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1. Which DepEd test do out- of- school youths and adults take to enable them to enroll in college if they pass it? a. National Achievement c. National Secondary Achievement Test d. National College Entrance Examination 2. Can parents pass on their duty to educate their children to the school, especially if they are illiterate? a. Yes, because parents did not go through formal training for the education of their children. c. — Itdepends on the condition of parents. d. _ Itdepends on the condition of children. What could be an appropriate research approach to determine the factors that contribute to school effectiveness? Compare the achievement scores of students from the urban _ centers with those from the rural areas. — consistently topping the national exams. c. Introduce an intervention program in schools __ consistently performing low in national assessment tests. Conduct an inventory of instructional resources being used in all schools. With equitable access to basic education in mind, which does NOT belong to the group? Increase of scholarship and loan grants . Mobile teachers c. Establishment of state colleges d. Non- formal education programs 5. Accreditation programs are among the ways of ensuring quality in education. The most important criterion in accreditation is a. Assessment of the school’s corporate climate b. Training of a chosen sample of teachers, staff, school administrators from various sectors for accreditation procedures d. Volunteerism on the part of the school asking for accreditation 6. From the Households and School Matching Survey (HSMS) conducted in 1982, it was found out that school factors have [ess influence on learning when compared to community and home background variables. Which is one implication of this finding? a. The school must focus on mastery learning. b. — DECS should work for 1:1 child- book ratio. d. DECS must create more teacher items. 7. It is said that some private schools employ teachers without | lieeAse. Is that in accordance with the Philippine Teachers’ Professionalism Act? 8. a. b. d. Yes, provided the teacher has at least five years of teaching experience. Yes, the Teachers’ Professionalism Act applies only to teachers in government schools. No, except if the teacher has very satisfactory performance continuously the past five years When a case of child abuse is filed by parents what law is applied? Republic Act 7910 Republic Act 7863 Republic Act 7650 9. Upon prior consent of parents and school authorities, religion may be taught in Philippine schools. a. Within the regular meeting hours c. during vacant period d. after recess SUM eee. The Uni y of Mindanao 10. That the quality of Philippine education is declining was the result of a study by EDCOM which a, Professionalize c. strengthen b. Professional d. improve 11. Laughing at a two-year old child who uttered a bad word is not a proper thing to do because in this stage of the child’s life, the child is : a) Considering the views of others b) Distinguishing sex differences c) Socializing ] UM een. he Unive: y of Mindanao 12. The teacher’s widely accepted view of giving rewards is the legacy of a) Dewey b) Bruner c) Kounin 13. This law makes some amendments of certain sections of Republic Act 7836 such as the Qualification Requirements of Teacher Applicants, Registration and Exception. A Republic Act 4670 B. Republic Act 10157 C. Republic Act 10533 Whe University of Mindanao 14. What is the most commendable and ideal drive expected from teachers _in participating programs for professional development? A. Optimal use of time and resources C. Support for training programs D. Promotion and higher merit pay Lhe University of Mindanao 15. What main legal basis which provides the necessary support to advance quality education in our country? B. Certificate transfer program C. Building more classrooms D. Hiring of new teachers JIVE © em. he University of Mindanao 16. What type of education can best prepare boundless world? a. Formal education b. Inclusive education c. Alternative education Uhe University of Mindanao 17. Which among the following is the most essential in maintaining peace and order in the school? . Academic curriculum . Campus cleanliness . Community participation | SONI een Phe University of Mindanao 18. Teacher Daryl gave a test in Physics. Item no. 5 has a difficulty index of 0.85 and discrimination index of - 0.10. What should teacher Daryl do? a) Retain the item b) make the item bonus d) reject it and make the item bonus 19. Which is the most reliable tool for seeing the development in your pupil’s writing ability? a) Interview of pupils c) self-assessment d) word association LJNE 008. Lhe University of Mindanao 20. Teacher Gino wrote of Jerry: “When Jerry came to class this morning, he seemed very tired and slouched into his seat. He took no part in his class discussion and seems to have no interest in what was being discussed. This was very unusual for he has been eager to participate and monopolizes the class discussion.” What teacher Gino wrote is an/a example of. a) Anecdotal report ©. personality report b) Incidence report d. observation report Uhe University of Mindanao . In the context of curriculum planning, what potential danger does over-emphasis on integrating technology in instruction pose on