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Name: Mark:

1. Read the text and decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F) (4 x 2 = 10

The excretory system is an essential component of the human body responsible for removing waste and maintaining balance.
This system consists of several organs, each with its unique function. At the center of it all are the kidneys, bean-shaped
organs located near the lower back. The kidneys act as filters, removing waste products and excess substances from the blood
to produce urine. This urine then travels through tubes called ureters to the bladder, where it is stored until expelled from the
body through the urethra.

The kidneys play a crucial role in regulating fluid balance, electrolytes, and pH levels in the body. They also help in controlling
blood pressure through the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Additionally, the kidneys produce erythropoietin, a hormone
that stimulates red blood cell production in the bone marrow.

The bladder serves as a temporary reservoir for urine. Its muscular walls allow it to expand as it fills up and contract when
emptying. The urethra, a tube connecting the bladder to the outside of the body, facilitates the elimination of urine.

Overall, the excretory system helps in maintaining the body's internal environment by eliminating waste products and regulating
essential substances. Dysfunction of this system can lead to serious health issues, such as kidney disease, urinary tract
infections, and electrolyte imbalances. Therefore, it is vital to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including proper hydration, balanced
nutrition, and regular medical check-ups, to support the optimal function of the excretory system.

a) The kidneys are responsible for producing urine. (True / False)

b) The bladder contracts to store urine. (True / False)
c) The urethra connects the kidneys to the bladder. (True / False)
d) The excretory system regulates blood pressure through the production of insulin. (True / False)

2. Find in the text words that mean the same as the following: (5 x 2 = 10 points)

1. What are the main organs of the excretory system?


2. What is the function of the kidneys in the excretory system?


3. How does the bladder store urine?


4. What hormone is produced by the kidneys to stimulate red blood cell production?

5. Why is it important to maintain a healthy lifestyle for the excretory system?


3. Find in the text words that mean the same as the following: (5 x 2 = 10 points)

A. Paragraph 1: Vital ____________________

B. Paragraph 1: Eliminated ____________________
C. Paragraph 2: Equilibrium ____________________
D. Paragraph 3: Provisional____________________
E. Paragraph 4: Malfunction ____________________

1. To which part of the head do these body parts belong?

a) eyelashes
b) nostril
c) iris
d) lips
e) pinna

2. In the following pictures, label the different characteristics of the human body.

a) _______________________ b) _______________________ c)_______________________

d) _______________________ e) _______________________ f) _______________________

3. Write the organ system these organs and parts belong to:
airways pituitary gland
lungs brain
penis hormone glands
intestines stomach
muscles hair

3. Write the organs of the respiratory system in this picture :

a) __________________________________
b) __________________________________
c) __________________________________
d) __________________________________
e) __________________________________
f) __________________________________
g) __________________________________
h) __________________________________
i) __________________________________

4. Complete the sentences with the correct verb of body movement. There are two extra verbs:
jump - tiptoe - shake - crawl - kneel - clap - hit

1. During the physical therapy session, the patient had to _______ to stretch and strengthen his leg
2. The nurse carefully approached the sleeping patient, trying to _______ so as not to disturb her.
3. In the pediatric ward, the children gathered to _______ and sing along with the music therapist.
4. The elderly patient's hands began to _______ due to Parkinson's disease, making it difficult to hold
5. The baby, unable to walk yet, started to _______ towards his mother's arms.

1. Choose the correct alternative:

1. The hospital will upgrade / is uprgrading its equipment next year.
2. In 2050, researchers will find/ are going to find a breakthrough in treating diabetes.
3. The doctor will perform / is performing a surgery at 10 AM tomorrow.
4. There’s someone at the door, I am going / will go!
5. Medical professionals are using / will use advanced technology to diagnose illnesses in the future.
6. I think Sarah is being / will be a wonderful doctor.
2. Complete the sentences with the right future form of the verb in brackets: will / be going to /
present continuous for future.
will find
1. In 2030, medical researchers (find) ___________________________ a cure for Alzheimer's disease.
2. Next week, our local clinic (introduce) _____________________
is introducing a new vaccination program for
3. are performing a delicate heart surgery on Mr. Smith tomorrow
Doctors (perform) _______________________
4. am visiting
I (visit) ___________________________ the dentist next month for my regular check-up.
5. will pass
I’m sure you ___________________________ (pass) your nursing exam.
6. What ___________________________ (do) tomorrow morning?
are you doing/ are you going to do

