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Journal of Environmental Management 293 (2021) 112817

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Degradation and accumulation rates of fresh human excreta during

vermicomposting by Eisenia fetida and Eudrilus eugeniae
Michael Nyame Acquah a, Helen Michelle Korkor Essandoh a, *, Sampson Oduro-Kwarteng a,
Eugene Appiah-Effah a, Peter Antwi Owusu b
Regional Water and Environmental Sanitation Centre, Kumasi, Department of Civil Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi,
Biological Filters and Composters Limited (Biofilcom), Ghana


Keywords: This study was carried out to assess the degradation and accumulation rates of fresh human excreta and how
Human excreta degradation addition of anal cleansing materials affect performance during vermicomposting by Eisenia fetida and Eudrilus
Vermicomposting eugeniae. Vermicomposting setups consisting of two transparent containers (length 0.27 m, breadth 0.17 m and
Eisenia fetida
depth 0.12 m) stacked on top of each other were installed and operated under laboratory conditions. Earth­
Eudrilus eugeniae
worms, Eisenia fetida and Eudrilus eugeniae, were obtained from Green Cycle Technologies Limited in Accra,
Anal cleansing material
Helminth eggs Ghana and the species verified and cultured before use. Fresh human excreta for feeding the experimental setups
was collected from an Enviro-loo public toilet and 13 g applied to the setups daily. Similar setups were fed with
0.3 g of anal cleansing material in addition to the fresh excreta. A setup without any earthworms (NW) was set up
as a control. Physicochemical characteristics of vermicompost accumulating in the setups were determined
weekly for 28 days using standard laboratory procedures while the sludge accumulated in the various setups
were weighed and recorded daily. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Post-hoc LSD tests were conducted
to determine whether the differences in results between the two earthworm species and among setups with and
without anal cleansing materials were statistically significant (p ≤ 0.05). The study showed 12.3% and 26.2%
reduction in volatile solids in EE (Eudrilus eugeniae and excreta only) and EF (Eisenia fetida and excreta only)
while ash content increased indicating good degradation. The percentage mass reductions recorded at the end of
the fourth week were 67.5%, 58.8% and 40.5% in systems EE, EF and NW respectively, while reductions of
73.7% and 68.5% were realized in EEA (Eudrilus eugeniae with excreta and toilet paper) and EFA (Eisenia fetida
with excreta and toilet paper) respectively. There was greater amount of sludge accumulated in systems without
earthworms, 0.00020 m3 (59.5%) in NW, than in systems with earthworms where 0.00011 m3 (32.5%) and
0.00014 m3 (41.2%) were recorded for EE and EF respectively. The rate of accumulation in vermibeds EE and EF
was relatively higher than in vermibeds with excreta and toilet paper (EEA and EFA). EEA and EFA recorded
accumulation rates of 0.00009 m3 (26.3%) and 0.00011 m3 (31.5%) respectively. Complete removal of helminth
eggs was not achieved in any of the treatment systems.

1. Introduction 2017). In addition to the high dependency on OSS facilities, high

financial cost involved in transportation of faecal sludge to designated
Most densely populated urban regions without adequate sanitation disposal sites, due to the distance and traffic congestion in most urban
and sewerage infrastructure face major problems in the management of cities, often leads to uncontrolled dumping of faecal sludge at unap­
human excreta (Strauss et al., 2000). Human excreta if not managed proved sites (Ingallinella et al., 2002).
properly can cause waterborne diseases and other health implications. It The problem with onsite sanitation is the incomplete onsite treat­
is estimated that about 2.8 billion people in low and middle income ment of the excreta for safe removal and disposal. Thousands of tons of
areas are served by onsite sanitation systems (OSS) (WHO and UNICEF, untreated sludge from various OSS installations are indiscriminately

* Corresponding author. Department of Civil Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Kumasi, Ghana.
E-mail address: hmkessandoh.coe@knust.edu.gh (H.M.K. Essandoh).

Received 9 September 2020; Received in revised form 16 May 2021; Accepted 16 May 2021
Available online 4 June 2021
0301-4797/© 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
M.N. Acquah et al. Journal of Environmental Management 293 (2021) 112817

