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Q1: Count the number of orders where the product name is "Widget A".

Q2: Count the number of orders delivered by "Supplier X".

Q3: Count the number of delivered orders in the "Electronics" category.

Q4: Count the number of pending orders in the "North" region.

Q5: Sum the total cost of orders for the product "Gadget C".

Q6: Sum the quantity of products ordered from "Supplier Y".

Q7: Sum the total cost of delivered orders in the "West" region.

Q8: Sum the quantity of "Electronics" products that are still pending.

Q9: Calculate the total cost of all orders.

Q10: Calculate the total quantity of all products ordered.

Q11: Calculate the average unit price of all products.

Q12: Calculate the average total cost of orders in the "Home Goods" category.

Q13: Find the average quantity of "Electronics" products using AVERAGE and SUMIF.

Q14: Calculate the average delivery time (in days) for all delivered orders using AVERAGE
and DAYS.

Q15: Count the number of orders delivered between 2024-01-10 and 2024-01-20.

Q16: Count the number of orders where the total cost is greater than 400 and the status is

Q17: Sum the total cost of orders where the quantity is more than 10 and the region is "East".

Q18: Sum the unit prices of products ordered from "Supplier Z".

Q19: Calculate the average unit price of delivered products using AVERAGE and SUMIFS.

Q20: Calculate the average total cost of orders in each category using AVERAGEIFS.

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