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Are You Data

and AI Ready?
Proven approach to enable data
and AI-ready architecture

Digital Realty | 1
Are You Data and AI Ready? | Introduction


Digital Economy Becoming the Data Economy Digital Foundations Are Core to This Architecture
The digital transformation opportunity is giving way The infrastructure architectures in these centers
to a new data-powered era: the data economy. of data exchange are supported by core digital
infrastructure foundations.

Data Economy Creates New Interactions

Solve Infrastructure Imperatives to Be Data and AI Ready
The data economy is causing an explosive growth
There is no AI without data. And new business value
in data. This continuous data creation lifecycle is
won’t be unlocked without AI. In order to be data
shifting data flows.
and AI ready, businesses must solve for five key
infrastructure design imperatives.
A New Architecture Is Needed
To support these shifting data flows, infrastructures
must evolve to brings apps, services, and clouds to
the data in centers of data exchange.

Digital Realty | 2
Are You Data and AI Ready? | Table of Contents


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Setting the Stage Solving the Problem Key Takeaways

Digital transformation creates a Rapid data creation and escalating To be data and AI ready,
$100 trillion opportunity.1 It also needs for storage and processing businesses must solve for five
creates infrastructure challenges with capacity put tremendous strain key infrastructure design imperatives.
data exchange and platform growth. on legacy infrastructure, limiting AI
abilities and digital transformation.

¹World Economic Forum, $100 Trillion by 2025: the Digital Dividend for Society and Business, January, 2016
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