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Varshunn Bhan Miskeen

Hidayatullah National Law University


“A great man may not do great things but they do ordinary things greatly”

- Mahatman Gandhi

Background, Early Life, and Education: Soli Jehangir Sorabjee was born on March 9,
1930, in Bombay to a Parsi family. His father, Jehangir Sorabjee was a businessman and
passed away when Soli was 20. His mother Khorshed Sorabjee was a housewife. His early
life in the bustling city was marked by a keen interest in law and justice, which would later
define his professional journey.

He attended Bharda New High School, Mumbai, and later St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai.
Sorabjee completed his education at Government Law College, Mumbai, where he was
awarded the Kinloch Forbes Gold Medal in Roman Law and Jurisprudence in 1952.

After that, he continued his education at Oxford's St. Catherine's College, where he graduated
with a Bachelor of Civil Laws. His academic prowess set the stage for a profession that
would propel him to the pinnacle of legal knowledge.

Professional Journey and Notable Appointments & Achievements:

 Practicing Advocacy: Sorabjee started his legal career in 1953 after being called to the
Bombay High Court, and it quickly became well-known for its skill and painstaking
attention to detail. His ability to effectively advocate for causes propelled him towards the
pinnacle of constitutional law and human rights, making him a sought-after legal expert
on issues of both domestic and global significance.

 As the Solicitor General of India: He was appointed Solicitor General of India in 1971
and served in that capacity honourably until 1977. He was instrumental in developing the
government's legal strategy and advancing India's interests in significant lawsuits
throughout his term.

 As the Attorney General of India: India's Attorney General: - Since his initial appointment
to the post in 1989, Sorabjee has been associated with the pinnacle legal position in the
Varshunn Bhan Miskeen
Hidayatullah National Law University
country. During his second term as Attorney General (1998–2004), he stood firm for the
preservation of fundamental rights and constitutional values.

 Global Contributions: Sorabjee's knowledge transcended national borders. He was a

member of the UN Sub-commission on the Protection of Minorities and the Prevention of
Discrimination. Among his other global accomplishments is his representation of India
before the International Court of Justice in the matter of the Indian Air Force's shooting
down of the Pakistani Navy's Atlantic.

Thoughts on Legal Reforms

Sorabjee has made significant contributions to the field of legal innovations outside of the
courtroom. His cutting-edge analyses and suggestions for legal system reform have spurred
crucial discussions regarding the effectiveness and affordability of justice in India. Sorabjee
carefully examines the advantages and disadvantages of the Indian legal system in
his publication of "India's Legal System: Can it be Saved?" (2005), providing helpful
recommendations for enhancement.

1. Accountability of the judiciary: Sorabjee has been an outspoken supporter of judicial

openness and accountability. In order to guarantee that the judiciary maintains the highest
levels of legitimacy and is answerable to the citizens it serves, he has asked for measures. He
highlights in his recommendations the significance of preserving public confidence in the
legal system.

2. Training and Education in Law: - Sorabjee has pushed for changes in legal education
because he understands the critical role that legal education plays in producing
knowledgeable and morally upright legal professionals. To adequately prepare lawyers for
the intricate requirements of the legal profession, he has emphasised the necessity for
curriculum modifications, hands-on training, and ethical instruction.

Persistent Impact and Pertinence:

Sorabjee's ideas and perspectives are still applicable in the context of changing legal
obstacles, as evidenced by his lasting influence on the legal scene. His dedication to human
rights, the rule of law, and constitutional principles serve as a guide for negotiating the
intricacies of the judicial system.
Varshunn Bhan Miskeen
Hidayatullah National Law University

1. Current Legal Discussions: - Sorabjee's opinions on matters like judicial responsibility,

freedom of speech, and striking a balance amongst the objectives of the state and the
privileges of the person continue to be crucial to discussions about law today. His views and
arguments are widely used by academics, practitioners, and legislators when debating
contemporary legal issues.

2. Motivation for Upcoming Generations: - For aspiring attorneys and legal scholars, Soli
Jehangir Sorabjee's life and contributions are an inspiration. His commitment to justice,
support of the underprivileged, and rigorous scholarship set a high bar for aspiring solicitors.
The quest of legal proficiency and a dedication to the values of justice are the ongoing
legacies of the Sorabjee family.

Honours and Accomplishments

Numerous accolades and honours given to Sorabjee for his services to the legal profession
demonstrate the extent of his influence on the Indian legal system. Among the noteworthy
honours are:

1. Padma Vibhushan (2002): - In recognition of Sorabjee's outstanding work in the sphere of

public affairs, he was awarded one of India's highest civilian honours, the Padma Vibhushan,
in 2002.

2. Designation as a UN Special Rapporteur (1997): - The international community

recognised Sorabjee's proficiency in human rights law when it designated him as the Special
Rapporteur on Human Rights in Nigeria by the UN.

3. International Jurist Award (2010): - The All-India Bar Association's 2010 International
Jurist Award is proof of Sorabjee's widespread significance and popularity in the legal

4. Honorary Member of the Order of Australia (2006): - In 2006, Sorabjee received the Order
of Australia as an Honorary Member in acknowledgment of his noteworthy contributions to
the legal area.
Varshunn Bhan Miskeen
Hidayatullah National Law University
Contributions to the Justice Delivery System:

Landmark Cases and Legal Precedents: Sorabjee was involved in several landmark cases,
including “Kesavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala”, which established the ‘basic structure’
doctrine of the Constitution. He also contributed to “Maneka Gandhi v Union of India”,
which expanded the interpretation of the right to life and personal liberty under the

Contributions to Legal Reforms and Policy Initiatives: Sorabjee’s advocacy in the

Supreme Court contributed significantly to the evolution of India’s democracy and
jurisprudence, particularly in cases like police reform “(Prakash Singh v. Union of India)”
and the imposition of president’s rule “(S.R. Bommai v. Union of India)”.

Involvement in Shaping Legislative Changes, Judicial Reforms, and Legal Education:

Sorabjee helped shape the ‘basic structure doctrine’ and was involved in significant cases that
led to judicial reforms, such as the D.C. Wadhwa case, which addressed the issue of re-
promulgation of ordinances.

Conclusion: - The trajectory of Soli Jehangir Sorabjee's career in advocacy, and legal
academia is quite remarkable. His remarkable career, which included promotions to the
nation's top legal positions, widespread worldwide acclaim, and a prodigious body of writing,
has irrevocably changed the landscape of law. As an unwavering champion of justice,
Sorabjee's legacy inspires future lawyers and acts as a lighthouse for those who are dedicated
to preserving the rule of law and fundamental rights.

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