Board of Directors - Election Information

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Oakland City Roleplay

Board Of Directors - Elections

This document is here to assist users and staff in understanding the election process for
the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors has certain authorities and permissions that
others do not have. These will be listed inside of this document. Anything not listed inside of
this document is not permitted unless voted on by the board, and approved by the owner.

Table Of Contents
1. Board of Director Elections
1.1 Board of Director appointments
1.2 How to run for Board of Directors
1.3 Campaign Information
1.3.1 Restrictions, Rules and Regulations
1.4 Dropping out of the election
2. Board of Directors Permissions
3. Reporting a Campaign
5.1 Impeachment Process
5.2 Removal Process
5.3 Appeal Process

Board of Directors Elections

The Board of Directors is simply the oversight committee of the Oakland City Roleplay.
They are there to ensure that decisions affecting everyone are made fairly and just. Any
user may run for the board of directors, directions on running can be found later on.
Elections will be held every 6 months to appoint a new board of directors. A user can run
for the board of directors as many times as they want. The board consists of 5 users.

Board of Director Appointments

The Owner may find the need to add someone to the board, whether it be their experience
or their activity. Only the owner may do so. If the user who was appointed is not deemed as

This document has been created and approved by the Oakland City Management. Any
questions or concerns may be directed to the owner.
a good fit, the board of directors may issue a private vote, to the board to vote on their
removal. In the event of a tie, the owner will decide.

How to run for the Board of Directors

When the time comes to run for the board of directors, anyone will have the right to do so
unless otherwise stated by a member of the board or owner, with valid reasoning behind it.
A staff member who is ranked Senior Administrator+ shall notify their direct supervisor upon
deciding to run for the board of directors. When running for the board, you must submit your
name to the form sent in the announcements. Once done, you will wait for a DM to approve
your campaign. Once approved, you can start campaigning and attempt to get votes for

Campaign Information
Once you get DMed stating that your campaign has been approved, you should create one.
However you wish, you can campaign as long as it doesn't violate the election campaign
Restrictions, Rules, and Regulations listed below.

Restrictions, Rules and Regulations

1. You may utilize a discord server, group, group DM, or any other means to send
campaign announcements.
2. You may NOT offer rewards to members for voting for you.
3. You MAY do events to grow your campaign.
4. You MAY NOT slander other campaignees.
5. Violating any discord rules will have you removed from the election.
6. Advertising your campaign in the General Chat, and Status is allowed, as long as its
not spam.
Not listed here? DM mason and ask if its allowed.

Dropping out of the election

In the event a campaigner wishes to drop out from the election, they will be removed from
the election sheet, and must shutdown their campaign server. Once someone has dropped
out, they will not be allowed to run again until the next election. In order to drop out from the
election, direct message mason.

Board of Directors Permissions

The Board of Directors has many permissions that they can utilize at their discretion. They
have the right to punish any and all staff, excluding other board members. They are
This document has been created and approved by the Oakland City Management. Any
questions or concerns may be directed to the owner.
permitted to host events, game nights, giveaways, etc. They may enact rules, upon approval
from the Owner. They may create changes to the staff rules at any moment.
The Board Chairman and the 2 Board Vice-Chairmen will receive Co-Owner, while the rest
of the board receive administrator.

Reporting a Campaign

Reporting Process
If you require to report a Board Member for any reason, you may open a support ticket, and
request to speak to a Board Member or the Owner. You will be required to fill out a small info
packet, and will have to wait for a reply. Once all information is noted, the Board and
Management team will review the report and come to a conclusion.

Removal Process
In the event that a campaign is removed from the election for violating the rules and
regulations, they are subject to disciplinary actions. On removal, we as the board will provide
a private notice that they have been removed, then remove their name from the ballot, and
then provide public notice. The private notice will contain a reason, whereas the public notice
will not. If you disagree with the reasoning, you’re free to appeal it.

Appeal process
If your campaign is removed for any reason, and you feel it was, Unfair, Biased, etc, you
may appeal. In order to appeal, create a ticket and ask to speak with the Board of Directors.
Someone will come to you, you must ask to create an appeal for your campaign. You will be
asked to fill some information out. Once done, the board will review it and come to a
conclusion on your appeal. If accepted, it will be announced and you will be permitted to

This document has been created and approved by the Oakland City Management. Any
questions or concerns may be directed to the owner.

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