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Ветеринарски журнал Републике Српске (Бања Лука), Вол.XVIII, Бр.

2, 297 – 325, 2018 297

Mandić i sar:
Efikasnost HACCP sistema u kontroli mikrobioloških opasnosti u proizvodnji dimljene pastrmke (Oncorhynchus

DOI 10.7251/VETJ1802297M UDK 633.88:658.562.6]:597.552.512

Originalni naučni rad


Snježana MANDIĆ1, Danica SAVANOVIĆ1*, Ana VELEMIR1, Vladimir
Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, Tehnološki fakultet, 78000 Banja Luka, Republika Srpska,
Bosna i Hercegovina
Ribnjak Janj d.o.o. 78000 Banja Luka, Republika Srpska, Bosna i Hercegovina
* Korespodentni autor: Danica Savanović, E-mail:

Kratak sadržaj: U radu je opisana primjena HACCP sistema u procesu proizvodnje

hladno dimljene pastrmke. Praćena je proizvodnja hladno dimljenog fileta
pastrmke (Oncorhynchus mykiss) sa stanovišta bezbjednosti proizvoda spremnih za
konzumiranje. Proces prerade je posmatran i obrađen u skladu sa principima HACCP
sistema. U prikazanom modelu, identifikovane su tri kritične kontrolne tačke (CCP)
za biološke opasnosti, za koje su definisane kritične granice, način monitoringa,
korektivne mjere i način verifikacije. Tokom 12 mjeseci analizirana je mikrobiološka
ispravnost 65 uzoraka svježe pastrmke i 195 uzoraka gotovog proizvoda, dimljene
pastrmke. Rezultati mikrobioloških ispitivanja svježe i dimljene pastrmke, tokom
ispitivanog perioda, su bili u skladu sa propisanim vrijednostima, što potvrđuje
efikasnost primjene HACCP sistema u procesu proizvodnje dimljene pastrmke.

Ključne riječi: HACCP sistem, dimljena pastrmka, kritična kontrolna tačka (CCP)

Riba pripremljena pečenjem ili i za potrošače i za proizvođače ribe.
prženjem, konzervisana mariniranjem, Soljenjem, salamurenjem i dimljenjem
soljenjem, salamurenjem ili sušenjem, konzervisana riba predstavlja visoko
kao i dimljenjem, ima visoko cijenjena cijenjen gastronomski specijalitet.
nutritivna i senzorna svojstva, što Dimljenje ribe obično se provodi na
predstavlja dodatni opredjeljujući faktor dva načina: hladno dimljenje i vruće
* Презентован на 23. Годишњем савјетовању доктора ветеринарске медицине Републике Српске
(БиХ). Теслић, 6-9- јуна 2018
298 Ветеринарски журнал Републике Српске (Бања Лука), Вол.XVIII, Бр.2, 297 – 325, 2018
Mandić i sar:
Efikasnost HACCP sistema u kontroli mikrobioloških opasnosti u proizvodnji dimljene pastrmke (Oncorhynchus

dimljenje. Hladno dimljenje se najčešće okoline i bakteriološke ispravnosti vode

izvodi na temperaturi od 30 °C do 40 °C, u kojoj je riba ulovljena (Kozačinski i sar.,
a vruće dimljenje na temperaturi od 80 2009).
°C do 90 °C (Alam, 2007). Dimljenje utiče
Subjekti u poslovanju hranom na ni-
na postizanje karakteristične arome
vou primarne proizvodnje, dužni su us-
proizvoda i boje spoljašnjosti proizvoda,
postaviti i sprovoditi redovne kontrole
doprinosi očuvanju proizvoda usljed
higijenskih i zdravstveno-tehničkih
baktericidnih i bakteriostatskih uticaja
uslova proizvodnje u svakom objek-
komponenti dima, kao i antioksidacionih
tu, provođenjem preventivnih postu-
osobina fenola koji su prisutni u dimu
paka samokontrole, razvijenih u skladu
(Toldra, 2002; Bortolomeazzi i sar., 2007;
s dobrom proizvođačkom praksom. Sa
Akintola i sar., 2013). Stoga dimljenje
ciljem da se izbjegnu sve potencijalne
ima sve veći značaj u savremenoj pre-
opasnosti hemijske, fizičke i biološke/
radi ribe, i predstavlja način tehnološke
mikrobiološke prirode, koje mogu ugro-
obrade kojim se postiže karakterističan
ziti zdravlje potrošača u lancu proizvod-
miris, boja, aroma i tekstura gotovog
nje hrane se primjenjuje integrisani sis-
tem kontrole, HACCP sistem (Grujić i
Hladno dimljena pastrmka je sar., 2003; Gramza-Michałowska i Korc-
proizvod koji je, sa stanovišta bezbjed- zak 2008; Kozačinski i sar., 2009; Savano-
nosti hrane, kategorisan kao spreman za vić i sar, 2017).
konzumaciju (RTE-ready to eat). S obzi-
U proizvodnji hrane se pokazalo da je
rom na činjenicu da se proizvod ne po-
HACCP sistem kontrole koji daje praktič-
dvrgava termičkoj obradi i da se tokom
no dobre rezultate (Lu i sar., 2014; Hung
proizvodnje najčešće ne dodaju aditivi,
i sar., 2015; Novaković i Savanović, 2017).
zadržane su nepromijenjene osnovne,
Uvođenje HACCP sistema omogućava
kvalitativne karakteristike proizvoda, te
preduzećima razvoj sopstvenog siste-
se on, kao takav, definiše kao proizvod
ma kontrole proizvodnje i rukovođen-
izuzetnog kvaliteta.
ja higijenski ispravnom i kvalitetnom
Konzumacija proizvoda ribarst- hranom, kao i određivanje dozvoljenih
va, jednako kao i ostalih prehrambenih dopuštanja i preduzimanje korektivnih
proizvoda, povezana je s određenim bio- aktivnosti prije nastanka ozbiljnih pro-
loškim i hemijskim rizicima. Najčešći blema (Stanley i sar., 2011; Hung i sar.,
hemijski rizici pri konzumaciji ribe, 2015). Na ribnjacima koji imaju dobru
rakova i školjkaša su histamin i teški proizvođačku praksu i sve preduslovne
metali (Alić i sar., 2004; Bergman i sar., programe preporučuje se implementa-
2015). Biološke opasnosti uključuju: cija HACCP sistema, u cilju proizvodnje
parazite, mikroorganizme (bakterije, kvalitetne i zdravstveno bezbijedne ribe
viruse) i toksine (Baltić i sar., 2009). (Kozačinski i sar., 2009).
Stepen kontaminacije ribe zavisi od

