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Focus Article

Ridge regression
Gary C. McDonald∗

Ridge regression is a popular parameter estimation method used to address

the collinearity problem frequently arising in multiple linear regression. The
formulation of the ridge methodology is reviewed and properties of the ridge
estimates capsulated. In particular, four rationales leading to a regression estimator
of the ridge form are summarized. Algebraic properties of the ridge regression
coefficients are given, which elucidate the behavior of a ridge trace for small
values of the ridge parameter (i.e., close to the least squares solution) and for
large values of the ridge parameter. Further properties involving coefficient sign
changes and rates-of-change, as functions of the ridge parameter, are given for
specific correlation structures among the independent variables. These results help
relate the visual behavior of a ridge trace to the underlying structure of the data.
 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. WIREs Comp Stat 2009 1 93–100 DOI: 10.1002/wics.14

Keywords: ridge trace; least squares; mean square error; bayesian model; search

INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW context of a specific problem, i.e., determine a

best choice for the ridge parameter. This quest to
O ne of the most exciting research topics during
the seventies and eighties was a newly proposed
method, called ridge regression, for estimating multi-
construct the best choice is one major impetus to
the large number of research publications on this
topic during the few decades following the seminal
ple linear regression coefficients. Although there were publications. Many of these quests involved large-
earlier introductions of this methodology in the litera- scale simulation studies of stochastic estimators of the
ture by Crone1 , Hoerl2 , and by Draper3 , its popularity ridge parameter (i.e., estimators that are functions of
rose dramatically with the publication of the article by
the dependent variable), e.g., 5–9 to name just a few of
Hoerl and Kennard4 in Technometrics. Table 1 shows
the many. While many authors were quite enthusiastic
the number of articles related to ridge regression pub-
about ridge regression, the methodology did spawn a
lished in Technometrics (TECH), the Journal of the
significant number of critics, e.g., 10–13 among many
American Statistical Association (JASA), Communica-
tions in Statistics—Theory and Methods (CTM), and
The negative impact of collinearity on the least
Communication in Statistics–Simulation and Com-
squares (LS) estimator in a regression context is well
putation (CSC) by decade. Two hundred and forty
known. Approaches to mitigate this impact were
articles have been published, and about 39% of these
developed and many were centered on variable elimi-
were published in the eighties.
nation, i.e., removing one or more of the independent
The popularity of this topic is attributable to the
importance of the problem it addresses–collinearity variables so as to improve the conditioning of the
in the multiple linear regression context–and the resultant correlation matrix of the remaining inde-
suitability of the methodology to be implemented pendent variables. Ridge regression, on the other
easily in practice based on an examination of the so- hand, provides a means of addressing the problem
called ridge trace, a plot of the estimated regression of collinearity without removing variables from the
coefficients as a function of the ridge parameter. original set of independent variables. This proved to
The ridge regression methodology, in fact, yields a be a very attractive feature in some applications as
class of biased estimators indexed by a scalar non- shown by McDonald and Schwing14 and Schwing
negative parameter. The challenge is to determine and McDonald.15 However, Hoerl and Kennard16
which estimator within this class to use in the did demonstrate how the ridge trace could be used
in variable selection if so desired by the researcher.
∗ Correspondence to: This ad hoc approach was used in the McDonald and
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Oakland University, Schwing14 study relating air pollution indices to mor-
Rochester, MI 48309, USA tality rates and the subsequent problem-specific results
DOI: 10.1002/wics.14 compared quite favorably to that obtained by variable

