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Ss2 crs

1. Which of these kings had his name changed by Nebuchadnezzar? (a) Jehoiakim (b)
Mattaniah (c)Gedaliah (d) Jehoachin
2. The Persian king who decreed that all Jews could go to their land was (a)
N e b u c h a d n e z z a r ( b ) Artaxerxes (c) Darius (d) Cyrus
3. Which of these kings of Judah died one month before his nation was invaded by Nebuchadnezzar?
(a)Zedekiah (b) Mattaniah (c) Jehoiakim (d) Jehoachin
4. Which of the following people opposed the rebuild of the temple by Nehemiah (a)
Zerubbabel (b)King Cyrus (c) King Artaxerxes (d) Sanballat
5. The last thing Zedekiah saw before he was blinded was the (a) feasting of the children of Israel (b) the city
of Jerusalem (c) slaughter of all his own children (d) the destruction of the walls of Jerusalem.
6. How many people did king Nebuchadnezzar see in the fiery furnace? a. two b. three c. four d. five
7. By the order of king Nebuchadnezzar, the furnace was heated ____ times more than its normal
heat. a. two b. five c. seven d. nine
8. For refusing to bow to the golden image, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were _______a. stoned to
death b. thrown into the fire c. executed publicly d. deported back to Jerusalem
9. Who reported the three Jews to king
Nebuchadnezzar? a. the Persians b. the Jews c. the Chaldeans d. the Arabs.
10. The faith and courage of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego made king Nebuchadnezzar issue an order that
______a. all the Jews must be killed b. unbelievers must be thrown into the fiery furnace c. the enemies of
the three Hebrew men should be demoted d. anyone who spoke against God should be destroyed
11. Daniel was delivered from the den of lions for all the following reasons except for his
______ a. holiness b. kindness c. faith in God d. prayerful life
12. It was possible for Daniel to distinguish himself among other officers of king
D a r i u s b e c a u s e h e _______ a). co-
operated with other presidents b). had an excellent spirit c). had wanted the laws of Medes and Persians
reversed d. disobeyed the king’s decree
13. King Darius did not want to kill Daniel because he ________ a). was afraid of the people’s reaction b).was
afraid of God’s punishment c). thought that it might cause a riot d). loved Daniel and knew that he was
14. Daniel was cast into the lion’s den because he______ a. insulted the king b. prayed to his
God c. raped the king’s wife d. took part in coup
15. The lions could not hurt Daniel because ______ a. the lions were too young b. an angel
stayed with him c. he trusted in God d. he had some magical powers
16. According to Amos, the people of Israel were guilty of (a) fornication (b) dishonesty (c) greed
17. The main theme of Amos prophesy to Israel was justice and (a) love (
b ) f o r g i v e n e s s ( c ) righteousness (d) mercy.
18. Amos called the Samaritan women “cows of Bashan” because (a) they offered a lot of cows
as burnt offering to the lord (b) they were fat (c) they ate cows bought from Bashan (d) theyencouraged
their husbands to oppress the poor.
19. Amos described true religion as (a) fasting and praying (b) being just and righteous (c) engaging in
sacrifices and burnt offerings (d) engaging in holy feast and assemblies.
20. Amos condemned the people of Israel for all the following except (a) trampling on the
heads of t h e p o o r ( b ) s e l l i n g t h e r i g h t e o u s n e s s f o r s i l v e r. ( c ) u p h o l d i n g t h e
r i g h t s o f t h e a f f l i c t e d ( d ) drinking in the house of their God the wine of those who had been fined
21. The message of Amos was mainly about (a) the love of God (b) religious
s a c r i f i c e ( c ) s o c i a l justice (d) the holiness of God
22. Amos declared that God hated solemn feasts, songs and sacrifices because the people
of Israel were(a) despicable and untruthful (b) luxurious and arrogant (c) unjust and unrighteous (d)
unforgiving and unrepentant.
23. God spoke through Amos that he would punish Israel for the following sins except that
they (a) sold the righteous for silver (b) sold the needy for a pair of shoes (c) trampled the head of the
poor into the dust (d) pursued their brothers with the sword.
24. According to Amos’ prophecy, the “day of the Lord” to the Israelites would be a day of (a) victory
of enemies (b) happiness (c) doom (d) national triumph.
25. Amos’ message can aptly be described as (a) justice and righteousness (b) doom for the
spiritually bankrupt. (c) Observance of all religious practices (d) obedience to law as true religion.
26. Gomer’s second child was named (a) Jezreel (b) Jezebel (c) not my people (d) not pitied
27. Hosea’s wife, Gomer was a (a) seamstress (b) prophetess (c) princess (d) harlot
28. Hosea divorced his wife because (a) she was unfaithful (b) she refused to come back (c) she came from a
heathen nation (d) she was a harlot.
29. Hosea came to his vocation as a prophet through (a) frequent calls from God (b) personal love for the
vocation (c) a message he received in a dream (d) Israel’s insistence that he should prophesy.
30. The main message of Hosea is that God desires ______ A. sacrifice and thanksgiving. B. love with little
sacrifice. C. sacrifice and worship D. steadfast love and not sacrifice.


1. What was the significance of Josiah’s reforms?

2. What religious reforms did king Josiah execute during his tenure?

3. What is Religious Reform?

4. Explain what you understand by responsibility.

5. Give at least four responsibilities of a citizen to his/her nation.

Good luck.

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