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Developing a business continuity plan is an essential step for any business, regardless of its size or

industry. A business continuity plan is a strategic document that outlines the procedures and
protocols to be followed in the event of a disaster or disruption to business operations. It is designed
to ensure that a business can continue functioning and recover quickly from any unexpected event.

The process of developing a business continuity plan can be challenging and time-consuming. It
requires a thorough understanding of the business, its operations, and potential risks. Here are the
steps involved in developing a business continuity plan:

1. Identify Potential Risks

The first step in developing a business continuity plan is to identify potential risks that could disrupt
business operations. These risks could include natural disasters, cyber-attacks, power outages, or any
other event that could cause a significant disruption to the business. It is essential to conduct a
thorough risk assessment to identify all possible risks and their potential impact on the business.

2. Determine Critical Business Functions

Once the potential risks have been identified, the next step is to determine the critical business
functions that must be maintained during a disruption. These functions are the core operations of the
business and are essential for its survival. It is important to prioritize these functions and ensure that
they can be resumed as quickly as possible in the event of a disaster.

3. Develop a Plan for Each Critical Function

After identifying the critical business functions, the next step is to develop a plan for each one. This
plan should outline the steps to be taken to ensure the continuity of the function in the event of a
disruption. It should include details on how to access necessary resources, communication protocols,
and alternative procedures to be followed.

4. Establish a Communication Plan

A communication plan is a crucial component of a business continuity plan. It should outline how
employees, customers, and stakeholders will be informed in the event of a disruption. It should also
include contact information for key personnel and backup methods of communication in case of
technology failure.

5. Test and Update the Plan Regularly

Once the business continuity plan has been developed, it is essential to test it regularly to ensure its
effectiveness. This can be done through simulated exercises or tabletop drills. It is also important to
review and update the plan regularly to reflect any changes in the business or potential risks.

