Delegation of Financial Powers

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REVISED DELEGATION OF FINANCIAL POWERS ‘The Governing Body in exercise of power vested in its Memorandum of Association of CBSE delegate financial powers to Chairperson, HODs and other officer of CBSE. The power delegated is included in the schedules annexed hereto. The powers delegated in these rules shall be exercise in conformity with the norms and skills, general/special orders, directions and conditions laid down by Governing Body from time to time or which may be issued as prescribed by the Competent Authority. The Delegation of Financial Powers was last revised vide Office Orders dated 06.02.2019 for all the Board's offices. Further, vide Office Orders dated 02.09.2019, financial powers was delegated to ROs/Units/COEs within approved Budget. The Delegation of Financial Powers has been re-drafted by incorporating the effect of above Office Order dated 02.09.2019 and the effect of updated accounting heads. Note: 4, Next higher authority shall exercise the powers, in absence of authority to whom the powers has been delegated In own cases, matter will be approved by next higher authority In respect of clause 1.01, 1.02, 1.09, 1.13, 1.14, 1.18, 1.33 (B); Authority shall exercise the power of those employees whose service books are available with them, 4, While exercising powers in respect of DA, Bonus, GPF rate revision, approval shall be initiated as per Government Order/Notification. 5. It has been experienced that proposals of procurement are being put up in piecemeal to avoid obtaining sanction from the higher authority. In this connection, reference is invited to Rule 187 of GFR which is re-produced as under: ‘A demand for goods should not be divided into small quai ies to make piecemeal purchases to avoid the necessity of obtaining the sanction of higher authority required with reference to the estimated value of the total demand.’ Allthe units may strictly adhere with above provision of GFR 157. 6. While exercising financial powers in respect of obtaining AMC. it must be ensured that the estimated cost of repairs and maintenance should be justified with respect to purchase cost of asset. Png Wiha 7, 10. "1 12, While exercising financial powers 'Construction/Addition/Alteration of office building / staff quarters for all offices across the Tespect of clause 201 on country’ , following provisions may be strictly adhered to: i. A Building and works Committee shall be constituted to assess the need and offer its comments/views on the basis of preliminary project to the proposal for the approval of Competent Authority for each work involving financial implication of Rs. 10 Lac and above. ji, Repairs and maintenance unit shall prepare a perspective plan for undertaking different type of work. There shall also be a provision for annual review of the plan for modifications. While exercising financial powers in respect of clause 2.02 on ‘Purchase of furniture and ‘equipment (including electronic and electrical items ) and fixtures and fittings’ , following provisions may be strictly adhered to: i. Purchase of furniture and equipment shall be made on the basis of annual projection. ji, No office furniture shall be replaced unless its span of life is over. ii, Procuring unit shall be responsible and accountable to maintain moving stock register as well as assets register. Physical verification of all the assets shall be conducted once in every financial year. All the proposals exceeding Rs. 1 Lac shall be pre-audited by respective audit section Since, IAFA is an independent authority, hence wherever required, financial power to