News Item Material

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Struktur News Items

A news item is a short, concise piece of writing that reports on a current event. It is typically
written in the third person and is objective in tone. News items are often found in
newspapers, magazines, and online news outlets.

The structure of a news item is typically as follows:

● Headline: The headline is a brief, attention-grabbing statement that summarizes the

main point of the news item.
● Lead: The lead is the first paragraph of the news item. It provides the most important
information about the event, including the who, what, when, where, why, and how.
● Body: The body of the news item provides additional details about the event. It may
include quotes from people involved in the event, or it may provide background
information on the event.
● Conclusion: The conclusion summarizes the main points of the news item.


The headline is the most important part of a news item. It is what will catch the reader's
attention and make them want to read more. The headline should be clear, concise, and
informative. It should also be objective in tone and avoid using subjective language or


The lead is the second most important part of a news item. It provides the most important
information about the event, including the who, what, when, where, why, and how. The lead
should be written in a clear and concise style, and it should be objective in tone.


The body of the news item provides additional details about the event. It may include quotes
from people involved in the event, or it may provide background information on the event.
The body should be written in a clear and concise style, and it should be objective in tone.


The conclusion summarizes the main points of the news item. It should be brief and to the
point, and it should not include any new information.

Karakteristik Berita

Berita adalah teks yang melaporkan suatu peristiwa atau kejadian yang aktual. Berita
memiliki karakteristik sebagai berikut:

● Faktual: Berita harus berdasarkan fakta yang terjadi di dunia nyata.

● Objektif: Berita harus ditulis secara objektif dan tidak memihak.
● Komprehensif: Berita harus memuat informasi yang lengkap dan akurat.
● Kesegaran: Berita harus disampaikan secara cepat dan tepat waktu.
● Kepentingan: Berita harus memiliki nilai kepentingan bagi masyarakat.

Contoh News Items

Berikut adalah contoh news items:

Headline: Indonesia to Host G20 Summit in 2023

Lead: The Indonesian government has announced that it will host the G20 summit in
2023. The summit will be held in Bali from November 15 to 16, 2023.


● The summit will be attended by leaders from the world's 20 largest economies.
● The summit will focus on issues such as global economic growth, climate change, and
sustainable development.
● The Indonesian government is preparing for the summit by upgrading infrastructure
and providing security.


● The G20 summit is a major event that will showcase Indonesia's leadership on the
world stage.

Tips Menulis News Items

Berikut adalah beberapa tips untuk menulis news items:

● Lakukan riset yang mendalam untuk memastikan bahwa berita yang Anda tulis akurat
dan terkini.
● Gunakan bahasa yang jelas dan ringkas agar mudah dipahami oleh pembaca.
● Hindari penggunaan bahasa yang subjektif atau opini.

● Fokus pada fakta-fakta yang relevan dengan peristiwa yang dilaporkan.

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