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Vikul sir mock question solve


Q1. Why do we use view ?

Q2. If I have 20000 records then which are will be better ?

Q3.TempTable can create multiple indexes on tempTeable.

Q4.what are ranking function?

Q5.How you can update the base table using view? Is there any way to do that?

Q6.What is nested in sp?

Q7.can we call temp table in nested sp?

Q8.If there is a multiple table then can we update the tables in view? How to achieve it & what is the

C# :-

Q1.what is trypasrse()? Signature of tryParse().

Q2.In which scenario you will use ref and out

Q3. Can we use var keyword as function parameter?

Q4.What are diff type of method derived from object

Q.5 why to use nullable?

Q6.can we do method overloadind in multiple classes?

Q7.Diff between single() And first().

Ans:- single():- Throw the exception if more than one matching element .

First():- It gives first matching element.

Q8. Secsond highest salary in linqQuery.

Q9.What is the connection oriented & disconnected ?

Q10. Do you know machine.config & that is applicable to all projects.

Q11.What is assembly?
Q12.What is GAC?

Q13.How Make strongly name assemply?

Q14.What is sql injection?

Q15. How to prevent Injection?

Q16.Can we make a base class method as override /abstract interface ?

Q17.How we achieve expplictly interface ?

Q18.Why we use linq?


Q1.What is viewState ? where it will get store?

Q2. What is diff between session and application .

Q3.when application variable get destroyed?

Q4.How session work? sessionless cookies work?

Q6.How we achieve validation in

Q7.why do we use validation summary ?

Q8.What is validation group?

Q9.What is diff bet Respose.redirect And server.transfer.

Q10.What about address in both cases.

Q11.How we do fragment cache

Q12.Which directive we use to cache data

Q13.Absulating expiration

Q14.Sliding expiration

Q15.How you can cache the data that we uses?

Q16.Suppose we have a scenario that lets we can cache a data for 60 min then how we know that the
data in cache is updated or not ?

Q1.what is partial view ?

Q2.How to render ?

Q3.Action method with same signature ?

Q4. How to restrict length

Q5.What are action filters ?

Q6. How to return string?

Q7.How to return html form?

Q8.What is action filter?

Q9.What is AJAX in mvc?

Java Script:-

Q1.What is ready function?

Q2.Diff between == & ===?

Q3.How we decalere variable?

Q4.What is IFI?

Q5.what is event handling?

Q6.What are the type of selector?

Q7.I have <div> inside <div> I have button.using btnId set background color for <Div>

Ans:- (#btnId).parent.backgroundcolor:red.

Q8.What are the diff between javascript array?

Q9.How we stop that ? is these any method?

Q10.What is traversing & how we do that ?

Q11.why we write a $ symbol?

Q12. Can we change thsat symbol ?how?

Q13.What is the problem by using $ symbol

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