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N Indonesian Legal Act

o Instrument
A Relevant Legislation Of The Country Of Production (Article 2 ayat 40)
1 land use rights
Gov Regulation
President Regulation
Ministry Regulation Peraturan Menteri Pertanian Pasal 5: Usaha Budidaya Tanaman
Republik Indonesia Nomor Perkebunan dengan luas kurang dari 25
98/Permentan/OT.140/9/201 (dua puluh lima) hektar dilakukan
3 Tentang Pedoman pendaftaran oleh bupati/walikota.
Perizinan Usaha Perkebunan Pasal 8: Usaha Budidaya Tanaman
Perkebunan dengan luas 25 (dua puluh
lima) hektar atau lebih wajib memiliki
Pasal 15: Perusahaan Perkebunan yang
mengajukan IUP-B atau IUP dengan luas
250 (dua ratus lima puluh) hektar atau
lebih, berkewajiban memfasilitasi
pembangunan kebun masyarakat sekitar
dengan luasan paling kurang 20% (dua
puluh per seratus) dari luas areal IUP-B
atau IUP.
Pasal 34: Perusahaan Perkebunan yang
memiliki IUP-P atau IUP dan akan
melakukan penambahan kapasitas industri
pengolahan hasil perkebunan, harus
mendapat persetujuan dari gubernur atau
bupati/walikota sesuai kewenangan.
(2) Persetujuan sebagaimana dimaksud
pada ayat (1) diperlukan apabila
penambahan kapasitas lebih dari 30% (tiga
puluh per seratus) dari kapasitas yang telah
N Indonesian Legal Act
o Instrument
Lampiran V: batasan paling luas
pemberian IUP-B untuk 1 perusahaan atau
kelompok (group) perusahaan perkebunan
1. Karet 20 ha
2. Kopi 10 ha
3. Kakao 10 ha
Untuk perusahaan:
Perusahaan besar diwajibkan untuk
mendapatkan Izin Usaha Perkebunan,
- Izin Usaha Budidaya Tanaman
Perkebunan (IUP-B) → izin budidaya
untuk lahan seluas 1000 – 40 hektar
- Izin Usaha Perkebunan Pengelolaan
Industri (IUP-P) → izin untuk kegiatan
industri pengolahan hasil perkebunan
(skala menengah-besar)
- Izin Usaha Perkebunan (IUP) → izin
usaha budidaya terpadu (luas lahan lebih
dari 1000 hektar) dan izin produksi
Provincial Regulation
Regent Regulation
2 environmental protection
3 forest-related rules, including
forest management and
biodiversity conservation,
where directly related to wood
4 third parties’ rights;
5 labour rights
6 human rights protected under
international law
7 the principle of free, prior and
N Indonesian Legal Act
o Instrument
informed consent (FPIC),
including as set out in the UN
Declaration on the Rights of
Indigenous Peoples;
8 tax, anti-corruption, trade and
customs regulations.
B Relevant Laws And
Regulations Around The
EUDR’s Traceability
1 Geolocation (Art 2.28)
2 Geolocation
relevant commodities in the
same land
relevant commodities in the
different plots
deforestation or forest
degradation on the given plots
of land shall automatically
disqualify all relevant
relevant products that contain
or have been made using cattle
C relevant laws and
regulations around the
provision of farm data and
relevant data protection
rules in Indonesia
C Information requirements
1 Description (trade name and
type of the relevant products;
the product description)
N Indonesian Legal Act
o Instrument
2 the quantity of the relevant
products (volume or number
of items;
3 the country of production
4 the name, postal address and
email address of any business
or person (supply) - Tracing
5 the name, postal address and
email address of any business,
operator or trader (supply) –
6 the relevant products are
7 the relevant commodities have
been produced in accordance
with the relevant legislation of
the country of production
C Risk Assesment
1 the assignment of risk
2 the presence of forests
3 the presence of indigenous
4 the consultation and
cooperation in good faith with
indigenous peoples
5 the existence of duly reasoned
claims by indigenous peoples
6 prevalence of deforestation or
forest degradation
7 the source, reliability, validity,
and links to other available
documentation of the
information (Art 9.1)

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