Present SimpleEFE

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BO The present simple The present simple is used to make simple statements of fact, to talk about things that happen repeatedly, and to describe things that are always true. THE PRESENT SIMPLE To make the present simple of most verbs, ga use the base form (the infinitive without “to") ° | eat lunch at noon every day. Tiel thebasefomot_A overt equency thew wea! deattn wed wah be She eats lunch at 2pm every day. ne With “he "She" and ‘tad to the base frm, FURTHER EXAMPLES We drink coffee every morning. id She drinks coffee every morning. a] o © We start work at 9am. Me He starts work at Tam. 4) \s4 They leave work at Spm. ARG, Rob leaves work at 7pm. AG HOW TO FORM _ The base form of the verb. super IESTOF SENTENCE { 1/You/We/They >) eat lunch at 2pm every day. | He / She / It ) eats 4 With "he "She" and sinadded With some verbs, es" is added for *he,” ‘she, ‘These include verbs ending with *-sh, and it!” When the present simple is used with “he, “she,” “it” or one person's name, italways ends ins" or es." ‘An is added to the bse form “start” He starts work at am. @ He start work at lam. © “stant” without an is only used for"i7"you" "we, and "they" Tom does the dishes every evening. ia, He washes the windows on Fridays. - | go to bed. | finish work. | watch TV. : + He goes to bed. He finishes work. She watches TV. er ie addedto “es inadded 0 “er isaddedto ‘webs ending verbs ending verbs ending with 0" withsh* ‘whch? I cross the road. | fix cars. Their phones buzz all day. She crosses the road. She fixes cars. His phone buzzes all day. “es isadded to “es sadded "08 is added to a sonst As) eee a ] FURTHER EXAMPLES She teaches English to six students. ul _,_ He blushes when he's embarrassed, <4 aa ae ee) / ‘There is no need to add the auxiliary verb “do” when forming the present simple. itis only used to form questions and negatives. leat lunch at noon every day. @ I do eat lunch at noon every day. @ ‘Dos only used as an ausliary verb when forming negatives or questions. wD “BE” IN THE PRESENT SIMPLE “Be" is an important verb with an R AN NO? irregular present simple form. A JN, |am 25 years old. Youareachef. He is happy. M “Are also follows “Ws aso flows "we and "they" "she andi” 4 HOW TO FORM Danh t thém sles - Trees We / They Lit ké cd ch" and” : Mai and FURTHER EXAMPLES Contractionsean ei also be used a O Lam)a doctor. BA 2m late for work. FF A They are students. ft ‘i He's American. -“ tt é My grandma is 92 years old. Ruby's seven years old. e 10 “HAVE” IN THE PRESENT SIMPLE “Have" isan irregular verb. The third person singular form is “has” not “haves” | have a garage. fel “Hae i used forthe third person, singular “he, 9 She has a yard. Fis. HOW TO FORM a garage. FURTHER EXAMPLES Ihave a car. et You have a sister. A I have a painful back. } at They have the same dress. vb They have a new baby. @ tl The cat has a new collar. a He has acold. PS . Gat Jack has a bad headache. [Sam Thomas has a driving lesson today. Sarah has coffee with Tom every Tuesday. a M7 The present simple negative To make negative sentences using "be’ in the present Pe simple, “not” is added after the verb. For other verbs, Presentsimple 1 Present oven the auxiliary verb “do not" or “does not” is used. Trost of vets NEGATIVES WITH THE VERB “BE” The verb "be" takes the same form in positive and negative sentences. The only difference is adding “not” | ama farmer. | am not a doctor. HOW TO FORM REST OF SENTENCE doctors. Bs NEGATIVE CONTRACTIONS. “is not" and "are not" can be contracted in vom YOUarenotadoctor., ye two ways. The becomes youre” _ subject and verb can ae nae be contracted, or the e verb and “not” They You aren't f 2 doctor. iT] ——— FURTHER EXAMPLES I'm nota teacher. ooo afarmer. They're not | american. amt isincotet He isn't They aren't NEGATIVES WITH OTHER VERBS IN THE PRESENT SIMPLE For verbs other than “does not” goes before theverb to 4 make the negate don't qr "be" ‘do not’ or | work outside. | do not work outside. doggn't f Wills: He works inside. He does not work inside. Verb in base form HOW TO FORM SUBJECT [ 1/ You / We / They | He / She / It vc does not REST OF SENTENCE outside. = ‘The base form is used no matter what the subject ] FURTHER EXAMPLES by You do not have a computer. © We don't start work at 8am. \e4 “Thiele the contracted form of does not” 4A He does not live in Los Angeles. He doesn't have a car. eo ‘The main verb in a negative sentence always stays in its base form, even if the subject is “he,” she," or “it.” He does not work outside. He does not works outside. eo ° Present simple questions Questions in the present simple with “be” are formed by =e swapping the verb and subject. For other verbs, the auxiliary Present simple 1 Forming verb "do" or "does" must be added before the subject. csi Roti 3 Ort oer 38 QUESTIONS WITH “BE” IN THE PRESENT SIMPLE To form questions in the Inastatement the subject present simple using "be," comes before the verb. Vee A ve the order of the ea You are Canadian. a Are you Canadian? fl Inaauesion the ve moves \ Theme comenferte vet HOW TO FORM. Am I nota REST OF SENTENCE Canadian? FURTHER EXAMPLES ‘Question words can be used before a verb to form open questions 2 Am lontime? {f Is he your brother? Kit wire are we? t# ‘Am Lon the list? Tt Is ittime to leave? dui? Are they friendly? i, L | 3.2 | QUESTIONS WITH "DO" AND “DOES” For questions with eres caer You work in an office. She works in a school. 'be," start the question with “do” or “does.” Rcie Do yes work in an office? Does she work in a school? main verb. ‘Add “does to The main verb goes aueston th inisbase om he’ she! and" 1 4 HOW TO FORM - REST OF SENTENCE. + 4 in an office? Does he/she / it "ef when you ask a question. FURTHER EXANALES 7 * Do they live in ire th A Does Tom getup at 6am? a. 5 —_— Do you usually sist work at 4pm? Yo When does the party start? i 7 OX exnstannerts cn bed bee "door “doesto form open questions Never add "-s" or *-es" to the base form of the verb when asking a question, even in the third person singular (*he," “she” or “it") Does he finish work on time? @ Does he finishes work on time? @ Terao says ges in Noo nota¢ orto themain ite base form in questions verb hen asking a queston

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