disposed of into drainage systems, open spaces and wetlands (Appia­ 2. Study area
h-Effah et al., 2014). Helminth eggs found in faecal sludge are trans­
mitted by direct contact with contaminated soils, crops or wastewater Human excreta was collected from a public toilet (an Enviro-loo)
and they usually cause asymptomatic chronic infections (Salazar-Cas­ located in Kotei, a community within the Oforikrom Municipal Assem­
tanon et al., 2014). Heavy infection is associated with intestinal damage bly of the Ashanti Region of Ghana (Figure S1). The climate condition of
with loss of nutrients resulting in impaired mental and physical growth, Kotei is tropical and humid with an average temperature of about 25 ◦ C.
anaemia, low resistance to other infections in children and poor birth Kotei is inhabited by both indigenes and students from the Kwame
outcomes of pregnant women (Hotez, 2008). Faecal sludge needs to Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST). The com­
undergo some form of treatment to reduce the pH, pathogen level, munity is unplanned with low sanitation coverage with the populace
chemical oxygen demand and biochemical oxygen demand before dis­ mostly being petty traders with few having white collar jobs. A large
charging into water bodies to prevent oxygen depletion in the water proportion, about 47%, of Kotei’s residents but up to 80% in the older
bodies. Oxygen depletion occurs as a result of degradation of organic residential areas do not have access to sanitation facilities in their homes
materials in the waste by microorganisms (Bhise and Anoakor, 2015) and depend on the four public toilets in the community. These facilities
and has detrimental effects on the survival of aquatic organisms. In are old, poorly maintained and a public health nuisance, with residents
several aspects of waste management, regeneration of valuable re­ on average walking 600 m to use them (Leathes, 2012). Vermi­
sources is now acknowledged (Suthar, 2010). Use of biological proced­ composting setups were installed and operated under laboratory con­
ures such as waste stabilization ponds, unplanted wetland drying beds ditions at the Environmental Quality Engineering (EQE) laboratory of
and composting/co-composting are among the effective and less the College of Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and
expensive ways of treating waste (Koné et al., 2010). Technology (KNUST), which is in close proximity to the community.
Dry sanitation facilities such as composting and ventilated improved
pit latrines are appropriate for communities with basic water supply, but 3. Materials and methods
there are problems with odour nuisance and rapid filling of pits due to
higher usage rate. The emergence of vermi-technology in treating 3.1. Earthworms
human waste will help reduce the numerous effects of poor sanitation.
Vermicomposting is a method of decomposition of excreta involving the The earthworms Eisenia fetida and Eudrilus eugeniae were obtained
shared action of earthworms and microorganisms. Biochemical break­ from Green Cycle Technologies Limited in Accra, Ghana. The species
down of organic matter is often attributed to the processes and action of were verified at the Biology Department, KNUST, and cultured in the
microorganisms but earthworms fuel the process by conditioning and EQE laboratory. The earthworms were cultured in a plastic container
fragmenting the substrate hence changing its biological activity (Dom­ containing garden soil for one month. The vermibeds were kept moist
inguez and Edwards, 2004). Despite so many earthworm families, not all during culturing through regular sprinkling of water on top of the bed.
species are appropriate for vermicomposting. Some particular features The top of the container was covered in order to create a dark atmo­
of biology and ecology make an earthworm appropriate. It should be sphere and also prevent escape of the earthworms.
able to colonize organic waste naturally, have a high rate of organic
matter digestion and assimilation, and tolerate a broad variety of envi­ 3.2. Collection of human excreta
ronmental variables. Few earthworm species have the above charac­
teristics (Medany and Yahia, 2011). These include epigeic species such The toilet facility had twelve (12) cubicles, six (6) cubicles each for
as Eudrilus eugeniae, Eisenia fetida and Perionyx excavates. For successful males and females. Each cubicle had containers for disposal of anal
vermicomposting, suitable earthworm species selection is a vital step cleansing material; hence these were not dropped into the containment
which cannot be overlooked, especially its potential to feed upon structure. In order to ensure collection of fresh excreta, uncontaminated
different streams of wastes. The vermicomposting efficiency of a few by toxic cleaning chemicals, six (6) samplers were designed to directly
epigeic earthworm species such as Eisenia fetida and Lumbricus rubellus in receive the human excreta from three (3) male and three (3) female
the digestion of a broad range of organic materials such as animal cubicles. These samplers were removed whenever the facility was to be
excreta, sewage sludge, human faeces, residual crops and agricultural cleaned to prevent possible contamination. Human excreta collected
waste, raw organic waste in small and large projects has been studied were thoroughly mixed before analysis and feeding of experimental
(Garg et al., 2006; Yadav et al., 2010). However, the potential of some setups.
commonly known earthworms such as Eudrilus eugeniae for the degra­
dation of human excreta together with anal cleansing material has not 3.3. Experimental setup
been extensively explored.
While focusing on improving sanitation technologies, less priority is Factorial design experiment, involving two species of earthworms in
often given to the management of anal cleansing material used after vermibeds and the co-decomposition of excreta and anal cleansing
visiting the toilet. There is however a need to manage anal cleansing material, was used to determine the sludge accumulation and mass
material to prevent the spread of diseases (McMahon et al., 2011). Anal reduction as well as pollutants removal efficiencies by the treatment
cleansing materials are often not disposed of with excreta but contained units. The experiment employed three groups of design, EE and EF, EEA
separately and burnt or added to municipal solid waste, which ends up and EFA, and NW, to assess excreta degradation rates and sludge
in landfills or the open environment. Anal cleansing materials are accumulation rates and how anal cleansing materials affect these rates.
managed separately due to the use of unconventional anal cleansing EE and EF assessed how species type would affect performance while the
materials, user perceptions over excreta containment structures filling control, NW, was to help evaluate how earthworms influence degrada­
up quickly or upon advice from some installers of vermicomposting tion and sludge accumulation. For the loading rate, an average excreta
toilets. So far, extensive studies have not been carried out on vermi­ generation rate of 300 g/user/day was used. Experimental setups were
composting of human excreta. Neither has the effect of anal cleansing therefore designed to investigate a loading rate of 0.28 kg feed/m2/day.
materials on the process been documented. This study was therefore This loading rate was determined based on 1 user/day and to achieve
undertaken to assess the degradation and accumulation rates of human this, the experimental setups were fed with 13 g of human excreta daily.
excreta and the effect of anal cleansing materials during vermi­ In order to estimate the amount of toilet paper used per person per day, a
composting by Eisenia fetida and Eudrilus eugeniae. simple survey of individuals (n = 30) on the length and weight of toilet
paper used per toilet visit was conducted and found to be 6 g/user/day,
corresponding to a loading rate of 0.006 kg feed/m2/day, for a digester

