Religious Based Inspirational Stories

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Religious Based Inspirational Stories

Book · October 2017


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1 author:

Marco Bitetto
Nuova Universita Di Engegneria E Scienza. (518)703-9171


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Religious Based

Inspirational Stories

Dr. Marco Bitetto

This collection is exclusively
oriented to people that are religious
and are of the book. This means
that they are Jewish, Christian and
Muslim believers.

This inspirational story has its

beginnings in my very early
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Religious Based Inspirational Stories

Copyright © 2017
All Right Reserved
When I was a very young child, I was
RELIGION BASED chronically ill and went through
INSPIRATIONAL seventeen surgeries before the final
STORIES one at age seven. During this period,
By Dr. Marco Bitetto I was in and out of the hospital and
during my last stay in the hospital, I
was put on ice in an oxygen tent as a
This collection is exclusively oriented
result of a raging fever that was over
to people that are religious and are of
one hundred two. During this time
the book. This means that they are
the doctors told my parents they did
Jewish, Christian and Muslim
all that was possible for me and my
parents should pray that my fever
brakes; so, the doctors could operate
and remove my infected deformed
This inspirational story has its
kidney. Surely, as my parents were
beginnings in my very early
praying to Allah, my fever broke in the
early hours of the morning. As soon

as the nurses reported the braking of These disabilities took years of self
my fever to the doctors, I was rehabilitation to resolve. This self
immediately rushed down to the rehabilitation was a result of doing
operating room, made ready for things that were very difficult to do
emergency kidney removal surgery and doing them repeatedly. During
and in a matter of a couple of hours this time, one of the doctors told my
the surgery was completed, but, not parents that I was severely mentally
uneventful. During the surgery retarded as a result of the brain
procedure, I stopped breathing on the damage and it would be well advised
operating table. This was only for a that they institutionalize me.
few minutes; but, it was long enough
for brain damage to occur. The brain
damage effected my visual cortex, my My mother insisted and convinced my
medulla ablongata, and my Broca’s father that the doctors were wrong
area. The end result was that I was and that I could with special help live
effectively blind (only able to have a fully normal and productive life.
light perception) had problems
learning new languages and dealing
with written language and also had a As is normal in many parts of America
very apish gate to boot. and in particular New York State, I was
enrolled in kindergarten and the New
York State board of education saw
that my parents had up to date My parents then enrolled me in Holly
vaccination records and ordered my Family Catholic School and I was
parents to have me evaluated for an immediately placed in first grade
intelligence quotient test before they because of the fact that I was well
would allow me into the kindergarten. above the mental levels of the
So, my parents did so. The result was kindergartener’s (this was at age five).
that the tester Dr. Fulner claimed my During this time period, I was learning
IQ score was well below 80 and I was extremely rapidly and mastering all
mentally retarded. those things that Catholic school
students were to master.

My parents not believing this had me

independently tested by another However, during my Catholic school
psychologist. This female attendance, I was chronically ill and in
psychologist determined that my IQ and out of the hospital. Consequently,
score was 160 and had much greater after my very last hospital stay, my
potential. This was largely a result of parents decided to enroll me in public
the fact that an eight year old boy was school. During my first week in public
teaching her about Einstein’s General school. I went from kindergarten to
and Special Theories of Relativity and slow first grade then fast first grade
also explaining to her aspects of the then slow second grade then fast
subatomic world as well. second grade and during this entire
period of time, the teachers discriminated against me because of
complained that I was a problem. My my blindness. Ultimately, I went to
parents then took me out of public SUNY Stoney Brook and received a
school and had me teach myself from duel Bachelor’s degree in Electrical
books they board from mail order Engineering and Mathematics. Upon
catalogs. graduation from SUNY, I received full
deans list honors during my entire
eighteen month say in the Bachelor’s
After three years of self teaching, I program and was graduating Cum
was evaluated and then put into Laudi.
freshman year of high school at age
thirteen. The high school that I was
put into was none other than Bishop My very first job was with WNCN radio
Laughlin M.H.S. and it was an in New York City (this was during my
extremely deciplined Jesuit high university stay) and this ultimately
school that was co-ed integrated. lead to a work study fellowship at
During my graduation, I was at the top Grumman Bethpage New York. My
ten percent of my graduating class area of work dealt with RADAR based
and scored a perfect one thousand on machine vision systems.
my SAT test. This enabled me to get
scholarships for college. I attended
multiple colleges that each of which
My life up to this point had Shatton substandard housing and force me to
meddling in it and Allah and his angels give up my guide dog to boot. This
undoing what Shatton was doing as condition took ten years to remedy.
he was doing it.

Eventually, I would meet and live with

During my entire working life up to Rosie, the person that is now my wife
this point, I managed to save a quarter and we would travel numerous times
of a million dollars. Unfortunately, upstate to look for a house to buy with
about a decade later I became ill, the one hundred fifteen thousand
could no longer work and also dollars that my decades long battling
subsequently became homeless. with the government gave me. The
During my homeless period, the rest of the quarter of a million dollars
government stole my entire savings was taken as back taxes on my
and thereby guarranteed that I would savings.
be homeless and be victimized by
both the system and its various
corrupt and evil taxpayer funded Eventually, we found a wonderful 1975
nonprofits. Nonprofits that forced me vintage New England style house that
by court order to take mental we bought for the incredible price of
medications that I truly did not need only sixty eight thousand dollars. This
and put me in totally dangerous house was incredibly move in ready
and only needed a very few cosmetic commercial users as Christmas
fixes to the outside for it to become decorations. The other produces
fully insured. multi-media web based
advertisements and the very last of my
seventeen businesses is currently
Within a month of moving into the new working on the design and
home, I began to order equipment and prototyping of the worlds first air
books that I would need to own and breathing plasma jet engine.
operate my seventeen IRS registered
businesses. Businesses that I began
as soon as I got my equipment and This is not to mention that I also have
DSL connection. a patent infringement law suit against
IBM corporation and a retro active
Social Security case for improper
Presently, I’m extremely busy with my termination of a PASS (Plan to Achieve
seventeen businesses, although none Self Support).
of them have become profitable yet.

Thus far, Allah’s hand in my life is very

One of my businesses designs, visible. IBM’s attorney filed a waiver
constructs and programs of summons and they will not appear
Glockenspiel Automatons for in court at all. This means it will most
probably lead to me winning this fifty TWITTER: @DrBitetto
billion dollar patent infringement law
FACEBOOK: http://
FACEBOOK: http://
In the case of the Social Security
case, the verdict is still out.
FACEBOOK: http://
Presently, I’m waiting for a fifteen FACEBOOK: http://
thousand dollar business startup
grant from the New York State
FACEBOOK: http://
Commission for the Blind. Yet, I have
w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / N u o v a -
to get this grant check. All they seem
to be doing is both stalling and giving
excuses why the grant check is not
being issued to me.

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