learners? Gaps in learning c. Content learning gaps d. Virtual instead of real-life learning 22. Which research method is most appropriate to use when trying to determine whether students are amendable to newly set-up school policies? a. Case study b. Observational research c. Descriptive research 23. Which of the following features of OBE corresponds to Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Theory? a. The curriculum sets high expectations for the learners. c. The curriculum is designed based on_ instructional objectives. d. The curriculum stresses the coherence between assessment and intended outcomes. It is essentially OBE-based. It aims to make high school graduates employable. . Itis compulsory in public schools. the University of Mindanao e 25. What type of statistics uses methods to summarize a collection of data by describing what was observed using numbers or graphs? a. Descriptive c. Predictive b. Inferential d. Correlation he University of Mindanao 26. What type of statistics use measurements from the sample of subjects in the experiment to compare the treatment groups and make generalizations about the larger population of subjects? a. Descriptive c. Predictive d. Correlation Phe University of Mindanao 27. There are three classes of phenomena which can be statistically measured. What class does the idea of a “female” through signs of a person’s gender belong? A. Direct observables C. Constructs D. Creations LINE 008. Lhe University of Mindanao 28. Teacher Beda is the Teacher of English as a Second Language. She uses vocabulary cards, fill-in-the-blanks sentences, dialogues, dictation and writing exercises in teaching a lesson about grocery shopping. Based on this information, which of the following is a valid conclusion? a. The teacher wants to make her teaching easier by having less talk b. The teacher is emphasizing reading and writing skills The teacher is applying Bloom's hierarchy of cognitive learning Lhe University of Mindanao 29. Teacher Marion developed a card game in which pupils matched different functions. The shapes contained within each card were the same while the number of parts shaded was different. Which concept/process was taught by this activity? a. Proper and improper fractions Sequencing fraction Converting fractions 30. What should a teacher do for students in his/her class who are not on an expected grade level? a. Give them the same work as other students, not much, so that they won't feel embarrassed. e them the same work as the other student because they will absorb as much as they are capable of. Push them to perform in order to attain desired grade level. he University of Mindanao 31. Teacher Rodel likes to show how the launching of ‘spaceship takes place of the following materials available, which is most fit? a. Realia c. Replica b. Model__dMoakup VI een he University of Mindanao 32. In your attempt to develop creative thinking skills, you want to test flueney of ideas. Which activity will be most appropriate? a. Compare pictures | and 2. where there are the differences? Solve these puzzle Solve this math problem Lhe Univer: Vof Mindanao . Promoting purposive study among learners is accomplished in two of this indicators. Know different teaching approaches Recognizes the need for specific learning processes Cultivate good study habit . Takes extra time to help students in learning task c. Land IT b. TandIV ‘d. I and TV he University of Mindanao 34. Which seating arrangement has been proven to be effective for learning? RESK a. Fixed arrangement to maximize instruction time c. Acombination of fixed and flexible arrangement d. Any seat arrangement to suit varied learning styles Uhe University of Mindanao 35. Which does a pupil use when he sings a concepts to a familiar tune in order to help himself commit the concept memory? a. Piggyback song b. Rap c. “ABC” song d. Jingle 36.You want to present the characteristic features of a constructivist approach. Which should you use? a. Fishbone diagram b. Venn diagram d. Narrative frame The University of Mindanao @ 37. If you want to generate as many ideas as you want which one should you organize? b. Debate c. Forum d. Small group discussion SDL © 0.2. 38. The following promote lesson elaboration through the Student interaction EXCEPT b. Peer tutoring c. Class discussion d. Cooperative learning 39. Which one will you use if you want to give your students an overview of your lesson before you proceed? a. Pictograph ——_&, Advance organizer b. Review d. Story board 40. Providing variety of learning activities to students is a characteristics of a teacher who understand the principle of a. Reward as a potential means of increasing the participation. b. Proactive teaching as a modern technique in teaching. d. Allowing the student to be exposed to various teaching techniques. Sof Mindanao 41. You want to teach plant’s response to light inductively. How will you proceed? a. draw plant’s résponse to light then explain b. _ state plant’s response to light d. make my students share their research on phototropism and ask one another questions. et The University of Mindanao 42. The old, time-tested methods are also used in classes. Which statement describes best these methods? Wt is teacher-directed. MW Mastery of subject matter is of utmost importance. Ut. Procedures are well established a. 1& Il ec. 1& Ill bien dang @ 43.To cater the linguistic competence of students, which of these activities must be utilized? a. constructing models b. making a parody d. creating a dance step : > UL) e o.28. 