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Ветеринарски журнал Републике Српске (Бања Лука), Вол.XVIII, Бр.2, 297 – 325, 2018 299
Mandić i sar:
Efikasnost HACCP sistema u kontroli mikrobioloških opasnosti u proizvodnji dimljene pastrmke (Oncorhynchus

Metodom HACCP utvrđuju se speci- prevencije i kontrole u odnosu na tradi-

fične opasnosti kao i mjere njihove pre- cionalne metode inspekcije.
vencije, odnosno kontrole, čime se osi-
Cilj ovog rada je bio da se definišu
gurava bezbijednost proizvoda (Jeličić i
kritične kontrolne tačke (CCP) i ispita
sar., 2009; Singh, 2015; Savanović i sar.,
efikasnost HACCP sistema u kontroli
2017). Pored identifikacije opasnosti
mikrobioloških opasnosti u proizvodnji
i procjene rizika, ova metoda se koris-
dimljene pastrmke (Oncorhynchus
ti i za uspostavljanje specifičnih mje-
ra kontrole naglašavajući pri tom značaj
Sistem upravljanja bezbjednošću mljene pastrmke treba da razvije HAC-
hrane u procesu proizvodnje dimlje- CP plan. HACCP sistem bezbjednosti
ne pastrmke, pripremljen je prema hrane zasnovan je na sedam osnovnih
HACCP Upustvu Codex Alimentarius principa, a izrada HACCP plana se provo-
(Aneks CAC/RCP 1-1969.Rev.4 (2003)) di u dvanaest koraka (Shema 1). Osnovni
uz uvažavanje određenih preporuka postulati HACCP sistema primijenjeni
(Vodič o implementaciji HACCP principa su u svim fazama proizvodnje dimljene
kod određenih subjekata u poslovanju sa pastrmke, na način da se sistem analize
hranom, 2012). Nakon primjene pre- rizika na kritičnim kontrolnim tačkama
duslovnih programa (ISO, 2009) pre- proizvodnje postepeno ugrađivao u
duzeće koje se bavi proizvodnjom di- proizvodni proces.

Shema 1. Tok primjene HACCP sistema u proizvodnji dimljene pastrmke

2. Opis proizvoda / 3. Definisanje

1. Formiranje 4. Izrada dijagrama
HACCP tima poluproizvoda toka procesa

Prvi HACCP princip princip Treći HACCP princip

8. Određivanje
5. Verifikacija 6. Identifikacija 7. Određivanje
kritičnih granica za
dijagrama toka i analiza kritičnih
svaku kritičnu
procesa opasnosti kontrolnih tačaka
kontrolnu tačku

Četvrti HACCP princip Peti HACCP princip Šesti HACCP princip Sedmi HACCP princip

9. Definisanje 10. Definisanje 11. Definisanje

12. Uspostavljanje
procesa praćenja korektivnih mjera postupaka
verifikacije i dokumentacije
kritičnih za svaku kritičnu
validacije HACCP HACCP sistema
kontrolnih tačaka kontrolnu tačaku

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300 Ветеринарски журнал Републике Српске (Бања Лука), Вол.XVIII, Бр.2, 297 – 325, 2018
Mandić i sar:
Efikasnost HACCP sistema u kontroli mikrobioloških opasnosti u proizvodnji dimljene pastrmke (Oncorhynchus

Mikrobiološka ispravnost svježe Koagulaza pozitivne stafilokoke (BAS EN

i dimljene pastrmke kontinuirano je ISO 6888-1/A1:2005); Enterobacteriaceae
praćena tokom perioda od 12 mjeseci. (BAS ISO 21528-2:2013). U uzorcima
Analizirano je 65 uzoraka svježe dimljene pastrmke vršeno je ispitivanje
pastrmke i 195 uzoraka gotovog prisustva sledećih mikroorganizama:
proizvoda, dimljene pastrmke. U Salmonella (BAS EN ISO 6579/
analiziranim uzorcima svježe pastrmke Cor2:2010); Listeria monocytogenes
vršeno je ispitivanje prisustva sledećih (BAS EN ISO 11290-1/A1:2005);
mikroorganizama: Salmonella (BAS Sulfitoredukujuće anaerobne bakterije
EN ISO 6579/Cor2:2010); Listeria (BAS ISO 15213:2008); Koagulaza
monocytogenes (BAS EN ISO 11290-1/ pozitivne stafilokoke (BAS EN ISO 6888-
A1:2005); Sulfitoredukujuće anaerobne 1/A1:2005); Aerobne mezofilne bakterije
bakterije (BAS ISO 15213:2008); (BAS EN ISO 4833:2006).
Nakon formiranja HACCP tima slijedi HACCP sistema. Opis proizvoda sadrži
izrada opisa proizvoda. HACCP tim je informacije koje se odnose na bezbijed-
pripremio Opis proizvoda (Tabela 1) i nost proizvoda (CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev.
Dijagram toka za proizvodnju dimljene 4-2003).
pastrmke (Shema 2), prema načelima
Tabela 1. Opis proizvoda hladno dimljenog fileta pastrmke
Hladno dimljena riba, vakuum pakovana
NAMJENA I Za sve kategorije potrošača (osim alergičnih na ribu);
NAČIN UPOTREBE Proizvod je spreman za upotrebu.
SASTAV Filet kalifornijske pastrmke (Oncorhynchus mykiss), so, začin.
Koža je neoštećena i metalnog sjaja. Meso ne pokazuje
SENZORNA znakove sušenja (dehidraciju), ima karakterističnu boju,
SVOJSTVA miris i ukus dimljene ribe, suvo je i čvrste konzistencije.
Fileti ne sadrže ostatke nejestivih dijelova (kostiju).
Pastrmka se vadi iz prihvatnih bazena, mjeri masa, ubacuje
TEHNOLOŠKI u pogon za preradu. U pogonu se riba kolje, eviscerira i pere,
POSTUPAK a zatim se filetira, salamuri i hladno dimi. Nakon dimljenja
PROIZVODNJE fileti se narezuju, vakuumiraju i skladište u komori do

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Efikasnost HACCP sistema u kontroli mikrobioloških opasnosti u proizvodnji dimljene pastrmke (Oncorhynchus

Primarno pakovanje: vakuum kese, kutije.