be exercised by IAFA has been put up separately. Officers of the Grade Pay of Rs. 4,600/- and above (preferably of accounts background) may be appointed as DDO. The payments shall be released by DDO against the approved rates/norms or after approval of the Competent Authority as per delegation of financial powers: a, Signing authority of pay order: DDO b. Signing authority of cheques: - Upto Rs. 25000/- DDOILink officer - Beyond Rs. 25000/- Jointly by DDO/link officer & second Signatory / second link officer Prana Cif: CONSOLIDATED DELEGATION OF FINANCIAL POWER (As ammended w. 13.02.2020) Mond Autrey te whom Pariclare piel |) ESTABLISHMENT EXPENSES & ADVANCES TO BOARD OFFICIALS Fer employees posed in HOS! Uns Seerteny i Foremplyees posted ROSCOE ae han [A Group A |Regional OfficeriCOE Head) © sor |FAATION OF PAY UNDER LAID i Roional GicauGOe Head own eave (Game |g DOWN RULES |& 7 of office order dated 02.09.2019) jeer | Focemloyes pote in HOS! Uns vara 8 Grouse i. For ampayes posted in ROWCOES ROWOE x the employees posted in HOS/Units sewers [For the employees poste in Hast pues ime (is 3. Far enpiayos posteain ROBICOES (ors 02 |ANMUAL INCREMENT (N NORMAL CASES) pS tere nab Ronee AS (amin) of RO c. For Regal Oficar COE Hoos un css 1S din) oh (Clause 687 of ofiee ere dates 02002016) | feadquates 7.09 [DISSURSEMENT OF WONTHLY PAY 00 oF Hae Tk Rina aoroal FA 106 |nMPLEMENTATION OF OA Revision 3 Francal Santon 000 OF Has 200 respective 105 |ARREAR OF PAY ANO ALLOWANCES oe 105 [Disbursement of NPS eonirbuton a deigated bank Dep ieee | z | fs Setsion of gency Chaiperson |. ForHeadquacrs fosasowese Visteon ib Financia! Soneion Sexeiry i Morpowe _fondotng [sper Clause 1 82H [ee tig ot Ii ForRosicoesamne the fies ore tes son jemaca c2e2018 startrecmnea ane = Pee a Amine ppv iperson epee a | For Headguate Seah inane Sancion ray seere [0 Tougm " = [As per Clause 1 &2 af] i. ForRosicoesunt the sie ort dees o209 2018 [Retirement benefits ie Gratuity, ts ear eeernny, Goepereon, FPersostariy pension conmutaton 2" i DrecotiSIOSAS and eaivaot Secreta 1.08 Jof pension eccumulation of group _— Insurance money, leave encshrent i For oer Sear omoyes 1S R81) i 1B. For ROSICOES/Units NA. the employees posted in HOs/Units: pe [A For the employees poiod in HOS a ' 1s. For the employees posted RICO (Other han Regal ae ‘op [year Leave encasiuent [Sere upnyn, png "FO AS (tin of RO 3¢ Regional Officer fead own case Repco oe c. For Regina OterGOE Hi ya [A Aaminaatve approval Serer 110 Jaonus 18. Fnancal Senction bid eae [A For Sean Chapeson 11, [teave Salay and Penson Contin —— aa sy [tao Saye 8. For DiecieslS08 & Easaont See Ic For Upto AS & Eauvaln AFA frunag Gapett: CONSOLIDATED DELEGATION OF FINANCIAL POWER (As ammended w.e.f. 13.02.2020) How Autry te whom 0 artcuiars delegate [A wont veda! Resmbureemen a pr approved ates rms OO slags For Empey posted in Hos 15 (48) 2. eimbursement of medal exponsa [For onpayes posed ROBCOESTInie Iwedcalre. _[loriidcor and outdoor vestments per [(Over Iran Regional Offe/COE HeadUntn- | ROYCOEIUNK Head v.12 [Maen | Japoroved nome aes Shae own cae) i: Revel Oee0E HRS ATSRNGE Om | ag, |C. in case treatment is taken in un-approved hospital in caso of |! Above Rs, 2.50 Lac Chairperson loergency Fora st Up? 60 L3e Secrelay [A Ferseowiy "Graeperson Fer Ovecos Secretary (For Employees poses in HOW JS (aa) 1.13 |Lre incusingencashmetin fev of 1 0. For Enployes cf ROSTCOES (oPer man Rogenal Ories/COE HeasiUntInchage own 0 case I. Far Regional OicorGOE Headline in cerge Fa J8 (Aa) IA rorooaa [Selection orageney Chaipeson tein Demi Approve ew rues Sezelay 1.14 [excursion Taps [NOP (Financial Sancion JS (ABL) | [sper