Developing a business continuity plan can be a daunting task, but it is a necessary one for the
survival of any business. If you find the process overwhelming, it is advisable to seek professional
assistance. ⇒ ⇔ offers expert services in developing comprehensive and
customized business continuity plans. Contact us today to ensure the security and continuity of your
business in the face of any unexpected event.
They have to then test it for potential holes and modify the BCP. A review should be conducted
annually (or more frequently) to document all institutional changes that will impact the plan,
including. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word
or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Build accountability for implementing the plan While
the ultimate responsibility may rest with the board, accountabilities for management and execution
must be defined. Nextiva reserves the right to change, modify or discontinue this offer at any time.
These assessments help identify these inherent business risks and provide measures, processes and
controls to reduce the impact of these risks to business operations. Start by doing an analysis of
current recovery capabilities and how you can improve them. Some questions that can be helpful to
consider when examining critical business functions include. Local risk information can be attained
through a Hazard Vulnerability Assessment (HVA) available through the local emergency
management agency. Everyone on your team should be aware of the game plan to keep your
business up and running if you experience a disaster. One of the barriers many leaders face is finding
the time to organize existing resources, strategies, and plans into a single document your nonprofit
can use when a disruption occurs. Examples would be training team members cross-functionally,
making sure core staff are available by providing accommodation, and finding alternate service
providers. Remember that key employees and management succession are important subjects of a
BCP (Does your business have a policy that prevents key employees from traveling together.
Underneath this image we inserted a download button for downloading this business continuity plan
template. Use this information to update the recovery plan later. Documenting this layout can be
traced back to the early seventies. Other business continuity planning software providers include.
What happens if a key leader is incapacitated and not able to respond in the event of a disaster?).
Checklists and forms for the examinees have to be assembled in the document. Therefore, this
information should be relied upon when coordinated with individual professional advice. As a part of
a BCP, it can include tactical exercises designed to test the procedures and prepare employees. Please
include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the
bottom of this page. An objective analysis of the disaster recovery plan and its execution is critical
for continual improvement. However, having a Business Continuity Plan in place can help put you
and your team at ease and keep morale high in uncertain times. ? Need help with finding contingency
workspaces for your business. Repeated testing is the only way to combat the negative effects of
stress. I have seen pages of multi-level matrices of a hundred-plus events that could cause an impact
to a business-critical function. Additionally, in universities with BCPs, 33% of the plans do not cover
biological hazards and pandemic risk management, and 60% of the plans did not include conducting
any advanced simulation exercises,” according to Takako Izumi, associate professor at the
International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University, Japan. The processes detail
roles and actions to take at each phase of disaster recovery. Baldwin Risk Partners, LLC offers
insurance services through one or more of its insurance licensed entities. Itching to make a career
move or inquire about investor relations.
Every department or business unit should be involved in order to provide perspective on what’s most
important and critical across the company. NEW YORK LIFE, and the NEW YORK LIFE Box
Logo are trademarks of New York Life Insurance Company. As a part of a BCP, it can include
tactical exercises designed to test the procedures and prepare employees. If applicable, specify
backup contacts for each responsibility or department. Thirty-three percent (33%) discount is on the
per user base retail pricing for Essential, Professional and Enterprise users at the time of initial sign-
up only and is valid for the initial term of your agreement, exclusive of any renewal terms. Add-ons,
additional features and other services are not subject to discount. A BCP must be validated through
testing or practical application and must be kept up to date. Free months of service require a
corresponding extension to the total contract length. A business organization needs to continue
functioning even during tough times. Businesses with no plan can be devastated by even a relatively
minor disruption event. For companies with data centers where data powers their central operations,
it’s important to understand the intervals of recovery available. Simulated drills can identify how
employees perform, how effective the plan is and what needs to be changed. There isn’t a one-size-
fits-all solution to finding the right workspace. In the event that continuing to use your original
workspace isn't a possibility, you would need to set up alternate work arrangements for your staff.
Develop testing, exercise and maintenance requirements, Conduct training for business continuity
team, Conduct orientation exercises, Conduct testing and document test results, Update BCP to
incorporate lessons learned from testing and exercises. For all your recovery plans, scope out the
Recovery Time Objective (RTO). Customers are increasingly looking to run their financial life
through apps and online banking. With that said, to most people a simple class cancellation for either
a day or week may not seem like a large issue, but for most universities and major programs, losing
an entire week of a class schedule can be detrimental to the professor, student and university. If any
departments or functions have time-sensitive stipulations, monitor the tolerable downtime. Being
ready for a disruption event, even a minor one can make a big difference in retaining staff, customers
and even survival of the business. With a planning we make our work must better and save time.
After all, a dialogue is an exchange of ideas, and we’d like to hear from you. This section can outline
when that is necessary and how to conduct drills. To learn more about business continuity planning,
download this free template. Don’t waste time or resources if there is little or no impact on business
operations. It will elaborate on the leading roles, training recipients, and timelines. Using the risk
scoring table, determine the risk criticality levels. This document is used in companies for the
improvement in their business. The biggest challenge facing them right now is business continuity.
Data theft is the worst of all since no business can properly function without it. Writing out your
business continuity plan minimizes panic and uncertainty when a crisis happens and how to respond
Businesses with no plan can be devastated by even a relatively minor disruption event. These flexible
workspaces don’t require a significant upfront investment to use, helping you move quickly and
manage costs at a time when cash flow may be a problem. ? Conclusion A major disruption can be
unnerving even for the most seasoned business leader. Do not allocate a contingency budget for
getting not so critical operations up and running immediately. DOWNLOAD Template Tags:
Business Analysis Business Plan Continuity Disaster Recovery Management Model Risk
Assessment Risk Management Return to Business Continuity Plan PowerPoint Templates. They are a
consummate professional whom I would happily and confidently recommend to anyone in need of
their services. This could include basic training and an overview of the business continuity plan. You
must be logged in to download this presentation. Numerous resources are available to help you along
your BCP path. With the help of this free plan template we had done our work easily and efficiently.
BRP does not guarantee any particular outcome and makes no commitment to update any
information herein or remove any items that are no longer accurate or complete. Persons requiring
advice should always consult an independent adviser. A BCP must be validated through testing or