Transportno pakovanje: kartonska kutija.
Komore sa temperaturnim režimom od 0-4 ºC ili -18 ºC.
USLOVI Prevozno sredstvo koje posjeduje rashladni sistem za
TRANSPORTA postizanje temperature transporta od 0-4 ºC ili -18 ºC.
30 dana od dana proizvodnje za proizvod ili 12 mjeseci za
zamrznut proizvod.
UPUTSTVO ZA Nije potrebna termička obrada. Proizvod držati u frižideru i
UPOTREBU upotrijebiti do 3 dana nakon otvaranja pakovanja
Dozvoljen sadržaj štetnih materija:
- Pb max 0.3 mg/kg
- Cd max 0.05 mg/kg
- Hg max 0.5 mg/kg
- As max 2,0 mg/kg
- Suma dioksina: max 3.5 pg/g vlažne mase
- Suma dioksina i PCB: max 6,50 pg/g vlažne mase
- Suma PCB 28, PCB 52, PCB 101, PCB 138, PCB 153 i PCB
180: max 75ng/g vlažne mase
- Benzo(a)piren max 2.0 µg/kg,
- Suma benzo(a)pirena, benzo(a)antracena, benzo(b)
HEMIJSKI I fluorantana i krizena 12,0µg/kg
MIKROBIOLOŠKI - Policiklični aromatski ugljiovodici (PAH) 2,0µg/kg
Pravilnik o maksimalno dozvoljenim količinama za određene
kontaminante u hrani (Službeni glasnik BiH, br. 68/14)
Mikrobiološki kriterijumi:
- *Salmonella spp 0 u 25g
- **L. monocytogenes 0 u 25 g
- *Sulforedukujuće klostridije M=10 cfu/g
- *Koagulaza pozitivne stafilokoke M=10 cfu/g
- *Aerobne mezofilne bakterije m=100 cfu/g do M=1000cfu/g
* Smjernice o mikrobiološkim kriterijima za hranu
(Agencija za bezbjednost hrane BiH, 2013)
** Pravilnik o mikrobiološkim kriterijumima za hranu
(Službeni glasnik BiH, br. 11/13)

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302 Ветеринарски журнал Републике Српске (Бања Лука), Вол.XVIII, Бр.2, 297 – 325, 2018
Mandić i sar:
Efikasnost HACCP sistema u kontroli mikrobioloških opasnosti u proizvodnji dimljene pastrmke (Oncorhynchus

Sh e m a 2 . D ijag ram toka z a h ladno dim ljeni filet pastrm ke

Shema 2. Dijagram toka za hladno dimljeni filet pastrmke
Pravilna primjena HACCP sistema implementaciji HACCP principa kod
zahtijeva da se naučno dokumentovani određenih subjekata u poslovanju sa
postupci i preventivne mjere koje hranom (2012) sve faze toka proizvodnje,
postoje, efikasno primjene na utvrđene praktično od prijema sirovine do
kritične kontrolne tačke (CCP). plasiranja finalnog proizvoda na tržište,
Određivanje kritičnih kontrolnih uključujući pripremu, obradu, pakovanje
tačaka u svrhu implementacije HACCP u ambalažu, skladištenje i distribuciju
sistema je moguće za hemijske, fizičke trebaju biti izanalizirani prema datom
i biološke opasnosti. Prema Vodiču o redoslijedu. Da bi se definisale opasnosti

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Efikasnost HACCP sistema u kontroli mikrobioloških opasnosti u proizvodnji dimljene pastrmke (Oncorhynchus

potrebno je navesti sve one opasnosti i 7 fizičkih opasnosti. Primjenom

povezane s proizvodnim procesom, koje preduslovnih programa (ISO, 2009)
su posljedica direktne ili indirektne moguće je eliminisati 20 bioloških,
kontaminacije, a po svojoj su prirodi 10 hemijskih i 7 fizičkih opasnosti, tj.
biološke, hemijske i fizičke prirode. ukupno 37 opasnosti. Na kontrolnim
tačkama (CP) moguće je eliminisati 8
Tokom izrade HACCP studije
bioloških opasnosti, dok se 2 biološke
za proizvodnju dimljene pastrmke
opasnosti eliminišu na kritičnim
analizirano je ukupno 47 opasnosti,
kontrolnim tačkama (CCP) (Tabela 2).
od čega 30 bioloških, 10 hemijskih

Tabela 2. Pregled opasnosti analiziranih tokom izrade HACCP studije

Broj opasnosti Broj opasnosti Broj opasnosti

Broj eliminisanih koje se koje se
Vrsta opasnosti analiziranih primjenom eliminišu na eliminišu na
opasnosti preduslovnih CP CCP
Biološke 30 20 8 2
Hemijske 10 10 0 0
Fizičke 7 7 0 0
Ukupno 47 37 8 2

U toku sprovođenja faze Analiza - Skladištenje zamrznutog proizvoda

opasnosti HACCP tim je identifikovao na -18 °C;
8 kontrolnih tačaka (CP) i 2 kritične
- Isporuka i transport.
kontrolne tačke (CCP). Identifikovane
kontrolne tačke (CP) su: Identifikovane kritične kontrolne tačke
(CCP) su:
- Priprema salamure;
- Skladištenje eviscerirane i poleđene
- Salamurenje;
ribe (Odležavanje ribe na +4 °C);
- Hladno dimljenje;
- Hlađenje dimljenog fileta.
- Skladištenje poluproizvoda na +4 °C;
Redovnim i kontinuiranim praćenjem
- Skladištenje gotovog proizvoda na svih kontrolnih tačaka u proizvodnji
+4 °C; identifikovane opasnosti i rizici se
uklanjaju prije nastanka zdravstveno
- Zamrzavanje;
neispravnog proizvoda što je ključ za