4. Complete the sentences with an adjective from the box in the comparative or superlative.

good - effective - comfortable - safe - expensive - cheap

1. The waiting room here is much ______________________the one at the clinic down the street.
2. The new treatment method is proving to be ______________________traditional therapies.
3. Private healthcare can be quite ________________ than public options, but it often offers more
4. Among all the pharmacies in the area, this one is ________________for providing affordable
medications to patients.
5. This hospital is one of ____________________ in the region, offering state-of-the-art facilities.
6. The pediatric ward in this hospital is _____________________ area for children to receive specialized

5. Complete the sentences with “too” or “not enough” and the adjectives in the brackets.

1. The hospital is _________________ (crowded) to accommodate all the patients during flu season.
2. St Mary’s clinic is _________________ (big) for all the patients in the area, they will have to go to the
next town.
3. The waiting time for appointments with specialists is _______________ (long) for patients with
chronic conditions. They cannot wait for so long.
4. The nurse was __________________ (qualified) for the position. They needed someone with more
5. The medication dosage prescribed was _______________ (high) for the patient's age and condition.
The doctor had to adjust it to a lower dosage.

5. Complete the sentences with the appropriate idiom:

keep an eye on - break a leg - keep an eye on - learn by heart - pull one’s leg - by the skin of one’s teeth

1. After the surgery, the nurse promised to ___________________ to ensure the patient's recovery
progresses smoothly.
2. The medical student had to ___________________ all the symptoms of the disease for the exam.
3. The comedian visited the children's ward to entertain the young patients and told them, "Before your
big surgery, remember to ___________________!"
4. The car accident left him with minor injuries, but he survived ___________________.
5. The new nurse thought her colleagues were ___________________ when they told her about the
hospital's resident ghost haunting the corridors.
6. After meeting the new doctor, Maria was ___________________ impressed by his expertise and

1. Write a description of someone in your family. Include the following information:

● Age, name and nationality

● Why have you chosen him/her
● Physical appearance (face, hair, eyes, nose, mouth, height, skin…)
● Remarkable features
● Style / clothing
● Personality
● Additional information or extra details


1 . Listen to a conversation between a patient and a doctor. Mark the following statements as true (T) or
false (F).
1. The woman's abdomen is sore.
2. The woman feels pain in her neck.
3. The man will examine the patient.

2. Listen again and complete the conversation.

Doctor: Hi, Jessica. What 1. ____________ _____________ _____________ today?

Patient: My 2. _____________hurts.
Doctor: All right. 3. _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ exactly?
Patient: It's just the 4. _____________ of my back.
Doctor: Any pain near the 5. _____________ _____________ or neck?
Patient: No, that part doesn't hurt.
Doctor: I see. Does it only hurt when you 6. _____________ _____________?
Patient: No, it hurts when I wake up in the morning too.
Doctor: Okay, I'll take a look and see what I can


1 . Listen to a conversation between a nurse and a doctor. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false
1. The patient has scrapes below the lips.
2. The patient has no injuries on her forehead.
3. The wound near the patient's ear may be a serious injury.

2. Listen again and complete the conversation.

Nurse: Hi, Dr. Stevens. I just saw the patient in room seven.
Doctor: Ah, yes. How is 1. ______________ ______________?
Nurse: She has several 2. ______________ ______________. Most are just scrapes.
Doctor: Okay. 3. _____________ are the scrapes exactly?
Nurse: There are a few above the 4. ______________ ______________.
Doctor: 5______________ ______________ ______________ the eyebrow?
Nurse: Above the eyebrow. On the 6. ______________
Doctor: I see. Is that all?
Nurse: No. There is a deep wound near her 7. ______________ ______________ that looks serious. She may need
Doctor: Thanks, Ben. I'll take a look.

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