ciawse 1 &2l 3. For ROsiGOES fer han sta poste n RO Deh (E+ 9 & RO Nos] The fee odor dated 2092018 1115 |Chiaren Education Atowance (As per approved norms) 000 of space | \, For Sectetary/Directors: Chairperson I For JSIDSIAS ond equivalent (Other an | Regional OffceiCOE HeadiUnt lncharge own mediate higher a.acminstatie (9% aunty monn rae Late Sting Atonanco OTA ora |anprval 4.86 | For Regional OffcerCOE Head own case ‘Setiete ol ban? loffices as per norms For Reglonsl OffcerCOE Head : Director (Training) [icrereeowas AS! eauvate or 3 tnanct Sanco BoD erage ln Fer Secor & Drecions Ua end Cheipersen Jb Fer SO and above or equivalent poatedin rode rigor |ieodgnter (Oa han above) sue 7S or equiva Ter |. ForDomesie For staf below SO posted in Headquartars © eauivale TADAt2 | approval ottour | yours, lompioyees of |progran ae (OS. (6. For th employees posted in ROs/COES/Umie {ether than Regional OffeaCOE Head own case) ROICOBIUni Head cesriateate Seer 2 Dstrsment at pproved noms B00 ofrspecie Arosa erento | su (aeeaetet een as sie asia saeansor fruunan Capa: CONSOLIDATED DELEGATION OF FINANCIAL POWER (As ammended w. 13.02.2020) Hoss Authority to whom, oe loaricurs rteenien: |_ a Aamir approve Shaiperon a a Fanci Sancton 350 orespecve fies A. For Hoscovarare FA 1.20 [Pension tind and Gratiy Fund and yest contibuton a. Forroscoestnits Na For Hendauatrs wea 121 [oispaymentioue 1 8. For ROSCOESUs NA 1.2 | ows poser Reimbursement as par approved noms 200 respective | 1 1.28 |reicase Reimbursement ax per approved norms 000 respective 1.20 [ete phone Raimsrnemect 2 per mproves noms 000 oespectve 1.28 |sospiaky Remousemen apr aproved nome 200 of opecive | Sletn of gency Chaperson ln. or L Recriimens _[Headavaters 1.28 [Bepenes en i. rnanit Saneton sere |reguor so Jo. Formos Coes nts na JA. ForHesdauairs wsiaany x rata Payment inte event of denn of ne employee 127 lerpemaneieapctaton ne perteing ft) eee e.ForRow Coes Unis Na |. waa For enive CBSE st | secretary as [Pasar I For Headquarters WSaay b. compuier advance — |. Forroncoes Rostcoes 128 [Disbursement of monty pension B00 at especive 130 [Foe ot document vescaton 200 et espeeive Prag Tishate, CONSOLIDATED DELEGATION OF FINANCIAL POWER (As ammended w. 13.02.2020) Hoad Authority to whom od pao | amore Fossey chain 6. rat Pymen os rin 1808 agate sevstny fe A ant ssa sai | concer rorssoway a 9 oor Asaee 1 Forovecon0s Bogmalo sect Wo A Beano saa |C. interest On GPF / CPF of stat 7 000 of HO tone 220 — me oso. sect 152 Mcrae wa rah) |. For Headquarters 48 (aay) (c. Upto Rs. 0.s0Lae li. For ROsICoEs/Uns ROICOEMnit Head | For Domestic [aon officiat ours |" (Ginance Ousion) 2. For Secretary & Diectre/Unt Head Chairperson For ie employess posted in Headauariers ce (omer than Finance Division) Seton °c For te empoyoos posted In Headquariors nea 6. Fort employes posted in ROs/COESUnts (ther than Regional OieriCOE Head oun caso) ROICOE Unt Head e, For Regional OieriOOE Head ovm case Conteier af eam? Diectrcronng) 1.39 [TAA Advance i. For memational Tours Chakperson For Oreos, Rego! Ofiee& COE Head 1808) in FerISOSAS Tm noaa eer aercem a. Forte empovees ported in Hat JS (AaL) 1s ontiansor |(@PE BEF 139.) For omplyoes posed in ROICOE ROIGOE a Forth employees posta in Huis JS (aal) li. For po as Sa bFor te employees poste n RIGO TSR coped la. For Secretary & Drectrs Chaiperon [Above Rs. Se Secretary Ic Upto Rs 8 Laer employees posted em 1.36 [Mecieat Advance ror omer Boers OStUNIS ‘ Ib, For Oter Boers Fs Upo 8 Las or empayees pasted in Jompiyees J RosICOES (ther than Regional Otfce/COE Head Ro lun cose) i. For Regina! Offea/OOE Heed oun case Secretary Ahusen Tl an CONSOLIDATED