M.N. Acquah et al. Journal of Environmental Management 293 (2021) 112817

with surface area of 1.08 m2. To achieve this loading for the experi­ micro-Kjeldhal method (Bremner, 1996; Yadav and Garg, 2011). COD
mental setups with surface area of 0.05 m2, 0.3 g of toilet paper was analyses were done using the closed reflux titrimetric method
added. Setups with surface area of 0.05 m2 were stocked with 15 worms (APHA/AWWA/WEF, 2005). Helminth egg was measured using
corresponding to a field density of 300 worms per m2. Kato-Katz technique (WHO, 2019).
Experimental setups consisted of two transparent containers (length
0.27 m, breadth 0.17 m and depth 0.12 m) stacked on top of each other, 3.5. Statistical analysis
allowing a small gap in between. The upper container, serving as the
vermibed, was perforated at the bottom to allow for drainage of effluent One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to determine
and subsequent collection in the bottom container (Figure S2). Vermi­ whether the mean difference of results from various systems were sta­
beds consisted of a layer of soil on top of which was placed 200 g of coir tistically significant. A Post-hoc LSD test was further conducted and
and a plastic mesh. Soil and coir served as supporting and bulking ma­ variations or differences were considered significant when (p ≤ 0.05)
terials respectively. In addition to enriching the diversity of microbial (Montgomery and Runger, 2007).
population and enzymatic activities, bulking material was needed to
improve the physical environment for support in the vermibeds. The soil 4. Results and discussion
was collected from an agricultural field, below 10 cm of the surface, and
was properly homogenized before placing in the vermibeds. Charac­ The characteristics of the fresh human excreta are presented in
teristics of the soil are shown in Table S1. Table S2. The results obtained showed that the human excreta had
The vermibeds were covered with perforated lids to provide proper average pH, conductivity, moisture content and total solids of 6.59,
air ventilation and also allow exchange of gases. The lids also prevented 1067.69 μS/cm, 78.51% and 21.49% respectively. Volatile solids, ash
escape of the earthworms. Twenty setups were prepared, each having a content, carbon, nitrogen and COD concentration also recorded 83.92%,
duplicate. Two sets of experiments were run simultaneously. One was to 16.08%, 48.79%, 9.92% and 167,918.75 mg/L respectively. For hel­
determine the degradation and accumulation rates of the fresh excreta minth eggs analysis, the results obtained for Ascaris lumbricoides
and the other the effect of toilet paper, as anal cleansing material, on the (roundworm) and Ancylostoma duodenale (hookworm) in human excreta
rate of degradation and accumulation of sludge. Fifteen earthworms of were 305 ± 121.40 and 369 ± 49.58 eggs/g respectively. Analysis of
each species having individual live weight of 120.21 ± 2.81 mg for Trichuris trichiura (whipworm), Strongyloides stercoralis (threadworm)
Eisenia fetida and 202.46 ± 4.92 mg for Eudrilus eugeniae were released and Schistosoma haematobium (blood fluke) in 1 g of human excreta
into each experimental container (Table 1). samples showed mean and standard deviation of 288 ± 83.14, 285 ±
Setups EE, EF and NW were each fed with 13 g of human excreta 65.69, 285 ± 65.69 and 156 ± 49.68 respectively (Figure S3).
daily. Setups EEA and EFA were fed 0.3 g of anal cleansing material in A study on human excreta from a non-flush, drop and store type of
addition to 13 g of excreta daily. Approximately 22 ml of water was toilet from a village named Mandhana near IIT Kanpur, India reported
added to each setup daily with the feed to mimic the microflush toilet an average pH of 5.4, moisture content of 80%, total nitrogen of 4.03%
system (500 ml to 1 L per flush). The plastic meshes on which the excreta and total carbon of 42% (Yadav et al., 2011a). Another study by Nguyễn
were placed were weighed daily in order to determine sludge accumu­ (2012) in Germany, also documented an average pH value of 6.45, total
lation rates. solids of 16.6%, total nitrogen of 2.5% and carbon of 50.25%. Several
Percentage mass reduction was calculated using Equation (1): researches have proven that the composition of human excreta varies
from geographical location due to factors such as prevailing environ­
[(TFMA – FMR)/TFMA)] × 100 (1)
mental conditions and type of diet (Rose et al., 2015).
Where; TFMA = total faecal mass added; FMR = faecal mass remaining.
4.1. Temperature in experimental setups during vermicomposting