practical application and must be kept up-to-date. Develop plan framework, Organize recovery
teams, Develop Relocation Plans, Write business continuity and IT disaster recovery procedures,
Document manual workarounds, Assemble plan; validate gain management approval. One way to
think about risk is to consider the services that are most essential to your business viability. Here,
we’ll cover key aspects of a business continuity plan including. The action you just performed
triggered the security solution. A well-thought-out business continuity plan is what you need to
prevent interruptions. For example, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security offers a Business
Continuity Planning Suite. You can anticipate that you and your staff may feel anxious on the day of
the test. It is always better to have some level of planning versus no planning at all. It’s prudent to
involve human resources to minimize risks internally and externally in the event of a disgruntled.
This treatment plan template is prepared in any business companies, organization as well as offices.
The first question people will always ask is about the timeline to recovery. The plan should be
thorough and include possible threats, readiness procedures to protect against these threats and
information on who should be leading each process. The processes detail roles and actions to take at
each phase of disaster recovery. A quality assurance strategy can ensure effectiveness as dedicated
departments keep tabs on it. With a planning we make our work must better and save time. Activate
the plan Use risk assessment and possible scenarios as triggers for activation or deactivation of the
plan. Some businesses have industry-specific threats, but there are also events that threaten almost
any company, including. Each risk should be analyzed and backed with data, and all the minor
details accounted for.
This section should document when this should happen and who should conduct the audit. Examine
each aspect and function of the business and classify it as either high, medium or low. Include
exactly what each member of the business continuity team should do in case of an emergency.
Cookies assist in navigation, analyzing traffic and in our marketing efforts as described in our
Privacy Policy. Numerous resources are available to help you along your BCP path. There are several
actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command
or malformed data. It is recommended that business have a quarterly review of the plan and a
comprehensive review annually. The number of businesses embarking on this next set of responses is
anticipated to increase over the coming weeks. When you download this product, the downloaded
ZIP will contain this product in both standard and widescreen format. Schneider Downs is a Top 60
independent Certified Public Accounting (CPA) firm providing accounting, tax, audit and business
advisory services to public and private companies, not-for-profit organizations and global companies.
This section should address exactly when updates are required due to. One example might be clear
plans to move sales and support staff to work from home proactively. He is an accomplished author
of thousands of insightful articles, including in-depth analyses of brands and companies.
Cybersecurity threats include information leaks, ransomware, SQL injection attacks, or denial of
service attacks. They have to then test it for potential holes and modify the BCP. It’s prudent to
involve human resources to minimize risks internally and externally in the event of a disgruntled. The
top priority of a BCP must be the arrangement for uninterrupted communication between employees.
The business must calculate the cost of putting mitigating factors in place to reduce the risk of
downtime to a safe, comfortable level. This is because most classroom schedules are developed to be
completed without significant interruptions. One needs to keep thinking of a sequence of tasks as
solutions to the anticipated disruption. Then proactively determine what employees can do to get the
business back on track. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. You no doubt
have an all-star team to run your business operations, but they still need a workspace. Whether the
cause is an act of nature or human error, a disaster could take down your whole business for hours or
even days if you aren’t prepared. Even if it’s a small business, you need to effectively have a plan
when disaster strikes to avoid business disruption. This makes the loss elimination strategies in the
document more lucid for the business plan creators. According to a study by Touche Ross,
companies without a BCP have a survival rate of less than 10%. Luckily, there are ample resources
available to develop a business continuity plan. Never forget that others are depending on your
survival and continued success after a catastrophe—employees, their families, your customers,
suppliers and vendors, and even the community. The stages in this process are Establish The Crisis
Management Team, Define Scope And Objectives, Identify Critical Processes, Identify Critical
Every business needs a plan to maintain business stability. The first step toward creating a business
continuity plan is carrying out a business impact analysis, according to the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security. But the need for those processes becomes apparent in situations like COVID-19,
where we face the unexpected. This template is free from any cost of charges and available you free
from our website. A BCP must be validated through testing or practical application and must be kept
up to date. The stages in this process are Establish The Crisis Management Team, Define Scope And
Objectives, Identify Critical Processes, Identify Critical Resources. Proper disaster recovery planning
is the key to maintaining one hundred percent uptime and by extension, increasing your profitability.
These first responders carry out specific duties to keep the business running smoothly. This could
include having backup providers for utilities or generators available nearby. Build accountability for
implementing the plan While the ultimate responsibility may rest with the board, accountabilities for
management and execution must be defined. Having a dynamic plan in place can help build
confidence and trust with employees and shareholders. Simulated drills can identify how employees
perform, how effective the plan is and what needs to be changed. Drop us a note, and we’ll respond
to you as quickly as possible. Some questions that can be helpful to consider when examining critical
business functions include. If you centralize your operations in one location, that can also become a
risk. Cyberattacks usually result in great harm to consumers and businesses alike, which can trigger
an investigation of security protocols at data centers. Remember that key employees and
management succession are important subjects of a BCP (Does your business have a policy that
prevents key employees from traveling together. Each pathway is designed to be a stand-alone
resource or can easily be combined with other pathways to build a compendium of resources your
nonprofit can turn to when a disruption occurs. They can be verified and revised before releasing the
final plan. Any possibility of receiving grants or available financial resources that can be used in
crisis must be written down. Tools range from consultants to micro tools to full software platforms.
Determine which tools are right for your company by assessing your business processes, plan
complexity, timelines, and budget. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution to finding the right
workspace. This template has been drafted in Microsoft word so you easily change any content, color
as per your requirement. However, business interruptions like utility failures, weather events and
systems breakdowns are much more common. This publication is not intended to be legal,
underwriting, or any other type of professional advice. They are a consummate professional whom I
would happily and confidently recommend to anyone in need of their services. With this
information, a Risk Assessment (RA) can be done to help identify and prioritize larger and smaller
risks. This could include basic training and an overview of the business continuity plan. Access our
PowerPoint Ebooks and become a brilliant presentation designer. Understanding these processes
before an incident occurs helps employees to react more effectively.

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