DELEGATION OF FINANCIAL POWER (As amended w.e.f. 13.02.2020) Head Authority to whom 28 parturs detosatos I For See hovparon a. For Ovacos Secretary 196 |1¢eovence [cForempoyes postin Howe 18 (nat) D- For Engoyoas of ROWCOES [Over an = | Regis! OfieeICOE Head ovn case For RegeralOtte7OE Head oun case 15 (mat) I) TRANSPORTATION EXPENSES Chaiperson | 1 For Neca: | a Above Rs. 10 Lae secre sa hana 1. anc Sanction b Upton. toLse IS(AaL) sper claws 1 aH 8 For ROs/COESUnts the afi order dee eon s010 | heer Administ aperva s(nau) ato) ond easauarers - ta tea (a fs Fant Sansion IS (ABD |b Fernosicoesuns WA i) REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES a Above Rs 10182 | _Chaaporon | ic I Acminstotve approval Re, 260-10 tee seca | | Heasquarers| (eBid ~ 138 |Repar and maintnance of uténg pte a sn "Financ Sancion ssa) Taper cine? 870 8. For ROsICOERUns tha oc ser dates cece 2016 Ja. Above Rs, 10.Lac Chairperson | la. re |. Administrative approvallp, Rs. 250-10 Lac Secretary Repair and maintenance of furniture y. and equipments (including electronic |/8dqUarters: ic. Below Rs. 2.50 Lac JS (ABL) 139 {nd electra tems ana ings a0 ‘nutes 8 staebon of agency i. FnanetSancion isiaau) inepar cause €H a. ForRosicoEsunis thaafic oer dee 2082010 lh rx Adina oppova JS(Aat) a jor (Meadows | anc Sanction | 440 [Repair 8 maintenance of Motor = | seaau |p. ForRosicoesiunie NA CONSOLIDATED DELEGATION OF FINANCIAL POWER (As ammended w.e.f. 19.02.2020) Hoad ‘Authority to whom 1044 Iparcutars dolog a. Above Rs. 280 2c ‘Secretary la For | Adminitrative approval Noecoadies b. UpioRs. 2.50 Lac JS (ABL) ‘van |Aoual Maintenance Contact & 4 41 |setecton of agency li. Financial Sanction 43S (ABL) [As per Clause 1 &2al ' For ROSICOESIUnts the ofc order dateg 209.2019 Iv) ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES | Adminitrative approval aS (a8) le ror 0 (as) Hesdquartere 1.42, [Ufo to ver and non cerca i li. Financia! Sancton Js (ast stat a [as por Clause? &2al la. For ROSICOES/Unis tha offee order dated ‘0209.2078 2. Above Re, 5 Lae Chairperson acer |. adminisatve approvalls Rs. 2. ae-$ Lac Secretary Headquarters c- Upto Rs. 2.80 Lae JS (A8L) 1.43 |otice stationery, & consumables - li Finaneit Sanction JS (AB) [as por Clause & 2a la. For ROSICOESIUnts the offen order dates 02.09.2018 i. Acminstraive approval of office space on @85© | Crssnerson [& amount ot ease rent ieee la. For ee i a. Above Rs. 10 Lae Secretary 1144 |For offcerGodown LeaselRent li. Financial Sanction — lb. Upto Rs. 10 Lac JS (na) Re pe Clause? &2al 5. For ROSICOESIUnis the offes order cated 102.09 2018 ln ror | Administrative approval astedmincharoey || Headquarters 145 |ptes Tees on approved rates fe. Financial Sancton [AS (Admin eharge) (Asper Clause | Bal ls. For ROSICOESIUnis the ofice order des 02.09.2019 (Aaminiatvatve approval |S (Ramin charge) 1s For sag {Elbetvety and water Charges (rn |MeassueRers |i, Financial Sanction AS (rain chargo) normal cases) rs » [As par Clause 1 Bal ls. For ROSICOEstUnis the ae order dated | 02.09.2019 I Sanction for now lophone/wex Tantniemet | Secret \a ror conection si Headquarters ar [Telephone tte iaxinernet e li. Financial Sanction ‘AS (Admin charge) spat Cause 1 B2aH 's. For ROSICOES/Unis the oes order dated (0208-2019) CONSOLIDATED DELEGATION OF FINANCIAL POWER (As ammended w. 13.02.2020) Head Particulars ‘Authority to whom dologatod 1.48. Government Agency (ther ban lexam wor) [Postage and Telegram charges wih [A For Headquarters 25 (AB le For ROSCOESTUns [As per auseT Eat ‘the offee order dated 02.09.2018 = [a Asminsratve Approval Secretary sap |lestonce foie buiting ctcas [Me@EQUAMES |e, Fanci Santon JS (ASL) per rates norms a perCiause? 