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Efikasnost HACCP sistema u kontroli mikrobioloških opasnosti u proizvodnji dimljene pastrmke (Oncorhynchus

uspješno provođenje HACCP sistema. planovi su obimni dokumenti, zbog čega

Kritične kontrolne tačke su uvrštene se u ovom radu daje izvod najvažnijih
u HACCP plan i definisane su kritične elemenata za identifikovane CCP (Tabele
granice, način monitoringa, korektivne 3 i 4).
mjere i način verifikacije. HACCP
Tabela 3. Izvod iz HACCP plana, koji se odnosi na CCP1
Korak Opasnost Monitoring Korektivne mjere Verifikacija
-U slučaju odstupan-
ja, član HACCP tima
zadužen za kontrolu
temperature, podeša-
va temperaturu u ko-
mori (ako je moguće).
Ukoliko se ne može
postići tražena tem-
peratura organizuje
Šta: Kontrola se prebacivanje proiz-
temperature voda u drugu komo-
u rashladnim ru ili hladnjaču dok
se ne otkloni uzrok -Temperature
odstupanja. rashladnih
-Vođa HACCP tima komora se
identifikuje uzrok automatski
sa displeja
odstupanja i us- očitavaju i bilježe
postavja mjere za na računaru.
Kad: 2x dnevno
sprečavanje ponavl- -Vođa HACCP
CCP 1 Temperatura (na početku i
Biološka: janja odstupanja. tima provjerava
Skladištenje u rashladnim na kraju radnog
Patogeni -Ako je uzrok temperaturne
eviscerirane uređajima dana)
mikroorganizmi odstupanja kvar zapise.
i poleđene mora biti Ko: Član
opreme, kontaktira -Odsutnost
ribe 0-4 oC. HACCP tima
se služba održavan- utvrđene
zadužen za
ja. Plan preventivnog opasnosti
održavanja će se pre- potvrđuje se
gledati i, ako je potre- laboratorijskim
bno, izmijeniti. analizama,
-Vođa HACCP prema planu
Zapis: Smjenski
tima donosi ocje- uzorkovanja.
izvještaj o
temperaturama nu o upotrebljivosti
u prostorijama proizvoda na osnovu
promjene temperature
proizvoda i vremena
provedenog na po-
višenoj temperaturi, i
određuje kako će se sa
njim dalje postupati.
-Sprovedena korektiv-
na mjera evidentira se
u predviđeni obrazac.

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Tabela 4. Izvod iz HACCP plana, koji se odnosi na CCP2

Korak Opasnost Monitoring Korektivne mjere Verifikacija

-U slučaju odstupan-
ja, član HACCP tima
zadužen za kontrolu
temperature podešava
temperaturu u komori
(ako je moguće). Uko-
liko se ne može postići
tražena temperatura
organizuje se pre-
bacivanje proizvoda
Šta: Kontrola u drugu komoru ili
temperature hladnjaču vozila dok
se ne otkloni uzrok -Temperature
u rashladnim
odstupanja. rashladnih
-Vođa HACCP tima komora se
identifikuje uzrok automatski
odstupanja i us- očitavaju i bilježe
sa displeja
postavlja mjere za na računaru.
Temperatura sprečavanje ponavl- -Vođa HACCP
Kad: 2x dnevno
CCP 2 Biološka: u rashladnim janja odstupanja. tima projerava
(na početku i na
Hlađenje patogeni uređajima -Ako je uzrok temperaturne
kraju radnog dana)
dimljenog mikroorganizmi mora biti odstupanja kvar zapise.
Ko: Član HACCP
fileta 0-4 oC opreme, kontaktira -Odsutnost
tima zadužen
se služba održavan- utvrđene
za kontrolu
ja. Plan preventivnog opasnosti
održavanja će se pre- potvrđuje se
rashladnih uređaja
gledati i, ako je potre- laboratorijskim
Zapis: Smjenski
bno, izmeniti. analizama,
izvještaj o
-Vođa HACCP prema planu
temperaturama u
tima donosi ocje- uzorkovanja.
nu o upotrebljivosti
proizvoda na osnovu
promjene temperature
proizvoda i vremena
provedenog na po-
višenoj temperaturi, i
određuje kako će se sa
njim dalje postupati.
-Sprovedena korektiv-
na mjera evidentira se
u predviđeni obrazac.

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306 Ветеринарски журнал Републике Српске (Бања Лука), Вол.XVIII, Бр.2, 297 – 325, 2018
Mandić i sar:
Efikasnost HACCP sistema u kontroli mikrobioloških opasnosti u proizvodnji dimljene pastrmke (Oncorhynchus

Mikrobiološka kontaminacija fazi izrade proizvoda, a korektivne mjere

prehrambenih proizvoda glavna je provode se proaktivno tj. prije nastanaka
prepreka osiguranju bezbijednosti hrane težih problema (Jeličić i sar., 2009).
(Dutta i sar., 2017). Neke od prednosti U cilju analize efikasnosti provođenja
HACCP sistema nad tradicionalnim HACCP sistema u procesu proizvodnje
sistemima kontrole hrane su da se dimljene pastrmke vršene se određene
kontrolni parametri lako nadgledaju, mikrobiološke analize polazne sirovine
rad se kontroliše na licu mjesta, čime se i gotovog proizvoda, tokom 12 mjeseci
postojeće i predviđene opasnosti mogu proizvodnje. Dobijeni rezultati su
identifikovati i otkloniti, pa se tako prikazani u Tabeli 5 i Tabeli 6.
osigurava zdravstvena ispravnost već u

Tabela 5. Rezultati mikrobioloških analiza svježe pastrmke

Broj Propisana Ustanovljena
Uzorak Mikroorganizmi analiziranih JM vrijednost vrijednost

Salmonella 20 u 25g Ne smije Nije

da sadrži izolovano

Listeria Ne smije Nije

monocytogenes 5 u 25g da sadrži izolovano

Svježa Sulfitoredukujuće
anaerobne 15 cfu/g m=100 <100
pastrmka bakterije M=1000

Koagulaza poz. 5 cfu/g m=10 <10

stafilokoke M=100

Enterobacteriaceae 20 cfu/g m=100 <100

m - granična vrijednost - rezultati se smatraju zadovoljavajućim ako su sve dobijene
vrijednosti manje ili jednake vrijednosti “m”
M- najveća dopuštena vrijednost iznad koje se rezultati smatraju nezadovoljavajućim;
JM- jedinica mjere

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Efikasnost HACCP sistema u kontroli mikrobioloških opasnosti u proizvodnji dimljene pastrmke (Oncorhynchus

Tabela 6. Rezultati mikrobioloških analiza dimljene pastrmke

Broj Propisana Ustanovljena
Uzorak Mikroorganizmi analiziranih JM vrijednost vrijednost
Salmonella 60 u 25g Ne smije Nije
da sadrži izolovano

