Compiler Design (All Modules) - 18

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Ans: In the world of computers, where programs are executed and data is manipulated, storage organization is critical.

refers to how memory is subdivided and managed to efficiently store and access different types of data during program
execution. Here's a breakdown of two key concepts:

1. Subdivisions of Main Memory (Main Memory Hierarchies):

 Main memory (also called RAM) is the primary storage for a program's instructions and data while it's running.
 It's typically volatile, meaning data is lost when the power is turned off.
 Main memory is further subdivided into sections to optimize program execution:
o Program Code: Stores the machine code instructions that the CPU fetches and executes.
o Global Data: Stores variables and data that are accessible throughout the entire program.
o Heap: A dynamically allocated memory region used for data structures like linked lists and trees.
Memory allocation and deallocation happen in the heap during program execution.
o Stack: A Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) data structure used for function calls, local variables, and parameter
 Understanding this subdivision helps visualize how different parts of a program reside in memory and how the
CPU interacts with them.

2. Activation Records:

 Closely tied to the concept of the stack in memory organization, activation records are data structures that play a
vital role in function call management.
 Each function call leads to the creation of a new activation record on the stack.
 An activation record typically contains:
o Local Variables: Variables declared within the function that are only accessible within its scope.
o Parameters: Arguments passed to the function when it was called.
o Saved Registers: The values of registers that need to be preserved during function execution.
o Return Address: The memory address where the program should return after the function finishes
 Activation records ensure proper memory management for function calls, allowing local variables to be accessed
and function calls to be nested correctly.

By understanding these storage organization concepts, you gain insight into how memory is utilized during program
execution. This knowledge is essential for programmers to write efficient code and for computer science students to
grasp core programming language concepts.

Q3: Storage allocation strategies

Ans: In the realm of computer programming, storage allocation strategies dictate how memory is assigned to variables and
data structures during program execution. These strategies determine where and when memory is allocated, impacting a
program's efficiency and memory usage. Here's a breakdown of the key allocation strategies:

1. Static Allocation:

 Memory is allocated for variables and data structures at compile time (when the program is translated into
machine code).
 The compiler determines the size and lifetime of these elements based on their declaration in the source code.
 Memory is reserved throughout the entire program execution, even if the variable isn't constantly in use.


 Fast and efficient memory access since the location is known beforehand.
 Simple to implement.


 Can lead to wasted memory if variables are not used throughout the program.

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