82a 18 Foc ROSICOESMUnis ‘he offen order ded 02.09.2018 lA For Headquarters wea 1.50 |Auit Fee te CAAG Auators 8, For ROBICOEWUNS [As por Clause 1 & 2a the afc order dated ea a | |i. Through in-house staff 1.51 |Audit Fee to Internal auditors entnctsers: |e. Selection of agency ‘Chairperson esheonis es lb. Financial Sanction JS (ABL) keer Unis |a. Administrative esse) janewrcvel sto Rs. 1 lac (each ” Be sen B. For ROS/COES Rap Chairperson jepprovel ts. 1 lac ( eact Users severe [seem acceso aba |coningont Expanses (Amount per Jain shou not exceed Rs. 1000 153 In each case) and for wien no aimee ia panera ieee 8a] lb. For ROsICOESIUnis ‘the offce order dated 02.08 2010 [scholraips tothe wards of Boras employoos as per Ja, For Headquarters ioe. ‘sq. (B0a"8 romsiSingio Git Chia tent Scholarship ‘ wemes/Board Ment Schlarsip Schame for SCIST see sem Seen 3 For RONCOEsUnts NA CONSOLIDATED DELEGATION OF FINANCIAL POWER (As ammended w.f. 13.02.2020) Hoad ‘Authority to whom toad particulars ane | Admintave approve Chairperson |A. For 7 a ining of Books /Pubtcatons on Aesauacers 1.55 lopprved ates tom approves i Financia Santon secretary esas I For ROs/COERUnes mA i. Soecton ot gone secret lA. For ee ~ Pann ot easquaters 1.50 lfomsipomphetlardseter Heads ls. Financia! Sancton 18 (A8t) te JAs per Clause 1 & 2of| |e. ForRosCOEsUnts The ofice order dates dacs 2019 1. Solctin of agency Cchakporson | lA For Jeurnase of paper of pes for |Hencouaters 1.87 printing of books ipubicaions & i. Financia Senetion Secretary Ietocton of agency le. ForROstCOEsUnts Na I Acminsrave approval, Above Re. Lac Cchaeperson Li roe torissve of adversment In each case 1.58 [Publishing and advertising Hesdquarters, |b. Upto Rs. § Lac Secretary i. Fanci Sanction 18 (Rat) a. For ROwCOEHUs NA a. Above Re. Lac Chaiporson | Asmrstatve approval or sgreae ib Fema tests sectay lettnaton) essence on RewardawardiCAse [A For I, none asus lday/Tencners day award celebration [Headquarters Upto Re. 2.5 a oS (AL) 1.59 late For szeomodaton caterng Ibooking of conference als, trophy, a. Above Rs. 2.6 Lae Seoretary Incense) li Finan saneten = fb Uo as. 25 Lae 1518) [As perCauss 1 82a lb. ForROuCOEsnis the oes ore dates 02.09.2019 | = Adina Aperoval Chaiperson | ional li. Financial Sanction Secretary | 160 lonenaton ating ot sa [as por Cause 1 82 2 For RONCOESIUnIs the oes order Stes te09 2019 1.61 | Yeary memboreileubecraton of various professional bodas/COBSE Secretary Vaumnsvatve [RABOVERE.260Lae | Chavporson |A. For aia Ib. Upto Rs. 2.60 lac Secretary Hesdauaros me i Financia Sanction Secrata 15a | 008 on information Technology | " (ome than exam wor) | agminavatve Above. 280Lae | _Chaiperson Ee cma Coe [b. Unto Rs, 2.80 lac Secretary |. Financial Sanction ROICOE/Unt Head CONSOLIDATED DELEGATION OF FINANCIAL POWER (As ammended w. f. 13.02.2020) Hoa 5 ‘Authority to whom no [Parteu dologated |A. For Headquarters lara 168 [Payment of @sT/ncome Tax 8. For ROsICOEsIUnits Re por Cae 7 BP the ofce order dated 1.64 |Payment to Securty Agency 02.00.2010 ] = = Selection of agony Chaiperson | [Headquarters |5, Financial Sanction Secretary ib ForROsiCoEs/Unt Jasper cause 1 &2al the ofc order dated (200.2019 1.65, |atending meetngsiworkshops as por {siting atowance, honorarium & TaIDA to non-offcals for [A For Heaaquariors JS (AB) approved norms (other han affiatin, examination and aeadomie wars) |B, For ROSICOES/UNs IAs per Clause & al the ofce order dates tents vs fomenwneol ames ea inn ~— JB. For ROs/COES/Units. NA [aaniesne Awan ase | eeeuun | Fe ee Dru 28t00 vay) von (eenpesratona - Ib. For ROSICOESIUnes las per Giause1 &2al the offce order