Listeria Ne smije Nije

monocytogenes 60 u 25g da sadrži izolovano

Dimljena Sulfitoredukujuće
anaerobne 50 cfu/g M=10 <10
pastrmka bakterije
Koagulaza poz. 15 cfu/g M=10 <10
Aerobne m=100
mezofilne 10 cfu/g M=1000 <100
m - granična vrijednost - rezultati se smatraju zadovoljavajućim ako su sve dobijene
vrijednosti manje ili jednake vrijednosti “m”
M - najveća dopuštena vrijednost iznad koje se rezultati smatraju nezadovoljavajućim;
JM- jedinica mjere

Rezultati mikrobiološke analize dimljenja ili neadekvatno provedena faza

uzoraka svježe i dimljene pastrmke dimljenja, loši higijenski uslovi, upotreba
ukazuju na odsutnost Salmonella spp. i neadekvatne ambalaže za pakovanje kao
Listeria monocytogenes u svim ispitivanim i upotreba neadekvatnih postrojenja
uzorcima, tokom ispitivanog perioda. za preradu i sl. (Adegunwa i sar., 2013).
Broj sulfitoredukujućih anaerobnih Kako bi se obezbijedio mikrobiološki
bakterije, koagulaza pozitivnih ispravan i bezbjedan proizvod koji
stafilokoka, Enterobacteriaceae kao i broj zadovoljava uslove kvaliteta potrebno
aerobnih mezofilnih bakterija je bio je proces dimljenja izvoditi u strogo
u skladu sa vrijednostima propisanim kontrolisanim uslovima i obezbijediti
Pravilnikom o mikrobiološkim adekvatnu higijenu u proizvodnim
kriterijumima za hranu (Službeni pogonima. Brojni autori u svojim
glasnik BiH, br. 11/13) i Smjernicama istraživanjima (Kök, 2009; Kafetzopoulos,
o mikrobiološkim kriterijima za hranu 2013; Novaković i Savanović, 2017)
(Agencija za bezbjednost hrane BiH, nedvosmisleno potvrđuju da je primjena
2013). Mikrobiološka kontaminacija HACCP sistema za bezbijednost hrane
dimljene ribe može nastati zbog nekoliko naučno i praktično opravdana i osim
faktora kao što su greške tokom procesa toga pravno obavezujuća za većinu

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308 Ветеринарски журнал Републике Српске (Бања Лука), Вол.XVIII, Бр.2, 297 – 325, 2018
Mandić i sar:
Efikasnost HACCP sistema u kontroli mikrobioloških opasnosti u proizvodnji dimljene pastrmke (Oncorhynchus

poslovnih subjekata u poslovanju vremenskom periodu nije bilo odstupanja

s hranom. Na osnovu rezultata od propisanih vrijednosti i da je taj
mikrobioloških ispitivanja prikazanih u aspekt HACCP plana uspješno provjeren.
ovom radu vidljivo je da u posmatranom

U ovom radu je predstavljen HACCP tične kontrolne tačke (CCP) su: skla-
koncept u cilju osiguranja bezbijednosti dištenje eviscerirane i poleđene ribe
u svim fazama proizvodnje dimljene (odležavanje ribe na +4 °C) i hlađenje
pastrmke i dobijanja mikrobiološki dimljenog fileta.
ispravnog proizvoda.
Rezultati ovog rada potvrđuju da
Sprovođenjem faze Analize opasnosti HACCP plan predstavlja dio siste-
identifikovao je 8 kontrolnih tačaka ma upravljanja bezbjednošću hrane u
(CP) i 2 kritične kontrolne tačke (CCP). proizvodnji dimljene pastrmke. Rezultati
Identifikovane kontrolne tačke (CP) su: mikrobiološke analize osnovne sirovine
priprema salamure, salamurenje, hladno i gotovih proizvoda nisu pokazali
dimljenje, skladištenje poluproizvoda na odstupanja od definisanih kriterijuma,
+4 °C, skladištenje gotovog proizvoda što potvrđuje efikasnost primjene
na +4 °C, zamrzavanje, skladištenje HACCP sistema u procesu proizvodnje
zamrznutog proizvoda na -18 °C, dimljene pastrmke.
isporuka i transport. Identifikovane kri-

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Rad primljen: 23.04.2018.

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312 Veterinary Journal of Republic of Srpska (Banja Luka), Vol.XVIII, No.2, 297 – 325, 2018
Mandić et all:
Effectiveness of HACCP system in control of microbiological hazards in the production of smoked trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss)

DOI 10.7251/VETJEN1802297M UDK 633.88:658.562.6]:597.552.512

Original scientific paper



Snježana MANDIĆ1, Danica SAVANOVIĆ1*, Ana VELEMIR1,

University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Technology, 78 000 Banja Luka, Repulic of

Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Fishpond Janj d.o.o. 78 000 Banja Luka, Repulic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
* Corresponding author: Danica Savanović, E-mail:

Abstract: The paper describes the application of the HACCP system in the
production process of cold smoked trout. The production of cold smoked trout fillets
(Oncorhynchus mykiss) was analyzed from the standpoint of the safety of ready-to-
eat products. The processing was observed and adapted in accordance with HACCP
principles. In the presented model, three critical control points (CCP) for biological
hazards were identified for which critical limits, monitoring, corrective measures
and verification methods were defined. During the 12 months, the microbiological
safety of 65 fresh trout samples and 195 samples of finished product, smoked trout
was analyzed. The results of microbiological analyzes of fresh and smoked trout,
during the examined period, were in accordance with the prescribed values, which
confirms the efficiency of the application of the HACCP system in the production
process of the smoked trout.

Key words: HACCP system, smoked trout, critical control point (CCP)

1* Presented at the 23rd Annual Consulling of Doctors of Veterinary Medicine of Republic of Srpska (B&H).
Teslic, June 6-9, 2018

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Mandić et all:
Effectiveness of HACCP system in control of microbiological hazards in the production of smoked trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss)