3.4. Physico-chemical and biological analyses of samples Temperatures measured during vermicomposting are illustrated in
Figure S4. All the systems exhibited temperature values within the range
In all the systems, moisture content, pH, electrical conductivity, of 25–32 ◦ C with ambient temperature recording values between 32 and
volatile solids, total organic carbon content, ash content, chemical ox­ 38 ◦ C. Temperature in all vermibeds followed the trend of the ambient
ygen demand (COD) and nitrogen content were determined every week temperature. Similar finding was made by Furlong et al. (2014a) where
during vermicomposting for 28 days. Once the samples were collected the average temperatures in the vermifilters mirrored the patterns of the
analyses were performed immediately or the samples were kept in a average environmental temperatures. A study to monitor the life cycles
refrigerator at 4 ◦ C until analysis. and optimal conditions for survival and growth of Eisenia fetida, Den­
Moisture and ash contents were measured by using a gravimetric drobaena veneta, Eudrilus eugeniae, and Perionynx excavates revealed that
method at 105 ◦ C within 24 h and 550 ◦ C for 4 h, respectively. pH and each earthworm species varied substantially in terms of their tolerance
electrical conductivity were measured using a digital pH meter and an to varying temperatures. The suitable temperature range for Eisenia
electrical conductivity meter, respectively. Volatile solids (VS) were fetida was between 0 ◦ C and 35 ◦ C while optimum temperature was
determined as sample weight loss (previously oven-dried at 105 ◦ C) 25 ◦ C. Eudrilus eugeniae and P. excavatus died at temperatures below 9 ◦ C
upon ashing at 550 ◦ C for 2 h in a muffle furnace. Total organic carbon and above 30 ◦ C but had ideal temperature of 25 ◦ C (Domiguez and
was calculated by multiplying the VS values by 1.8 (Rostami et al., 2010; Edwards, 2010b). Lower temperature recorded in various systems (NW,
Wu et al., 2000). TKN was measured in accordance with the EE, EEA, EF, EFA) than ambient temperature (ATM) might be due to the
daily watering of the systems that kept the temperature favourable for
Table 1 the survival of the earthworms (Furlong et al., 2014b).
Description of experimental setup.
Code Description of setup 4.2. Degradation and accumulation of sludge during vermicomposting
RW Fresh human excreta
EE Eudrilus eugeniae with excreta only 4.2.1. pH
EEA Eudrilus eugeniae with excreta and toilet paper Figure S5, shows the changes in pH during vermicomposting. There
EF Eisenia fetida with excreta only was an increase in pH from 7.75 ± 0.07 to 8.70 ± 0.05 from the first to
EFA Eisenia fetida with excreta and toilet paper third week then a decrease to 7.82 ± 0.23 at the fourth week in EE
NW Bed without earthworms (control setup)
(Eudrilus eugeniae with excreta). Similar observation was made in EF

