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 Sits between the source code (e.g., C++) and the machine code (specific to a processor).

 Offers several advantages over directly compiling source code to machine code:
o Portability: IL code can be translated to different machine code versions for various target platforms
without modifying the initial compilation stages.
o Optimization: The IL can be optimized independently of the target machine, allowing for more
advanced optimizations.
o Code Reusability: The same IL code can be used as input for generating code for different

Types of Intermediate Languages:

 High-Level IL: Resembles the source code structure, making it easier to understand and potentially apply source-
level optimizations. (e.g., Three-address code)
 Low-Level IL: Closer to machine code, focusing on representing machine instructions and data flow. (e.g.,
Bytecode used in Java Virtual Machine)

Common Uses of Intermediate Languages:

 Compilers: Many compilers use IL as an intermediate step during code generation.

 Virtual Machines (VMs): VMs like Java Virtual Machine (JVM) execute programs written in IL (bytecode) that can
be run on any machine with the VM installed.
 Just-in-Time (JIT) Compilation: Some compilers translate IL to machine code at runtime, potentially optimizing
the code for the specific machine it's running on.

Benefits of Intermediate Languages:

 Increased flexibility and portability of compiled programs.

 Enables powerful code optimization techniques.
 Simplifies the design of compilers and interpreters.

Examples of Intermediate Languages:

 Java bytecode: The IL used by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

 LLVM IR (Intermediate Representation): A widely used open-source IL for various compilers and tools.
 CIL (Common Intermediate Language): The IL used by the Microsoft Common Language Runtime (CLR).

Understanding intermediate languages is essential for anyone interested in compiler design, virtual machines, or the
inner workings of program translation.

Q2: Graphical representation

Ans: here's a graphical representation of the concept of Intermediate Languages:

| Source Code | (High-Level Language)
V (Compile)
| Intermediate |
| Language (IL) |
V (Target-specific)
| Machine Code | (For a specific architecture)

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