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Focus Article

selection using the Mallows’ Cp statistic with all pos- TABLE 1 Number of Ridge Regression Articles
sible regressions. Gibbons and McDonald17 show that
Journal 1970–1979 1980–1989 1990–1999 2000–2007 Total
overall estimates of the elasticity of air pollution on
human mortality are higher using LS methods than TECH 27 15 4 7 53
with robust, bounded-influence, or ridge methods. JASA 6 9 4 5 24
The studies referenced in this paragraph provide very CTM 22 56 26 26 130
interesting applications of ridge regression analyses, CSC 1 14 13 5 33
construction and interpretation of ridge traces, and
Total 56 94 47 43 240
implementation of various strategies to choose ridge
The purpose of this article is to provide
a brief overview of the ridge regression method, provides a promising method for avoiding distortions
the motivations for consideration of the ridge as described shortly. The seminal papers of Hoerl
methodology, and a summary of algebraic properties and Kennard4,16 and Marquardt19 give an excellent
of the ridge coefficients. Section on Formulation description of the theory and applications of what has
of the Ridge Regression Estimators provides the now been termed ‘ridge regression’.
formulation of ridge regression estimators and the As has been shown by Hoerl and Kennard,4 the
corresponding ridge trace. Section on Motivation estimates of regression coefficients tend to become too
for Ridge Regression provides four statistical model large in absolute values, and it is possible that some
formulations or properties leading to solutions will even have the wrong sign. The chances of encoun-
which, in form, are ridge regression estimators.
tering such difficulties increase the more the prediction
Section on Algebraic Properties focuses on the
vectors deviate from orthogonality. Consider the
algebraic properties of ridge regression coefficients
standard model for multiple linear regression,
and considers the deterministic properties which ensue
from such representation. An understanding of these
properties helps better understand the behavior of y = x β + ε, (1)
ridge coefficients, as functions of the ridge parameter,
displayed in a ridge trace. Asymptotic (in the ridge
parameter) properties of ridge coefficients are also where E(ε) = 0, E(εε ) = σ 2 In , and x is (n × p) and
noted. Concluding remarks comprises the last section of full rank. Vectors and matrices will be denoted
of this article. by bold symbols. The matrix In is the identity matrix
with dimension n by n. The variables are assumed
to be standardized so that x x is in the form of a
FORMULATION OF THE RIDGE correlation matrix, and the vector γ ≡ x y is the
REGRESSION ESTIMATORS vector of correlation coefficients of the response
variable with each of the explanatory variables. The
For the formulation of ridge regression, the description
standardization is accomplished by subtracting the
given by McDonald and Schwing14 will be used.
mean of the variable and then dividing by (n − 1)1/2
Multiple linear regression techniques have played a
times the standard deviation of the variable, where n
prominent role in the studies of associations between
is the number of observations. Let
air pollution and mortality (and/or morbidity) rates,
an important research area in which this author
engaged in the early seventies. An LS approach may  = (x x)−1 x y
β (2)
provide an adequate basis for overall prediction, but,
when the explanatory variables are non-orthogonal,
it frequently fails to give proper weight to the be the LS estimate of β. The difficulties in this
individual explanatory variables used as predictors. standard estimation are a direct consequence of the
In many problems where data are not obtained from average distance between  β and β. In particular, if
a well-designed or controlled experiment, as is the L2 is the squared distance between 
β and β, then the
case in air pollution studies involving socioeconomic, following hold:
weather, and other uncontrolled variables, non-
orthogonality requires that estimation of individual L2 = (
β − β) (
β − β),
effects be handled by techniques other than ordinary
LS solutions. Reinke18 pointed out these difficulties in E(L2 ) = σ 2 trace (x x)−1 (3)

air pollution models and suggested that ridge analysis β
E( β) = β β + σ 2 trace (x x)−1 .

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WIREs Computational Statistics Ridge regression

In terms of the eigenvalues λ1 ≥ λ2 ≥ · · · ≥ λp > 0 of coefficient of the actual values, y, and the predicted
x x, we can write values, 
y, is

y yy
R2 = ( y
y)/( y)
E(L2 ) = σ 2 λ−1 > σ 2 λ−1
p ,  
= [β (k)(x x)β(k) + k
β (k)
β(k)]2 / (8)

 p [
β (k)(x x)

E( β) = β β + σ 2 λ−1
i > β β + σ 2 λ−1
p , (4)
i=1 a decreasing function of k where x x = I, i.e., the
explanatory variables are uncorrelated, then  β(k) =
and when the error is normally distributed (k + 1)−1 x y = (k + 1)−1 β. In other words, the LS
coefficients are uniformly scaled by the quantity

(k + 1)−1 . The relative values of the regression
Var(L2 ) = 2σ 4 λ−2
i > 2σ 4 λ−2
p . (5) coefficients are then independent of the choice of
i=1 k; i.e., 
β i (k)/
β j (k) = 
β i /
β j , 1 ≤ i, j ≤ p, 
β j = 0, for all
k ≥ 0.
As the vectors of x deviate further from orthogonality, While not pursued in this article, many authors
λp becomes smaller, and  β can be expected to be utilize the canonical decomposition approach to
farther from the true parameter vector β. regression problems. This is very helpful when
Ridge regression is an estimation procedure considering shrinkage and ridge techniques for
based upon parameter estimation as, for example, shown by
Obenchain,20 McDonald,21 and others. Shrinkage and