dated ‘02092019 1. Above Rs. 1 Lae Secretary I. Asmat ‘a. For |Aporoval ‘Reteshmentinesptalty charges Headquarters ib. Unto st Lac JS (Aa) 1168 |(OMer man exam work and other = Ian speci eisewnere) i. Financial Sanction as (aa) Ib. ForROSICOESMnis [Arper Clause 1 &2al the ofce order dated 10209-2019 la.Above Rs.250La | Chaiporton | Administrative ib Re. 050-Re 280 EXPENSES ON CONDUCTING — |p gay ‘Appeoval ac Seva |MEETINGS / SEMINARS en 1169 /ORKSHOPS (OTHER THAN as Je Upto Rs. 080 Lac 48 (A8L) [SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE) fr 09 |ACCOMODATION, REFRESHMENT 's. Financial Sancton (As per approved rates & ua at, levc [poms Ib. For Ros/CoEs/Units [Av por Giuse 1 Bal tha offce order daied 102092018 | Acministratve Approval ‘chavperson | la. For = m expenses on HiNo1 IHeacquaners 1.70 |PAKHIWAOATRAJBHASHA Wi Financial Sencton Secretary motivation acrviTies 13 For ROSICOES/Unie [As por Gauze Ea the offce order dates ‘02092019 CONSOLIDATED DELEGATION OF FINANCIAL POWER (As ammonded w.0. 13.02.2020) teas ‘toy wom t Admire lee lcaorafarcoma: [ira esoue-wowe | secu Sen OS ing toc se compa. a fein 1.71 |Conditioner, Vehicles (other than [¢. Upto Rs. 2.50 Lac JS (ASL) N li. Financial Sanction JS (ABL) rapa c Ta .ronoucoeas aseeanera br oa eens { rupert Baa 1.72 |LABOUR HIRING CHARGES (Other [Meade rea =< saa rapes 27a prernouconanis ones oam aed Lew [seesan canoe i sa forosoryexrenses PREIS an ea [osrsoonceD | 7 isparcinna 27a a rernowcoesnis aeohce oan ed ss [ssecinotorner Charen 1.74 |Housekeeping/Cieaning Expenses: 6. Financial Sanction emi: apes Et i Fernowcoestna STameate ane pers aio aan ecto 1.75 | Hiring of tax consultants/advisors hina aurea Iapereinae 1 ara sre noscoesuns eee iseinis 176 [oem secon 127 [msn mar vanes soa <7 [nian punt uw atop! uence mt. wipes sass 2083..| — crapense ® rade ete (For al Units) == Beas saps nd apr ot [A For ednarine covey cba Reconatetomecit |a a noucossune roosts Prag Vispactty CONSOLIDATED DELEGATION OF FINANCIAL POWER (As ammencied w.e.f. 19.02.2020) Head ‘Authority to whom ac oe a Jenna t question paper & other eso! 7 1 tei of Canesten papa rer units li Financial Sanction vairperson an tnt ae ramon - ey ~ 1.81 | examination, TA/OA contingencies |® Fo" ROs/Unis Lesa seni hae iain tame crams oeereniagee toe eres i sna [oikesimmecheal a eer oem bene con eer (tnt pra er = lc. Upto Rs, 2.5 Lac JS (ASL) ee eee tas [eonveyance, TADA contingencies |& For HeadquanersiCOE: ee | ik Forranoqane — li. Non- orem! lUpto Rs. 10 Lac. ‘Secretary sas fwowcnreriony —— ME vay | and & sea) jo. Financiel Sanction [ae Secretary 1. For ROB/COESIUNis He per Case? &2al the otc order catod 02.09.2010 CONSOLIDATED DELEGATION OF FINANCIAL POWER (As ammonded w. f. 13.02.2020) 1 eas ‘authority to whom |__| fo |Partouties delogated A For Heasquanars sectetay 1.80 [Reund of dpteateexaminaton ee [8 For ROSCOES NA ic unis Unit Hees Rott ferme anerman (A FO" Hesdquren nis NA 1.97 |Guplat examination fo (Except of = paca suai a eter crear cates Sate it fo) 1 ForROsCOEs B01 208 1.68 | Wave ot tate fo fr al ROs/UnesICOEE Ccaiposon 129 [Rececking oes 8 pr Bone apres ates Senter Ik Seieton of gene’ printer Chatparson 1. Aamincvatve approval for ining Secretary 1.90 [Procurement of arse: Boks c c.Fnancit Sancon | secretary 0. Foros [om | [a For HesaquarereAiisrGOce Na 101 leresogstaton data [Adminitrative approval ‘chopeson fb. Forros aa France Santon Senter i Ainevabve Aporva eer of ram lho ‘Adina Aaproval Cont | eadquatars 199 |Retesrmenmnespatty charges (Fr i. Fnani Sanction 1808 (60-08) jexam work) |As per Clause 1 & 2 af] 2 For ROSCOE ‘hevtes one dated | | c209 2010 | |, Aamnsratve