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b.2. What do you think will the two sons do?

c.2. Do you think they will still stay on Moab despite of what happened to them?
c.3. What do you think will Naomi do?
d.2. Why did Naomi decided to go back to Israel after her husband and two sons died?
d.3. Do the two daughter-in-laws want to go with her too?
e.1. Who got the correct prediction?
e.2. What did Naomi tell to them?
e.3. Who do you think will stay?
f.1. Who got the correct prediction?
f.2. Who returned home?
g.2. What did Ruth say to Naomi when she asked her again to return to her people?
g.3. What vow did Ruth make to Naomi in God’s name?
g.4. What do you think will happen next after the event?
h.2. What was her new name?
h.3. Why do you think Naomi wanted her name changed??
h.4. What do you think was the cause of her bitterness?
h.5. Was Naomi right to have lost faith? Was it reasonable?
i.2. Who was Boaz?
i.3. How was he related to Naomi?
i.4. What do you think is the role of Boaz in the lives of Naomi and Ruth?
j.1. Who got the correct prediction?
j.2. Why do you think Boaz is so kind to Ruth?
j.3. Why should we help people who less than we have?
k.1. Who got the correct prediction?
k.2. Why did Naomi consider Boaz to be a worthy husband for Ruth?
k.3. Why do you think she was searching for a husband for Ruth in the first place?
k.4. Do you think Boaz want Ruth to be his wife?
l.1. Who got the correct prediction?
l.2. It is said that in Jewish custom, a widow marries her dead husband’s closest male relative. Do you
think this is applicable nowadays? Why? Why not?
l.3. Do you think they will get married? And the Lord will bless them?
m.1. Who got the correct prediction?
m.2. Who was their son?
m.3. What was his relationship to future leaders to the Israelites?

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