β(k) = (x x + kI)−1 x y, k ≥ 0, (6) ridge techniques are really both shrinkage methods in
canonical variables. The canonical approach provides
and has two aspects. The first is the ridge trace insight into the nature of ridge regression and leads to
which is a two-dimensional plot of the  β i (k) and meaningful generalizations. One such generalization
the residual sum of squares (RSS), ϕ(k), for values is a two-parameter family, introduced by Obenchain,
of k in the interval [0, 1]. While k can go beyond 1, of the form
it usually suffices to plot coefficients for 0 ≤ k ≤ 1
to identify a value of k beyond which the ridge 
β(k, q) = x x + k(x x)q x y. (9)
trace is quite stable. The trace serves to portray the
complex interrelationships that exist between non-
Goldstein and Smith,22 Crone,1 and Mayer and
orthogonal prediction vectors and the effect of these
Willke23 also consider estimators from this two-
interrelationships on the estimation of β. The second
parameter family. Of course, 
β(k, 0) reduces to 
aspect is the determination of a value of k that gives
of (6).
a better estimate of β by dampening the effect of (4).
It should be noted that the estimators  β(k) are biased
when k > 0. Of course, at k = 0 these estimators
reduce to those ordinary LS which are unbiased, i.e., MOTIVATION FOR RIDGE

β(0) =  β. REGRESSION
The vector  β(k) for k > 0 is shorter than  β,
 Several properties of the ridge estimator justify its
β(k)] [
i.e., [ β
β(k)] <  β. In fact, [
β(k)] [
β(k)] is a
consideration as an alternative to the LS estimator.
decreasing function in k > 0. For an estimate  β(k)
Four such properties are noted in this section.
the RSS is given by
Hoerl and Kennard4 show that there exists a
range of k values, say 0 < k < k∗ , for which the total
β(k)] [y − x
ϕ(k) = [y − x β(k)] mean squared error for the ridge estimator is smaller
= y y − [β(k)] x y − k[
β(k)] [
β(k)]. (7) than the corresponding LS quantity. Theobald24
extends this result to a more general loss function.
The y y term is the sum of squares of the dependent Analogous results for the mean squared error of
variable and is equal to 1 when the data are prediction and mean squared error for each coefficient
transformed as indicated in this section; the [
β(k)] x y evolve as special cases of Theobald’s extension.
is the sum of squares due to regression; and These derivations demonstrate existence of such a
β(k)] [
β(k)] is an adjustment term associated with k∗ . However, the proofs are not constructive, e.g.,
the ridge analysis. The square of the correlation they do not indicate how to determine k∗ .

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Focus Article

Lindley and Smith25 show that if y ∼ N(xβ, σ 2 I) In particular, the behavior of the ridge trace near
and β ∼ N(0, σ 2β I), then  β(k) is the Bayes estimator k = 0 is governed by the relationship between the
where k = σ 2 /σ 2β . The vector  β(k) is the mean vector unconstrained LS estimator and the p LS estimators
of the posterior distribution of β. As σ 2β → ∞, then with exactly one constraint. Hence, for any applica-
tion, insight into the instability of the ridge trace can
k → 0 and the Bayes estimator  β(k) approaches the
be obtained by evaluating p + 1 regression equations.
LS estimator  β(0). As σ 2β → 0, then k → ∞ and the
The asymptotic behavior of the ridge trace is gov-
Bayes estimator  β(k) approaches the zero vector. erned by the marginal correlations of the explanatory
The estimator  β(k) is a constrained LS estimator; variables with the dependent variable (i.e., the p con-
β(k) minimizes the RSS subject to a constraint on strained LS estimators with exactly p − 1 constraints).
the length of the estimated coefficient vector. This This approach to ridge regression also shows
follows from a more general result. Assume the linear that the ridge trace provides a mechanism for
regression model (1) and E(ε) = 0 and E(εε ) = U, examining the sensitivity of regression estimates to
a known positive definite covariance matrix. An the choice of variables in the model. The ridge
estimator of β which minimizes the generalized sum trace spans all possible subset regressions, and the
of squares weights applied to the subset regression estimators
(constrained LS estimators) vary systematically with
f (β) = (y − xβ) U−1 (y − xβ) (10)
the ridge parameter k. The weights shift from LS
estimators with no or few constraints to LS estimators
subject to a quadratic constraint expressed as
with many constraints as k increases. The properties
h(β) ≥ 0, (11) of ridge regression estimators–namely, increased bias
and decreased variance–are properties shared by the
where h(β) ≡ r − β Aβ, A a known p × p symmetric constrained LS estimators.31
semidefinite matrix, and r a fixed non-negative scalar, The Bayes formulation of the multiple linear
is shown by McDonald26 with suitable conditions to regression model provides a framework for under-
be standing the weights assigned to the subset regres-
sions. The weights are shown to incorporate sample