approvat Craiperson | a. roe _ | eadquarers ied | Fran Sonion Convoieo 1193 |postage and cour tor exam work) InsperGouse + &al {o. For Rosrunts the oes ode dates _ ta 09 2019 [c.For Coes Na [A For Hesaquarers 00 + aq [Matting seroma expenses As per sopoved rons ates ofthe Board 2. For ROsICOEsUnts na Prien Gifact, CONSOLIDATED DELEGATION OF FINANCIAL POWER (As ammended w.e.f, 13.02.2020) ‘Authority to whom [Pardeutars ‘ologates la. Above Rs. $Lac Charperson | Admiistratve approval, Rs, 2. ae-S Lac Secretary la. For Headquarters 1.95 |setety bags c-Upto Re. 280 Lae J5 (aa) i Financial Sanction JS (aa) Tas par Clause & 2a 13 For ROSICOES/Unis| the afc order dated | 02.09.2010 la-Above Rs.2.20Lae | Chairperson | Admiisative b. Rs. 060- Re. 2.80 jay Secretary a [Approval Lac 3 Headquarters [EXPENSES ON CONDUCTING. le Upto Rs.0s0tac | JS ARL) 496, MEETINGS | SEMINARS. | WORKSHOPS FOR EXAMINATION WORK Earl Suncton per aproved es & wane. | Administative Approval amPirector le For Traning/n head [ROSICOES/Unie Sane Sacion per aneroved aes 8 | acres Has JA. For Headquarters NA. {Accommodation hived for profpast [A Administrative approval Chairperson 1.97 [ex9m 8 waning purposes any & 0 approval fates for niin of Ne. For cwnowsor! lumitre et for cones et cin J. ForROsiCOEs —|as perciuse 1 & 2a le. Financat Sanction tho ofc ordor dates li For Special Units 208.2018 | nominstarawve -«(@°R8-10Lac& above | Chaiperson la. For [Approval Ae ative b. Upto Rs. 10 Lac CControier of exam bing of vtiies such siamo, li. Financial Sanction CControter of exam lores. buses taxis ete ana other 1.98 mados of vansporation for exam |. acministaratve Approval Ccontover of exam \work a por preserved 1. For ROSICOES [roceduresinorms |i. Financia Sanction RO. |. Aamiistarabve Approval Unit Has le.Forunits |} i. Financial Sanction Unt Has CONSOLIDATED DELEGATION OF FINANCIAL POWER (As ammended w.e.f. 19.02.2020) Hoad Authority to whom 1094 particulars eae Vi) Affiliation of Schools 1.99. |Honorarim . TAA, Conveyance et for inspection of schools for flation as per approved rates norms (000 of Has \Vil) Expenses on Vocational activities & training of teachers |. Approval of Training Calender CChaiperson [Expense on conducing mesting, _|A Fer GOES 2.00 |seminarsivorshop (For E9. i. Financial Sanction within approved norms) (COE Head [Honocarm,rereshment TAIDA ete 18. For Unis etme than COE NA Vil Expenses on CBSE Projects/Programs |a. For Academic [Administrative approval [Ar por Giauso1 Bal Expenses onconducing case AF the offce order dated 2.01 |projecstrograms as por norms i. Financial Saneion within approved norms) ‘209.2018 spproved at FCIFS, 'B. For Unis ather than Acasmete Unit NA. 1X) Purchases of assets (ConstrucioniAddtion/Ateration of offce bulsng salt. |A. Administrative approval Chairperson 2.02 quarters for all offices across te county & selection of agency 9. Financal Sanction Secretary ‘5 Above Rs, 10 Lae Chairperson la | Aaminsvatve approval |e, Rs: 2.80-10 Lae Secretary Purchase ofuriture and edtuers, ‘203. [esuiomenis (netusingolactonic ana O° (c Upto Rs. 250 Lac 48 (a8) lelectra tems ) and ours ane it — ftings & stecton of agent ge Areca i. Financiat Sanction as (aay) las perGiause1 &2al ' For ROSICOESIUNs the ofce order dates | ‘0209.2018 — ] 2 Above Re. 10Lac Chairperson | Aaminstrave approval ® RS: 2.60-10 Lac Secretary |purcnase of Computers. Printers, a For ceive toe ‘Muli Function Printers, Tablets, (Headquarters Prd Hembree cay |e. Unto Rs. 260.20 48 (a8) ‘software, servers and Comput penprerais ete i. Financial Sanction as (ast) [as per Clause? &2al 18 For ROSICOESIUnts the ofce order dated | | ‘02092019 ] [a For Heaaquarters 