The fish prepared by roasting or with certain biological and chemical
frying, preserved by marinating, salting, risks. The most common chemical risks
brining or drying, as well as smoking, has in the consumption of fish, crustaceans
highly appreciated nutritive and sensory and shellfish are histamine and heavy
properties, which is an additional, metals (Alic et al., 2004; Bergman et
determining factor for both consumers al., 2015). Biological hazards include:
and fish producers. Fish preserved by parasites, microorganisms (bacteria,
salting, brining and smoking is a highly viruses) and toxins (Baltić et al., 2009).
regarded gastronomic specialty. Smoking The degree of contamination of the fish
fish is usually carried out in two ways: cold depends on the environment and the
smoking and hot smoking. Cold smoking bacteriological correctness of the water
is most often performed at a temperature in which the fish is caught (Kozačinski
of 30 ° C to 40 ° C, and hot smoking at et al., 2009).
80 ° C to 90 ° C (Alam, 2007).Smoking
Food business operators at the level
affects the flavor and color of products
of primary production are obliged to
and contributes to the preservation
establish and implement regular controls
of the product due to the bactericidal
of hygienic, health and technical
and bacteriostatic effects of the smoke
conditions of production in each facility,
components as well as the antioxidant
by conducting self-control preventive
properties of phenols present in the
procedures developed in accordance
smoke (Toldra, 2002, Bortolomeazzi
with good manufacturing practice. An
et al. 2013). Therefore smoking is
integrated control system, HACCP system
increasingly important in modern fish
is used in the food production chain in
processing, and is a technological way
order to avoid any potential chemical,
of producing a distinctive flavor, color,
physical and biological / microbiological
aroma and texture of the final product.
hazards tha can endanger the health of
When it comes to food safety standards,
consumers. (Grujić i sar., 2003, Gramza-
cold-smoked fish is categorized as ready
Michałowska and Korczak 2008,
for consumption ( RTE-as ready-to-
Kozačinski i sar., 2009; Savanović et al.,
eat.) Due to the fact that the product
is not subjected to heat treatment and
that no additives are usually added In food production HACCP proved
during production process, the basic, to be a control system that gives good
qualitative characteristics of the product results (Lu & sar., 2014; Hung and sar,
are retained and, as such, it is defined as 2015; Novaković i Savanović, 2017).
a product of exceptional quality. The introduction of the HACCP system
enables enterprises to develop their own
Consumption of fishery products, as
system of controlling the production
well as other food products, is associated
and management of hygienically proper

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314 Veterinary Journal of Republic of Srpska (Banja Luka), Vol.XVIII, No.2, 297 – 325, 2018
Mandić et all:
Effectiveness of HACCP system in control of microbiological hazards in the production of smoked trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss)

and quality food, as well as to determine based and systematic, identifies specific
allowed permits and undertake corrective hazards and measures for their control
actions before the emergence of serious which ensures the safety of food. (Jeličić
problems (Stanley et al., 2011; Hung and et al., 2009; Singh, 2015; Savanović et
sar., 2015). al., 2017). The aim of this paper was to
define critical control points (CCPs) and
In fishponds with good manufacturing
examine the effectiveness of the HACCP
practice and all prerequisite programs,
system in controlling microbiological
HACCP system implementation is
hazards in the production of smoked
recommended in order to produce quality
trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss).
and healthy fish (Kozačinski i sar., 2009).
The HACCP system, which is science


The food safety management smoked trout should develop a HACCP
system in the process of smoked trout plan. The HACCP food safety system is
production was prepared according based on seven basic principles, and the
to the HACCP Codex Alimentarius HACCP plan is implemented in twelve
Instruction (Annex CAC / RCP 1-1969. steps (Scheme 1). The basic postulates
Rev.4 (2003)), while respecting certain of the HACCP system were applied in all
recommendations (the Guidance phases of the smoked trout production,
document on the implementation of in such a way that the risk analysis
the HACCP principles in certain food system at critical control points of
businesses , 2012). After the application production was gradually incorporated
of prerequisite programs (ISO, 2009), a into the production process.
company engaged in the production of
3. Defining the
2.Description of a
1. Formation of purpose of the 4. The flow diagram
a HACCP team product creation
finished product

The first HACCP The second HACCP The third HACCP

principle principle principle

5. Verification 6. Hazard 7. Critical control 8. Determination of

of the flow identification points (CCP) the critical limit for
diagram and analysis determination each CCP

The fourth HACCP The fifth HACCP The sixth HACCP The seventh HACCP
principle principle principle principle
9. Defining the 10 . Defining 11. Definition of 12. Establishment
process of corrective measures procedures for of adequate
monitoring critical for each critical verification and documentation of
control points control point validation of the HACCP plan
HACCP plan

Scheme 1. The course of application of the HACCP system in the production of

smoked trout

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Mandić et all:
Effectiveness of HACCP system in control of microbiological hazards in the production of smoked trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss)

The microbiological quality of fresh 6888-1 / A1: 2005); Enterobacteriaceae

and smoked trout is continuously (BAS ISO 21528-2: 2013). In the samples
monitored over a period of 12 months. 65 of smoked trout, the presence of the
samples of fresh trout and 195 samples following microorganisms was examined:
of smoked trout were analyzed. In the Salmonella (BAS EN ISO 6579 / Cor2:
analyzed samples of fresh trout the 2010); Listeria monocytogenes (BAS
presence of the following microorganisms EN ISO 11290-1 / A1: 2005); Sulfate-
was examined: Salmonella (BAS EN reducing bacteria (BAS ISO 15213:
ISO 6579 / Cor2: 2010); Listeria 2008); Coagulase positive staphylococci
monocytogenes (BAS EN ISO 11290-1 (BAS EN ISO 6888-1 / A1: 2005); Aerobic
/ A1: 2005); Sulfate-reducing bacteria mesophilic bacteria (BAS EN ISO 4833:
(BAS ISO 15213: 2008); Coagulase 2006).
positive staphylococci (BAS EN ISO


After the formation of the HACCP 2), according to the principles of the
team ,a product description is created. HACCP system. The product description
The HACCP team prepared the Product contains information regarding product
Description (Table 1) and the Flowchart safety (CAC / RCP 1-1969, Rev. 4-2003)
for smoked trout production (Scheme

Table 1. Description of cold-smoked trout fillets


PRODUCT GROUP Vacuum-packed cold-smoked fish
For all consumer categories (except those with fish
INTENDED USE allergies);
Produsct is ready to eat
INGREDIENTS Rainbow trout fillet (Oncorhynchus mykiss), salt, spices.
Skin undamaged and of metallic glow. The meat does not
SENSORY show signs of drying (dehydration), has a characteristic
PARAMETERS OF color, smell and taste of smoked fish, it is dry and firm
THE PRODUCT in consistency. Fillets do not contain residues of inedible
parts (bones).
Trout is taken from out of the pool, the weight is measured,
TECHNOLOGICAL and then it is put into the processing plant. There the fish
PROCESS OF is slaughtered, eviscerated and washed and then filleted,
PRODUCTION immersed into brine and cold smoked. After smoking, the
fillets are sliced, vacuumed and stored in the chamber
until dispatch

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316 Veterinary Journal of Republic of Srpska (Banja Luka), Vol.XVIII, No.2, 297 – 325, 2018
Mandić et all:
Effectiveness of HACCP system in control of microbiological hazards in the production of smoked trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss)

PACKAGING Primary packaging: vacuum bags, boxes.