44.What type of learner verbally describes what he/she learns to another person? a. Visual c. Auditory b. Tactile d. Kinesthetic 45. How will you help shy and timid students in your class? a. Let them be as they are. c. Treat them naturally. d. Refer them to the Guidance Office. for this approach? a. Stare, Silence, Seek others help, See him personally, Separate him. b. See him personally, Seek others’ help, Stare, Silence, Separate Him d. Separate him, Seek others’ help, Stare, silence, See him personally Vhe University of Mindanao 47. There is a statement that says,” No amount of good instruction will come out without good classroom management.” Which of the following best explains these statements? a. Classroom management is important to effect good instruction. b. Classroom management means good instruction. d. Good instruction is equal to effective classroom management. 48. Which is NOT part of classroom routine: b.. Line formation during recess, lunch and dismissal c. Passing of papers d. Greeting teachers and classmates Lhe University of Mindanao 49. As a teacher, one has to be properly dressed at all times in all occasions. This is part of the personal classroom management of teachers. Why is this important? Teachers must be role models. WwW Teachers must always be presentable. “uf, Teachers must look dignified at all times Teachers are also models in observing proper dress code. a. Tand II c. 1, Mand TT d. I and 1V ich can be employed? good work done tial for each students 51.Which is NOT a characteristic of a divergent | question? A. Longer response C. Broad foci D. Evokes multiple responses SUNT eee 52.“What conelusions can you draw from the case involving a taxi-driver and three members of the VFA tea?” is an example of which type of question? A. Descriptive C. Synthesizing B. Explanatory D. Judgmental 53. When you ask students to explain why they agree or disagree with a statement, you are asking them to A. Evaluate C. Comprehend B. Synthesize D. Analyze 54, Here’s a lesson objective: “To relate to class at least one sight from the film “Pay It Forward”. Under which domain(s) of objective with this fall? B. Affective C. Psychomotor D. Cognitive Lhe University of Mindanao 55. Which of the following is the MOST APPROPRIATE question must she ask herself? B. Were my students paying attention during the lesson? C. How was the classroom atmosphere during my lecture? D. What teaching materials were effective in today’s lesson? he University of Mindanao 56. Of the following human needs, which is considered as the most basic needs for human growth and maturation based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs? B. Peace and comfort C. Recognition and prestige D. Self-fulfillment of potential he University of Mindanao 57. Depending on the person's dominant intelligence, an individual would have a different concept of what is beautiful. Basing on Howard Gardner's MI Theory, which example is considered beautiful by the spatially intelligent learners? A. Computer encoding C. Landscape designing . Case study writing D. News reporting IY . Joey, seven-year old girl, knows how to arrange objects or things according to weight, shape, color or size. Joey as a young learner has already developed which concept according to Jean Piaget? A. Conservation Cc, Reversibility B. Decentering he University of Mindanao 59. Katniss has reached the age wherein similar to her peers, she tries to know herself more, discover her interests and passion, and so as her sexuality. Based on Erikson's Psychosocial Theory, what critical stage does Katniss belong? A. Infancy C. Middle and Late Childhood B. Early Childhood D. Adolescence | SONI een he University of Mindanao . When Teacher Joyce utilized differentiated instruction and multilingual education as she deemed these to be most effective in her class, which type of class setting is she MOST LIKELY in? A. SPED class B. multicultural class — D. preschool class Uhe University of Mindanao 61. Michelle wants to commit herself to the lifetime work and mission of a teacher. Using extrinsic’ motivational assessment, what could be the noblest motive of her chosen profession? A. Economic security and welfare B. Promise of higher rank and prestige C. Respected position in society JME eee. Phe University of Mindanao 62.Based on Attribution Theory, "people tend to attribute successes to internal causes and their failures to external causes." What then is a potent key to success? A. Application C. Motivation B. Imagination D. Reasoning he University of Mindanao 63. Saint Teresa of Calcutta is a model of humility and service to mankind. She pledged her entire life to serving the sick and the very old. What level in Kohlberg's Moral Development did St. Teresa achieve? Ax Law and order B. Obedience and punishment C. Social contract SUNT een he University of Mindanao 64. After former Pres. Marcos' burial in the Libingan ng mga Bayani, there were a number of citizens who rallied against it and sought for justice, EVEN IF THE BURIAL HAD LEGAL APPROVAL. Following Kolberg's Theory of Moral Development, these social activists belong to which level? A. Law and order B. Mutual