β(k) = (x U−1 x + kA)−1 x U−1 y, (12) information and prior information in an intuitively
appealing way. A distinct pattern to the weights was
where g[ β(k)] ≡ [
β(k)] A[ β(k)] = r. Choosing U = In observed and analytically verified in the Gibbons and
and A = Ip reduces  β(k) of (12) to that of (6). McDonald30 article.
The least absolute shrinkage and selection These properties, however, do not define
operator (lasso), proposed by Tibshirani,27 is a explicitly an appropriate k value to use in a specific
shrinkage method somewhat like the ridge method. application. The range of k values for which the ridge
The parameter estimates are chosen to minimize the estimator dominates the LS estimator in mean squared
RSS subject to |β i ≤ s. The L2 ridge penalty
| error depends on the unknown β as well as σ 2 . The
is replaced by the L1 lasso penalty. Hastie et al.,28 Bayes interpretation of ridge regression yields a k
discuss and compare lasso, ridge, partial least squares value that is a ratio of unknown variances. Also, the
(PLS), principal components regression (PCR), and constrained LS approach does not define a specific k
subset regression. They find that PLS, PCR, and ridge value in practice because an explicit constraint on the
regression tend to behave similarly. They note that length of the estimated coefficient vector is unknown
ridge regression may be preferred because it shrinks in most applications.
smoothly rather than in discrete steps. Choice of a ridge parameter to use in a particular
Leamer and Chamberlain29 showed that the application is often based on a visual analysis of
ridge regression estimator is expressible as a weighted the ridge trace with an assessment of goodness-of-
average of 2p constrained LS estimators, or equiv- fit statistics as a function of k. The analysis of the
alently, as a weighted average of the LS estimators ridge trace involves identifying the smallest reasonable
derived from all possible subset regressions. Gibbons value of k at which the trace depicts somewhat
and McDonald30 show this approach to ridge regres- stable behavior, i.e., behavior that is more like that
sion leads to the representation of ridge regression expected from an orthogonal design. For example,
estimators as a ratio of polynomials in k. This rep- rapid changes in individual coefficients and criss-
resentation provides an explicit understanding of the crossing of coefficients have mitigated, and coefficients
initial rate-of-change of the ridge regression coeffi- have assumed intuitively appealing signs. The squared
cients and the asymptotic behavior of the ridge trace. length of the coefficient vector has flattened out and

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WIREs Computational Statistics Ridge regression

the RSS and R2 have not deviated excessively from constrained regression estimators with one variable
the corresponding LS values. The resultant ridge at a time constrained to be zero. See Gibbons and
regression estimator of β is interior to a suitably McDonald30 for explicit examples. Characterizing
specified confidence ellipsoid. ridge trace behavior for the ‘in between’ k-values
Marquardt19 has recommended use of the requires additional assumptions on the data structure
variance inflation factors (VIFs) as a means of which is the topic of this section.
narrowing the search of ridge estimators. This criteria Following the rational function representation,
have proved useful with many applications. The McDonald37 shows the ith ridge coefficient can be
parameter VIFs for the ridge estimator are the diagonal expressed as
elements of (x x + kI)−1 (x x) (x x + kI)−1 . A rule-of-
thumb suggested by Marquardt for choosing the  (p−1)
β i (k) = Pi (k)/Q(p) (k), i = 1, . . . , p, (13)
amount of bias to allow with ill-conditioned data
is that the maximum VIF usually should be between 1 p
where Q(p) (k) ≡ i=1 (λi + k) is a monic polynomial
and 10. However, this criterion only depends on the (p−1)
x x matrix and not on the dependent variable, y. As in k of degree exactly p, and Pi (k) is a polynomial
such, for any specific choice of k, it is always possible in k of degree at most p − 1. The highest order term
to construct a set of true regression coefficients for of Pi (k) is γ i kp−1 and the coefficients for terms
which this approach would fail to improve the mean involving lower powers of k can be expressed as linear
squared error. Strawderman32 developed a stochastic combinations of restricted LS estimates.
estimator of k which leads to an estimator which does Algebraic properties of ridge coefficients which
dominate LS. follow from the rational function characterization
There are a large number of stochastic (i.e., include:
dependent on the vector y) analytical approaches
to the choice of k. Theoretical properties of such (a) Once the eigenvalues of x x have been determined
estimators are, in general, not obtainable. So their the ridge estimator  β(k) can be determined
properties are most often inferred by computer uniquely, as a function of k, by evaluating (6)
simulation. Many such studies are available in the at p distinct values of k.
literature:5,33,34,35,36 , and many others. As noted by
(b) The exact number of sign changes experienced by
McDonald and Galarneau33 , the performance of
an individual 
β i (k), k ≥ 0, is no greater than the
the evaluated ridge-type estimators, as well as the (p−1)
potential performance of any ridge-type estimator, number of distinct positive real roots of Pi (k).
depends on three critical factors: the variance of
(c) Asymptotically in k,  β i (k) ∼ γ i /k, and so
the random error, the correlations among the β i (k) will eventually assume the sign of γ i .
explanatory variables, and the unknown coefficient
Marquardt19 has noted that the angle between
vector. Gibbons5 provides a detailed summary of the  (k) and γ is a continuous monotone decreasing
performance of twelve ridge-type estimators as these β
critical factors are systematically varied. function of k which converges to zero as k → ∞.