M.N. Acquah et al. Journal of Environmental Management 293 (2021) 112817

(Eisenia fetida with excreta) with a pH increase from 7.53 ± 0.17 to 8.56 the ranges of 54%–76%. The highest moisture content of 75.11 ± 1.04%
± 0.39 at the end of the third week then a decrease to 7.75 ± 0.38 at the was recorded in EFA (Eisenia fetida with excreta and toilet paper) in the
end of the experiment. The rise in pH found in EE and EF during the first first week then decreased to 58.10 ± 0.22% in the fourth week. In EEA
21 days of vermicomposting may be attributed to carbonate release due (Eudrilus eugeniae with excreta and toilet paper) moisture content
to urea hydrolysis (Khan et al., 2019). The decrease in pH recorded in reduced from 68.59 ± 0.56% in the first week to 54.22 ± 0.65% at the
the fourth week in EE and EF could be attributed to the production of end of the experiment (week 4). Statistical analysis employing one-way
CO2 due to the metabolic activities of earthworms and microorganisms ANOVA showed no significant difference (p = 0.233) in moisture con­
(Raphael and Velmourougane, 2011). In comparison to the systems with tent in setups (EE, EF, EFA and EEA). Conversely, the weekly moisture
earthworms (EE and EF), the control without earthworms (NW) recor­ content reductions were statistically different (p = 8.12E-09).
ded an initial pH decrease up to day 7, reaching values as low as 5.62 ±
0.06. This could be attributed to anoxic conditions that favoured organic 4.2.4. Total organic carbon
acid accumulation (Buzie-Fru, 2010). This was not the case in the ver­ The general decrease of total organic carbon indicates mineralization
mibeds (EE and EF) presumably due to the aerating effects of earth­ of organic matter (Fig. 1). The carbon contents of the biosolids for this
worms. Statistically there was significant difference in pH between EE, study were between 36 and 47% in EE and EF. Greater reduction was
EF and NW (p = 2.17E-09) employing one-way ANOVA test which observed in EF followed by EE than there was in the setup without
means that there is variation in pH change in setups with and without earthworm (NW) which indicates that earthworm activity greatly lowers
earthworms. Further LSD test conducted on the samples indicated that the levels of organic carbon in waste and speeds up the process of sta­
there was significant variation between EE and NW (p = 0.000196) and bilization (Suther, 2007). A fraction of TOC is lost as CO2 during ver­
between EF and NW (p = 0.000196). Hence this may indicate that micomposting owing to the consumption of the available carbon as a
earthworms play a major role in the change of pH of substrate during source of energy by the earthworms and microbes causing a decrease in
vermicomposting. the TOC value of biosolids (Sonowal et al., 2014a). The total organic
There was a general decrease in pH at the end of the experiment in carbon variations were significant (p = 3.73E-08) in all the systems (EE,
both vermibeds, with and without toilet paper. EEA (Eudrilus eugeniae EF and NW). Further LSD test conducted on the results indicated that
with excreta and toilet paper) recorded a decrease in pH from 7.73 ± there was significant variation between EE and NW (p = 0.001), EF and
0.04 in the first week to 6.67 ± 0.07 in the fourth week whiles EFA NW (p = 7.70E-09) and EE and EF (p = 0.000023).
(Eisenia fetida with excreta and toilet paper) decreased from 7.82 ± 0.03 In assessing the effect of toilet paper on the degradation in systems,
to 6.75 ± 0.20. Generally there was no significant difference in the mean (EE and EEA) and (EF and EFA), there was a general decrease in carbon
pH (p = 0.114) in all vermibeds (EE, EF, EFA and EEA) using one-way in all vermibeds. An ANOVA test on the results showed significant dif­
ANOVA. This may indicate that the addition of toilet paper does not ference (p = 0.012) between the vermibeds. A LSD Post-hoc test was
cause a difference in pH in various vermibeds over the experimental employed to compare the level of significance between the vermibeds
period when Eisenia fetida and Eudrilus eugeniae were employed. and there was significant difference between EE (Eudrilus eugeniae with
excreta) and EEA (Eudrilus eugeniae with excreta and toilet paper) (p =
4.2.2. Electrical conductivity 0.026). There was no significant difference when EF (Eisenia fetida with
Figure S6, shows the changes in electrical conductivity during ver­ excreta) was compared with EFA (Eisenia fetida with excreta and toilet
micomposting. Electrical conductivity increased gradually in both the paper) (p = 0.820). This indicates that the addition of toilet paper did
system without earthworms (NW) and those with earthworms (EE and not influence carbon reduction when Eisenia fetida species of earth­
EF) until day 14 when a decrease was seen in NW and then a slight in­ worms were employed.
crease to day 28. There was a general decrease in EC in NW from 1099 ±
6.00 μs/cm in the first week to 736.5 ± 13.50 μs/cm at the end of the 4.2.5. Volatile solids and ash content
fourth week. Moreover, there was an increase in EC in EE and EF from This study recorded 12.3% and 26.2% reduction in volatile solids in
1146 ± 46.00 μs/cm and 1099.5 ± 4.50 μs/cm in the first week to 1590 EE and EF respectively. NW however recorded only 2% reduction in
± 85.00 μs/cm and 1437.5 ± 32.50 μs/cm at the end of the fourth week volatile solids (Fig. 2a). The decline in VS values in EE and EFmay be
respectively. The rise in electrical conductivity could be attributed to the ascribed to quicker breakdown of organic content in sludge as a
loss of organic matter and the release of various inorganic ions (such as consequence of raising its surface region with earthworm burrowing
phosphate, ammonium and potassium) (Garg et al., 2007). The electrical operations. This phenomenon is consistent with Cofie et al. (2009) who
conductivity variations were significantly different (p = 0.000111) in all reported similar observations. The reductions in systems without
the setups (EE, EF and NW) using one-way ANOVA. Further LSD test earthworms (NW) remained almost steady through the experimental
conducted indicated that there was significant variation between EE
(Eudrilus eugeniae with excreta) and NW (system without earthworms)
(p = 0.0000045) and between EF and NW (p = 0.001). This may indicate
that the various earthworms employed altered or played a significant
role in the change in electrical conductivity of the sludge.
One-way ANOVA showed no significant difference in mean EC (p =
0.423) in the various vermibeds (EE, EF, EFA and EEA). This demon­
strates that the addition of toilet roll did not cause a significant change in
EC value over the experimental period when both species of earthworms
were employed.

4.2.3. Moisture content

The percentage changes in moisture content in all setups were in the
range of 52–74% (Figure S7). The moisture content recorded during the
experiment fell within the optimum range for most earthworm species,
that is, between 50% and 90% (Dominguez and Edwards, 2010b). The
moisture content variations were not statistically different (p = 0.687) Fig. 1. Variation of Total organic carbon during vermicomposting (mean ±
in all the systems (EE, EF and NW) using one-way ANOVA. standard error). For each treatment system independently, columns carrying
The moisture content in vermibeds (EE, EF, EFA and EEA) fell within different superscript are significantly different (LSD test, p < 0.05).

M.N. Acquah et al. Journal of Environmental Management 293 (2021) 112817

LSD test conducted on the results indicated that there was significant
variation between EE and NW (p = 0.001), EF and NW (p = 7.70E-09)
and EE and EF (p = 0.000023).
In assessing the effect of toilet paper on the variation of ash content
over the experimental period, it was observed that there was an increase
in ash content in all vermibeds (EE, EF, EEA and EFA) at the end of the
vermicomposting period. A one-way ANOVA test on the results showed
significant difference (p = 0.012) in ash content in various vermibeds. A
Post-hoc LSD test indicated significant difference between EE (Eudrilus
eugeniae with excreta) and EEA (Eudrilus eugeniae with excreta and toilet
paper) (p = 0.026). There was no significant difference when EF (Eisenia
fetida with excreta) was compared with EFA (Eisenia fetida with excreta
and toilet paper) (p = 0.820). This may suggest that the addition of toilet
paper did not cause difference in ash content when Eisenia fetida was
employed. There was however significance difference between EE and
EFA (p = 0.005).

