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Course Code: POS 056 Introduction to Philippine Politics and Government

Students Answer Sheet Module #18

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

Lesson title: Civil Society Organization Materials:

Activity Sheet
Lesson Objectives: References:
At the end of this session, the students should be able to: Peter Eigman; Role of Civil Society
a. Identify the modes of social development under civil
society. 10.pdf
b. Understand the roles of civil society organizations.

Productivity Tip:

Get ready for another opportunity to learn. Listen to some music, energize yourself and be motivated the
whole day. Take away your worries and be POSITIVE. 

1) Introduction (2 mins)

I‟m sure you are ready for another session. Focus well so you can make your day full of purpose and meaning.

As we begin, be familiarized with the learning objectives for today. (Written in the header)

Let's have a short overview of today's topic. Write the words that come to your mind when you hear civil


This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Course Code: POS 056 Introduction to Philippine Politics and Government
Students Answer Sheet Module #18

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, Part 1 (3 mins)

This activity will give you more background about the topic for today. Let see if you already have an idea
about it. Complete the table.

What I Know Questions: What I want to know

1. What is civil society?

2. What are the features of civil society


3. How does civil society organization

impact good governance?

1) Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

Make sure to read it carefully. 

Civil society has been characterized as an agent for limiting authoritarian government and working towards
popular empowerment.

Civil society’s role in the provision of public goods and services in supplementation of state and its particular
role during civil emergencies like floods, and earthquakes have received universal acclaim. Hence civil society
is considered as an essential prerequisite of good governance.


- It has five (5) areas for NGO participation in electoral processes.
1.) Advocacy for electoral reforms
2.) The raising of political consciousness
3.) Advancement of the people’s platform or agenda in elections
4.) Direct participation thought the fielding of anf campaigning for chosen candidates
5.) Post-election activities

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Course Code: POS 056 Introduction to Philippine Politics and Government
Students Answer Sheet Module #18

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________


1.) Government –led development: welfare state- concept to ameliorate the adverse social situations resulting
out of industrial revolution and colonial regimes in post WW-II situation.

2.) Community-led development:

● Church, rotaries in the west
● Gandhi Sewa gram model, tagore’s Shriniketan model of rural development


1.) Engaged in mobilization of social actors; women, dalits, labour ect.
2.) Representing the interest of the specific groups in government-society interactions
3.) Engaged in monitoring and evaluating government activities on behalf of society
4.) Engaged in developmental activities; commonly known as development NGOs. This includes improving
equity or stimulating particular kinds of developmental action which enhance the well-being of the poor
and the socially marginalized.

CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATION for Social Development (impacting good governance)

a. Public policy and decision making
b. Transparency and information
c. Social change through social activism
d. Supplementing government efforts
e. Working for social justice

2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (20 mins)

I‟m sure you learned a lot from the concept notes. It will never be useful if you can’t apply what you
have learned.

Enumerate and explain the modes of social development based on your own understanding.

3) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, Part 2 (2 mins)

You really understand the lesson. Let‟s continue learning and answer the next activity. Share your

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Course Code: POS 056 Introduction to Philippine Politics and Government
Students Answer Sheet Module #18

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

knowledge from today‟s lesson by completing the table.

What I Know Questions: What I want to know

1. What is civil society?

2. What are the features of civil society


3. How does civil society organization

impact good governance?

Activity 5: Check for Understanding (5 mins)

Great! It seems that you learned a lot from the lesson. Now, you may proceed to the next activity. Keep doing
great! 

List down the five (5) areas for NGO participation in electoral processes.

1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

I‟m sure you enjoyed the session today. Look at the tracker below, it will help you monitor your progress in this
subject. 

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Course Code: POS 056 Introduction to Philippine Politics and Government
Students Answer Sheet Module #18

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

Good job! You‟re in the last part of the activity. Let's see your final thoughts before we end. Answer the
following questions.

1. What are your final thoughts about today’s topic?




2. What is your favorite part of the session?




Here’s your takeaway!

If you have questions that you cannot ask your teacher, this may help you clarify things out.

1.) What are the salient features of civil society organization?

● Refers to non state organization
● Refers to all citizens outside the government
● It covers a large space in society
● It in in pursuit of common public good
● It opposes authoritarianism
● Important prerequisite for vital democracy
● Advocates pluralism to reduce the domination of the state
● Facilitates citizens participation in politico-administrative affairs
2.) What are the challenges in democracy situating civil society organizations?
● Horizontal (Association) Problem
– do all citizens enjoy equal associational capacities?
-barriers to association (social exclusion)
● Vertical (Institutional) Problem

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Course Code: POS 056 Introduction to Philippine Politics and Government
Students Answer Sheet Module #18

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

– can all citizens effectively engage the state as citizens?

-quality of engagement: mode of intermediation
-surface are of engagement


- Five (5) areas for NGO participation in electoral processes.
● Advocacy for electoral reforms
● The raising of political consciousness
● Advancement of the people’s platform or agenda in elections
● Direct participation thought the fielding of anf campaigning for chosen candidates
● Post-election activities

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

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