Caringbah 2021 Math Ext 1 Trials

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Caringbah High School

Year 12 2021
Mathematics Extension 1
HSC Course
Assessment Task 4

General Instructions Total marks - 70

R e a d i n g time - 10 minutes

Working time-2 hours Section 10 marks

Write using black or blue pen Attempt Questions 1-10
Board-approved calculators may be used Mark your answers on the answer sheet
. A reference sheet is provided provided. You may detach the sheet and
I n Questions 11-14, show relevant write your name on it.
mathematical reasoning and/or
calculations Section I 60 markss
Marks may not be awarded for partial or Attempt Questions 11-14
incomplete answers Write your answers in the answer booklets
provided. Ensure your name or student
number is clearly visible.

Name: Class:

Marker's Use Only

Section I Section III
Q1-10 Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14

/10 /15 /15 /15 /15 /70
Section I
10 marks
Attempt Questions 1-10
Allow about 15 minutes for this section

Use the multiple-choice answer sheet for Questions 1-10

1. Which of the following is the exact value of

(A) -Tt



2. An oil slick is in the shape of a circle. Its surface area is increasing at a rate of

10m/s .Let r metres be the radius ofthe oil slick after t seconds.
The rate of increase ofr, in m/s, is given by

(B) 20

1 A

oV 2
r 2

3. The equation x -2x-4x+8 0 has roots a, ß and 7.

What is the value of+




Given that and B both acute

4. a are angles, evaluate sin(a +B) if

sina=and sin B=

(C) 36


5. Given that y =
cos",the correctexpressionforis:

(A) i

B) xW-1


6. Find sec tan 0do
(A) sec 0+tan' 0+C
(D) tan -In|cos e+C

1 A committee of 5 people is to be chosen from a group of 6 girls and 4 boy

How many different committees could be formed that have a least one boy?





The graph of y =f(x) is shown above. Which of the

of y= f(a)?
following is a possible graph

(A) (B)

C) (D

9. A circle has centre O
and radius OA
B and C =a
points on the circle and BC =

Which one of the following statements must be true?


(B) 4 -

(C) ab= bib

(D) 2adb = -beb

10. Xis distributed as a random variable such that XO B(30, 0.4) . Which of the
following pairs of values is true?

(A) E(X) =12, Var(X) = V72

(B) E(X) =18, o*=7.2
C) EX) = 18, Var(X) = V7.2

(D) E(X) = 12, o* =7.2

End of Section I

Section II

60 marks
Attempt Questions 11-14
Allow about 1 hour 45 minutes for this section

Answer each question in a SEPARATE writing booklet.

Your responses should include relevant mathematical reasoning and/or calculations.

Question 11 (15 marks) Use a SEPARATE writing booklet.

(a) Evaluate

sin' 2x dx

(b) Using the substitution u =+ , find the exact value of 3

(C) Solve the inequality 3


(d) Find the coefficient ofx in the expansion of | x+ 3

(e) Find a vector d that has a magnitude of 12 and is perpendicular to g=-5/+2j. 3

End of Question 11

- 8-
Question 12 (15 marks) Use a
SEPARATE writing booklet.

(a) The region

enclosed by the curve y =-
and the x-axis between 2
x=8 andx=10 is rotated about the
volume of the solid formed. x-axis. Find the exact value of the

(b) Solve 3 sin x+ 4cos

x 2 for

0Sx$2 3


x axis

The graph above is the function f(x) =
Find the value of the y intercept.

(ii) Find the domain and range of f(x)=2 cos.

(iii) Calculate the area of the region under the function f(x)=2 cos
between x=0 and x=3.

Question 12 continues on page 10

(d) A group of 15 students from a local school is selected for training in 2
soccer to represent the school at grade sport on Wednesday. The probability that
a player will notbe available to play due to injury or other commitments is 0.14.
Find the probability that 3 students will not be available for
grade sport on
Wednesday, correct to 3 decimal places.

Use the method of mathematical induction to 3

prove that if x is a positive integer,
then (1+x)y-1 is divisible by x for all
positive integers, n 2 1

End of Question 12

- 10-
Question 13 (15 marks) Use a SEPARATE writing booklet.