4.2.6. Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen

The result of the TKN variation during the experimental period is
presented in Fig. 3. There was a general decrease in nitrogen content
over the experimental period in EE and EF. The decrease in nitrogen
content in EE and EF can be related to the breakdown of organic com­
pounds with the influence of earthworms (Owusu-Antwi et al., 2017).
Buzie-Fru (2010b), observed that pH above 8.4 induced the change of
ammonium ion to ammonia gas which resulted in decrease in nitrogen in
substrate. The pH in this study were observed to be 8.70 ± 0.05 and 8.56
± 0.38 in EE and EF respectively at the third week. TKN variation were
significant (p = 0.015) in systems EE, EF and NW using one-way
ANOVA. Further LSD test conducted on the results indicated that there
was significant difference between EE and NW (p = 0.006) and EF and
Fig. 2. (a) Variation of Volatile solids and (b) Variation of Ash content during NW (p = 0.025).
vermicomposting (mean ± standard error). For each treatment system inde­ There was a decrease in nitrogen from the first week to the second
pendently, columns carrying different superscript are significantly different week in vermibeds with excreta and toilet paper (EEA and EFA) but a
(LSD test, p < 0.05). gradual increase in nitrogen content in the third week was observed in
EFA (Eisenia fetida with excreta and toilet paper). A one-way ANOVA
period. The higher reduction over time found in EE and EF indicates that showed no significant difference (p = 0.310) in nitrogen content be­
earthworms were involved in the decomposition process and accelerated tween vermibeds with excreta and toilet paper (EEA and EFA) and with
the decrease of VS. Cardoso and Ramírez (2002) reported decreases in excreta only (EE and EF). This indicates that the addition of toilet paper
VS ranging between 12% and 15%. Contreras-Ramos et al. (2005) also did not influence nitrogen content when both species of earthworms
reported a decrease in VS ranging from 13% to 22% during vermi­ were employed.
composting of biosolids with cow manure and oat straw after 2 months,
using Eisenia fetida. Using one-way ANOVA there was significant dif­ 4.2.7. Chemical oxygen demand
ference (p = 3.74E-08) in all the setups (EE, EF and NW). Further LSD There was decrease in COD in vermibeds EE and EF throughout the
test conducted on the results indicated that there was significant vari­ experimental period with the exception of NW which saw a slight in­
ation between EE and NW (p = 0.001), EF and NW (p = 7.73E-09) and crease in COD in the second week then a gradual decrease till the fourth
EE and EF (p = 0.000023). week (Fig. 4). This reduction in COD concentration over the experi­
The mean VS% was observed to decrease in all vermibeds with EEA mental period was due to the fact that earthworms secrete enzymes that
(Eudrilus eugeniae with excreta and toilet paper) recording the highest
removal at the 4th week. EFA (Eisenia fetida with excreta and toilet
paper) was observed to have slightly higher VS% reduction than EF
(Eisenia fetida with excreta). A one-way ANOVA showed a significant
difference (p = 0.012) in volatile solids between the various vermibeds.
LSD test further conducted indicated a significant variation between EE
(Eudrilus eugeniae with excreta only) and EEA (Eudrilus eugeniae with
excreta and toilet paper) (p = 0.026). Again there was significant dif­
ference (p = 0.005) between EE (Eudrilus eugeniae with excreta) and EFA
(Eisenia fetida with excreta and toilet paper). There was however no
significant difference when EF (Eisenia fetida with excreta) was
compared with EFA (Eisenia fetida with excreta and toilet paper) (p =
The ash content in systems EE and EF increased till the fourth week
with almost similar trend with just a slight decrease during the first week
in the system without earthworms (NW) (Fig. 2b). The higher level of
ash content is a good measure of human excreta degradation (Sonowal Fig. 3. Variation of Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen during vermicomposting (mean ±
et al., 2014b). The ash content variations were significant (p = standard error). For each treatment system independently, columns carrying
0.000023) in systems EE, EF and NW using one-way ANOVA. Further different superscript are significantly different (LSD test, p < 0.05).

M.N. Acquah et al. Journal of Environmental Management 293 (2021) 112817

4.3.2. Trichuris trichiura

There was a gradual decrease in Trichuris eggs throughout the
experimental period in EE and EF. Mean concentration of Trichuris eggs
in the feed throughout the experiment was 288 ± 29.39 eggs/g. Trichuris
concentration remained fairly constant in NW till after the third week
when a gradual decrease was observed to occur (Figure S9). The con­
centration of Trichuris decreased to 72 ± 24 eggs/g at the end of ver­
micomposting in both EE and EF. One-way ANOVA indicated a
significant variation between the samples (EE, EF, NW) (p = 0.006).
Further LSD test conducted on samples indicated a significant difference
between EE and NW (p = 0.031) as well as between EF and NW (p =
At the end of the fourth week Trichuris eggs decreased to 24 ± 0.00 in
both EEA and EFA. However a one-way ANOVA showed no significant
variation (p = 0.453) between the various vermibeds (EE, EF, EFA,
Fig. 4. Variation of Chemical Oxygen Demand during vermicomposting (mean EEA). This may indicate that the addition of toilet roll did not cause any
± standard error). For each treatment system independently, columns carrying significant difference in Trichuris removal over the experimental period
different superscript are significantly different (LSD test, p < 0.05). when both species of earthworms were employed.