(d) If γ i < γ j and k is sufficiently large, then i (k) >


Section on Motivation for Ridge Regression deals

i (k) ≡ ∂
β i (k)/∂k, i = 1, 2, . . . , p. (14)
with four rationales that lead to an estimator of β that
assumes the form of the ridge regression estimator.
As noted earlier, Leamer and Chamberlain29 show Additional properties of ridge coefficients may
the ridge estimator belongs to the class of search hold if the x x matrix has a specific form. McDonald37
estimators and, in particular, each ridge coefficient is considers the case where x x has intraclass correlation
a rational function of k. structure, i.e., x x = (xij ), where xii = 1, xij = ρ for
From these results, characteristics of ridge i = j, 1 ≤ i, j ≤ p and −(p − 1)−1 < ρ < 1. In this
regression coefficients that hold in general can be case the eigenvectors do not depend upon ρ. Any
deduced. For example, for large k, the ridge coefficient p mutually orthogonal vectors of unit length, the first
vector will tend to be a shrunken multiple of of which has equal components, suffices. All problems
the marginal correlation vector. Additionally, the with two explanatory variables, i.e., p = 2, are of
behavior of the ridge trace near k = 0, the LS this form. In addition, this structure may provide an
point, is determined in a well-defined manner by the adequate approximation for more complex problems

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Focus Article

when p ≥ 3. The ridge estimators now take the form (a) The first and third ridge coefficients are ordered
in the same way as the correlations of the first

β(k) = (x x + kI)−1 x y = (1 + k − ρ)−1 and third explanatory variables with y for all k.
Hence there is no criss-crossing of the first and
× [I − ρ{1 + k + (p − 1)ρ}−1 J]γ, k ≥ 0,
third ridge regression estimates.
(b) The rate-of-change of the ridge coefficients for
where I is the p × ρ identity matrix, J is the p × ρ the first and third variables is related to their
unity matrix, and γ = (γ 1 , . . . γ p ) with γ i being the marginal correlations with y.
correlation between xi and y. Letting γ̄ = γ i /p, (c) The first and third ridge coefficients behave as
summing over i from one to p, the individual ridge if the design matrix has intraclass correlation
coefficients can be written as structure.
(d) The first and second (or second and third) ridge

β i (k) = (1 + k − ρ)−1 γ i − C, i = 1, 2, . . . , p, coefficients are not necessarily ordered by the
(16) marginal correlations with y.

