrasonie Testing (UT) on 100% of tubes EN ISO 10893-10 U2C; EN ISO 1089.12; EN ISO 10893-8 LO Satisfactory (UT-o02_T-1A) Bestanden LUtraschaiprafung von 100% der Rotre EN ISO 10893-10 U2C: EN ISO 1089-12; EN ISO 10863.8 UO Salistatant (Ur-oo2 tT LA) Coniale Utazons sur 100% des tubes EN ISO 10893-10 UZC: EN ISO 10893-12; EN ISO 1089-8 UO (Ur-ooz TL) Manufacturing according to NORSOK MESO Rev 4: GTR 005 DMN 22.5 Fabyication selon NORSOK MS50 Rev 4 QTR 005 DMV 22.5 Ferigung gemals NORSOX M550 Rev 4 QTR 005 DMV 22.5 ‘This ceriicate is compliant to ISO 10474 No Weld Repait Keine Reparaturschweissung ‘Aucune reparation par soudure SSMST declares thatthe product was manulactured, sampled, tested, inspected and packed in accordance withthe specications and any other Fequiremenis designated inthe purchase order wihin the extent Isted in SMST order acknowledgment. and has been found to mest such requirements 'SMST bestaigl dass dle Rote hergestell. boprob. gop Kontrolet und gepack! wurden n Ubereinsinmung mit den Spealtkationen und anderen Anforderungen in der Kundenbestellung imerhalb des Unfanges wie deser In der SMT Auftagsbestaigung auigefunt wurde. Die Rolie enisprecren den Autragsanvorderungen ‘SMT Atleste que les prods sont fbriques,prélevés, tests, inspeciés et embalés en conform aux spécications et autres exigences Stpulees dans fa commande achat avec les lms décrtes dans Taccuse de reception de la commande, Les produls Ives som conformes & 28 stipulations ‘Tubes are fee from mercury contamination and fom radioactive contamination [ie Rohve sind fet van Guecksoeverunreingungen und re! von radoaktver Veruneinigung Les tubes sont exempts de contamination parle mercure et de contamination radioactive “The material is conforming to directive 200059EC and 201 /65/EU. Dat Material entsprict den Anforderungen der Richtinien 2000/S3IEC und 201 VESEU {Le materiau est conforme aux directives 2000/54IEC et 2011/65EU ‘Salzgttor Mannosmann Stainless Tubes France SAS 1SO8001 - LRGA N’ 0027896 teatime MANNESMANN INSPECTION CERTIFICATE. ‘Abnahmeprifzougnis Corlfeat de Recaption aoa) EN 10204: 2006 TYPE 31 (A03) No. Ne 7N* 3-24-00226-rev.01 Pag 11/12 (202) Confirmation wih reference to Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU “The works opercies a qually managernent system that Nas undergone a specific assessment for materials for pressure equipment and is cetied by @notfied body (TUV-SUD-Cert No. OGR-0036-0S-M 08/20221MAN-01) Bestsigung in Bezug auf Druckgerstencntine 2014/68/EU Das Werk wendet en Qualtatsmanagemertsystem an, das in Bezug aut Werkstofe fur Druckgerae ener spezifischen Bewertung unterzogen ‘wurde und ven einer noitienten stelle (TUV-SUD-Cert No: DGR-0026-Q5-M O8/2022MAN.01) zeniZIen I Confirmation concernant a Directive Equipements sous Pression 2014/68/EU: Cusine appique un systeme de management dela qual quia fat objet une evaluation spécifque pour les mateniaux pour équipements 00S pression ef qui est cere par un arganisme note (TUV.SUD-Cert No: DGR-0036-05-M 05/2022/MAN.01) Mis inspector Date of Eaton Werkssacrverstanaiger ‘Stephanie Monsat (W) ‘Ausgabedatum 15/01/2024 Le Contoleur usine Date sation “This oetiicate i issued by SALZGITTER MANNESMANN STAINLESS TUBES via a computerized system beating a traceable unique number It's vad winout signature. An intecmeciary may only pass on the orginal cesteat without any alterations. Providing @ copy ofthe onigha s Only permed subject fo stict compliance wh the prerequisites set out n§6 of EN 102042004 \e taceablty and avalabiy ofthe orginal ‘upon request. Any modification or aeration ofthe ceriicte or any copes sre sricly prohibited . Any contavention of his nace or § 6 of EN '0204:200¢ is ilegal ana willbe prosecuted. Any ‘asticaton of @cerieatee., by nroduing fase or raudulent data forthe purpose of prometing the sales of goods Is a crmanalofence under German law (and mary cher kutsaitons) punishable wih nes and anprsoreent. fan authentication is needed, please contact nfo@mst mannesmann com ‘Salzgttor Mannesmann Stainless Tubes France SAS 1S08001- LRGA N* 0027896 (202) Salugter Mannesmann Stainies Tubes France SAS (05 12 10-F 21401 Mona Cadex-FRANCE @D MANNESMANN INSPECTION CERTIFICATE. ‘Abnahmeprifzeugnis Cortifieat de Reception (202, EN 10204: 2004 TYPE 32 (A03) No. /Nr Ne 3-24-00226-rev.01 Pag 12/12 Certificate anti counterfeiting check Priifung der Zeugnisse gegen Falschung Contréle de la contrefacon des certificats A set of information from the Inspection Certificate cover page are included in encrypted form in the above QR code. By scanning it with your mobile device you can check if the Inspection Certificate is genuine. Ein Teil der Informationen der ersten Zeugnis-Seite sind in verschllisselter Form in dem oben dargesteliten QR Code enthalten. Beim Scannen mit einem mobilen Gerat kann das Zeugnis auf Authentizitat gepriift werden. Une pattie des informations contenues dans la premiere page de ce certificat dinspection sont disponibles sous forme cryptée dans le "GR Code” ci-dessus. Lors de la lecture avec votre appareil mobile, vous pouvez vérifier Vauthenticité du certificat d'inspection. Salzgitter Mannesmann Stainless Tubes France SAS ISO8001 - LRA N° 0027896

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