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Student’s code: 217220201242

FIELD: 21st Century Skills

Question 1: Analyse how digital literacies can be developed in a language
classroom or a company. Write at least about 250 words to describe it.

In both educational and professional settings, applying and enhancing

digital literacies is fundamental for keeping up with the rapid development of the
world. The development of information and communication technologies (ICT)
has enriched all professions, including education (Nguyen, L. & Habók, A.
2022). Due to this trend, we must master digital literacies as soon as possible in
order to have more chances in the international labour market.

Within language classrooms, the integration of technology, such as

multimedia resources, language learning apps, and online collaboration
platforms, enriches students' digital proficiency. Students also can join in some
digital project creations, online discussions, and tailored language software
utilization, thereby enhancing both language competencies and digital tool
familiarity. Furthermore, teachers play a vital role in developing digital literacies
in the language classroom. By extending beyond traditional teaching,
encompassing the integration of technology, teachers can enhance learning
outcomes and give students some important preparations for the digital world.
Training regularly is much needed and should be designed to support digital
integration in education.

Likewise, in professional contexts, digital literacy can be actively

promoted through training initiatives, workshops, and hands-on exposure to
pertinent software and tools. Technological innovation is a main factor for a
company to become competitive; it is also increasingly crucial for a company in
order to grow and survive (Santoso, H., Abdinagoro, S. B., & Arief, M. (2019).
Employees gain proficiency in communication platforms, project management
tools, and data analysis software, augmenting productivity and efficiency.
Moreover, encouraging a culture of continuous learning and facilitating access to
online resources further cultivates digital literacy among employees. Applying
and enhancing digital literacies will help company catch up with the new
technologies or new methods which are available in the world that directly
effects on the success of a company.

In essence, the integration of technology in language education and

corporate settings not only advances language proficiency but also equips
individuals with indispensable digital proficiencies for the contemporary era.

Question 2: What can be done to improve our social and cross-cultural

skills?Write at least about 350 words to describe it.

In our increasingly globalized world, enhancing social and cross-cultural

skills is crucial for personal and professional success. These skills enable us to
communicate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds. Culture can
play a significant role in the success or failure of face-to-face encounters. (Lane,
H. C., & Hays, M. J. (2008)). To become more interculturally competent,
individuals must be aware of the differences between each cultures and be open
to adopting diverse cultural viewpoints.

Enhancing social and cross-cultural competencies necessitates a

comprehensive approach that encompasses personal growth and pragmatic
methodologies. Individuals can improve their social skills through active
listening, proficient communication, entailing active participation in dialogues,
inquiry, and understanding others' viewpoints. Cross-cultural competencies
evolve through exposure to diverse cultures, whether via travel, cultural
exchange initiatives, or working in multicultural milieus. Such exposure fosters
cultural sensitivity, adaptability, and awareness of cultural mores and customs.

Another way to improve social and cross-cultural skills is learning about

other countries’ cultures through books, documentaries, even in video on
Youtube can provide a solid foundation of knowledge. Understanding the history,
traditions, and values of other cultures helps build respect to each cultures.

Seeking out opportunities to interact with individuals from diverse cultural
backgrounds is also an effective way to enhance these skills. Joining in
multicultural clubs, attending cultural events, or participating in international
exchange programs to broaden your perspective and gain exposure to different
ways of thinking and living.

Moreover, engaging in cross-cultural training programs and workshops

equips individuals with pragmatic strategies for navigating cultural disparities
and fostering effective cross-cultural relationships. These initiatives often cover
topics like cultural communication styles, negotiation tactics, and conflict
resolution approaches.

In conclusion, developing social and cross-cultural abilities necessitates

self-awareness as well as being open to learning in a variety of social and
cultural situations. By actively pursuing avenues for learning and development,
individuals can enhance their capacity to interact adeptly with individuals from
diverse backgrounds and cultures.

Question 3: “Một cây làm chẳng nên non, ba cây chụm lại nên hòn núi cao”.
How do you understand this proverb in collaboration skill? Write at least
about 500 words to describe it.

The adage "Một cây làm chẳng nên non, ba cây chụm lại nên hòn núi cao"
underscores the significance of teamwork and collective endeavor in attaining
greater accomplishments. Within a collaborative framework, individuals
collectively yield more significant outcomes than they could individually. Just as
a solitary tree may lack the strength or stability to stand tall, a cluster of trees can
construct a robust foundation, symbolizing the synergy and collective vigor
inherent in collaboration. The image of three trees coming together to form a tall
mountain suggests the importance of diversity in collaboration. Each tree
represents a unique perspective, skill set, or background. When individuals with
diverse perspectives collaborate, they bring different ideas, insights, and
approaches to the table. This diversity enriches the collaborative process,
sparking creativity, innovation, and problem-solving.

Moreover, the proverb emphasizes the importance of trust, shared

responsibility, and mutual support in effective collaboration. Just as each tree in
the forest contributes to the overall ecosystem, each team member plays a vital
role in achieving common success. Collaboration requires individuals to
communicate openly, respect one another's contributions, and work towards
common objectives with a shared sense of purpose. By encouraging a culture of
trust, accountability, and collaboration, teams can cultivate strong relationships
and create an environment where everyone feels valued and empowered to
contribute their best.

Additionally, the proverb highlights the resilience and collective problem-

solving capabilities that emerge when individuals come together to work towards
a shared goal. The image of trees clustering together to weather storms and
withstand adversity speaks to the strength that arises from unity and solidarity.
Collaboration enables teams to pool their resources, leverage each other's
strengths, and navigate challenges with confidence and determination. By
fostering a spirit of cooperation, resilience, and adaptability, organizations and
communities can overcome obstacles and emerge stronger and more resilient
than before.

Furthermore, the adage implies that collaboration extends beyond mere

association, emphasizing the pursuit of a common goal or purpose. Analogous to
three trees amalgamated forming a mountain, a unified team striving towards a
shared vision can accomplish remarkable feats and surmount obstacles more
effectively than individuals operating in isolation.

In essence, the adage "Một cây làm chẳng nên non, ba cây chụm lại nên
hòn núi cao" underscores the importance of collaboration and collective effort in
achieving greater success, highlighting the value of teamwork and unity in
collaborative endeavors.
Lane, H. C., & Hays, M. J. (2008). Getting down to business: Teaching cross-
cultural social interaction skills in a serious game. Workshop on Culturally
Aware Tutoring Systems.

Nguyen, L. & Habók, A. (2022). Digital Literacy of EFL Students: An Empirical

Study in Vietnamese Universities. Libri, 72(1), 53-66.

Santoso, H., Abdinagoro, S. B., & Arief, M. (2019). The role of digital literacy in
supporting performance through innovative work behavior: The case of
Indonesia’s telecommunications industry. International Journal of
Technology, 10(8), 1558-1566.

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