benefit D. Universal principles 65. "A child's brain is unique and vastly different from one another". Which of the following teaching practices below clearly VIOLATES the said principle of child development? A. — Jessica is given the opportunity to explore the lesson more rather than being spoonfed with information. B. Neil's talent in music is tapped for the lesson in Math. C. Teacher Ken conducted an open dialogue among students of various cultural backgrounds UNIT eee he University of Mindanao . Mrs. Mendoza is the homeroom adviser of Grade IV-Service. Of the following choices, which is generally or typically expected of grade IV pupils? A. Being independent of parents B. Displaying a male or feminine social role D. Showing class leadership 67.When children experience difficulties in specific SOgnitive) processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, that may manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations, these children are said to have special condition, known as ; A. ADHD C. Intellectual disabilities D. Speech and communication disorders 68. Which of the following characteristics is MOST LIKELY true to all teenagers or| adolescents? Hormonal changes Last splurge of dependence Unruly behavior Defiance of peer group 69. Which among the following is true about he University of Mindanao measurement? Measurement is objective. Measurement is subjective. Measurement involves test results only. he University of Mindanao . What does an achievement test measure? Capacity for future learning Educational and vocational aptitude Quality and quantity of previous teaching rhe U ersity of Mindanao 71. Miss Eugenio would like to cover a wide variety of objectives in the quarterly examination in her English class lesson on subject-verb agreement. Which of the following types of test is the most appropriate? a. True-False c. Matching d. Essay LJ IY o8. Lhe University of Mindanao @ 72. Prof, de Leon plans to do assessment FOR learning, then she should plan how to L. provide feedback to help students improve their work IL. certify students’ achievement ILL. assess strengths and weaknesses of students TV. align instruction to learning needs of students A. I, [Land III only B. I, ILand IV only D. IL, Il and IV only Who among the teachers below did a diagnostic assessment? Miss Lopez who administered an achievement test to the Grade 7 students Mr. Verdadero who gave a quiz before starting the next chapter on Psychology Mr. Agarpao who gave a journal writing activity immediately after discussion to determine the outcome of instruction 74. What should Dr. Mina do to ensure the suitability of her assessment tool? A. Provide more items with similar content. B. Pay attention to scoring procedures. D. Make the test instructions clear. 75. A class is composed of academically good students. The distribution of their grades will most likely to be . a. Platykurtic b. skewed to the right Cc. d. Perfectly normal he University of Mindanao - 76. What does a Skewed score distribution mean? a. The scores are normally distributed. b. The mean and the median are equal. c. The mean, the median and the mode are equal. 77. A score distribution follows a normal curve. What does this mean? A. Most of the scores are on the -2SD. B. Most of the scores are on the+2SD. C. The scores coincide with the mean. 78. How would the guidance function of the school make use of test results? A. Preparing guiding activities for specific learners B. Determining the appropriateness of the school curriculum D. Improving the teachers' and the parents' understanding of children with problems he University of Mindanao 79. What does a test item with a negative discrimination index indicate? A. The students did not study very well. C. The teacher may have not taught the item well. D. The test item may lack content validity. LJINE 008. Lhe University of Mindanao 80. Teacher R teaches very well. His students study very well, too. Expected learning outcomes are clear to both teacher and students. Teacher's assessment_tasks are aligned _to learning outcomes. What is most likely the result of assessment? Describe the score distribution. A. Skewed to the right C. Follows the normal curve D. Leptokurtic Lhe University of Mindanao 81. Teacher M does not teach well. His students do not study well, too. Expected1 learning outcomes are not clear to_both teacher _and_ students. Teacher" assessment tasks are not aligned to learning outcomes. What is most likely the result of assessment? Describe the score distribution. B. follows the normal curve C. skewed to the left D. leptokurtic he University of Mindanao 82. Which is an implication of a positively skewed distribution? B. There was lesson mastery. C. Teaching was effective. D. Students have high IQ. he University of Mindanao 83.What does a test item with a negative discrimination index indicate? A. The students did not study very well. C. The teacher may have not taught the item well. D. The test item may lack content validity. SUNT eee 84. What is a probable cause of a test item with a negative discrimination index? A. Item not taught well B. Academically poor students D. Subjective scoring Lhe University of Mindanao 85. Teacher R teaches very well. His students study very well, too. Expected learning outcomes are clear to both teacher and_students. Teacher's assessment_tasks are aligned _to learning outcomes. What is most likely the result of assessment? Describe the score distribution. A. Skewed to the right C. Follows the normal curve D. Leptokurtic 86. Which of these is a teacher’s acceptable view of Change? A. Change disrupts routine. B. Change is self-serving. D. Change rewards initiations. 