Factors Affecting Pricing, Developing A Retail Pr...

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Factors Affecting Pricing:

Several factors influence how a retailer sets prices for its products:

● Cost: The cost of acquiring the product from the vendor, including manufacturing,
transportation, and import costs (if applicable).
● Competition: Pricing needs to be competitive with similar offerings in the market.
● Target Market: The price should be attractive to your target customer segment's price
sensitivity and buying power.
● Demand: Price can be used to influence demand, with lower prices stimulating sales and
higher prices potentially conveying higher quality.
● Profit Margin: The desired level of profit needs to be factored into the final price.
● Government Regulations: Certain pricing regulations or minimum advertised prices may
apply in some industries.

Developing a Retail Price Strategy:

Here are key steps involved in creating a retail pricing strategy:

1. Define Retail Objectives: Are you aiming for high sales volume, maximizing profit margins,
or establishing brand image?
2. Decide Pricing Policy: Will you adopt value pricing, penetration pricing, skimming pricing,
or competitive pricing strategies?
3. Price Adjustments: Consider incorporating markups, discounts, coupons, and price
bundling to influence customer behavior.

Retail Communication:
Retail communication involves all efforts a retailer undertakes to inform, persuade, and remind
customers about their products and services. It's crucial for building brand awareness, driving
sales, and fostering customer loyalty.

Concept of Retail Image:

The overall impression customers have of a retailer based on its communication, store
environment, and customer service.

Classification of Retail Communication Mix Elements:

● Advertising: Paid, non-personal communication through various media channels (TV, print,
● Sales Promotion: Short-term incentives like discounts, coupons, and contests to stimulate
● Personal Selling: Direct interaction between salespeople and customers to provide
information and influence purchase decisions.
● Publicity: Unpaid, non-personal communication through media coverage, press releases,
and sponsorships.
● Word-of-Mouth: Informal communication between customers about their experiences with a

Types of Retail Advertising:

● Broadcast Advertising: Television and radio commercials.

● Print Advertising: Newspapers, magazines, and flyers.
● Online Advertising: Banner ads, search engine marketing, social media advertising.

Media Decisions:

Choosing the right media channels to reach your target audience at an appropriate cost.

Retail Sales Promotion Tools:

● Coupons: Vouchers offering discounts on specific products.

● Rebates: Partial refunds offered after purchase.
● Contests and sweepstakes: Promotional events with prizes to generate excitement.
● Point-of-sale displays: Promotional materials and product presentations at the checkout

Personal Selling:

Training and empowering salespeople to effectively interact with customers, answer questions,
and close sales.


Strategies to generate positive media coverage and brand mentions.


Encouraging positive customer experiences that lead to organic recommendations.

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