Elective Assignment

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NAME Aashi bingh MalikK

|ROLNO. t~4238
CLASS &SEOTION :~BA-IL,C 5) Page No. 1

|Date 11/09/23
tnite one o the theme q the hlay Muchant of Venie by wiliam
Ahakestuae. (ú 50 won)
dhe beme loue and
a tich exploration o the diforet foris a loe and
"rikauis that tuit uå locaity
ehe a mechant tenie"ithu
friurdbuib closet
belwennton,te titlar mechant, and bo laana,hu
And tndnuÁ tnitadaih. ntons ú uiig to go to guat
lengts to y basanit, wen t man
lave a euidunt Uwhen rotis

as calatenal ntonis4"nulighus ta endu uch

zhe dupte belithindhip.
Houewer, thu"theme love extenk byond fnimcalajp t
emanti love. Hh mest nonuiant Lomont ulotionalh
tle blay ú betuenboaaie and Posla. Bassanis's quut
on Pontis hand masniage dnives much the plot.
casket tistt duiud by lolta'a lot
athe to uak Porta ui tun dovee lBasanis md
uss he uit anol
hial Hhe love one
dustion and miluig nesa
too ovevcome ohsacles ou th dale o love
sjsl oue tetwen bntente
and basanio on bamanio and fatia, the chwactu ydhylech
pnovids a slakcamLAacl duloctd obusion etth mdhyand

by'ha had fou bntonio, who hau pui

liautled and waáthlatd Auñ fobeg teuuisl. dhyloc»
liaistence on clamuig a pounolo dndtonio's fustw
fan tle defauttea lban hehhuento a lo wngeant
Dnetnibutdn, lidutightang the daten ospot human natu
he chaactu 'nlea,hyloct's doughte, alto withacuu an

heu Juuish hetägeHe actiona "eyeet the fowe ' sonndate

Love ko tianitnd cltual and Heligiou bounclalies but
oyaty konda that can se
also naus qustiona about te loyally
ained uthe fuuit lo.
On concluson, yhe erchant o enice delves deeply ito the
themes o love and adlveul hang
nelationalsu that highight tue entbtidhu.
Hhe tndeig tninlu betuen dntonil an lbassanis
the dyls loe betasten baosanis ana Pauta, the eng
loue &dyloct ant the cemplsiliis loue and belhayal
nthe' sbßlot al contiibut to a nict tapestay humbn
Cnotlond. dhakeyp eae's exploretion y tuse thhes Aeu
as a tinetus nemine the fowl,bauty and n challenga
Loue and frenoolp t hunan enphine.

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