8 (ase) 2.05. [Purchase of Litrary Books ‘Re per Cause & al '. For ROsICOEsiUnts the offce order dated 02.0820%8 2.08, [Purchase replacment of motor vehicle chairperson CONSOLIDATED DELEGATION OF FINANCIAL POWER (As ammended w.e.f. 13.02.2020) JRotund of eamest money and ether 2.08 mise retina oad Asthonty to whom 038 paicuiars pladey [x) Sporis Coll Expenses T Above Rs. 10 Lac ‘Chairpersor Ja xdninersive | Above Re ereton 2.07 |Hiring of Agency for purchase of Medais/Trophy/Momenta |°PP*¥#! li Upto Rs. 10 Lac ‘Secretary, [> Frc Sancton secrete fx) Refund of EMD/OSD A. For Hesdquaas 15 (a8) 1. For ROS/COESIUnts ReparCause7 Bal 32 offica order dates 02.05.2018 | [xtl) Miscollancous items: 2.08 [Opening & Cising of Sank Accounts fr Headquarters/ROS/COES/Uns Secretary 2.40 Remittance ofunds to Regional offces/unts/COES within the Sanctioned budget lara \nvestmentsr-investmentsfencashment of FORS a¢ Investment ls done curentyat HAs by folowing 241 | Contalised Funds Poy Secrte, ‘Transfer of ands rom one bank | For Headquarters FA 1sccount fo another Bank account of 212 tho same offen ofthe Board to meet lout expensive 8 For ROSICOES/Unis spat Clause 1 &2 al the oe order dated 02.08.2010 [Refund of ee ther than exam toe |a, For Headquarters Secretary 21g |(uteafiaton fee ete) (Refund ot _| lexam fee is speci under clause hee 1.87) Ib. For ROBICOESIUnts NA 'A. Approval of air journey for non ented (For at Board employees) Chairperson 2.14 [Paymont ofa teks | For Headquarters Secretary 1. Payment to approved agency for bookngfeancoition of air ekats li. For ROS/COEsIUnie [As par Cisse & ay the offce order datas 02092019 |A. Aaministratve Approval Chairperson as Ferenc fo commitoes/ | |. Paymentas per approved rate Secretary 216 |Re-appropnition of budge ora unts) chairperson Pricey Tiihacte CONSOLIDATED DELEGATION OF FINANCIAL POWER (As ammended w.o.f. 13.02.2020) Particulars 7 [For any tem not covered in te above delegation o financial power of expenditure or approval of procedure not covered lunder the normal procedures OR special cases where claimed rates are mare than the approved rates or procurement of \goods/services which s not specifically givan in purchaselprecurement elsewhere, Chairperson shal be Competent ‘Authority. 2 in adaition to above clauses, where separate DDO ere not attached, Independent Directors are empowered to exerose financial powers upto Rs. 250 Lac (n totality forthe financial year fr procurement of goods and services. Concerned ‘section shall submit budget requirement inthis regard, While exercising the financial power all the due procedures as |defined in GFR and manual of accounts shal be followed and before sanctioning of proposal bythe authonty, same |snould be concurred by Audit wing, Hs. Moreover, respective depariment shall maintain inventory register fr the goods procured 3 Further, [AFA is empowered o exercise nancial powers upto Rs. 28 Thousand for procurement of goods and services foi] Finance & Accounts Division, HAs. While exercising the financial pawer all he due procedures as defined in GFR and |manual of accounts shall be followed. Moreover, respective department shall maintain inventory register for the goods procured, “/Allthe procurement of goods and services shall be compulsarly made Invaugh e-procurement and Gah However, |case of non-availability of goods on Gel orn emergent situation, such goods and services can be procured ay following Jotner procedure as defined in GFR 2017. For this purpose, JS (ABL\/ROICOE Head/Unit Head shall be Competent | Autry for administrative as well s nancial approval Frag Tihacte,

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