Transport packaging: cardboard box.
STORAGE Chambers with a temperature range of 0-4 ºC or -18 ºC.
TRANSPORT A vehicle equipped with a cooling system to achieve a
CONDITIONS transport temperature of 0-4 ºC or -18 ºC.

SHELF LIFE 30 days from the date of production for the product or 12
months for the frozen product.

LABELLING No thermal treatment is required. Keep the product in the

INSTRUCTIONS refrigerator and use it for up to 3 days after opening the
# Allowed harmful substance content:

- Pb max 0.3 mg/kg

- Cd max 0.05 mg/kg
- Hg max 0.5 mg/kg
- As max 2,0 mg/kg
-Sum of dioxin: max. 3.5 pg / g wet weight
- Sum of dioxin and PCB: max 6,50 pg/g wet weight
- Sum of PCB 28, PCB 52, PCB 101, PCB 138, PCB 153 i
PCB 180: max 75ng/g wet weight
- benzo[a]pyrene max 2.0 µg/kg,
- benzo[a]pyrene, benzo(a)antracen, benzo[b]
fluoranthene and chrysene 12,0µg/kg
CHEMICAL AND - Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) 2,0µg/kg
MICROBIOLOGICAL # the Ordinance on Maximum Permitted Quantities for Certain Contaminants in Food (Official
PARAMETERS Gazette BiH No.68/14)

Microbiological criteria:
- *Salmonella spp 0 u 25g
- **L. monocytogenes 0 u 25 g
- * sulphate-reducing Clostridium M=10 cfu/g
- * coagulase positive staphylococci M=10 cfu/g
- * aerobic mesophilic bacteria m=100 cfu/g do
* Guidance on Microbiological Criteria for Food (BiH
Food Safety Agency, 2013)
** Rulebook on microbiological criteria for foodstuffs
(„Official Gazette BiH“, No. 11/13)

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Effectiveness of HACCP system in control of microbiological hazards in the production of smoked trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Import fish CURING
FISH in the pools

18 ICE


FISH in the pool TO 30°C WATER
3 21


TO +4 °C (4h)
4 22

into the plant CRATES
5 23


TO +4°C


26 28
10 30

(0-4°C, 24h)
-30°C (optional)

33 34


15 35

Scheme 2. Flowchart for cold smoked trout fillet

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318 Veterinary Journal of Republic of Srpska (Banja Luka), Vol.XVIII, No.2, 297 – 325, 2018
Mandić et all:
Effectiveness of HACCP system in control of microbiological hazards in the production of smoked trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Proper application of the HACCP define hazards, it is necessary to list all

system requires scientifically those biological, chemical and physical
documented procedures and preventive hazards associated with the production
measures that exist, effectively applied process, which are the result of direct
to the established critical control points or indirect contamination. During the
(CCPs). Determination of critical control HACCP study for the production of
points for the implementation of the smoked trout, a total of 47 hazards were
HACCP system is possible for chemical, analyzed, of which 30 were biological,
physical and biological hazards. 10 chemical and 7 physical hazards. By
According to the Guidance document applying prerequisite programs (ISO,
on the implementation of the HACCP 2009) it is possible to eliminate 20
principles in certain food businesses biological, 10 chemical and 7 physical
from the receipt of the raw material to the hazards, ie a total of 37 hazards. At
final product on the market, including control points (CP) it is possible to
preparation, processing, packaging, eliminate 8 biological hazards, while
storage and distribution should be 2 biological hazards are eliminated at
analyzed in the given order . In order to critical control points (CCP) (Table 2).

Table 2. Overview of the hazards analyzed during the development of the HACCP

of hazards Number Number
Number of
eliminated by of hazards of hazards
Types of hazards analyzed
the application eliminated eliminated at
of pre-requisite at CP CCP
30 20 8 2
Chemical hazards 10 10 0 0
Physical hazards 7 7 0 0
Total 47 37 8 2
During the implementation of the - brining;
hazard analysis phase, the HACCP team
- cold smoke;
identified 8 control points (CP) and
2 critical control points (CCPs). The - storage of semi-finished product at +4
identified control points (CPs) are: ° C;
- preparation of brine; - storage of finished product at +4 ° C;

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Mandić et all:
Effectiveness of HACCP system in control of microbiological hazards in the production of smoked trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss)

- freezing; production, identified hazards and risks

are eliminated before the emergence of
- storage of frozen product at -18 ° C;
a defective product, which is the key to
- delivery and transport successful implementation of the HACCP
Identified critical control points (CCPs) system. Critical control points are
are: included in the HACCP plan and critical
limits, monitoring methods, corrective
- Storage of eviscerated and fresh chilled measures and verification methods are
fish (keeping fish at +4 ° C); defined. HACCP plans are extensive
- Smoked fillet cooling. documents, which is why in this paper an
excerpt of the most important elements
With regular and continuous
for the idenfreshtified CCPs (Tables 3
monitoring of all control points in
and 4) is given.
Table 3. Excerpt from the HACCP plan, related to CCP1
Hazard Critical limit Monitoring Corrective measures Verification
Process step

- In the event of a deviation,

the HACCP team responsible
for temperature control adjusts -The
What: the temperature in the chamber temperature
Temperature (if possible). If the desired of the cooling
control in temperature can not be achieved, chambers is
the product is transferred to
refrigeration units automatically
another chamber or refrigerated
How: By read and
car until the cause of the
reading from the deviation is eliminated. recorded
thermometer - The leader of the HACCP team on the
display identifies the cause of the deviation computer.
and establishes measures to - The HACCP
CCP 2 When: twice prevent repetition of deviations. team’s
Temperature in
Storage of Biological: a day (at the -If the cause of the deviation is head is
eviscerated pathogenic beginning and the failure of the equipment, the checking the
and frozen microorganism at the end of the maintenance service is contacted. temperature
must be 0-4 oC The preventive maintenance plan records.
fish working day)
Who: A member will be reviewed and, if necessary, - The absence
of the HACCP changed of the
team responsible - The head of the HACCP identified
for controlling the team makes an assessment hazard is
of the product’s usefulness
temperature of confirmed by
based on changes in product
refrigeration units laboratory
temperature and time spent
Record: A at elevated temperature, and analysis,
report on room makes a decision about further according to
temperature treatment the sampling
-The implemented corrective plan.
measure is recorded in the
prepared form.