help in the degradation of several other chemicals which cannot be 4.3.3. Ancylostoma duodenale
decomposed by microbes (Garkal, 2015). The COD variations were The initial average Ancylostoma egg concentration for this study was
significant (p = 0.011) in setups EE, EF and NW using one-way ANOVA. 369 ± 17.53 eggs/g. It decreased to 120 ± 24 and 96 ± 24 eggs/g in EF
Further LSD test conducted on the results indicated that there was sig­ and EE respectively. In NW, the Ancylostoma eggs decreased from the
nificant difference between EE and NW (p = 0.008) and EF and NW (p = first to the second week. An increase in number was however observed
0.009) which suggest that both earthworms had significant impact on in the third week before a further decrease to the fourth week
the reduction of COD concentrations. (Figure S10). The percentage Ancylostoma eggs concentration reduction
A one-way ANOVA conducted showed no significant difference in at the end of experiment in EE, EF and NW were 67.5%, 74% and 41.5%
COD between the various vermibeds testing the effects of the presence of respectively. A one-way ANOVA indicated a significant variation be­
toilet paper (EE, EF, EEA and EFA) (p = 0.693). This suggests that the tween the samples (p = 0.01). Further LSD test conducted on the results
addition of toilet paper did not influence the reduction of COD con­ indicated that there was significant difference between EE and NW (p =
centration in the sludge. 0.006) and between EF and NW (p = 0.000337).
At the end of the fourth week Ancylostoma eggs decreased to 48 ±
24.00 and 24 ± 0.00 in EEA and EFA respectively. However the per­
4.3. Helminth egg variation during vermicomposting centage Ancylostoma egg removals EE and EEA after the same duration
of experimentation were 67.48% and 86.99% respectively. 73.98% and
There was a general reduction in the various helminth eggs con­ 93.51% reduction in Ancylostoma egg concentration were observed in EF
centrations in vermibeds (EE, EF, EEA and EFA) at the end of 28 days of and EFA respectively. A one-way ANOVA on the results showed no
vermicomposting (Figure S8 – Figure S12). Even though general significant variation (p = 0.512) between the various systems (EE, EEA,
reduction was recorded, minimal increases in helminth eggs concen­ EF, EFA) when toilet paper was added to assess its effect.
trations was observed within the first 2 weeks of vermicomposting.
Nuesca et al. (2007) also reported initial average count (mean) of 4.3.4. Strongyloides stercoralis
hookworm ova decreasing after 30 days of vermicomposting and The mean level of Strongyloides concentration applied as feed into
thereafter showing further increase after 60 days. various vermibeds was 285 ± 23.32 eggs/g. EE performed well in the
reduction of strongyloides concentration at the end of the experiment
4.3.1. Ascaris lumbricoides with 58% removal. Generally, there was a decrease in Strongyloides eggs
The average concentration of Ascaris in the feed was 305 ± 42.92 concentration over the four weeks of vermicomposting in EE and EF. In
eggs/g. In EE, the concentration of Ascaris eggs decreased gradually over NW, the Strongyloides egg concentration decreased from the first to the
the 4 weeks of vermicomposting (Figures S8). In NW, there was increase second week. An increase in concentration was however observed in the
in Ascaris egg concentration to the second week then a gradual decrease third week before a further decrease to the fourth week (Figure S11).
to the fourth week. Despite the decrease found in the concentration of There was significant difference between EE, EF and NW (p = 0.009)
the Ascaris eggs in the fourth week in the NW treatment, the concen­ using one-way ANOVA. Further LSD test conducted on the results indi­
tration was still higher than it was observed at the end of the first week. cated that there was significant difference between EE and NW (p =
Average Ascaris concentration of 168 ± 0.00 eggs/g, 120 ± 24 eggs/g, 0.005) and between EF and NW (p = 0.013).
408 ± 24 egg/g was recorded for EE, EF and NW at the end the exper­ At the end of the fourth week Strongyloides eggs decreased to 120 ±
iment (Fig. 2). There was statistically significant difference (p = 24.00 and 96 ± 24.00 in EEA and EFA respectively. However a one-way
0.000169) in the Ascaris concentrations between systems with and ANOVA showed no significant variation between the systems (EE, EF,
without earthworms. Further LSD test conducted on the results indicated EFA, EEA) (p = 0.955). The percentage Strongyloides eggs reduction in
that there was significant variation between EE and NW (p = 0.000196) EEA and EFA at the end of experimental duration were 57.89% and
and between EF and NW (p = 0.000196). 66.32% respectively.
At the end of the fourth week Ascaris egg decreased to 120 ± 24.00
and 48 ± 0.00 in (EEA and EFA) respectively. However, a one-way 4.3.5. Schistosoma haematobium
ANOVA showed no significant variation between the various setups There was a gradual decrease of Schistosoma eggs concentration from
when toilet paper were added (EE, EEA, EF, EFA) (p = 0.512). The a mean initial concentration of 156 ± 17.57 eggs/g to 24 ± 0.00 eggs/g
percentage Ascaris egg reduction at the end of experimental period were and 48 ± 24.00 eggs/g over the 4 weeks of vermicomposting in EE and
44.92%, 60.66%, 60.66% and 84.26% in EE, EF, EEA and EFA EF respectively (Figure S12). There was an increase in Schistosoma eggs
respectively. concentration to the second week then a decrease to the fourth week in

