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Q41: Calculate the total revenue generated from orders in the "North" region with a unit

price greater than the average unit price.

Q42: Find the delivery date for the order with the highest total cost.

Q43: Calculate the average total cost of the top 5 most expensive orders.

Q44: Sum the total costs and average quantities for orders from each unique supplier

Q45: Calculate the total revenue for orders where the product name contains "Widget"
and the status is "Delivered".

Q46: Find the average total cost of the last 10 orders.

Q47: Sum the total cost of orders placed in the current month.

Q48: Calculate the median unit price of "Electronics" products.

Q49: Calculate the total cost of the top 3 most expensive orders in the "South" region.

Q50: Sum the total costs of orders placed in January 2024.

Q51: Calculate the average quantity of "Home Goods" orders in the "East" region with a
total cost greater than 300.

Q52: Find the second largest total cost of "Gadget" products.

Q53: Count the number of orders for products whose names start with "Widget" and end
with "B".

Q54: Calculate the total cost of orders where the quantity is an odd number.

Q55: Find the order date of the third least expensive order.

Q56: Calculate the total quantity of orders where the product name has more than 10

Q57: Sum the total costs of orders for a dynamically selected category.

Q58: Calculate the average unit price of orders with a total cost above the average total

Q59: Sum the total costs of orders either in the "North" or "West" region.

Q60: Display "High Volume" if there are more than 10 orders for "Supplier Z" in the
"Pending" status; otherwise, display "Low Volume".

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