87. Assigning teachers in their barangay, municipality or province is a consideration of economic and cultural factors in the educational system. R.A. 8190 provides that in the appointment or assignment of teachers to public clementary or secondary schools, priority shall be given to bona fide residents of the barangay, municipality, city or province where the school is located, provided, that the teacher po the minimum qualifications for the position as required by law. Under R.A. 8190 a bona fide resident is a teacher who has resided in a particular barangay, municipality, city or province where the school is located for the period of at least prior to appointment. A. three months C. six months B. six years D. three months JIVE © ea. he University of Mindanao 88. Batas Pambansa Blg. 232, otherwise known as the Education Act of 1982 is a framework for the establishment of an integrated system of education relevant to the goals of national development. Likewise, it declares the rights of the educational community. Who comprise the educational community? A. Teachers, NGOs, Public Schools, Private Schools B. Schools, Community, Non-Teaching Personnel, Teachers LGUs, Students, Parents, NGOs 89. Which are the desired outcomes of a Children who are healthy, free from exploitation and violence Children who are aware of their rights and have opportunities to realize them Children who are protect themselves and develop their full potential A111, and IL C. Tonly B. IIT only D. I and TIT he University of Mindanao 90. The professional teacher is not ae: implies that teachers A. acts as a dispenser of knowledge B. shows an arrogant behavior C. project an “Almighty- Omniscient” image he University of Mindanao 91. Why should negative words be avoided in constructing multiple-choice test? a) More difficult to construct b) Increase the difficulty of the item c) it makes the stem longer he University of Mindanao 92. Operant Conditioning can be applied to classroom by a. Using manipulative devices c. fostering conducive learning environment d. connecting facts and concepts he University of Mindanao 93. Object permanence refers to the concept that a. Identity remains the same even when its appearance changes. b. Some objects will exist forever. c. An object is most likely to be found in the location it was last seen. LJ IM o.2. Phe University of Mindanao @ 94. “Women should not study since they will be marrying soon.” Ifa father tells his daughter this, can we consider this premise morally right? b. No, women can perform just like men c. yes, women are for the home d. depends on the family’s social status 95. Teacher Venus would like to employ Operant Conditioning on her students to increase the probabilities of greater participation during discussion. It is highly possible that teacher Venus will a. Put more emphasis on sharing and consistently guide to new ideas b. — Allow them to think about thinking. d. Let them exercise metacognitive approaches to better he University of Mindanao 96. Discontinuity theorists portray development as ___ period of rapid abrupt change. b. Largely determined by early experiences. c. Highly variable from individual to individual. d. Gradual change University of danao, 97. According to Batas Pambansa Big. 232, the following are the rights of school EXCEPT for___. ight to provide for the proper governance Right to enforce administrative systems Right for institutions of higher learning to determine academic grounds for admission LINE e008. he University of Mindanao . When should teachers support one another? At all times for whatever cause When they dialogue with administration When there is rift among teachers eon the University of Mindanao 99. A child was punished for cheating in an exam. For sure the child won’t cheat again in short span of time, but this does not guarantee that the child won’t cheat ever again. Based on Thorndike’s theory on punishment and learning, this shows that b) Punishment doesn’t remove a response c) punishment removes response d) a punishment strengthens a response Lhe University of Mindanao 100. Mrs. Rasos wants to test her students’ knowledge of the different places in the Philippines, their capital and their products. So she gave an essay test. If you were the teacher will you do the same? No, such method is inappropriate because essay is difficult. Yes, essay test can measure more than what the other tests can measure. Yes, essay is the best in measuring any type of knowledge. the University of Mindanao 101. Mrs. Agno is doing a performance - based assessment of the day's lesson. Which of the following will most likely happen? Students are evaluated in one sitting. Students are evaluated in the most objective manner. Students are evaluated based on varied evidence of learning. the University of Mindanao 102. Which curriculum model gave emphasis on “backward design”? a. NESC b. NSEC c. RBEC the University of Mindanao 103. What government program aims to minimize the gap between low social status and educational