M.N. Acquah et al. Journal of Environmental Management 293 (2021) 112817

NW. A one-way ANOVA indicated a significant variation between the

samples (EE, EF and NW) (p = 0.004). Further LSD test indicated that
there was significant variation between EF and NW (p = 0.002) and
between EE and NW (p = 0.005).
At the end of the fourth week Schistosoma eggs decreased to 24 ±
0.00 in both (EEA and EFA) respectively. However there was no sig­
nificant difference between the vermibeds (EF, EFA, EE, EEA) (p =
0.973) using one-way ANOVA. This may indicate that the addition of
toilet roll did not cause any difference in Schistosoma concentration

4.4. Mass reduction and accumulation of sludge

4.4.1. Mass reduction Fig. 6. Accumulation of sludge during vermicomposting (mean ± standard
Fig. 5, shows the cumulative mass reduction in systems with and error). For each treatment system independently, columns carrying different
superscript are significantly different (LSD test, p < 0.05).
without anal cleansing materials. CMA represents the cumulative mass
of feed added to the various systems. In systems without anal cleansing
material (EE, EF and NW), it was observed that mass reduction was over four weeks using density of faeces, 1070 kg/m3 (Penn et al., 2018).
higher in systems with earthworms (EE and EF) than in systems without Quantities of sludge accumulated at the end of the experimental dura­
earthworms (NW). This reduction could be attributed to the activities of tion were 0.00020 m3, 0.00011 m3, 0.00014 m3 in NW, EE, EF whilst
earthworms which aided in the rate of degradation and reduction of the EEA and EFA recorded 0.00009 m3 and 0.00011 m3 respectively. The
human excreta (Furlong et al., 2014c). The mass reduction recorded at relatively lower accumulation in EE and EF than NW could be attributed
the end of the fourth week in EE, EF and NW were 67.5% (245.85 g), to the earthworms contributing to the sludge reduction process via
58.8% (214.18 g) and 40.5% (147.49 g) respectively. Again 73.7% consumption of the human excreta and also aiding the rate of degra­
(274.38 g) and 68.5% (255.12 g) was recorded at the end of the fourth dation (Yadav et al., 2011b). There was significant difference (p =
week in EEA and EFA respectively. There was significant variation over 0.0000056) in the accumulation across the different setups over the
the weeks of vermicomposting (p = 0.001) using one-way ANOVA, weeks (EE, EF and NW) using one-way ANOVA. This indicates that the
confirming that both species of worms were actively degrading human accumulation of sludge decreases in each experimental setup due to the
excreta with respect to time. actions of the earthworms with respect to time.
In assessing the effect of anal cleansing material, a one-way ANOVA
4.4.2. Sludge accumulation indicated significant difference (p = 1.69E-10) in accumulation of
Fig. 6, shows the volume of sludge accumulated in the various setups sludge in the various vermibeds (EE, EF, EEA and EFA) over the weeks.
This indicates that addition of toilet paper influences sludge accumu­
lation with respect to time.

5. Conclusion

The study revealed that earthworms significantly improved the

degradation and mass reduction of human excreta. The least mass
reduction was observed in the setup without earthworms (NW) 40.5%
(147.49 g), with setups having earthworms recording 67.5% (245.85 g)
and 58.8% (214.18 g) for EE (Eudrilus eugeniae and excreta only) and EF
(Eisenia fetida and excreta only) respectively. The mass reduction in
vermibeds (EE and EF) was relatively lower than vermibeds with excreta
and toilet paper (EEA and EFA). EEA (Eudrilus eugeniae with excreta and
toilet paper) and EFA (Eisenia fetida with excreta and toilet paper)
recorded a mass reduction of 73.7% (274.38 g) and 68.5% (255.12 g)
respectively. With respect to reduction of sludge in experimental setups
with and without toilet paper, it was found that Eudrilus eugeniae species
of earthworm was superior to Eisenia fetida. The addition of toilet paper
in the study did not result in any detrimental effects on the degradation
of excreta, neither did it increase sludge accumulation rates, as feared by
patrons of vermidigesters but rather resulted in lower rates of accumu­
lation. This research corroborates vermicomposting as an effective­
means for the degradation of human excreta together with anal
cleansing material (toilet paper). However, helminth egg can still be
present at potentially unsafe levels after 28 days of vermicomposting
hence would require further treatment and proper handling. The study
recommends that a pilot field test is performed to evaluate the real-time
effects of adding anal cleansing material (toilet paper) to vermidigesters.

Authors’ statement

1. Michael Nyame Acquah: Writing -Original Draft, Methodology,

Fig. 5. Cumulative mass reduction in experimental setup (a) NW, EE, EF, and Formal analysis, Investigation. 2. Helen Michelle Korkor Essandoh:
(b) NW, EEA and EFA during vermicomposting (mean ± standard error). Conceptualization, Supervision, Writing- Reviewing and Editing,

M.N. Acquah et al. Journal of Environmental Management 293 (2021) 112817

Visualization. 3. Sampson Oduro-Kwarteng: Supervision, Writing- Garkal, D.J., Mapara, J.V., Prabhune, M., 2015. Domestic waste water treatment by bio-
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