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320 Veterinary Journal of Republic of Srpska (Banja Luka), Vol.XVIII, No.2, 297 – 325, 2018
Mandić et all:
Effectiveness of HACCP system in control of microbiological hazards in the production of smoked trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Table 4. Excerpt from the HACCP plan, relating to CCP2

Process Hazard Monitoring Corrective measures Verification

- In the event of a deviation,

the HACCP team responsible
for temperature control
adjusts the temperature in
the chamber (if possible). If
control in
the desired temperature can -The
not be achieved, the product temperature
is transferred to another of the cooling
How: By
chamber or refrigerated car chambers is
until the cause of the deviation automatically
from the
is eliminated. read and
- The leader of the HACCP recorded on
team identifies the cause of the computer.
the deviation and establishes - The HACCP
Temperature When: twice
measures to prevent repetition team’s head is
CCP 2 in a day (at the
Biological: of deviations. -If the cause of checking the
Cooling of refrigeration beginning and
pathogenic the deviation is the failure of the temperature
a smoked units at the end of
microorganism equipment, the maintenance records.
fillet must be 0-4 the working
service is contacted. The - The absence
oC day)
preventive maintenance of the
Who: A
plan will be reviewed and, if identified
member of the
necessary, changed hazard is
HACCP team
- The head of the HACCP confirmed by
responsible for
team makes an assessment laboratory
controlling the
of the product’s usefulness analysis,
temperature of
based on changes in product according to
temperature and time spent the sampling
at elevated temperature, plan.
Record: A
and makes a decision about
report on room
further treatment
-The implemented corrective
measure is recorded in the
prepared form.

Microbiological contamination of implemented proactively ie before the

food products is a major obstacle to emergence of more difficult problems
food security (Dutta et al., 2017). Some (Jeličić et al., 2009). In order to analyze
of the advantages of the HACCP system the efficiency of HACCP implementation
over traditional food control systems are in the process of production of smoked
that the control parameters are easily trout, certain microbiological analyzes
monitored, the work is controlled on the of starting material and finished product
spot, which can identify and eliminate were performed during 12 months of
the existing and predicted hazards, production. The obtained results are
thus ensuring health in the product shown in Table 5 and Table 6.
stage, and corrective measures are

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Mandić et all:
Effectiveness of HACCP system in control of microbiological hazards in the production of smoked trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Table 5. Results of microbiological analysis of fresh trout

Number of Prescribed Established

Sample Microorganisms analyzed UM value value

Salmonella 20 u 25g Not allowed Not isolated

5 u 25g Not allowed Not isolated

Fresh Sulfate-reducing m=100

15 cfu/g <100
trout anaerobic bacteria M=1000
Coagulase positive m=10
5 cfu/g <10
staphylococci M=100
Enterobacteriaceae 20 cfu/g <100
m - limit value - the results are considered satisfactory if all the values obtained
are less than or equal to “m”
M- the maximum allowable value beyond which the results are considered
unsatisfactory; JM- unit of measure

Table 6. Results of microbiological analysis of smoked trout

Number of Prescribed Established

Sample Microorganisms analyzed UM value value

Salmonella 60 u 25g Not allowed Not isolated

60 u 25g Not allowed Not isolated
Smoked Sulfate-reducing
trout 50 cfu/g M=10 <10
anaerobic bacteria
Coagulase positive
15 cfu/g M=10 <10
Aerobic mesophilic m=100
10 cfu/g <100
bacteria M=1000

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322 Veterinary Journal of Republic of Srpska (Banja Luka), Vol.XVIII, No.2, 297 – 325, 2018
Mandić et all:
Effectiveness of HACCP system in control of microbiological hazards in the production of smoked trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss)

m - limit value - the results are considered satisfactory if all the values obtained
are less than or equal to “m”
M- the maximum allowable value beyond which the results are considered
unsatisfactory; UM- unit of measure

The results of microbiological analysis plants, etc. (Adegunwa et al., 2013).

of fresh and smoked trout samples In order to provide a microbiologically
indicate the absence of Salmonella correct and safe product that meets
spp. and Listeria monocytogenes the quality requirements, the smoking
in all examined samples during the process must be carried out under
examined period. The number of sulfate- strictly controlled conditions and in
reducing bacteria, coagulase positive production facilities with a high level
staphylococci , enterobacteriaceae of hygiene . Numerous authors in their
and the number of aerobic mesophilic research (Kök, 2009; Kafetzopoulos,
bacteria was in accordance with the 2013; Novakovic and Savanovic, 2017)
values prescribed by the Rulebook unambiguously confirm that the
on Microbiological Criteria for Food application of the HACCP Food Safety
(Official Gazette of BiH, No. 11/13) and System is scientifically and practically
the Guidance on Microbiological Criteria justified and legally binding for most
for Food (BiH Food Safety Agency, business entities in food business. Based
2013. Microbiological contamination of on the results of the microbiological
smoked fish can be caused by several examinations presented in this paper it
factors such as faults during the smoking is evident that there was no deviation
process or inadequately conducted from the prescribed values during the
smoking phase, poor hygiene conditions, observed period and that this aspect of
the use of inadequate packaging, the HACCP plan was successfully tested.
and the use of inadequate processing


This paper presents the HACCP product at +4 ° C, storage of finished

concept in order to ensure safety at all product at +4 ° C, freezing, storage the
stages of the production of smoked trout frozen product at -18 ° C, delivery and
and to obtain a microbiologically correct transport. The identified critical control
product. By conducting the Hazard points (CCPs) are: storage of eviscerated
Analysis phase, 8 control points (CPs) and fresh chilled fish (keeping at + 4
and 2 critical control points (CCPs) were ° C) and cooling of smoked fillet. The
identified. Identified control points (CP) results of this paper confirm that the
are: - preparation of brine, brining, HACCP plan is part of a food safety
cold smoking , storage of semi-finished management system in the production

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Mandić et all:
Effectiveness of HACCP system in control of microbiological hazards in the production of smoked trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss)

of smoked trout. The results of the criteria, which confirms the efficiency of
microbiological analysis of basic raw the application of the HACCP system in
materials and finished products have not smoked trout production.
shown any deviations from the defined

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Paper received: 23.04.2018.

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