where (e) The maximum number of sign changes in an

individual coefficient is two.
C = C(k, ρ, γ ) = ρpγ̄ (1 + k − ρ)−1 When p = 4,
× {(1 + k − ρ) + pρ}−1 . (17) (a) No ordered relationships between the ridge
coefficients and the marginal correlations with
Several interesting properties follow directly y hold in general.
from this representation. For all i and j , 1 ≤ i, j ≤ p, (b) The first and fourth ridge coefficients are ordered
and 0 ≤ k < ∞, by their marginal correlations if the marginal
correlations of the second and third variables
β i (k) < 
(a)  β j (k) iff γ i < γ j ;
with y are equal.
(b) i (k) > j (k) iff γ i < γ j . (c) Similarly, the second and third ridge coefficients
are ordered by their marginal correlations if
(c) If γ i
β i (0) > 0, then 
β i (k) has the same sign as 
β i (0) the marginal correlations of the first and fourth
for 0 ≤ k < ∞. variables with y are equal.
Zhang and McDonald39 extend this line of
(d) If γ iβ i (0) < 0, then there exists a k > 0, such that
inquiry for the general Toeplitz correlation structure
the sign of  β i (k) is reversed at k and only k , i.e. if
 (p > 4). There appear to be no ordered relationships
β i (0) > 0, then  β i (k) > 0 for k < k and 
β i (k) ≤ 0 between the ridge coefficients and the marginal
for k ≥ k , and similarly if  β i (0) < 0. correlations, γ i , that hold in general. However, the
These properties have direct interpretations with ridge coefficients  β i (k) and 
β j (k) are ordered when
respect to a ridge trace. Part (a) states that there is no i + j = p + 1 by their marginal correlations if the
criss-crossing of the paths of the individual coefficient marginal correlations of all other pairs of γ i∗ and
estimates (unless, of course, two or more coincide γ j∗ are equal, where i∗ + j∗ = p + 1.
for all k). Part (b) explicitly relates the ‘instability’ They also consider the case where x x represent
(or rate-of-change) of a ridge trace with the vector a correlation matrix which has banded correlation
of correlation coefficients between the explanatory structure with bandwidth 3 (tri-diagonal matrix). The
tri-diagonal matrix is a special case of the symmetric
variables and dependent variable. According to (c) and
Toeplitz matrix in which all elements are zero except
(d), a sign change in a coefficient estimate occurs only
those on the super, principal, and sub-diagonal. For
if the LS estimate differs in sign from the correlation
their analysis, xii = 1, xij = ρ for |i − j| = 1. It can be
coefficient of the corresponding explanatory variable
shown that
and dependent variable. In this sense, if a sign change √
occurs, it does change in the appropriate direction. (a) β 1 (k) < 
β 3 (k) when γ√1 < γ 3 , and k > 2 −√1; or
Gibbons38 derives properties for p = 3 and when γ 1 < γ√3 , k < 2 − 1, and −(k + 1)/ 2 <
p = 4 when x x has Toeplitz correlation structure, ρ < (k + 1)/ 2,
i.e., x x = (xij ), where xij = ρ |i−j| , |ρ| < 1.
(b) 1 (k) > 3 (k) iff γ 1 < γ 3 .
When p = 3,

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WIREs Computational Statistics Ridge regression

Hence the order of the rates-of-change on the k, to be used in practice–if not optimal, at least a
ridge trace for the first and third coefficients are exactly k-value that will insure the ridge estimator has lower
opposite to the correlations between the explanatory mean squared error than the LS estimator. Although
variables and the response variable. There is no analo- there are many good methods for choosing an ‘opti-
gous relationship between  β 1 (k) and 
β 2 (k) (or between mal’ k-value, no uniform winner has emerged. A more

β 2 (k) and 
β 3 (k)). pragmatic goal is to identify ridge estimates that are
more useful than the LS estimates. Such a goal would
include tradeoffs in bias with meaningful magnitudes
CONCLUDING REMARKS and signs of regression coefficients; tradeoffs between
As indicated in Table 1, there has been a tremen- bias and variance of estimates; tradeoffs between min-
dous amount of research devoted to the topic of imizing the RSS vs. attaining a reasonably small RSS;
ridge regression. It is a methodology that should be tracking ridge estimators within confidence ellipsoids
a standard tool for applied statisticians. Indeed, the for the regression parameters; etc.
methodology is making its way into many of the In summary, ridge regression has strong bases
methods textbooks (e.g., see 40,41 and others). Ridge for consideration as shown in section on Motiva-
regression, and the associated ridge trace, provides tion for Ridge Regression. There are many scientific
the analyst with a systematic way to scan a large approaches on the proper choice of the ridge parame-
class of biased estimators. By so doing, it frequently ter. The ultimate choice of k for a specific application
leads the analyst to meaningful estimates of regression involving collinear explanatory variables still remains
coefficients that can be used in practice for assessing part art and part science. For over three decades ridge
changes of the dependent variable with respect to the regression has proved to be a valuable tool for use by
independent variables and also predict values of the applied statisticians and should be routinely explored
response at specified points in the design space. in a collinear multiple regression context.
Much of the literature on ridge regression is
devoted to identifying an optimal ridge parameter,

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