(a) The diagram shows the graph of the function y=f(x)

Draw separate half page sketches of graphs of the following labelling key features

Gi) y=NS)
(ii) y=(SOY

(b) One of the roots of theequation+ax +i

= 0 is equal to the sum of the other
two roots.

Using your knowledge of the sum
and products of the roots show that
is a root ofthe equation.
Find the value of a.

Question 13 continues on page 12

a freezer that has a constant
(c) A freshly caught fish, initially at 18'C, is placed in to the
unknown temperature of x'C. The cooling rate ofthe fish is proportional
T" C, of
difference between the temperatureof the freezer and the temperature
the fish.

It is known that T satisfies the equation dk(T-)

where t is the number of minutes after the fish has been placed in the freezer.
Show that T =x+ Aer* satisfies this cquation whereAis a constant
(i) Ifthe temperature ofthe fish is 10C after 7minutes, show that the

fish's temnperature after t minutes is given by T =

x+(18-x)e 18-x

(i) Find the temperature of the fish after 15 minutes when the freezer 1
temperature is 5'C. Answerto the nearest degree.

End of Question 13

- 12-
Question 14 (15 marks) Use a SEPARATE writing booklet.

in athletics. 2
(a) ) Records show that 70% of students at a school participate
to determine the
A sample of 83 students at the school is to be taken
that the mean is 58.1 and
proportion who participate in athletics. Show
standard deviation is 4.17 for such sample proportions.
ü) Use the table below of values of P(ZS z), where Zhas aof 83
Normal distribution, to estimate the probability that a sample
students will contain at most 55 who participate in


in the lef cohumn. The second
Eatries represent Pr{Z s z). The value afzto the first decimal is given
decimal is given in the top row.

- 0.00 D.O1 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 D.07 O.08 0.09
0.5199 O.5239 052779 0.5319 0.5359
0.0 0.5000 0.5080 0.5120 0.5160
0.5040 0.5636 0.5675 O.5714 0.5753
0.1 0.5398 0.5438 O.5478 O5517 0.5557 0.5596 0.5103 O.6141
0.2 05793 0.5832 0.5871 05910 0.5948 0.5987 0.6026 O.6064 0.6517
0.6443 0.6480
0.3 D.5175 0.6217 0.625 0.6293 0.6331 0.6368 0.6406 0.6844 0.6879
0.6591 0.6528 0.6664 O.6700 0.6756 0.6772 0.6808
0.4 0.5554

0.6950 0.6985 0.7019 0.7054 0.7088 0.7123 0.7157 0.7190 0.7224

0.5 0.6915 0.7486 0.7517 0.7549
0.6 7257 0.7291 0.7324 0.7357 G.7389 7422 0.7454 0.7823 0.7852
O.7580 0.7611 .7642 0.7673 0.7704 0.7764 0.7794
0.7881 0.7910 0.7939 0.7957 G.7995 B.8023 0.8051 0.8078 0.8106 0.8133
8284 0.829 0.8315 0.8340 O.8355 O.8389
09 031S9 0.8186 0.8212 0823

(b) For the following pair of vectors, find the vector projection of a onto b

=-2+3j and b=3i-5j.

COS A+sin A 2
(c) () Showthat tan cOs A-sin A

1+sin24 2
(i) Hence show that tan+
4 cos 24

Question 14 continues on page 14

- 13
(d) When a particle is fired in the open fronm a point O at a speed of 40 ms and at

an angle of 6 above the horizontal, where 0 <0< You may assume without

proof that the horizontal displacement (x metres) and the vertical displacement
metres) of the particle from 0 at time t seconds after firing are given by
x= 40t cos and y 40tsin e-5t2
The particle is fired with the same speed from a point O on the floor of a
horizontal tunnel that has height of 20 metres.

(You may assume the projectile has no size and can reach the
maximum height
of 20 metres without
touching the roof of the tunnel)

) Show that the time taken for the

is t = 4sin6 projectile to reach the maximum height 1

(ii) Find the angle of projeciioi for this maximum

height in the tunnel.
iii) Show that the exact maximum horizontal
range for the projectile in this 2
tunnel is 80,/3 metres.

End of Paper

- 14

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