opportunities for deserving learners? A. National Achievement Test B. National College Admission Examination D. Annual Fiscal Allocation the University of Mindanao 104.Can Lisa Macuja be given a special permit to teach ballet in high school? a. No, she cannot. In the very first place, she is not an education graduate. b. No, she has not passed the LET. c. Yes, she is a graduate of ALS. he University of Mindanao 105. Which among the following is a form of emotional bullying which should be stopped? B. Punching C_ Spanking D. Pinching 106. Bullying is a subcategory of aggressive behavior characterized by the following three minimum criteria EXCEPT for | A. there is hostile intent C. imbalance of power D. repetition over a period of time the University of Mindanao 107. Which is the first consideration in selecting specific type of test to be used when constructing a test? A. Characteristics of the group B. Desired learning outcomes C. Nature of the subject matter the University of Mindanao TOS. Who gave the most authentioassesoment task forthe instructional objective "Solve word problems involving operations with fractions" A. Mrs. Domingo who required her students to solve a set of problems on operations with fractions. B. Mr. Pastor who asked his students to construct a word problem given a number sentence involving operations on fractions and then solve the problem they have constructed. D. Mrs. Padaong who required her students to construct any word problem involving operations on fractions and then show how to solve them. the University of Mindanao 109. What Republic Act that punishes any person who practices the teaching profession in the Philippines without having first a license as a professional teacher? A. Republic Act 1006 B. Republic Act 7796 D. Republic Act 7722 the University of Mindanao 110. Which among the following allows the teachers to practice individual accountability for professional growth and shared responsibility for the entire organization's development? A. NCBTS Cc. IPPD B. TEDP he University of Mindanao 111. Athena, a grade 6 student, still has a difficulty spelling some words. When her teacher asked her to read, it’s as if she’s reading like a grade 2 would, but she understands the article very well. This condition is characterized as: a. Mental retardation c. Savant b. Che University of Mindanao 112. | What is assessment that is given while the teacher is in the process of student formation (learning)? a. Formative evaluation c. Summative evaluation d. Summative assessment he University of Mindanao 113. “The Curriculum is a total learning experience for an individual.” This point of view is considered to be a. Cognitivist c. Progressivist b. Materialist d. Traditionalist Phe University of Mindanao 114. According to Robert Havighurst’s developmental tasks, _reachin and __maintainin; satisfacto performance in one’s occupational career is supposed to have been attained during. Early adulthood c. oldage a. b. middle adulthood d. adolescence he University of Mindanao 115.Which of these is a common cause for concern when using realia in the classroom? a. Storage c. interactivity b. Concreteness d. availability Lhe University of Mindanao 116.To ensure that the lesson will go on smoothly, Teacher A listed down the steps she will undertake together with those of her students. This practice relates to: a. teaching style c. teaching strategy d. teaching technique 117. What is the initial step that the homeroom adviser must do at the beginning of the class? a. Prepare a seat plan. b. Secure the class list. 118. Teacher Cristina will be talking about venomous animals next meeting. Which among these is the least likely of her options as teaching materials? a. Models c. mock-ups b. Illustrations _—d. realia he University of Mindanao 119. According to Erikson, identity and role confusion occurs during a. Preschool years b. College years d. Elementary years 120. A child receives a STAR STAMP after correctly completing his task. The child always tries to complete all tasks correctly for him to have a stamp once again. What is being shown in the situation? a. Associative learning b. Classical conditioning Pavlovian conditioning he University of Mindanao 122 refers to the quantitative changes in the individual as he progress in a chronological age. a. Development c. Proximodistal d. Cephalocaudal Phe University of Mindanao 122. What are statements of what the graduates of an educational institution are supposed to_be able to do beyond graduation? Program outcomes Course outcomes Learning outcomes he University of Mindanao 123. Which of the following pairs of theorists proposed cognitive and psychosexual theories of development? Piaget, Bandura Freud, Lorenz Bronfenbenner, Erikson 124. In comparison with Freud, Erikson placed more emphasis on a) Physical development b) Intellectual development c) Role of parents he University of Mindanao 125. Which is true of LET passers? A. Every LET passer shall be required to take the Professional ___ Oath before practicing as a Professional Teacher. B. Taking the Professional Oath before practicing as a Professional Teacher optional for LET passer. C. The Professional Oath can be taken before any Professional Teacher. D. The taking of oath must be within one month from passing the LET.

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